Game Slow Down The Computer

Apr 8, 2006

I was playing America's Army and on this computer it is is kind of laggy and just doesn't run smoothly even with all the settings on minimum. Im using a RADEON 9200, Do you think more RAM could fix this problem? Is my computer able to have anymore RAM?

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Computer Working Slow After Installing A Game?

Jun 12, 2005

Computer has suddenly gotten real slow shutting down and upon start up. I can not readily see any changes. Ran Adaware and Spybot before running HiJack This. All were good. Need some new eyes on this one...Only changes to computer recently were the addition of the new BattleField 2 demo, which really seemed to slow the system down.

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Slow Pc - Play The Game

Apr 3, 2006

i dont really have problems with the games im useing its the way my pc is running, i uasuly play bf2, it uasuly loads a level in around 20 seconds but now it will take anything up to 2 minutes! i have 1gb of ram and seems like its running on 512mb!, ive checked my cpu and it looks fine i also tryed reinstalling the game but that didnt help either

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512mb Graphic Card Game In Slow Motion

Jun 9, 2010

game attending in slow motion every approximate 5minutes after that it is normal.

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Get A 16 Bit Game Play In A 64 Bit Computer?

Aug 11, 2010

Hello,my Nancy Drew Games with a 16 bit will not work with my 64 bit computer.

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Computer Lagging Really Bad Not Game Related

Feb 1, 2005

I thought it was this new game i installed, it would lag about every minute and a half, for about 10 seconds at a time. So i uninstalled the game. The only problem is now the computer seems to get bogged down much easier (running AIM and windows media player at the same time makes WMP songs slow), and enters 10 second "slow periods". This never used to happen.

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Run A PC Game My Computer Goes To Blue Screen

Apr 20, 2006

Every time i run a PC game my computer goes to the blue screen. It also does the EXACT same thing every once in awhile for java applets or large flash animations.It doesnt give any file name on the blue screen or any description of what is causing this. I dont know if there is some information you can get from those numbers.

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My Computer Restarts Whenever Exit A Game

Apr 8, 2005

I own a computer with a Pentium Presccot 3.20 Mhz and 1024 RAM Megas.I am using Windows XP with Service Packs 1 and 2. My motherboard is an Abit AI7 and my graphic card is a Gigabyte Radeon 800X. Everytime I exit one of my games after everything went OK with the game, for instance: Far Cry or Lock On, my computer crashes and restarts. Could it be that directX or the graphic card are not totally compatible with Servicepack 2?

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Computer Restarts During Game Install

May 20, 2010

I'm a bit baffled by this problem here... I have just bought a game from the shops, put the CD in, and start the install, but then when its about half way through the install, the computer just restarts without an error screen or anything.I'm attempting to make a CD ISO Image to install from that, to see if it has anything to do with my CD/DVD Rom, but otherwise, what could this problem be?I have the latest version of direct-X installed, latest version of, latest version of graphics card drivers, and the windows installation is fresh, and had no errors during install, so it wouldn't be windows.The system I am running is an Intel I7 core 860, 3G RAM, with XP Professional service pack 2.

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Computer Restarts While Loading Game

May 24, 2010

I am experiencing a major problem.I have installed Rome Total War in my computer but every time I'm trying to load it my computer shows a blue screen with stop message 0x50 or fault_in_nonpaged_area . The message appears only when I'm trying to load that game.It is the only game installed in my comptuter at the momment.It doesn't happen with any other program.

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Computer Fan Keeps Running Especially When Play Game

Jun 8, 2008

ON HP Pavilion 520N and my computer fan keeps running especially when I play a game. What could be causing this?

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Computer Turns Off While Playing 3D Game

Jul 12, 2009

Few days back when I tried to play the game" Texas Holdem Poker 3D deluxe edition" my suddenly turned off (Not Restart). This happened after 10 min or so. Whenever I tried to play the game my PC turned off. I thought there was a problem with the game. But yesterday when I tried an old game Brian Lara Cricket 99 SE (a 3D game) after playing for 8-10 min my pc turned off again. This happens every time I try to play. When I turn my PC on I get scan disk during start up. What could be the problem?? I can't play.My PC config(quite old): P4 2.66 Ghz, 1GB DDR.

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Specification Of Computer About Rpgs Game

Feb 27, 2007

I'm not having any specific problems with my computer right now, but here are its specs windows xp media center edition, version 2002, sp2 gateway AMD athlon dual 64x2, core processor 4200+, 2.2 gh, 896 mb ram.I know it isn't a top of the line computer, but its what i got, and its about a year and a half old. I play a lot of Rpgs on it, and I surf a bit. I have a 250 gig hard disk. If one of you experts had to make do with this computer, do you have any suggestions as to how i can get the most out of it for my needs without spending a ton of cash?

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Pressing A Key In Playing Game, Freezes The Computer?

Jan 12, 2010

Ok, so recently i experienced this typing problem where typing took up a bunch of CPU in the task manager and lagged out everything. When i would try to play a game for example; i would press and hold w to walk and my computer would freeze until i let go, stopping all the video and sound. So i went into the computer and took out the CMOS battery for a minute or two put it back in and restarted my computer. NO TYPING PROBLEMS! But then on my next boot up they come back again?

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Computer Slows Down: Not Enough Space To Open The Game?

Oct 3, 2010

when i tried to open a game a msg appeared which means my ram doesnt have enough space to open the game. If i continue i can get some errors. That was a normal game and I never got a msg like this before. After a few days it was getting bigger and bigger. Now a days if i click on refresh it takes around 3-5 sec. to refresh. My computer takes 30 sec to open. This is really fustrating. I never had a problem like this. My pc hangs up many times. I hav kaspersky antivirus. I did a scan all over my computer. But didnt get anything.

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Uninstalled A Program Computer Game Lagging

Nov 27, 2009

I've recently uninstalled a program I had on my computer called Venturi2. It had been running in the background and didn't seem to be serving any purpose so did so. I did get the feeling it had something to do with graphics though.This was maybe 2 days ago. I tried playing a game right now (Command and Conquer) and for some reason it was lagging horribly. I've ran it fine in the past. Are these two things related? Either way is there some way to redownload the program? I've tried googling all over but the only links I find are linking to an domain, whereupon it says it doesnt have the software but to try googling it.

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Computer No Longer Auto Runs Program / Game

Oct 19, 2008

I got some help on removing maleware and after running combofix my computer no longer auto runs program/game cd,dvd. My computer has no other problems.

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Computer Restarts Blue Screen In Spore Game

Sep 6, 2008

Computer reboots always at the same point in a game (start of Creature phase in Spore) when its starting/trying to process an introdutory movie/animation.It happened one time, I tried again, it rebooted my computer again, so I tried to by pass the problem by starting a new game, using someone elses save game and it happened again.So I searched for information and discovered how to turn off Restart so I could get a Blue Screen with a BCCode.I got the Blue Screen and learned how to view the error log on windowns going to Control Panel> Administration Tools> Event Viewer> System.There I found the multiple occurences of the same error when the computer restarts.

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Computer Starts Slow, Works Slow Then Hangs Or Shuts Down

Sep 26, 2006

computer now takes half an hour to an hour to reboot. in doing so, it tells me that it does not do the startup and services. it is so slow it is unbelievable. sometimes even being so slow that the words we type take a few seconds to show up on the screen. after working for a time it will invariably hang. or it will shut itself down. in either case we have to reboot, it takes that half an hour to an hour again

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Computer Booting Incredibly Slow And All Apps Slow

Nov 22, 2009

I am running PC, Windows XP and recently had several viruses deleted from system. Problem started when running Internet Explorer and would receive an error tab every time stating IE must close. The data error was a mcsvrt.dll problem. Now when I start the computer it takes 10-15 minutes to boot completely and accessing Mozilla or any apps after about 3-4 mins takes ages. It runs so slow, something has it almost completely bogged down. I run spybot but after a while it freezes up

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Slow Computer Crashes Randomly - Slow Internet

Aug 30, 2007

I have an HP. Personally, I think it's a great computer but it's extremely slow and it crashes randomly. Also, I keep losing internet connection. My ISP is cox and I also have vonage so they're connected to each other

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Norton 360 Making It Slow?

Oct 9, 2008

I am working with a Dell 2400 running Windows XP Service Pack 3 with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz processor and 1.2 gig of ram. It still seems particularly slow. I am not sure if it some of the applications that I am running like Norton 360 or some of my settings.

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Computer Getting Slow Startup And Programs Running Slow?

Aug 7, 2005

Win XP HE SP2. Dell 8300 3.0 Ghz .PC takes minutes from startup to desktop. All programs much slower than usual.I regularly use Defrag, Have Microsoft anti spyware, Panda anti virus, Ad Aware Spybot, System Mechanic Pro.etc.Have tried everything!

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Computer Running Slow: Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jan 23, 2009

Why is it taking my computer 3 minutes to boot to the desktop? As you can see from my signature below, I don't have exactly a slow poke machine. All drives are defragged weekly, the BIOS is set to boot off of the hard disk, and I only have the one OS installed.This thing use to boot to the desktop in 20 seconds.

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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