Lost/view Changed Toolbars And Start Menu/application Failed?
Feb 17, 2005
I have lost my start menu I also have lost the bottom task bar. In addition the views have all changed on the tool bars. For example, on the internet explorer tool bar, the icons are on top of each other or otherwise unaccessible. Several programs no longer work and I get error messages as follows "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect..." I hit control-alt-delete, nothing happens.
I went to Housecall and ran a virus scan and nothing showed up. I had previously installed (many months ago) SpyBot S&D. As noted above, this is one of the programs that will not run and I get the error message. I tried to uninstall this program and then reinstall it. After downloading the program, I still got the above error message that the application configuration is incorrect.
I tried to start in safe mode. Although I cannot get to system configuration utility, I was able to get to safe mode by hitting F8 as the computer was starting. I selected safe mode and then selected Windows XP as the operating system. The next screen had the words safe mode in each corner and a Log On window in the middle.
When trying to upgrade to MSN Messenger 7 from MSN 6 I got this error mesage UNABLE TO LOCATE COMPONANT this application has failed to start CRYPTNET.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this
I just bought a HP Laptop Computer and it has installed in it, Works for Windows. When I try to run the word processor part it come up with this message:
"The Application Failed to start because LTKRN13N.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I click [ok] and the window closes. Then another windows opens and says this: Windows cannot access one or more required files. The files may have been renamed, deleated or moved. Try re-installing Works and then starting the program again.
I am using Windows XP on my laptop and now when I try to boot it gives me a blank screen and says "application failed to start, and then something about the userinit.exe".
Sometime last week I started getting an error message at startup that hirp.exe application failed to start because Frnu.dll could not be found.I couldn't find out anything about these two files on the Internet but concerned that I now get this message everyday.Any clues what these files are,if they are harmful or helpful to the computer, and how to keep the error message from coming up?
This just started tonite. "The application has failed st start because netpwldryv.dll was not found. Reinstall may fix... I don't want to reinstall, lose to much, what else can I do?
Wont open for video and how come tell me you can explain me bout this application has failed to start because msvcp71.dll was not found. re-installing the applacation may fix this problem?
I've got serious problems. I've just started getting the error message...
This application has failed to start because oledlg.dll was not found. Re-installing the application my fix this problem
when I try to load certain programs (ZipGenius, ExplorerXP & GOM player to mention just 3). I re-installed all 3 but I still get the problem. I also get the same error when try to run a lot of my system security/registry fix programs
I started getting an error message "Application has failed to start because Framedyn.dll was not found". I found a place on the internet where I could download DLL files. I downloaded the file and followed there instructions which were. Save file to the directory that is requesting the file. If that doesn't work save it to your system directory C:windowssystem32. I saved it in the system directory wasn't sure exactly which directory was requesting it. Reboot the computer. If the problem still occurs, try the following: Press start then Run, Type CDM and press enter, Type regsvr32 framedyn.dll and press enter. I did this and ow I am getting an error message
I am getting an error message when I first start up my computer. It reads "this application failed to start becasue MSCTF.dll not found" or something like that. also, I recently bought a new wireless printer and when I try to install it, my computer won't allow it---giving some sort of error message that the same MSCTF.dll not found. am i missing some drivers??
I admit I love adding new programs. Unfortnuately I can't see all my programs as they disappear off the right hand side of the screen. How do I get them all on screen? Also, my show desktop icon is "missing".
The other day my PC started shutting down and restarting for no apparent reason. I have added no new programs or hardware. Then a couple of hours later it started behaving normally even though I did nothing.Now each time I turn it on, it starts normally except that I get the following message: "CC App.exe -- Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because MAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." What or where is this component and how do I re-install it?
Iam currently on hp windows xp home edition. The video adapter failed on my motherboard. I have replaced it with a 16mb video card and changed the bios to the agp setting for the adapter. I still can not get the start menu to show up.
Is there a way to fix the lost task bar and start menu? I went through this before and somehow I got it back. I am using Firefox. The control ESC tap did not help.
hi guys,i'm hoping some kind person could help me with a problem i had last night.I've become very interested in photography so i downloaded Infranview,along with its plug-ins.I don't know what happened or if it was something i did in the install but when it had finished,i found that all the left side of my start menu was blacked out,also,when i hovered on my 'all programmes',nothing showed up In a panic,i uninstalled the Infranview but it still left my problems which in the end,with a lot of seaching,i found system restore and went back to the day before which put right my pc.
I did a control alt del and closed a lot of running processes, including explorer. since then i cant get the start menu back. i cant figure out how to shut down so i just pressed the power button, but even after restarting that way i cant get the start menu back.
In Windows XP, the Windows Explorer application is found under "start/programs/accessories". I clicked on the application listing there and dragged it on to my desktop. There is now an icon on the desktop for it, but it has disappeared from the apps listings in "start/programs/accessories". How can I restore the program listing there?
Well that ended up on my pc,I had no antivires protection when it appeared on my computer.I now have macfee antivires protection...when I installed it I ran a complete full scan on my pc,then after that was done I restarted my pc then when logging back on I lost my start menu bar an all of my icons,now trying to restore them back but, can only use my windows task management.Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
I need some help figuring out how to reinstall/copy files for my start menu.I lost power last night and now my start menu is missing I have all ready replaced the these files.Every thing else seem to be working fine I have all my icons and can still browse my computer.were is the start menu located in the windows folder.one more thing I think might be important is that all user accounts are having this problem.
I run all of my anti-spyware/malware programs, disc defrag, chkdsk every week. I then create a restore point.Today, for the first time ever, I needed to restore my computer to a previous date because my XP view changed to Classic view and the option to change it back to XP view wasn't available. But the restore points that I saved were not available. I was given a choice of July 1,2,3,4 and 5. The last time I created a restore point was last Monday, June 27th,but when I clicked on the << arrow to go back to the month of June, it wouldn't go back.What happened to the restore points that I created and why couldn't I access them?I know that they were saved because I received a message that they were created.And I have no idea why my XP view changed to Classic View when I turned my computer on yesterday.
I lost the My Music and My Pictures icons on the start menu. I moved My Documents and was prompted to move the current items. I said (stupidly) yes. I noticed I had 2 music and picture folders in My Documents. I deleted the Folders that had been moved when I reloacated. When I went back to the start menu, My Music and My Pictures were gone. I looked in properties, and the two items were selected. I went to the registry and the entries for music and pictures were gone in UserShellFolders and ShellFolders. I recreated the entries. After all of this, there are still no icons for Music and Pictures on the start menu.
I have a huge problem that was caused by me trying to delete what I thought were viruses. I went into my "processes running" in the windows task manager and deleted (End Process) what I thought were viruses. I was wrong. I deleted all of my desktop icons and the toolbar/taskbar on the bottom that includes my "start" icon. I can not figure out how to get it back to where it was before I screwed it up. I have tried system restore.
Im using XP and the classic start menu. I like how under documents I can view my documents but I dont like how it shows recently used documents. How can I make it so that it does not show this.
When I open files and folders I no longer have the tasks and links to perform certain functions displayed to the far left of the file folder. Instead, now I have two panes--a panel which displays all folders, drives, etc. on the left-hand side and the individual files and folders listed on the right-hand side. What happened? I'm using Windows XP SP2.
Add/remove programs display programs incorrectly. Icon has been replaced with a blue box type icon and I no longer have the option of removing any programs!I have attached information copied via "prt scr" of partial information located in add/Remove Programs so you can see.At the suggestion of a friend I had worked with another online tech support who was unable to assist in determining the problem. I have run spyware, registry cleaners, tune up utilities.
When I open my internet explorer 8, I go to my home page (www.Windstream.net), I am only able to see the top part of the web-page, above the green line. All the news clips and data on the rest of the page do not appear. When I go to www.MSN.com or www.YAHOO.com, both pages appear as they normally show. When I go to my bank's web-site, and try to login to do my online banking, the pop-up login fails to appear.
Another example is when I go to www.ADOBE.com, and select the "downloads" tab, then Adobe Reader, the page goes to the right place, but the yellow bar asking for permission to install Active-X never appears, and the pop-up that tells me to click here to begin download never appears.I am running AVG9.0 (free version) and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware I tried removing IE8, which put me back at IE6, but I had the same problem. SO I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of IE8, but I have the same loss of data on my screens. This happens in IE6 and IE8, so I suspect that I am over-looking something obvious.
I would appreciate any useful information. Making sly remarks is childish.I to have received the message: "USERINIT.exe Application failed to initialize" after removing software that was previously install and may have been causing the computer to not get a TCP/IP number. Now I can not get to the desktop, It hangs. I agree sometimes reloading a cleaned of hard drive may be the only way to resolve a problem. However, first see if there are any quick fixes that may save some time. If all you can say is start over again from scratch then you are wasting your time and everyone else's that reads for some answers.
when i try to download a program and then open it i cant i keep getting a error saying this..The application failed to intialize properly (0xc0000135) Chick on ok to terminate the application. What should i do to fix this? Does that mean i dont have no more memory on my pc or what?