Can't Start Up My Computer; The Boot Sequence Just Loops Again & Again

Sep 27, 2009

System Restore problem I've been having.I did a system restore on my laptop and then got error messages when attempting to restore back to the present time) but as of just now I have a new, much more pressing problem. I restarted my laptop in safe mode an hour or so ago to attempt to do a system restore while in safe mode, just to see if that might work since I always get an error when trying to do a system restore normally.

The system restore loaded up and the blue progress bar got about 1/6th of the way across and then stopped. I let it load and after 45 minutes of absolutely no progress in starting up with the system restore, I manually shut down the computer. I turned it on again after a minute and it began to boot up, showed the HP logo, went black, then the Windows XP loading screen, went black, then the HP logo again, black again, Windows XP loading screen again, etc and just looped again and again. I let it continue this for about 15 minutes but it just kept looping. I pressed the F8 key while it was doing this and selected it to start in Safe Mode, only to have the same looping sequence continue again and again. I had to manually shut down the laptop again, and after attempting to turn it on and have it boot up a few more times I've run into nothing but more of the same endless looping process.

What can I do about this? What caused it and is there any way to fix it? I'd really like a way to access or save my data, which I can't do now since the computer is doing nothing but looping the boot sequence. i have Prof SP2

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Dual Boot Loops Playing Start Up Sound After Cloning Drive

Apr 5, 2007

I have successfully cloned my primary c partition of a dual boot system with XP Pro on the 1st primary partition c: and XP Pro on the 2nd primary partition as d: I can boot into my XP on the c: drive with no problem, but when I attempt to boot into my XP on the D drive it hangs on the blue screen right before booting into the user profiles. And believe it or not it continuously loops making the windows startup sound and the shutdown sound. It does the same in safe mode. I will try to explain the process on what I did so it can help you experts figure out this dilemma

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Loops On The Start Up Screen: Computer Doesn't Work Properly.

Dec 6, 2008

In need of some major help, whenever i load up my computer everything loads up fine untill i get to the status bar screen which just loops and loops over and over again and nothing happens from that point onwards not only that but it knocks out all my devices i.e keyboard, mouse etc. I can open it in safe mode no problem and in this i have done numerous system restores. If i leave my computer off or idle for about 12 hours it worls again after that but about 2-4 days later the problem happens again this has happened aprox 7 times now. I really need someones help as this is my main computer and i have everything on it

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Computer Ignores My Set Bios Boot Sequence

Mar 15, 2010

When my bios boot sequence is set to boot from CD, a 'press any key to boot from disk' sign should come up during boot-up.
It doesn't (it always used to when I set CD drive, not HD as first boot). I have not got the bios HD set as first boot, but have set it to boot from CD as first boot. When I boot up it goes straight to my HD / XP OS !

I need to boot from disk and I can't work out why the bios boot sequence I have set and saved is being ignored. My bios is not buggy and has never caused any problems until this issue. I have a MSI K9N Platinum mobo.

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Change Boot Sequence Everytime Computer Boots

Apr 24, 2007

What would cause me to have to change my boot sequence everytime to get my computer to boot into windows ? When it restarts after I change the boot sequence it goes right into windows xp. I recently had a new hard drive and more memory put in the computer. It will not boot into windows xp until I go into my setup and change the boot sequence everytime. Then it will boot into windows. The computer is about 6 years old and windows xp was an upgrade to 98. Once the computer is in windows it works just fine. Changing the bood sequence everytime is a bummer.

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Computer Boot Sequence For Compaq Presario S6300nx

Sep 11, 2010


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Boot Sequence Hangs At Logo Boot Screen With Progress Bar

Oct 26, 2007

On boot sequence, PC hangs on Windows boot screen - with the good old progress bar churning along for eternity. It just stays there. It is possible to boot into safe mode, safe mode with networking, etc. but never boots up normally. 'Last Known Good..." does not help at all.

I have tried 'repairing' XP using the recovery console (deleting the boot.ini file, then BOOTCFG /REBUILD and then FIXBOOT) to no avail. Do not know where in the boot process it is getting hung up and not totally sure how to determine that.Using Windows XP Media Center Edition with SP2. Plenty of RAM and disk space.

Had this problem once in the past and it seemed to self correct after about 50 reboots.

Does this sound like a re-install of XP is required or are there any other options that might work?

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Trojan - Boot Sequence

Dec 6, 2006

I have a problem with my PC. A few days ago I received a URL in MSN messenger that infected me with a trojan horse when I entered the site.

Since then, AVG antivirus has popped up every time I startup my computer and has told me "threat detected - trojan horse downloader." I proceed to heal the file, yet next time I start up the same thing happens. The file name is simply "installer.exe". Immediately after this, my internet explorer opens and opens "",which I believe re-infects me. Since then, I have worked with my PC for a few days, with the intention of coming on here and sorting out the problem when I get the chance, unfortunately, the problem has escalated.

During my usual practice, AVG popped up saying "threat detected" once again. This time, the problem was "Trojan horse flooder." I told it to heal the file, it said it was healed, but told me I had to restart my computer for the process to complete.I restarted my computer, but after the first windows loading screen, the system shuts off and automatically reboots, until it reaches this point where the same thing happens.

I've tried using safe mode, and nothing has changed, it still enters the cycle of restarting continually.

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Hiding Boot Sequence

Aug 15, 2007

I´m looking to hide the whole boot sequence, meaning that I don´t want to disable memory tests and other things in the BIOS, just hide it visually.. The same goes for the windows XP boot screen.. I want to keep it all from being displayed; only let it run in the background and just display things when the system is up and running..

Any tips or links for this?

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Boot Up Sequence Slow

Sep 4, 2009

I have Win XP PC Dual Core two point sixty six Giga Hz Pentium takes about fifteen Minutes to arrive at the Windows Boot Up Screen nearly 5 Minutes to go beyond Drive Detection any ideas ?

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Can't Change Boot Sequence

Nov 24, 2008

Need to re-boot with CD to get to recovery console, and when I get to the boot menu CD/CD-ROM is in the # 3 spot and I can't get it to move to the # 1 spot. when I get to the boot menu, all I'm able to do is move the curser up/down to highlight the 3 choices but not change the sequence. Now i can't change the boot sequence.

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Change Boot Sequence Without F2

Jul 12, 2009

I'm trying to get back to factory install with XP on an Acer Travelmate 8100. Have all the recovery disks, but only thing is the f2 key doesn't work.
I need this to make it boot from the CD and get back to how it was when I first bought it.

Do you know a way round this?

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Change Boot Sequence In Xp Pro

Dec 8, 2004

I can't change the boot sequence in xp pro i get to the bios but when i go to change the first boot process and presses enter nothing happens

I logged on as admin and has done this before with this machine but now nothing happens my feeling is she has some kind of virus or somthing as her machine is quite slow but the anti virus program is not respondind neither is the restore option and im sure other programs

I want to use my restore disk but if i can't change the boot sequence how can i run it?

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Change The Boot Sequence

Sep 30, 2006

I have two older IBM 300PL computers and I want to change the boot sequence but I cannot figure out how to get into the BIOS. So far I have not found it anywhere and I have searched and I have tried to scour the setup options by pressing F1 right from the beginning. I am trying to load in a new OS, but if I cannot get it to boot off of the A,D, and then C, then it won't work. How to change the boot sequence in one of these IBM computers?

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Access And Change The Boot Sequence

Apr 1, 2005

How to access the advanced option table (don't know how that's called) ? the one some computers can access by hitting the delete key. But it doesn't work for my computer.. Or is there any way to change the boot sequence?

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Boot Sequence - Blank Screen

Jun 9, 2010

I have been having a boot up issue on my compaq presario sr1630nx. When I turn on the computer now it takes me to the boot screen where I press F2 and the little dash up in the corner flashes for a second or two...disapears...and then screen. I then have to turn the computer off manually but when I turn the computer on again and it goes to the boot screen and I press F2 again and it takes me to the default start windows normally prompt.

I hit enter and then it boots up like normal and everything is fine with the world and my computer runs just fine until the next time I turn it off and have to turn it on again. Same routine at every boot. Was wondering if the brown out may have corrupted my boot.ini file somehow and if so how to fix it. My computer was on when the power spiked twice in a two minute period then was off for a couple of hours so it could be a hardware issue as well. I have Windows xp home edition

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Desktop Failing Its Boot Sequence

May 23, 2007

I am running Windows XP (SP2) on an eMachines T2080 desktop. All Windows security patches and other OS updates are current. McAfee virus scan is run weekly, as is SpyBot S&D and AVG/Ewido. I am running a GeForce FX 5200 graphics card with up-to-date drivers

The problem is, while using this computer, i had a hung-up process that was slowing things down. After doing CNTL-ALT-DEL to see the process list, i accidentally shut down the explorer process, thinking it was a hung-up internet explorer. Naturally, the computer shut down, but ever since, it does not seem to want to boot appropriately. From a cold power-up, it will go through the "Windows" logo screen with the blue scrolling bar for about 10 seconds, then the screen goes black and stays black for about a minute. Rather than coming to the light blue screen where the user-id's live, the system instantaneously flashes a "blue screen" (with some white characters on the screen), however, it's so fast that I can't read it, nor can I get a screen shot of it. Once that blue screen flashes, it goes back and tries to boot again, only it gives me the options of safe mode, start windows normally, start from last known good configuration, etc. I can boot up just fine in safe mode, but the blue screen phenomenon happens for all the other options. I have tried a system restore to a previous day, and that doesn't work either.

any ideas on how to proceed, short of an OS reinstall / repair. I have seen some suggestions for CMOS battery replacement,I can copy any utility files I need just fine while in safe mode, but I'd like to try and do additional troubleshooting

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Fix Boot Sequence Using Linux Live CD

Sep 24, 2009

Windows XP will not boot. After the first "Dell" screen, a blinking underscore appears on a blank page. The hard drive and all hardware are fine, as confirmed by friend computer wizards. This is without doubt a software problem.

I burned SLAX (a linux derivative) to a live CD and set my BIOS to boot from CD. SLAX is fantastic, but I wonder if I can restore windows to a previous point or investigate my boot sequence using SLAX's file manager There is a high likelihood that I have a trojan.

Side question: Would you recommend trend micro antivirus over norton? is there another antivirus option you'd recommend more highly than both of these?

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Partition Commander Prevents Boot Sequence

May 20, 2006

I have Windows 2000 Pro running. I have two 120 GB HDs. One is C, the other is D and E.
I tried to install Partition Commander. I decided that I did not want to install it, so I exited the program. Then I went to remove software and indicated that i wanted to remove it. It accomplished all OK.

Now, when I restart from a power off, the black and white boot sequence stops and asks if I want to boot from master boot 0, 1, 2 or 3. I indicate 0, and it boots OK. How do I get rid of this problem? My computer used to boot from off to my Windows desktop, nonstop.
I was trying to change partition sizes but decided to keep what I have.

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Entering Bios : Wont Move Up And Down For Changing Boot Sequence?

Dec 21, 2004

I'm having trouble when I enter my BIOS. It seems that once I enter, I can't move up or down or do anything at all. At first, I thought it migt be my keyboard, but I switched my keyboard with the keyboard from my other computer. It still had the same problem. I don't know why my BIOS won't let me do anything. Can anyone please help? I just want to change the boot sequence so I can wipe my drive

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Boot Screen Start Up - Pre-log Computer

Nov 3, 2008

I wanted to know how I could find out what the text was on my computer when it starts up for the first time. I start it, then the screen is blank, then some white text appears on a black background, but only for a few miliseconds. then the text disappears and the main 'windows' start up logo comes up, before the desktop finally appears and the computer is ready to be used. I was wondering how I could find out what the white text said, before the windows pre-logMy computer is windows XP professional, version 2002, service pack 2

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Start Computer / Message Comes Up Saying Boot.ini Is Missing

Nov 13, 2007

when i start my computer a message comes up saying the boot.ini is missing but windows boots anyway. but then a bluescreen comes up.

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Slow Computer Start-Up - Boot To Desktop

Apr 22, 2006

for awhile now I have been experiencing slow computer start up. My computer will boot to the desktop, then stay there for a few mins. I try clicking icons, not clicking icons, but I still have to wait. *Also* The comp. doesn't sound as if it is loading...sometimes the hourglass cursor will appear, but the CPU never gets loud during this waiting time. I would like to not have to wait every time I get on my computer. Can anyone help? Please! I will be standing by for an answer.I have scanned for viruses, adware, and spyware.after making sure those were gone I still had this slow start up problem.

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Rebooting Loops

May 11, 2005

I have a friend who has Windows 2000.Unfortunately, he has told me that his computer is in a consistent rebooting loop when he tries to start his machine. The only thing he had done before this stopped working was installing necessary updates as provided by Windows Update.

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Cannot Start Computer After Selecting Safe Mode In Boot.ini

Oct 19, 2008

my computer was infected with -powered by Zeno' spyware and I was advised to start in safe mode to remove some files. I ticked safemode under boot.ini in msconfig and my computer restarted, but only got as far as the Windows XP loadup page before rebooting itself. I have tried 'last known good configuration' etc, but to no avail... the computer simpl will not get past this point. I decided to reinstall (repair) Windows XP, but unfortunately, I cannot do this because it reaches a screen where it says setup cannot complete under safe mode. I can't turn this safemode off though, because I can't get the computer on to reaccess boot.ini.

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Loops On Startup Tried Various Things Now Stuck

Jan 31, 2007

A friends computer went down last week - on loading it'd say 'file missing explorer.exe' it restarted and just wouldn't do anything else. It wouldn't go into safe mode, XP wouldn't repair etc, so I reformated the PC and put XP back on a fresh. She said she'd done nothing to it which was a bit puzzling.Now today I've gone around there and the PC is looping, it'll go to the XP load screen and then go back to the menu options - safe mode etc. The PC won't load in safe mode, last known config, nuffink! Again, she said she'd done nothing to it, apparently the mouse was freezing, now it won't do anything, I put in the XP disc and tried to do a repair this is the message:Setup cannot set the required Windows XP configuration information. This indicates an internal setup error. Contact your system administrator.

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2000 Pro Loops At Startup?/memory Errors?

Apr 1, 2006

I'm trying to resuscitate someone's Toshiba Tecra 8000 laptop and in a normal boot, I will get all the way to loading personal settings (just before desktop icon display) and then the below referenced error message appears for 1 second and automatically restarts the boot process. I can boot in safe mode.
Error message:
*** STOP: 0X0000001E (0XC0000005,0X804A3484,0X00000000,0X00000036)
*** Address 804A3484 base at 80400000, DateStamp 3ad7ad60 - ntoskrnl.exe
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or
technical support group.
This system is running Win 2000 sp2 w/ a paltry 196M ram.Would appreciate any suggestions to remedy.

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Computer Doesn't Start Properly - "insert Boot Disk" ?

Mar 25, 2005

everytime i shut down my comp, when i turn it on again i get an error message that says 'insert boot disk' on the startup screen. i'm not sure what the exact message was, but it was something about boot disk i should have written it down anyway, i turned the comp off, and shook the CPU a bit and then tried again and it started. I did a virus scan and every things clear l. i don't know much about these things lol so doing the virus scan must sound a little then anyway, i had to turn the computer off again and then when i switched it on i got the same error message. i pushed the off button and then put it on again and it worked. how do i prevent getting the error?

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Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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Fix User Init.exe Disaster / Loops Back And Throws Back Up

Mar 24, 2008

I did an AVG Rootkit scan which turned up "c:windows/system32/userinit.exe" as a dodgy file. I removed it and now the machine won't login when I boot the system. With a bit more digging it seems that this file was actually the login information within the registry and as it can't find a valid user/password it just keeps asking me click the user name and login. When I click it just loops back and throws back up the window, asking me to click the user name again.How I can access the registry and reset the userinit.exe file?I've tried selecting "last good configuration" which didn't work.I also tried to download Bart PE on another machine (running Vista) to set up a boot CD, but it wasn't particularly clear how to go about it, so I tried using the XP System Recovery app on the install disks. This got me into a C: prompt.

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File Copy Sequence

Oct 17, 2007

In trying to copy a set of files that look to be in ascending sort order from a hard disk directory to a USB thumb drive, XP copies the last few, then starts at the beginning down to where it started. Eg. if in order as 01,02,03,04, 23,24 , XP will copy 23, 24, then 01,02,03 etc. until all the files are copied. This screws up any opportunity of getting these files in sequential order on the USB device. I tried copying this way, deleting the out of order ones and copying the rest in sequence only to have XP do the same thing. This file copy method must be a way of efficiently copying files but it sure messes up the order of files on the USB device.

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