Device Manager / Microsoft Management Console" "Snap-in Failed To Initialize

Jul 28, 2005

Problem with getting device manager to display.Right click of my computer properties hardware device manager and I get a window titled "Microsoft Management Console" "Snap-in failed to initalize CLSID:{742468FC-4C96-11D0-ABEF-0020A-F6B0B7A}"I get it that something is missing, but what? I've tried going to the MMC to add a snap-in but the same window pops up again. Everything on this PC is exactly the same as my other one except that one has some DVD editting software. But they were both installed and maintained (updated) equally.

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Microsoft Management Console Snap In Failed To Initialize

Aug 21, 2005

Difficulty facing to get to group policy editor via run box and to fix the group policy management snap in.

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Opening Group Policy Editor - Snap-in Failed To Initialize

Aug 15, 2008

Hello! I am nkraoji I am using Win-XP Professional SP-2.While opening the Group Policy Editor by typing "gpedit.msc" in Run dialog box, immediately a small window titling 'Microsoft Management Console' comes up depicting the following error message :
Snap-in failed to initialize:

Name : Group Policy Object Editor

CLSID : {8FC0B734-A0E1-11D1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}

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Unable To Run Microsoft Management Console (MMC)?

Jan 24, 2008

Recently my laptop (windows XP home edition) had been having problem with Microsoft Management Console. When I double click on mmc.exe nothing happen and there is also no error message. Because of this I can't start any of the *.msc files
Under Administrative tools (Control Panel)
Component Services - comexp.msc
Computer Management - compmgmt.msc
Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration - mscorcfg.msc
Performance - perfmon.msc
Servicesm - services.msc
Other .msc command : that open with Microsoft management

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Failed To Initialize Properly

Sep 10, 2007

"The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application." Since I installed Visual Studio 2005, I've been getting this error when trying to run Soulseek, which has been working fine before. After OK, the same message comes up again, and after OK again, it closes and Soulseek doesn't run.The same thing happens trying to run Media Player Classic, and the HijackThis installer.Some googling suggested that other people had similar problems with other programs that might be .NET Framework related. I tried reinstalling Framework 2.0, installing 3.0, without any luck. Finally, I uninstalled Visual Studio and everything I could identify as installed with it, but still nothing.

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DISCover Socket Failed To Initialize

Mar 22, 2006

Win xp media center edition HP 3700 amd athlon computer Newbie here..At the end of start up (when loading) on my computer I get a box in the middle of my screen saying DISCover (on top) then underneath, it says, Socket failed to initialize. I can click OK and it will go away or I can X out of it and it will go away, however I do not feel that this should be happening. Can anyone help.. I will try to give more info as we go. I believe DISCover has something to do with the media edition XP I have?

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USERINIT.exe Application Failed To Initialize

Apr 30, 2007

I would appreciate any useful information. Making sly remarks is childish.I to have received the message: "USERINIT.exe Application failed to initialize" after removing software that was previously install and may have been causing the computer to not get a TCP/IP number. Now I can not get to the desktop, It hangs.
I agree sometimes reloading a cleaned of hard drive may be the only way to resolve a problem. However, first see if there are any quick fixes that may save some time.
If all you can say is start over again from scratch then you are wasting your time and everyone else's that reads for some answers.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly

Jul 10, 2009

The application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000142).Click on OK to terminate the application .

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly

Nov 19, 2006

I have Windows XP. I update my Virus Subscription in January every year and this year Norton said they no longer support the one I was using. I updated to the latest version and it included Pop up blocking and a bunch of other stuff. When it ran the scan it came up with a bunch of things and I diligently followed all the instructions to take care of them. (I don't know if this has ANYTHING to do with my problem but from some of the other posts I thought it might.) To make a long story short, I tried to update to Windows Media Player 10 to interface an MP3 player my daughter wanted to use. When I did this I got the following message. 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click on OK to terminate application.' After 2 days of trying to figure out what is causing this, I reverted back to the previous version I had and was grateful I got it back. Now, a few months later, I am working on something for my job and I go to install the software I need and the same message appears! So, I need some help. I am somewhat tech savvy but I haven't read code since learning Fortran in college 20 years ago!

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Partition Shows As System In Disk Management Console

Mar 25, 2008

Yesterday, I had to perform a new installation of Windows XP because I somehow corrupted some system files beyond repair. Now I have everything up and running anew and have made all the Windows updates and it's all honky dory. However, I just went to the Disk Managent Console with the intention of re-assigning drive letter for my storage partitions (not the one that contains Windows) and ran into a problem.I have a partition set up on my main hard disk to use exclusively for Window's pagefile. I have not yet set up Windows to put the pagefile there. This is the next partition after the primary partition that contains the OS. I wanted to set the drive letter of this partition to Z: to get it out of the way in Windows Explorer.

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Drive Letters Disappeared In Disk Management Console

Jan 29, 2006

Although I can see all drive and partitions letters in My Computer, when I go to Disk Management Console all Fixed Disks & Partitions letters have been disappeared. I use Windows XP Pro.

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Application Error Inicio.exe Failed To Initialize

May 21, 2005

when I start my computer. The first error message I get is Application error Inicio.exc failed to initialize properly (Ox000142). The second one is APVXDWIN.exe failed to start because pavall.dll was not found Re-installing the application may fix this proble. I am running Windows XP

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Sudden Working Stops - Failed To Initialize

Nov 10, 2004

I've had Win XP Pro installed on a new system for about 2 years now and suddenly nothing wants to work. When I boot up, Windows loads normally but then I get this error message: "TRdww:cwindowssystem32undll32.exe: rundll32.exe" also "The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000005) click ok to terminate application"Upon doing so ONLY Microsoft Word will run. Nothing else will, no internet explorer or any other application. When I reboot in 'safe mode' most things will work...except the printer spooler (I assume drivers are not loaded)I've run several Anti-virus scans and have turned up nothing. I've also done
a system-restore to an earlier time and no change!

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly 0xc0000005

Dec 27, 2007

So I have been having this issue with a program crashing and displaying a error message. Also just a note, This problem is happening on a windows xp pro machine. When the icon to start the application is clicked the program automatically displays the error. So I never actually get into the application. The error message reads "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005" (0xc0000005 means an access violation memory error occurred)

Now this is odd because the program works on other computers(of all different types)amd64, amd64x2, Intel core2duo, Intel celeron D, and a regular Intel P4 board. All with various different rams and such, leading me to assume this is not a hardware problem. I have tried to use the built in program error debugger in windows "Dr. Watson" to get a error log. but for some reason the program does write to the file.

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Moving System Partition As Shown On Computer Management Console

Sep 20, 2008

I've had some trouble last week were I got the BSOD, due to some problem with the registry, I couldn't find a solution and so bought a new SATA hard drive and installed XP on it (as i couldn't reinstall it on my old one for fear of losing all my files etc). Now however, after moving all my files into the new harddrive (where XP now seems to be), I want to format the old C: drive but the computer management console isn't allowing me to as the "system" partition is still on the old C: drive.In short, is there anyway to move that partition to the new F: drive where the boot partition is?

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Server 2003 - Print Management Console Wasn't Correct

Nov 6, 2007

I am trying to install the Print Management Console for Server 2003 R2 So far I have added the role of Print Server to the server. Discovered that the reason Print Management Console wasn't an option in the Admin Tools because you have to install it from Disk 2. Tried to install it and was told that the version of windows I was running wasnt the correct one for this update. Tried updating to R2 (how do you tell if the version your running is R2 or not?) but was told the version of Windows I was running is newer than the one on the disk. All I want is the PMC installed...

1) How do I tell whether I am already running R2 or not?
2) How do I get the PMC on this damn server?

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Start Programs - Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000012d)

Aug 24, 2008

I usually don't turn my computer off, but let it hibernate. This never caused problems, but lately, everytime after about a week, Windows became unstable. Part of the text disappears from the screen, like some text from web pages and the text 'start' on the start menu. When I try to start programs, I get various error messages, like 'The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d)'. When I close some programs, the system seems to work again for a couple of minutes, but then the problems start again.

(It might also occur when i do not use hibernate, but keep my computer on for a couple of days, but I didnt try this.) It looks like Windows is running out of memory or running out of some other resource? How can i check which resource is exactly running out? Physical memory is 458,224 kB, of which at the time of the problem about 84MB free and 114 MB system cache - not very different from the values during normal use.Kernel memory during time of the problem is total 188 MB - a lot higher than during normal use. However, I don't know what kernel memory is, how to reduce it, and whether it might cause this kind of problems. I am using Windows XP Home SP3. Processor is AMD Sempron 3000+.

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Error Application Failed To Initialize Properly - Outlook

Apr 22, 2008

I'm getting a LOT of error messages and having to reboot all the time. Let me see if I can explain what is happening... if my explaination isn't clear.. please ask me the questions you may need to know to be able to answer me 'When oppening an application I get: Application failed to initialize properly.'Or "not enough quota is avialbe to process the command'I use PCcillen and have had tech support did an hour going through my computer and have stated that there are 'no irus's'.Outlook: Sometimes when I go into find a file I get this type of error: Application or DLL C:Program FilesCommon FilesSytemMAPI1033outex.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this againt your installation diskette.

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The Application Failed To Initialize Because The Window Station Is Shutting?

Aug 9, 2005

When shutting down or restarting my computer I get the following message for about one twentieth of a second then a warning sound and finally the machine shuts down or reboots as normal.Can something be done to remove or settle this warning?

"The application failed to initialize because the window station is shutting

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Unable To Install/uninstall Any Drivers: Management Console Wont Work?

Jun 23, 2006

I am having a driver problem, which i find to be very weird. I cannot install, or uninstall a driver, nor can i disable on from device manager. When i try to do any of these I get either a "run DLL as an App has enountered a problem and needs to close" or if trying to do something from device manager, I get Microsoft Management Console has enountered a problem and needs to close. In the first case I believe the file was sysag.api in the second the file causing an error is mmc.exe.

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Computer Crashing - Open Program - Application Failed To Initialize

Apr 23, 2008

I'm using Windows XP on a home computer. My computer keeps crashing. It locks up and I have to pull the plug. If I'm in a forum, lines of type start disappearing. If I'm trying to open a program I get an error message like "application failed to initialize." Yesterday I got a Runtime error message: "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."

I ran Trend antivirus program and Webroot spysweeper, but no problems identified. I keep getting messages from Bigfix that a problem was encountered but by then I can't get Bigfix to open because it's locked up. I ran a dxdiag but it showed no problems either. The problem started when I ran the Uniblue registry sweeper which I thought was free. It identified some old stuff but charged a fee to fix it, so I deleted Uniblue. I went into regedit and removed Uniblue and while I was there I removed several old games from Gamehouse that had been uninstalled over the past year. I swear I didn't touch anything else in the registry! Please keep responses simple and specific as I don't know much about computers.

I just tried to open Incredimail and got the following message: IncMail.exe Application Error: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000044). Click on OK to terminate the application. Surprisingly, my computer didn't lock up yet and I was able to return here to edit my post, but a crash is coming....

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly - Explorer.exe Error (0xc000001d)

Mar 19, 2010

I use Windows XP with SP3 installed and when I turn on my computer and it gets to the log in screen it doesn't show the regular long in for XP but the clasic one. Also when I get into my profile (or anyone else for that matter) it says the following. "Explorer.EXE - Application error. The Application failed to initialize properly (0xc000001d)." All the other sites I went to say to open up the task manenger but when I go to do that it says.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly Error Code 0xc0150002

Jan 10, 2009

Im out of my depth here and after searching through Microsoft help topics and trying various things still no luck. After doing a repair with the XP disc I have ended with with more problems than before. I was going to make first priority SP1/2 as my system is now warning me. When I try I get this message. The procedure entry point SHRegGetValueW could not be located in the dynamic link library SHLWAPI.dll. Int Explorer 7 wont open: Same message as before. Tried to download updates (using Mozilla) but it requires IE 5 or above. WMPlayer wont open An internal error has occured , Office Word, Excell etc :The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002) Tried to unistall IE7 Control panel wont open

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Startup Shown Error Message-Application Failed To Initialize

Jan 2, 2007

I uninstalled Windows Defender ages ago as soon as I realized that it had just been hogging the CPU. For some reason, an error message pops up on startup: "The application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba. The problem caused the Windows Defender service to stop. For information on how to manually start a service, see the Help and Support center."

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Device Manager Reports Unknown Device Found?

Jul 15, 2005

I have installed a targus 7 port powered USB HUB on my computer. Device manager reports unknown device. I have deleted and it restalled the drived after the system rebooted. Device manager still saying unknown device. Their is not driver needed according to the manufacture. When the PC is booting it does see the IPOD mini and the Flash drive. But once the PC is fully out and login and I look a the device manager is still reporting unlnown device error (code 10).

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Audio Device Not Found / Listed In Device Manager

Aug 4, 2010

I had some trouble last night and today with getting rid of a virus. Now that it is gone, I am having sound problems (maybe related, maybe not). This morning, when I opened iTunes I got a message that there was no audio device detected. After trying several things, I rebooted. Magically, I could play music again. However, a short while later, I again got an error message telling me that there is no audio device found, even though it shows up in Device Manager as working properly. The problem goes away for a short time after I reboot, but returns. It is Realtek AC 97. Why won't my computer keep recognizing it? (It tried going to Realtek's site to download an update. It has updates for Windows 98, 95, etc., but not for XP. Or at least I couldn't find it.)

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Yellow Exclamation Point On Pci Device In Device Manager

May 12, 2010

Running Windows XP on Emachines ET1161-07. Installed all drivers that I could find, since EMachines does not represent XP. Tried Realtek audio and HD audio, tried Intel, didn't work. Tried NVidia, as it has an NVidia motherboard. Spent too much time on this computer. Can anyone lend a hand? I know it's got something to do with Audio, as there's no audio device detected in Sounds, under Control Panel.Customer has to have computer today.

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Device Manager Not Working - On Boot Up Sound Device

Dec 17, 2005

I gotta a XP Home SP2 Machine was running fine then on boot up sound device not found. went to device mng and no items displayed. System restore had been didabled and Norton disabled as well. Done a spyware scan pull nout so did virus

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OS Repair Failed - Recovery Console Inaccessible

Dec 5, 2008

Let me preface this by saying I'm a fairly advanced user, a software developer by trade, and I've been digging through google and ms tech support pages trying to find a solution to this. The last time I used this machine it was on SP2. I gave it to my wife well over a year ago and have no idea when or IF SP3 was installed. Of course I don't have the OS disks anymore. She brought it to me yesterday with the dreaded BSOD. I can't be sure what triggered it. Maybe a failed SP3 install, maybe some Chemdraw trial software...I can't be sure.

So I acquired an XP SP3 disc and ran the repair. I got a new BSOD about some missing executable, which I was able to install in the recovery console after entering an empty password. That got me back to my original BSOD so no luck. So my theory is that maybe SP3 is the problem and procede to acquire an XP SP2 disc instead, which happened to be a Dell distribution disc, which was probably a bad idea, but it seemed to work as any other disc would. Now I get a new BSOD telling me I'm missing msvcrt.dll. Which makes sense because EVERY repair that I've done, regardless of disc or service pack, has been unable to copy msvcrt.dll AND msvcp60.dll. Although only after repairing to SP2, do I get the specific BSOD message that this file is missing....

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Microsoft System Management Bios Driver

Nov 30, 2005

I had to reinstall XP and computer runs very slow on boot.
Under device manager, there was an exclamation beside "Microsoft System Management Bios Driver". Iwent to a help site and it said to just unistall it.

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Mystery PCI Input Device In Device Manager

Aug 31, 2005

I had this problem last time when I fresh installed Windows XP Pro on my computer. I don't know the time, but it happens at least 30 days after I reinstall the OS and software. Today, my computer prompted me to install drivers for a PCI Input Device, but I haven't installed any new hardware for months. Basically, I haven't touched the inside of my computer for that long. So why is Device Manager prompting me to install this mystery device? Hardware ID shows that it is from vendor 1102, which is Creative, and I have an Audigy 1. Also, my FireWire port is Code 10, the device cannot start. So I'm thinking the mystery device is the same firewire port. But why show up as a separate device? I tried removing the devices and restarting the computer, but they return to haunt me again. The device properties for the PCI Input Device says PCI SLOT 7, AND I DONT HAVE A 7th slot! Can someone help me, please? Device manager shows my 1394 Net Adapter with a yellow exclamation, and it has code 10, device cannot start. There is an unknown device, the PCI Input Device, which doesn't allow me to install any drivers for it, yet it has the creative Vendor ID 1102. It shows itself as being PCI Slot 7.

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