Computer has suddenly gotten real slow shutting down and upon start up. I can not readily see any changes. Ran Adaware and Spybot before running HiJack This. All were good. Need some new eyes on this one...Only changes to computer recently were the addition of the new BattleField 2 demo, which really seemed to slow the system down.
I was playing America's Army and on this computer it is is kind of laggy and just doesn't run smoothly even with all the settings on minimum. Im using a RADEON 9200, Do you think more RAM could fix this problem? Is my computer able to have anymore RAM?
My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything
Re-installing a game, Enigma: Rising Tide I receive this error message. This happened one time before. I don't recall how I was able to overcome, but presently I had to re-install the game and now I have this error message again. I understand that there have been other instances with others installing games where this message appears.
At around 2005-08-06-13.30, after installing an MS Game & trying to register it with my Passport/Hotmail login I got repeated rejection on my account. The login software was giving me an old account name that I closed a few years ago and would not accept the one that has been active since. I discontinued the current account which it surprisingly allowed me to do. It would not allow me to discontinue old account name even though it kept replacing current account name with old whenever I entered password.
I just finished putting together my new computer and I'm excited to test it out on a new game. All i have right now is WarCraft III and UT2004.I want another first person shooter, as ut2004 isn't pushing my computer at all. I was thinking maybe doom3, quake4, or half-life 2, but I dont know which one has the best graphics. I'm pretty easy to please game-play wise, so I'm really primarily concerned about the eye candy
I just installed Gangsters, a game I bought today, and when I tryied to play it right after installing it,it gave me this message:"Sorry Unable to initialize CD Player.Please make sure that no other application is accessing the CD."What does this mean?
XP is slow and I have allot of memory. I would watch stuff streaming on line and now it just freezes and does not move much like it should when I have streamed before. My XP also takes forever to set up and there is not much running in the back ground.Also my email program and Foxfire is so slow to open. My computer is slow in everything.
I went to play Half-Life 2 last night, just as I do any other time. It informed me that there was an upgrade for my ATI Radeon 9550 video card and wouldn't let me proceed without it. Really wanting to play, I went and installed the update. After rebooting after the update, I noticed something. Some applications (i.e. Skype, MSN, etc.) weren't working properly. Then, I started getting random shutdowns.
I was able to boot into Safe Mode and do a System Restore back to before I installed the new driver. This did not solve the problem. So I called ATI, and they instructed me to uninstall the ATI Drivers and reinstall it without Catalyst. So I did, and it worked... For about an hour. My computer then rebooted and now refuses to boot, safe mode, debug mode, normal or otherwise.
I Have A Dell 4300s Computer Which I Recently Had Rebuilt. Went From 18 Gig To 80 Gigs. Added 512 Ram To Existing 128. Also Switched From Juno Dial Up To Verizon Dsl. Speed Was Great For Awhile, But Has Slowed Down Considerably. I Did Add 2.0 Usb Port, Spybot,an Epson 7800 Printer/scanner, And Several Other Programs. I Currently Have About 20 Icons On My Desktop.
Specs for the laptop. Intel T2050 @ 1.60ghz 1 gig of ram This is a brand new computer right out of the box. After Xp loaded up I Installed Norton then spybot AD then some games after which I defrag and it took 8 hrs to defrag on a 100 gig HDD. The computer runs very slow and have no clue way.
I was recently trying to install Medieval Total War II onto my computer. I've had it installed before in the past, and it worked fine on my computer. I wanted to play it again, so when I went to install it it gave me the blue screen. It said:Quote: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAIt then said something about disabling BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, etc. Then it had what I'm guessing is the error code:***STOP: 0x00000050 (0x46263D6, 0x00000000, 0x804ED967, 0x00000001)
my comp crashed, now it is going very slow, keeps over heating and getting pop-ups, i was told it could be a virus or a worm. it has windows 2000 im pretty sure
i dont really have problems with the games im useing its the way my pc is running, i uasuly play bf2, it uasuly loads a level in around 20 seconds but now it will take anything up to 2 minutes! i have 1gb of ram and seems like its running on 512mb!, ive checked my cpu and it looks fine i also tryed reinstalling the game but that didnt help either
I'm having trouble with pages not loading when I'm on the internet using Netzero and Internet Explorer. It seems to be secure pages mostly (every time I want to order something online, or when I go to a company's application center and try to apply for a job.I am on my second printer (HP 3740). Granted, it's not top of the line, but I just bought it because my old one was broken (I thought) and now it is starting to have the same problems as the last one, and the problems started about a week after I bought it. It started with the printing getting faded, like the cartridge was running out of ink, then it went through the motions of printing but no ink was on the paper. Next it will stop moving, even though the power light comes on.
I thought it was this new game i installed, it would lag about every minute and a half, for about 10 seconds at a time. So i uninstalled the game. The only problem is now the computer seems to get bogged down much easier (running AIM and windows media player at the same time makes WMP songs slow), and enters 10 second "slow periods". This never used to happen.
Every time i run a PC game my computer goes to the blue screen. It also does the EXACT same thing every once in awhile for java applets or large flash animations.It doesnt give any file name on the blue screen or any description of what is causing this. I dont know if there is some information you can get from those numbers.
I own a computer with a Pentium Presccot 3.20 Mhz and 1024 RAM Megas.I am using Windows XP with Service Packs 1 and 2. My motherboard is an Abit AI7 and my graphic card is a Gigabyte Radeon 800X. Everytime I exit one of my games after everything went OK with the game, for instance: Far Cry or Lock On, my computer crashes and restarts. Could it be that directX or the graphic card are not totally compatible with Servicepack 2?
I'm a bit baffled by this problem here... I have just bought a game from the shops, put the CD in, and start the install, but then when its about half way through the install, the computer just restarts without an error screen or anything.I'm attempting to make a CD ISO Image to install from that, to see if it has anything to do with my CD/DVD Rom, but otherwise, what could this problem be?I have the latest version of direct-X installed, latest version of, latest version of graphics card drivers, and the windows installation is fresh, and had no errors during install, so it wouldn't be windows.The system I am running is an Intel I7 core 860, 3G RAM, with XP Professional service pack 2.
I am experiencing a major problem.I have installed Rome Total War in my computer but every time I'm trying to load it my computer shows a blue screen with stop message 0x50 or fault_in_nonpaged_area . The message appears only when I'm trying to load that game.It is the only game installed in my comptuter at the momment.It doesn't happen with any other program.
Few days back when I tried to play the game" Texas Holdem Poker 3D deluxe edition" my suddenly turned off (Not Restart). This happened after 10 min or so. Whenever I tried to play the game my PC turned off. I thought there was a problem with the game. But yesterday when I tried an old game Brian Lara Cricket 99 SE (a 3D game) after playing for 8-10 min my pc turned off again. This happens every time I try to play. When I turn my PC on I get scan disk during start up. What could be the problem?? I can't play.My PC config(quite old): P4 2.66 Ghz, 1GB DDR.
I'm not having any specific problems with my computer right now, but here are its specs windows xp media center edition, version 2002, sp2 gateway AMD athlon dual 64x2, core processor 4200+, 2.2 gh, 896 mb ram.I know it isn't a top of the line computer, but its what i got, and its about a year and a half old. I play a lot of Rpgs on it, and I surf a bit. I have a 250 gig hard disk. If one of you experts had to make do with this computer, do you have any suggestions as to how i can get the most out of it for my needs without spending a ton of cash?
Ok, so recently i experienced this typing problem where typing took up a bunch of CPU in the task manager and lagged out everything. When i would try to play a game for example; i would press and hold w to walk and my computer would freeze until i let go, stopping all the video and sound. So i went into the computer and took out the CMOS battery for a minute or two put it back in and restarted my computer. NO TYPING PROBLEMS! But then on my next boot up they come back again?