Loops On The Start Up Screen: Computer Doesn't Work Properly.

Dec 6, 2008

In need of some major help, whenever i load up my computer everything loads up fine untill i get to the status bar screen which just loops and loops over and over again and nothing happens from that point onwards not only that but it knocks out all my devices i.e keyboard, mouse etc. I can open it in safe mode no problem and in this i have done numerous system restores. If i leave my computer off or idle for about 12 hours it worls again after that but about 2-4 days later the problem happens again this has happened aprox 7 times now. I really need someones help as this is my main computer and i have everything on it

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Start I Tunes Error Message - Audio Configuration Doesn't Work Properly

May 15, 2007

i'm using window's xp. whenever i start my i-tunes program, i get an error message telling me "i-tunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. audio/video lpayback may not work properly." at this point, i no songs will play, and the sound doesn't come through the speakers when i'm watching any videos on the web either. Every once and a while, my monitor will flicker, then power down, leaving me with no choice but to manually shut the pc down. in addition, the desktop and browser graphics have begun to deteriorate. they almost look like somethign from windows 95. i have no idea where to start,

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Computer Doesn't Start Properly - "insert Boot Disk" ?

Mar 25, 2005

everytime i shut down my comp, when i turn it on again i get an error message that says 'insert boot disk' on the startup screen. i'm not sure what the exact message was, but it was something about boot disk i should have written it down anyway, i turned the comp off, and shook the CPU a bit and then tried again and it started. I did a virus scan and every things clear l. i don't know much about these things lol so doing the virus scan must sound a little silly.so then anyway, i had to turn the computer off again and then when i switched it on i got the same error message. i pushed the off button and then put it on again and it worked. how do i prevent getting the error?

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Can't Start Up My Computer; The Boot Sequence Just Loops Again & Again

Sep 27, 2009

System Restore problem I've been having.I did a system restore on my laptop and then got error messages when attempting to restore back to the present time) but as of just now I have a new, much more pressing problem. I restarted my laptop in safe mode an hour or so ago to attempt to do a system restore while in safe mode, just to see if that might work since I always get an error when trying to do a system restore normally.

The system restore loaded up and the blue progress bar got about 1/6th of the way across and then stopped. I let it load and after 45 minutes of absolutely no progress in starting up with the system restore, I manually shut down the computer. I turned it on again after a minute and it began to boot up, showed the HP logo, went black, then the Windows XP loading screen, went black, then the HP logo again, black again, Windows XP loading screen again, etc and just looped again and again. I let it continue this for about 15 minutes but it just kept looping. I pressed the F8 key while it was doing this and selected it to start in Safe Mode, only to have the same looping sequence continue again and again. I had to manually shut down the laptop again, and after attempting to turn it on and have it boot up a few more times I've run into nothing but more of the same endless looping process.

What can I do about this? What caused it and is there any way to fix it? I'd really like a way to access or save my data, which I can't do now since the computer is doing nothing but looping the boot sequence. i have Prof SP2

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Apps Not Starting Properly - Sys. Recovery Doesn't Work

Nov 24, 2008

I have no idea what my sister and her friends were doing on the comp for a couple of days that i decided not to use it, but now:a few programs take forever to load or don't load at all, but they do show up under the processes tab in the task manager - after pressing Ctrl Alt Del, the task manager icon appears in the system tray, but the thing only shows up a minute later - my system recovery is "not able to protect my computer," and restarting does nothing - actually, when restarting or shutting down Windows, it stops at where it only shows my desktop background and cursor [which is still able to move] and nothing else after that, so i have to hold the power button and force it to shut off - when I right click the desktop and click on "Properties..." [or something similar to this action] it doesn't show up at all, and whenever I try to open any application after that, they don't even load at all either

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Internet Connection Sharing - Browser Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 7, 2005

Right after my computer is finishes booting, suddenly there's a prompt telling me that Internet Explorer wants to change my Internet Protection settings. Then it asks me if I want to give IE permission to change these settings. Of course not (I think?). And the problem is still there. I connect with Verizon DSL, but when I go on Internet Explorer, the browser doesn't work properly- it says "Web Page Unavavailable While Offline"- what's up with that?! I even checked the status of my connnection- "Connected"! It's just retarded.

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Programs Start Up Keyboard Doesn't Work

Aug 21, 2006

i'm having a serious problem with my computer, i am on my dads pc the now because my PC is trippin. Programs start up on their own and the keyboard doesnt work. I Think it is a virus or a hacker, or maybe even spyware im not sure. When i stick my system recovery disc in and at the start up but wen it asks u to press 'r' i can't even becuase the keyboard isnt responding. is their anyway i can get my PC back on track ? because i dont want to lose everything on it i have around 300gb of stuff on it.

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Keyboard Doesn't Work - Black Screen

Jun 17, 2005

I have a AMD Athlon XP Processor. After noticing that the speed wasnt preforming right - i.e. 1.25 GHZ instead of 2.25GHZ i went into the Bios on a MSI motherboad and went to CPU Speed and it was set as 100MHZ but i put it it up 200 thinking it was that or it could of been the CPU Frequency as 100MHZ and i put that up to 200MHZ. After doing that it rebooted with a black screen nothing comming up. I inserted a floppy disc to see if it was booting up as i would be able to tell to see if it accesses it - but no. What has happened - is there anyway of doing anything, as the keyboard doesnt work either as i would of been able to change it in the Bios.

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Stuck At Loading Screen Safemode Doesn't Work

May 31, 2008

I'm pretty sure I had a trojan or something cause my computer kept getting worse. I tried several scanning programs but none of them cleared it up completely.Anyway, now I can't even get past the windows loading screen, and if I try to log in through safe mode, I get stuck at the screen that says "SyS.multidisk" or something.Is there any way that I can log in dos mode or something and completely wipe my system clean and reinstall windows xp? I don't have the disk, it came with windows XP already on it. I don't care if I lose all my files, I just want a working computer again, free of any trojans or anything.So, can I somehow log in dos mode or something (I don't even know how to do that), wipe everything clean, including whatever virus screwed up my comp, and reinstall windows XP without the disk? I'm assuming I have a copy of windows XP saved on my hard drive or something, cause my computer came with windows XP already installed and they didn't give me a disk.

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Not Start Up Properly Loading Screen Comes Up

Nov 22, 2009

My HP Laptop is about 4 years old, but still works great... until a few days ago. When i start it up, the loading screen comes up and finishes. Then it goes black, and stays black. I CAN however boot in safe mode (not safe mode with networking tough), and it works fine. I am also having problems finding my CD, but have the License Code. So a No-CD Answer would be wonderful

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Did Not Start Properly / Blank Screen Coming

Apr 19, 2007

My computer after, we believe, a power surge during the wee hours of the morning a week ago can no longer totally boot up. Once powered on, it will go to a black screen, detailing how windows did not start properly. And something about it being due to or causing a hardware or software change.

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Dual Boot Loops Playing Start Up Sound After Cloning Drive

Apr 5, 2007

I have successfully cloned my primary c partition of a dual boot system with XP Pro on the 1st primary partition c: and XP Pro on the 2nd primary partition as d: I can boot into my XP on the c: drive with no problem, but when I attempt to boot into my XP on the D drive it hangs on the blue screen right before booting into the user profiles. And believe it or not it continuously loops making the windows startup sound and the shutdown sound. It does the same in safe mode. I will try to explain the process on what I did so it can help you experts figure out this dilemma

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Computer Not Working On Internet - Norton Doesn't Work

Sep 26, 2006

My problem is is when I booted my comp up yesterday, norton comes up with some odd error about not being able to scan e-mail or instant messenger for viruses, and my internet on just this computer will not work. Now this happened with my other comp when the hard drive was failing. The computer will also at some reboots take forever to get into windows.Sometimes when I try to get into network connections or my computer, it will just hang or I get the flashlight icon scanning. I was able to back up most of my stuff, but when I tried to reformat, it kept saying to close all windows and I ended every program I could think of.I also tried a system restore to Saturday when it was working normal, but I have had no luck. Is it something with windows or is another HDD going? I'm thinking of just RMA'ing the HDD and do a whole new install. My only other option is to use a Linux Suse disk I have and boot from that and see if it works. Here are my specs:Athlon 64 3200+ | Asus A8N5X mobo | 5.1 surround soundcard | 2 GB Corsair PC3200 Ram| 250gig Hitachi Hdd/60 GB WD HDD | 420w PS | EVGA Geforce 7800GT | Logitec 5.1 surrond sound speakers w/subwoofer z-560

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Computer Wont Start Properly -only Background Appears

Nov 10, 2007

Whenever i start my computer, all i can see is my background. i tried ctrl+alt+delete and that pops up, but nothing else happens. after about ten minutes, it finally reaches the desktop stage. its a 2005 compaq presario with an added wireless adapter card and extra RAM.

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Computer Doesn't Start - AVG - SP1

Jan 30, 2006

I had a ton of problems with my computer (corrupted files, registry, etc) until I found out that the hard drive was the responsible. (70ish bad sectors) I bought one last week. The computer ran fine. Last night I got some errror about a DLL being corrupt (I think it was sxs.dll) and I had to run CHKDSK. After a while I turned the system off. Today I turn it on, CHKDSK runs automatically, then the system fails at starting up: the mouse arrow appears, but nothing more.It can't be the hard drive, as it's new. Bad RAM maybe? Could it be some software? P2P, games, virus, anything? Is there a way to fix it? I'm not gonna format, there's too much data at stake. I'm using XP SP1, with AVG.

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Doesn't Reboot - Safemode Doesn't Work

Jan 15, 2008

Was never able to restart after that. Normal boot shows the windows initial screen, but eventually just restarts, safe mode does the same thing whether it's with network, command line or plain safe mode. Last known good configuration does the same.Needed to use a file so decided to remove the HD and re-install to another PC. I did have access to the file in question but now I'd like to fix the problem.
The other system uses AVG. I started a scan and it detected Cekar.d (A0003977.exe, wdfmgr.exe and initially ntldr.exe), Dropper.Inor (ntdetect.hta, A0003979.hta), PSW.Generic5.ABVW (ctfmona.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.AAFI (ctfmonb.exe), PSW.Generic5.AFYK (ctfmond.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.ZWT (LotusHlp.exe) and some others but for whatever reason the scan stopped. I restarted it and now the AV still finds most of the threats it was seeing before but not Cekar.d. in the ntldr.exe file.

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Starting Computer - Explorer.exe Doesn't Start Up

Jun 19, 2005

I'm having a problem with my explorer.exe. When i start the computer, explorer.exe doesn't start up. I have to manually go into task manager and run it from the new task tab.

The computer was fine friday night. Last thing i did was run it in safe mode and run my Norton anti-virus software, since it takes a few hours to run. But when i restarted the computer on saturday, it greeted me with an empty desktop. I did a few preliminary things such as run some spyware programs (spybot), ran the Norton antivirus again, and did a system restore from a week a go, but to no avail.

I would very much like to get this fix. Im about to start writing my thesis for school, and i need my computer to be at its best behavior. Can't lose a 100 page document few months before its due. Im including the HJT log in case there is some valuable information. I kinda know what should be running in my computer, but maybe you guys can see something different in it.

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Hdd PC Replacing / Reformat Non Destructive Way - Computer Doesn't Start Up

Nov 1, 2006

Since removing the shipped HP HDD from my PC and replacing it with a 3rd party fresh one, I am concerned about how I will now go about recovering my PC. When Windows had problems in the past, I could simply press F10 on startup and there was a diagnostic section which allowed me to reformat in an either destructive or non-destructive way. What happens if my computer doesn't start up nowadays? As in, the Windows Loading logo screen appears and then the monitor goes black and stays black.. Is there any software or method to allow me to have some sort of management over this? Sorry if I have not been able to correctly ask my question.. Kinda hard.

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Failing Uninstall Service Pack 3 - Computer Doesn't Start

Sep 3, 2009

My computer is Toshiba Satellite A215, with Windows XP home edition. I had Service Pack 2, but about a week ago, I updated to Service Pack 3. After installing Service Pack 3, the whole computer slowed down and started acting weird. The speaker started to make noise, it started to show error messages often, the internet does not work smoothly, spyware & virus search take 10 hour or more and never finish (it used to take only a few hours), etc.

So, I wanted to put the Service Pack 2 back to my computer. I tried uninstalling SP 3. But it failed uninstalling and I got a message says something like "couldn't uninstall SP3". I thought it might let me uninstall if I restart the computer and I tried to restart, and it never start again. This blue screen with a message, something like "autochk program not found-autochk skipped" comes up and then it goes back to the Windows LOGO screen and keeps doing the same thing. I read about some similar problems, and tried a few things, like starting with safe mode or last setting that worked, etc, but they do not seem to work....

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Want To Repair Windows / Doesn't Boot Up Properly

May 1, 2010

I want to repair my windows cause I doesn't boot up properly..I hve followed instructions but when I put cd in it takes mr to set up windows n asking mr to select partition..so I select my current system drive n it is asking mr to press c to continue setup using this partition..N then it ask me to format or leave current file system intact..am I doing something wrong, how come I don't have the repair windows xp option like it shows on the user guide?

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Tv Tuner Card Doesn't Display Properly

Jul 13, 2005

I've recently install a tv tuner card in my pc running on windows xp sp2.while it recieves the cable signal properly but the screen is continuosly shaking and vibrating all the time.why this occures ,is it the problem of the tv tuner card or my pc?

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Install Via Portable HDD - Drive Doesn't Read Cd Properly?

Nov 13, 2008

when I was formatting his pc (for win xp) through bootable cd i formatted his C drive keeping xp cd in drive, later i came to know his drive dsn't read cd properly and unable to complete installation, he dnt have floppy drive. I have portable HDD(hitachi 80GB) and want to install xp via usb(hard disk), is it posible?? nd How to do?

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Reinstalling Macromedia Flash - Doesn't Install Properly

Dec 29, 2005

I can't get the streaming videos to work when viewing pages from the internet. I have installed QuickTime 7.0.3. Instead of seeing the videos, a faded QuickTime symbol with a question mark appears. I am assuming that there is a plug-in problem, but can't seem to get it to work. I tried reinstalling Macromedia Flash as well, but it does not install properly. I get an error message asking me to make sure I am connected to the internet, when I already am.

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Alt-tab In SP2 Does Not Work Properly

Aug 24, 2005

I am frustrated with the new alt-tab func in sp2.It displays a big screen which does not mean anything and sometime the icons repeat itself 4 times- so you loose the last-in functionality and you have to do al-tab 3 times to get to your previous screen.Is there a way I can get the pre-sp2 alt tab functionality?

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Unable To Start Computer: Chkdsk Wont Work?

May 10, 2006

when I started my computer this morning it was stuck on the start up screen where it says windows like it kept showing the bars moving for like a long time. So I just turned it off by pressing the power button (wrong I know). Then I turned it back on and it went to a black screen giving me the options to run it in safe mode, start it from the last known date it was working, or start it normally.

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Does Not Start Up Properly - Power Failure Start Windows Normally

Aug 18, 2008

We are trying to start a laptop but windows is not starting up properly. As the boot begins, it takes you to a screen that says, :"if a previous start up attempt was inturrupted due to a power failure, then choose Start Windows Normally". We follow the directions, takes us the Window XP screen trying to boot it up and then takes us to the Gateway screen and then back to the screen where it asks the same question again.The cycles continues without any other options.

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System Restore Not Properly Work

Jan 30, 2010

I recently have had problems with my computer slowing down after clicking on programs such as Firefox. It takes about 40 seconds for the hourglass to go away and then the program will finally load. Other programs also. I have been using some anti-virus and spyware programs thinking I had a virus or spyware , such as Spyware Begone. It found a spyware and deleted it. I tried to use System restore and it only showed one restore point in January (the 27th when I first tried Spyware Begone), but would not restore to that date. I could not get Restore to go back to December. System Restore is on and running. Any suggestions would be helpful. I also used System Restore in Safe Mode thinking that would help, but it would not restore to the 27th. System Restore works, but after completing it the message says "could not restore to the 27th).

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Laptop Wont Work Properly - Cannot Access Anything

Apr 15, 2006

my laptop wont run, it comes up with a screen and it says power on and key. But other than this it wont do nothing. I cannot access anything and no button does anything. Is the computer locked? Is there a way i can fix this?

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Make Disk Cleanup Work Properly

Sep 13, 2005

How to make disk cleanup work properly? It used to work. Now afte you selected/checked what you want to clean up, such as recycle bin and temporary internet files, then it only goes to four or five bars and never completes. Does anyone out there have an
answer to this problem without causing a virus from downloading something to fix the problem?

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SP2 And Vista Dual Boot Wont Work Properly?

Nov 24, 2006

I have 2 internal SATA disks and one external USB 2.0 drive. I had XP SP 2 running just fine, but I decided to give Vista RTM a try, so I installed Vista RTM on the first SATA drive (receated the partition).All drives have NTFS file systems.Since Nvidia does not have a decent Vista driver yet, I decided to do a XP installation on the 2nd SATA drive, just for when I want to play a game. And here is my problem:When booting of the XP SP2 CD, I can only see the USB drive available for the install, all the SATA drives are shown as "Unknown Disk" (No disk present).

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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