Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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System Start Driver Failed To Load

Sep 3, 2005

When I look in the event viewer I can see above error message.Are these drivers not loading due to programs being updated or has something gone wrong with my system? Below is the list of files not loading.I have checked quite a few of these files and they are present in my "System32/Drivers" file.

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Application Failed To Start - Try To Boot

Jan 28, 2006

I am using Windows XP on my laptop and now when I try to boot it gives me a blank screen and says "application failed to start, and then something about the userinit.exe".

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Start System Load Files Slow

Jan 15, 2009

Started having issues last week, very very slow loading XP , then once loaded it would freeze take forever to get going again, opening programs files etc took forever, loaded in safe mode last night backed up as much as i could, at some point the comp. shut up and tried restarting, now windows won't load at all, either in safe mode or normal start up, i know a little bit about comps not enough to know if im completely ed or not, or if there is another way i can at least back up my Hard Disk or reinstall windows on my other Hard Disk and back up the orginally Hard Disk that way.

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Operating System Failed To Load Normally

Aug 10, 2005

PC is left on pretty much all the time. Whenever I have to restart it for whatever reason it restarts normally, loading XP relatively quickly. However, if I have to shut it down for even a few minutes, Windows will typically fail to load most of the time. Usually it will hang on the black screen with the white progress bar, or sometimes on the loading xp screen. At this point it will sometimes start up when I reset it, or it will show the "Windows failed to load normally" screen. If I then start in safemode then restart it usually works, or even if I choose "start windows normally". I'm not sure if this is a driver or hardware/bios issue, I have reformatted once, and restored the OS using my XP disk a couple of times but the problem persists. I keep most of my drivers up to date. Tools like Sandra don't report any major errors (from what I understand anyway). I have just ordered new RAM, as I thought this would sort the issue, but it hasnt. I have to run my memory at 100hz so it will boot without any problems . If I run my processor at 200fsb then the computer doesn't boot and it doesn't start.

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Blue Screen In Start Up - Boot Up System

Jul 31, 2007

This morning when I booted up, I got a blue screen that had a message telling me something about memory (I think, was still asleep). it told me to start in safe mode.I did that then turned off. When it started back up it was in the advanced options window. I selected "Start normal mode" I have tried to get it to do it again so I could get the codes but cant. I know it showed many partitions plus the message and codes. I am using XP Home with my Dell Dimension desk top. It uses a Celeron 2.53 GHz and 512 Ram. Thank You for any suggestions. Also I delete temp regulary and defrag every week or so but don't know anything other than that as far as maintaining system.

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Moved Start Up Programs From C To D And Now System Doesn't Start

Jan 12, 2007

I admit it...I moved my startup folder from C drive to D and now I am dead in the water. The computer is a Sony PCV RS420 with Windows XP Home Edition with all the updates. When I start the comp. I get "SONY" on the screen and thats it. Unresponsive to all F commands.

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Ipod: Windows Failed To Start

Sep 9, 2005

Install the disc before connecting the ipod anyway i installed the disc and then restarted the pc however when the pc boots up it says something along the lines of.
windows failed to start. This could be caused by hardware or software that has recently been installed.

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MSN Application Has Failed To Start CRYPTNET

May 26, 2005

When trying to upgrade to MSN Messenger 7 from MSN 6 I got this error mesage UNABLE TO LOCATE COMPONANT this application has failed to start CRYPTNET.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this

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Error -Application Failed To Start

Sep 23, 2004

I just bought a HP Laptop Computer and it has installed in it, Works for Windows. When I try to run the word processor part it come up with this message:

"The Application Failed to start because LTKRN13N.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I click [ok] and the window closes. Then another windows opens and says this: Windows cannot access one or more required files. The files may have been renamed, deleated or moved. Try re-installing Works and then starting the program again.

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Error - Munins32_s.exe Failed To Start

Aug 27, 2005

Each time I boot up I get the following error: "Munins32_s.exe failed to start, unable to locate component, - LEARN32.dll not found." Can someone shed some lite on this for me and show me how to correct this please? And does anyone know what this "Munins32_s.exe" file is for?

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Hirp.exe Application Failed To Start

Mar 19, 2006

Sometime last week I started getting an error message at startup that hirp.exe application failed to start because Frnu.dll could not be found.I couldn't find out anything about these two files on the Internet but concerned that I now get this message everyday.Any clues what these files are,if they are harmful or helpful to the computer, and how to keep the error message from coming up?

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Boot Failure: Mot Start In Safe Mode/ System Freeze?

Oct 22, 2007

My Laptop running on windows XP Home just fails to boot up. It also does not start in the Safe Mode, (system freezes).When I tried to boot using the Recovery CD, the system just shuts itself down. If I try using the CD to boot, it simply shuts down after a few minutes.

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SP2 Only Start In Safe Mode: System Wont Boot In Normal?

Nov 30, 2005

I am working on a Dell GX280 which had issues with its heatsink. Also, at the same time the machine continues to not boot up. It freezes at the Windows XP logo screen. It will not go any further. We think that when the fan started racing the user got worried, pulled the power cord and maybe did damage.However Im still working on fixing it. I can boot up into safe mode, I have disabled all non microsoft items in services and all items in start up and I continue to have the same problem, freezing at start up.

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Application Has Failed St Start / Netpwldryv.dll Was Not Found

Dec 4, 2009

This just started tonite. "The application has failed st start because netpwldryv.dll was not found. Reinstall may fix... I don't want to reinstall, lose to much, what else can I do?

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Error Failed Start Umpnpmgr.dll Not Found

Apr 9, 2007

Turned on the computer and got an error that said, Failed to start because UMPNPMGR.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. Two problems � I do not know what that file is, and the computer will not get past the error, so even if I did find the file how would I install it on the computer? My computer knowledge is only average so I am not knowledgeable enough to play with the registry. I tried to boot up in Safe Mode also, however it would not get past the error.

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Application Failed To Start Because Msvcp71.dll Was Not Found

Jun 29, 2010

Wont open for video and how come tell me you can explain me bout this application has failed to start because msvcp71.dll was not found. re-installing the applacation may fix this problem?

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Oledlg.dll Not Found - Application Has Failed To Start

Oct 22, 2007

I've got serious problems. I've just started getting the error message...

This application has failed to start because oledlg.dll was not found. Re-installing the application my fix this problem

when I try to load certain programs (ZipGenius, ExplorerXP & GOM player to mention just 3). I re-installed all 3 but I still get the problem. I also get the same error when try to run a lot of my system security/registry fix programs

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Framedyn.dll Was Not Found - Application Has Failed To Start

Dec 12, 2007

I started getting an error message "Application has failed to start because Framedyn.dll was not found". I found a place on the internet where I could download DLL files. I downloaded the file and followed there instructions which were. Save file to the directory that is requesting the file. If that doesn't work save it to your system directory C:windowssystem32. I saved it in the system directory wasn't sure exactly which directory was requesting it. Reboot the computer. If the problem still occurs, try the following: Press start then Run, Type CDM and press enter, Type regsvr32 framedyn.dll and press enter. I did this and ow I am getting an error message

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MSCTF.dll Not Found - Application Failed To Start

Nov 4, 2008

I am getting an error message when I first start up my computer. It reads "this application failed to start becasue MSCTF.dll not found" or something like that. also, I recently bought a new wireless printer and when I try to install it, my computer won't allow it---giving some sort of error message that the same MSCTF.dll not found. am i missing some drivers??

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Failed To Start - Beep Sounded Three Times

Nov 18, 2009

I have a problem in my PC that as I switched on its power, a beep sounded three times and then stopped. Monitor LED was blank; no any message appeared at it while monitor LED continuously blinked. I opened the PC cover and found that LEDs at mother board were illuminated. I re-tighten all the plugs, checked the power supply but all is ok.

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Remote Access Conection Manager Failed To Start

Aug 19, 2005

Constant error message in event viewer, the event id is 7000 and the description is Remote Access Conection Manager failed to start.Please I need immediate assistance to resolve this issue.

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Start Programs - Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000012d)

Aug 24, 2008

I usually don't turn my computer off, but let it hibernate. This never caused problems, but lately, everytime after about a week, Windows became unstable. Part of the text disappears from the screen, like some text from web pages and the text 'start' on the start menu. When I try to start programs, I get various error messages, like 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d)'. When I close some programs, the system seems to work again for a couple of minutes, but then the problems start again.

(It might also occur when i do not use hibernate, but keep my computer on for a couple of days, but I didnt try this.) It looks like Windows is running out of memory or running out of some other resource? How can i check which resource is exactly running out? Physical memory is 458,224 kB, of which at the time of the problem about 84MB free and 114 MB system cache - not very different from the values during normal use.Kernel memory during time of the problem is total 188 MB - a lot higher than during normal use. However, I don't know what kernel memory is, how to reduce it, and whether it might cause this kind of problems. I am using Windows XP Home SP3. Processor is AMD Sempron 3000+.

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Game Will Not Run / When Ever Start To Load It

Aug 21, 2005

my game will not run, when ever i start to load it, it says that it was designed to run in 256 colours and closes itself.

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Disc Wont Load On Start Up

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to reformat my computer, somehow it got deactivated when it is ALREADY activated, but when I restart with my Windows XP Home CD in the drive, it wont read it when the computer is starting.. Any Suggestions?

Also for that XP Activation

I log in and then it pops up saying its not activated and asks if I want to activate or not so I click the activate button and then it says something of this sort "You Are Already Activated".

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Two OS Options On Start-up..but Default Does Not Always Load First?

Aug 28, 2009

The New one is Drive 0 and OS is on partition 2 (Dell installation disk put in a FAT32 diag partition)Apart from my boot drive being F:.. I can live with it. However I got two options on booting up.. first one is Unidentified Operating System on C drive and underneath XP Windows HOME edition. after some experimentation.. I reversed the order and cut the timer down to 10 secs delay.

Problem is that sometimes I do not get the OS options dispalyed at all.. If that happens, I then get a black screen and a flashing white dash. On pressing the power button it soft re-boots and I get the options dispalyed with the default XP Home at the top and timer counting down to load it .. it then runs fine.. till the next crossed fingers start-up.

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Lost/view Changed Toolbars And Start Menu/application Failed?

Feb 17, 2005

I have lost my start menu I also have lost the bottom task bar. In addition the views have all changed on the tool bars. For example, on the internet explorer tool bar, the icons are on top of each other or otherwise unaccessible. Several programs no longer work and I get error messages as follows "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect..." I hit control-alt-delete, nothing happens.

I went to Housecall and ran a virus scan and nothing showed up. I had previously installed (many months ago) SpyBot S&D. As noted above, this is one of the programs that will not run and I get the error message. I tried to uninstall this program and then reinstall it. After downloading the program, I still got the above error message that the application configuration is incorrect.

I tried to start in safe mode. Although I cannot get to system configuration utility, I was able to get to safe mode by hitting F8 as the computer was starting. I selected safe mode and then selected Windows XP as the operating system. The next screen had the words safe mode in each corner and a Log On window in the middle.

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CC App.exe / Unable To Locate Component / Application Failed To Start / MAPI32.dll Was Not Found

Jul 4, 2006

The other day my PC started shutting down and restarting for no apparent reason. I have added no new programs or hardware. Then a couple of hours later it started behaving normally even though I did nothing.Now each time I turn it on, it starts normally except that I get the following message: "CC App.exe -- Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because MAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." What or where is this component and how do I re-install it?

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Getting Error While Boot Process: "Load Library Failed"?

Dec 20, 2004

When Xp loads I get the following Error: LoadLibrary()Failed What is this and how do I fix it ?

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Desktop Does Not Load No Icons No Start Menu

Nov 11, 2007

I start my windows xp and it loads fine at first and then gets into loading the desktop and then nothing happens, but just before that a RUNDLL message pops up and says: rvbc1.dll: access is denied, you can click ok or the x on the top right corner, after that the menu dissapears and nothing happens. No desktop icons or start menu loads. Actually the start menu you can kinda see flash for about 1/2 a second.I've tried many solutions, I'm in fact working with another guy from and haven't gotten anywhere with it. I've run hijackthis and combofix to no avail. I think a virus has locked out the system. I don't know what else to do or try.

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Computer Won't Load The Desktop Or Start Menu?

Apr 27, 2005

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 I have Windows XP my computer is less than a year old and the other day it just started and the start menu and desktop icons wont come up any longer.I dont wanna reformat it because i have a ton of music and other files on here that i'd like to keep like pictures and whatnot is there anyway to get my computer to come back?

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