Remote Access Conection Manager Failed To Start

Aug 19, 2005

Constant error message in event viewer, the event id is 7000 and the description is Remote Access Conection Manager failed to start.Please I need immediate assistance to resolve this issue.

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Wont Access Start Button / Task Manager / Cmd Screen?

Dec 19, 2007

I'm sure this is a simple question but I can't figure out the answer. I'm running XP yet my start button and the taskbar aren't blue, the standard XP color, they're now looking like they did in Win 98. How do I fix this? Also I can't access the task manager either by control alt del or by right clicking the task bar and selecting task manager there. I've searched on this and found a number of different methods to supposedly fix this but haven't been successful so far.

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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Remote Deskop Connection Failed?

Jan 21, 2006

I'm trying to connect to my PC at work via remote desktop. I followed the steps I found on this website On the General Tab on remote connection I input the following
Computer: my work computer name
UserName: I put the name I use to login to the PC with everyday
Password: my pw
Domain: I input my workplace domain
In the experience Tab I select: 56K connection
I click on connect and I get the following message ::see attachment::

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Need To Access Things On Each Others Computer By Remote Access

Jun 12, 2005

I have 2 users that need to access things on each others computer from 87 miles away. Both computers are behind routers and both are running windows xp pro. They need to use their computers at the same time.

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Remote Desktop Having Strange Effect On Numlock And Task Manager?

Sep 6, 2005

the numlock state is changed. I always keep numlock set, but after using remote desktop, the numlock is unset.taks manager is frozen. The taskmanager icon is displayed in the notification tray,but clicking on it does nothing.I have to start a new instance of task manager. I am able to kill the first instance using the new instance.

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Boot - Security Accounts Manager Initialization Failed

Feb 3, 2005

Hp laptop running win xp professional going great untill this morning now when trying to boot computer recieve following error message before login screen "isass.exe Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error:The handle is invalid.Error status 0xc0000008.Please click ok to shutdown this system and re boot into safe mode,check the event log for more detailed information."When ok is clicked unable to get into safe mode same error message appears.

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Boot Start Or System Start Drivers Failed To Load

Mar 10, 2006

My old system hasn't been powered on for about a year. Problem was the onboard video failed replaced it with a video card from another system (riva TNT) and bought some memory system wouldn't boot, determined that the memory was bad Now the system booted but win2K wouldn't work. No problem I have XP now. After multiple error during the xp install I finally got through it.only the computer will only boot in safe mode. Initially thought it was a hardare conflict so I booted in safe mode with networking and systematically cleared all the yellow.

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Wireless Conection Breaks All Time / Windows Defender Cannot Update

May 31, 2006

Im haveing multiple problems with my laptop and its pretty bad.First of all the wireless conection breaks all the time and it says that Wireless zero configuration utility needs to be restarted. So i have to go to Run; %SystemRoot%/system32/services.msc s and restart it. But it just goes out again after a few hours.Windows Firewall will not open. It says; "Windows firewall setting cannot be displayed becasue the associated service is not running." I click ok and it says" Windows cannot start the widows firewall/Internet connection sharing (ICS) service.Windows defender cannot update. It says its trying but then fails and it dosnt display the problem long enough to write it down here. My sound is no longer working. Im about to just give up and reformat and re instal everything. Unless anyone thinks i have a hardware problem

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How To Do Remote Access

Aug 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP home edition and I have a family member who is also using Windows XP home edition. I would like to be able to access the family member's computer and do weekly maintenance. I would like to have the family member do nothing, but just have the computer started with Windows XP and be on a high-speed connection.

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Remote Access Using 56k Modem.

Jun 22, 2005

Did anyone out there ever attempted Remote Desktop Connection between 2 PCs
using 56k mode? Can share your experience on it?

I attempted to set up remote access between a PC and Notebook, both using
WinXP Pro SP2 OS and 56K modem for connection.

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Remote Access Programs

Apr 27, 2006

I'm using "logmein" as a remote access program for some of my clients machines. Its a bit slow and jerky is there one that is better?

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Remote Console Access

Apr 19, 2005

I need to access the Remote Console provided with the XP install disk, and I have a few questions about it. I am running Windows XP Home with SP2 and have recently been having problems with a vundo trojan. As far as I can understand, to get rid of the remaining files I need to install the RC from the Windows XP install disk. However, I purchased my notebook from Dell and it came with a CD entitled "Reinstall CD - Microsoft Windows XP Home Editiont - Including Service Pack 1a".I'm wondering if I can use that CD to install the RC. And I've read that the RC doesnt work with SP2, so should i Add/Remove SP2 before installing this?

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Remote Access To Other Computer

Nov 1, 2006

Just tried remote access to another PC, first with UltraVNC and then with Windows Remote and I could not take control of my friends PC but he could take control of mine.Checked Firewalls....we both run XP both have Avast AV and he doesn't have any programs that I think would be blocking it.

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Remote PC Access Needed

Sep 22, 2009

An elderly friend of mine runs a business out of her house and when she was away, her partner came to her house and installed something on her computer so she could monitor what she was doing from her own computer. I'm assuming it's something like 'Go to my pc' etc. She's running windows xp and isn't sure what to do. Before I look at her computer I wanted to ask for opinions in case there is some kind of stealth software installed that would be difficult to find and uninstall.

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Best Remote Access Option?

Sep 19, 2005

I've read a lot of the comments already posted to this site about this issue so I wanted to thank everyone for their great contributions. My situation is a little unique so I have some questions.Here's what I want to do.I have 2 floors in my building, the first floor being the warehouse and the second floor being my office. I want to have a desktop on the 1st floor that will not move and a notebook in my office (2nd floor) that I will be taking in and out of the office, or working with when I'm not in the warehouse.The 1st floor PC will have Windows XP Pro (I'm buying it this week), the one on the 2nd floor has XP Home. Both should have identical copies of the software that I'll be using.

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Remote Administrator Access

May 22, 2007

First of all, I'm running on XP Home Edition.Okay, so I have this folder. This folder has been edited so that only administrators can access it, and not restricted users. This works just fine but here's my problem: when I connect my computer to a second one, the admins on computer 2 cannot access this folder. I've tried for several hours to look for a way to add user groups and types from more than just computer 1, but I can't seem to do this. It's not a connection problem or because of any firewalls either; if I make the folder open for everyone the admin from computer 2 can access the folder properly. But then we didn't want any restricted accounts there.

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Show Start Manager Icon Name Place Of Start

Feb 16, 2010

How can i show start manager icon name ayub place of start.

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Remote Drive Access Permissions

Apr 23, 2006

I am trying to remotely access drives from my one computer to my laptop in order to transfer files with more ease than running back and forth, burning, copying, etc. The method I am using is simple enough. The drives are set for administrative share [c$, d$, etc]. And I am accessing through the run command via \REMOTE_IPc$. I am definately pinging the computer correctly because a dialog box opens, however this is where the problem begins. The dialog box does not let me switch to an administrative account. It only shows "Guest" in the login name.

I dont have the guest account even activated on my main Desktop CPU and I wont have much access without administative rights. I was just wondering what could be making it so that I cant login under my main administative name. My desktop is using WinXP pro. Laptop is using XP home. Not sure if this fact matters but the desktop is using internet connection sharing that is feeding a router, which in turn is giving wireless internet to my home network wherein my laptop is connected. Also, I can access remote desktop easily enough but even with disk drives shared they do not show up on the remote computers "My Computer" folder.

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Remote Access From Home To Work

Apr 14, 2008

I have a user here at work uses a Windows Xp laptop. Right now he is using OWA to view his emails. But how can he be setup to have access to the network to use his public folders and such? He takes his laptop everywhere goes he would like to have full access to the company network.

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How To Remote Access Home Computer?

Jul 29, 2005

I want to access my home computer via the internet when I work in my office. My home computer is behind a router. I enable the virtual server function of the router. How can I do next? I had installed the VNC/Netmeeting/Dameware in my computer. I knew the cable connection's static IP address and my home computer's virtual ip address.

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Access Denied On Remote Computer

Jul 8, 2005

I am running a small network of 10-15 computers all running W2K, XP home or XP Pro. We have one computer we use as a file share (W2K) and no servers and this seems to work well for us at the present time. As the administrator I'd like to be able to run scripts that will give me status on processes running on the remote computers. In particular, we are using Microsoft Backup to do our daily incremental backups for our one shared application. If a user remains logged into the app during the night the backup won't recover the open files.

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Remote Desktop To Access Work PC

Aug 25, 2006

i have my home computer set up so that i can use remote desktop to access my work PC.however, i am having difficulty doing the reverse: connecting from work to work pc is part of a domain and thus was easier to home computer is not part of a, what information do i need to connect to my pc? do i use the IP address of the machine i want to connect to? don't know if this is helpful info or not, but my pc is connected to a wireless router (linksys wrt54g). both machines run winXP pro.

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Unable To Access The Pc Via Remote Desktop Connection?

Mar 8, 2010

I cannot access my pc using remote desktop connection (verizon fios to att&t dsl).

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Remote Access To System Xp From Other Having 98 Through Terminal Service?

Jul 5, 2005

i would like to know if it is possible to access windows xp from windows 98 through terminal service. My win98 pc is able to access my other win2003 server using remote desktop 5.1 but could not access winxp. I was prompted that the windows xp pc might be busy but its not doing any task. I use the user name that was added to remote desktop users group and have assign a password. The terminal service is windows xp is already started.

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Remote Access / Need To Install New Virus Software

Apr 14, 2006

I just moved out of my parents' home and am now a province away. they need to install new virus software but can't figure out how to uninstall the old stuff. i tried helping them but failed, but i've heard you can remote access a computer in winxp and do stuff like that. can anyone tell me how? we're both using winxp, don't know if the fact that I'm using a laptop and they're on a desktop would make a difference.

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Remote Access Keeps Denying Us Saying Could Not Establish Connection

Aug 6, 2005

I've been trying to help a friend by using the remote access feature in XP. We have tried several times but it keeps denying us saying could not establish connection after recieving the request in the email. We both turned off firewalls off and are both on at the same time. The only difference is I'm cable and he's dialup.

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Use VPN To Remote Access Desktop Through Any Internet Connection?

Feb 21, 2009

I have done some reading up on the internet, but I am still slightly confused about the full capabilities of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).I set my home desktop up to be a VPN server and connect my laptop to the VPN. Now, can I access my home network through any internet connection? Also, I use TightVNC for a remote desk connection. When I am connected to the VPN through any random internet connection, can I use this to remote access my desktop?

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Installation Failed, Access Denied

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to install USB serial bus controllers so as to run Tata Photon+ modem, but it shows "Access Denied and Installation failed" message. I have Administrtor permissions.

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Device Manager / Microsoft Management Console" "Snap-in Failed To Initialize

Jul 28, 2005

Problem with getting device manager to display.Right click of my computer properties hardware device manager and I get a window titled "Microsoft Management Console" "Snap-in failed to initalize CLSID:{742468FC-4C96-11D0-ABEF-0020A-F6B0B7A}"I get it that something is missing, but what? I've tried going to the MMC to add a snap-in but the same window pops up again. Everything on this PC is exactly the same as my other one except that one has some DVD editting software. But they were both installed and maintained (updated) equally.

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Access Bus Controllers - Install The Software Automatically Failed

Mar 14, 2006

I do not know what happen. Every time when windows start,there is a pop-up message from the task bar stating that a new hardware 'bus controller' was found and a large dialog box appears that prompts me to install the hardware.So I follow the instruction and check for 'install the software automatically' but failed.I tried several times but not successful.I then go to Device Manager and found a yellow exclamation mark under 'Bus Controllers'.Here I tried to right-click on it and hit 'update driver' but also failed.

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