Game Will Not Run / When Ever Start To Load It

Aug 21, 2005

my game will not run, when ever i start to load it, it says that it was designed to run in 256 colours and closes itself.

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Drivers Needed / A Game Won't Reload It Shows The Start Up

Dec 29, 2004

A computer game she loaded it played it for awhile saved it closed it now it won't reload it shows the start up video and loads the features then goes back to the desk top no error message is shown it just shuts down i went to check my disk space and under drive c: it shows 5.69 gb used 3.71 gb available under drive d: it shows a color scheme for used and available disk space and according to that it's full So my question is do i need to buy more disk space, a new disk driver, an additional driver or how can i free up the disk space under drive d: i have already gotten rid of everything i can ran the disk clean up defragmented even went into hidden files and got rid of things in there nothing worked please help me.

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Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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Disc Wont Load On Start Up

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to reformat my computer, somehow it got deactivated when it is ALREADY activated, but when I restart with my Windows XP Home CD in the drive, it wont read it when the computer is starting.. Any Suggestions?

Also for that XP Activation

I log in and then it pops up saying its not activated and asks if I want to activate or not so I click the activate button and then it says something of this sort "You Are Already Activated".

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Two OS Options On Start-up..but Default Does Not Always Load First?

Aug 28, 2009

The New one is Drive 0 and OS is on partition 2 (Dell installation disk put in a FAT32 diag partition)Apart from my boot drive being F:.. I can live with it. However I got two options on booting up.. first one is Unidentified Operating System on C drive and underneath XP Windows HOME edition. after some experimentation.. I reversed the order and cut the timer down to 10 secs delay.

Problem is that sometimes I do not get the OS options dispalyed at all.. If that happens, I then get a black screen and a flashing white dash. On pressing the power button it soft re-boots and I get the options dispalyed with the default XP Home at the top and timer counting down to load it .. it then runs fine.. till the next crossed fingers start-up.

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System Start Driver Failed To Load

Sep 3, 2005

When I look in the event viewer I can see above error message.Are these drivers not loading due to programs being updated or has something gone wrong with my system? Below is the list of files not loading.I have checked quite a few of these files and they are present in my "System32/Drivers" file.

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Desktop Does Not Load No Icons No Start Menu

Nov 11, 2007

I start my windows xp and it loads fine at first and then gets into loading the desktop and then nothing happens, but just before that a RUNDLL message pops up and says: rvbc1.dll: access is denied, you can click ok or the x on the top right corner, after that the menu dissapears and nothing happens. No desktop icons or start menu loads. Actually the start menu you can kinda see flash for about 1/2 a second.I've tried many solutions, I'm in fact working with another guy from and haven't gotten anywhere with it. I've run hijackthis and combofix to no avail. I think a virus has locked out the system. I don't know what else to do or try.

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Start System Load Files Slow

Jan 15, 2009

Started having issues last week, very very slow loading XP , then once loaded it would freeze take forever to get going again, opening programs files etc took forever, loaded in safe mode last night backed up as much as i could, at some point the comp. shut up and tried restarting, now windows won't load at all, either in safe mode or normal start up, i know a little bit about comps not enough to know if im completely ed or not, or if there is another way i can at least back up my Hard Disk or reinstall windows on my other Hard Disk and back up the orginally Hard Disk that way.

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Computer Won't Load The Desktop Or Start Menu?

Apr 27, 2005

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 I have Windows XP my computer is less than a year old and the other day it just started and the start menu and desktop icons wont come up any longer.I dont wanna reformat it because i have a ton of music and other files on here that i'd like to keep like pictures and whatnot is there anyway to get my computer to come back?

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Home Edition Not Load - Improve Start Up Time

Mar 5, 2006

I'm running XP, home edition. I've tried tweaks to improve start up time, used regedit, msconfig, turned off some automatic star-up programs, and used Registry Mechanic. When I tried to restart the computer, I'd be brought to the "Welcome" user selection screen. After selecting a user, the Desktop would load without icons or the taskbar (cursor appears), then after a few seconds, goes back to the Welcome screen. The few seconds I have in Windows, I tried bringing up the Task Manager, but it doesn't work. Also, when I click to load Disk Cleanup, nothing happens. Is there a fix for this?

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Trying To Load Windows Xp / Load Set Up / Going To Load Files It Locked Up

Apr 12, 2006

First my computer was cutting off in the middle of any program. I decided to delete everything on the drive and reformat it and reload windows xp. While trying to load windows xp it would load the set up but when going to load files it locked up everytime. I tried also loading windows 98, 95 and they too locked up. At one point it said I had a virus in my boot sector and at another time it said I had a virus in my RAM. I got a program called PC Beginner to help partition my drive and redo the MBR. I can partition the drive and format it but windows still doesn't load. Now I wonder if there is a problem with the mother board and I have a dual bios board, I was wonder if there is a program loaded in the dual bios that may somehow causing my problem. If so what can be done to clear the problem? How can I get windows reloaded?

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My Laptop Will Load Data Cds I.e. Excel, Word Ete, But It Won't Load DVD

Mar 7, 2010

I had my laptop fixed due to windows xp not starting up. My laptop will load data cd's i.e. excel, word ete, but it won't ...

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Desktop Does Not Load, No Icons,cannot Load Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2007

1. My desktop remains blank without any icons.

2. clt+alt+del shows all choices except task manager - so I am allowed to reboot and shutdown

3. When I enter in safe mode cannot see desktop nor icons

4. Ran Norton Antivirus 2007 boot with CD - no virus found

5.Prior to crash desktop went RED, hence I rebooted and then the issues.

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Cant Load Load Os Microsoft Xp - Scandisk Checked

Oct 15, 2009

PC was rebooted and this message showed up. I couldn't get to safe mode so I put the XP disc in. I got to the D:winint dir and tried to run bootcfg to scan for the boot file. It came back that it couldn't find it. I was able to see the dir's and data on the 2 drives. I ran chkdsk to see if that would solve the problem, it didn't. Do you think this is a BIOS problem or a missing boot problem. If it was the BIOS would I be able to read the drive. Looking for a fix without destroying everything.

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Load Dll Error - Can't Load Res_dll

Mar 14, 2010

My computer randomly started displaying this error upon start up a week ago and I have no clue what is causing it. I googled it and seen that it could be caused by a linksys wireless router, one was installed on the system before, but has been uninstalled for quite some time now. Can anyone help me correct this or at least help me figure out what is causing it?

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Load At Startup Or Load At Starup?

May 30, 2007

I was wondering what the difference was whether you had a program load at startup (by checking a box within the program to have it load when the computer boots) and unchecking that box but moving a shortcut to the programs executable into the startup folder on the start menu.

Is there any difference?

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Will Old Game Play On XP?

Aug 8, 2005

I was wondering if the game Rayman Forever, a game which required Windows 95 or 98, will play on my PC which uses Windows XP.

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Pc Hang During Game

Jul 21, 2005

I've been racking my brain on this issue for months with no success. So I have a AMD Athlon XP 2200+ processor running on a Gigabyte mobo (I can get the model no. if needed) and a BFG GeForce 5500 AGP card. I have 2 Crucial DDR-333 512M sticks and a WD 80GB SATA drive.Now when I run Windows and basic apps(IE, Outlook, Firefox, etc) But when I run a few games like World of Warcraft, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth, etc. Occasionally it will just hang the PC. No error, just looping sound and freeze frame.

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Get A 16 Bit Game Play In A 64 Bit Computer?

Aug 11, 2010

Hello,my Nancy Drew Games with a 16 bit will not work with my 64 bit computer.

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Game Slow Down The Computer

Apr 8, 2006

I was playing America's Army and on this computer it is is kind of laggy and just doesn't run smoothly even with all the settings on minimum. Im using a RADEON 9200, Do you think more RAM could fix this problem? Is my computer able to have anymore RAM?

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Won't Boot Up Online Game

May 25, 2006

Look at this log and see if they can find any reason why i have one program Delta Force Blackhawk Down online game will not play any more worked fine till 2 days ago than just wont boot up every thing else on comp works well i have un installled it and reinstalled it and same thing.

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Hangs Very Often When Playing Game

Jan 8, 2006

My computer often hangs whenever I play games.After it hangs for 3 times, my monitor will go black and the yellow light will bleep and it will restart by itself.This annoys me very much as I play games a lot.I've checked for viruses,trojan,ad-aware,spyware etc.
I used Ad-aware,SpyBot,PC Doctor and all of it says I'm clean.

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The Blue Screen Whenever Try To Run A Game

Aug 5, 2008

I've only had this problem for a while, i have windows xp and this hasen't happened to be before until yesterday. whenever i start up one of my big games(ie a more newer more demanding games) the screen pops up and my computer resets, i dont know what i could of don't to cause this nor what exactly whats going on the screen has a error that says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL at first i thought my graphics drivers were buggered. so i went off and downloaded newer ones and put them on, but it didn't seem to do much.

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Saving Game Settings

Jan 12, 2005

i need to do a clean install but half way through some pc games is it possable to save them and restore them to a clean hard drive if so how.

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Slow Pc - Play The Game

Apr 3, 2006

i dont really have problems with the games im useing its the way my pc is running, i uasuly play bf2, it uasuly loads a level in around 20 seconds but now it will take anything up to 2 minutes! i have 1gb of ram and seems like its running on 512mb!, ive checked my cpu and it looks fine i also tryed reinstalling the game but that didnt help either

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Svchost.exe Eats Cpu When I Launch A Hl2.exe Game

Mar 7, 2008

I've had this problem for a couple of days. Every time I start a game like portal or team fortress 2 svchost.exe starts eating cpu. This goes on for a couple of minutes and suddenly svchost goes back to normal cpu usage.

I have 7 different svchost.exe processes in my task manager, 3 system, 2 local service and 2 network service.

I've downloaded process explorer and the svchost that takes all the cpu has the PID 1412, dunno if that info makes any difference but sounds important.

I've searched for svchost.exe to see if there are any more that could be possible viruses but i only found the one in /windows/system32/
I have no idea what could be causing this problem... Also, I apologize if there already is a solution for this in another topic. Didn't find any when I searched.

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Can't Delete Downloaded Game Files

Oct 3, 2010

I downloaded some computer game files and now I am sorry and want to delete them but can't find the files that support them. The shortcut icons appear only on the fifth line of the Mozilla and I.E. browzer home pages. The address line shows the files at The files do not appear under C: anywhere and the search function and Control Panel add/remove can't locate them either.

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System Reboots On Its Own In The Middle Of The Game

Dec 7, 2004

It seems my pc is doing something new that it hasent done before. Right in the middle of games the system just reboots on its own and then i get a Disk Consistency check. I have no idea whats doing this since it wont even give me a error message. Does anyone know what too look for here? A friend said overheating might cause this but he knows i got a big cooling system, even has a hard drive cooling system and a high speed CPU cooling fan with a exterior intake fan

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Game Doesn't Support Windows NT

Oct 18, 2009

I have windows xp and i want to play a game but everytime i try to install it it says that it does not support windows NT and I have tried everything your site has said and nothing works! What can I do?

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Installing Battle For Dune Game In Xp?

Mar 3, 2006

Anybody know how I can get Battle for Dune to install on my XP machine...I've tried compatibility and no dice.

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