Computer Doesn't Start - AVG - SP1

Jan 30, 2006

I had a ton of problems with my computer (corrupted files, registry, etc) until I found out that the hard drive was the responsible. (70ish bad sectors) I bought one last week. The computer ran fine. Last night I got some errror about a DLL being corrupt (I think it was sxs.dll) and I had to run CHKDSK. After a while I turned the system off. Today I turn it on, CHKDSK runs automatically, then the system fails at starting up: the mouse arrow appears, but nothing more.It can't be the hard drive, as it's new. Bad RAM maybe? Could it be some software? P2P, games, virus, anything? Is there a way to fix it? I'm not gonna format, there's too much data at stake. I'm using XP SP1, with AVG.

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Starting Computer - Explorer.exe Doesn't Start Up

Jun 19, 2005

I'm having a problem with my explorer.exe. When i start the computer, explorer.exe doesn't start up. I have to manually go into task manager and run it from the new task tab.

The computer was fine friday night. Last thing i did was run it in safe mode and run my Norton anti-virus software, since it takes a few hours to run. But when i restarted the computer on saturday, it greeted me with an empty desktop. I did a few preliminary things such as run some spyware programs (spybot), ran the Norton antivirus again, and did a system restore from a week a go, but to no avail.

I would very much like to get this fix. Im about to start writing my thesis for school, and i need my computer to be at its best behavior. Can't lose a 100 page document few months before its due. Im including the HJT log in case there is some valuable information. I kinda know what should be running in my computer, but maybe you guys can see something different in it.

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Hdd PC Replacing / Reformat Non Destructive Way - Computer Doesn't Start Up

Nov 1, 2006

Since removing the shipped HP HDD from my PC and replacing it with a 3rd party fresh one, I am concerned about how I will now go about recovering my PC. When Windows had problems in the past, I could simply press F10 on startup and there was a diagnostic section which allowed me to reformat in an either destructive or non-destructive way. What happens if my computer doesn't start up nowadays? As in, the Windows Loading logo screen appears and then the monitor goes black and stays black.. Is there any software or method to allow me to have some sort of management over this? Sorry if I have not been able to correctly ask my question.. Kinda hard.

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Failing Uninstall Service Pack 3 - Computer Doesn't Start

Sep 3, 2009

My computer is Toshiba Satellite A215, with Windows XP home edition. I had Service Pack 2, but about a week ago, I updated to Service Pack 3. After installing Service Pack 3, the whole computer slowed down and started acting weird. The speaker started to make noise, it started to show error messages often, the internet does not work smoothly, spyware & virus search take 10 hour or more and never finish (it used to take only a few hours), etc.

So, I wanted to put the Service Pack 2 back to my computer. I tried uninstalling SP 3. But it failed uninstalling and I got a message says something like "couldn't uninstall SP3". I thought it might let me uninstall if I restart the computer and I tried to restart, and it never start again. This blue screen with a message, something like "autochk program not found-autochk skipped" comes up and then it goes back to the Windows LOGO screen and keeps doing the same thing. I read about some similar problems, and tried a few things, like starting with safe mode or last setting that worked, etc, but they do not seem to work....

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Loops On The Start Up Screen: Computer Doesn't Work Properly.

Dec 6, 2008

In need of some major help, whenever i load up my computer everything loads up fine untill i get to the status bar screen which just loops and loops over and over again and nothing happens from that point onwards not only that but it knocks out all my devices i.e keyboard, mouse etc. I can open it in safe mode no problem and in this i have done numerous system restores. If i leave my computer off or idle for about 12 hours it worls again after that but about 2-4 days later the problem happens again this has happened aprox 7 times now. I really need someones help as this is my main computer and i have everything on it

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Computer Doesn't Start Properly - "insert Boot Disk" ?

Mar 25, 2005

everytime i shut down my comp, when i turn it on again i get an error message that says 'insert boot disk' on the startup screen. i'm not sure what the exact message was, but it was something about boot disk i should have written it down anyway, i turned the comp off, and shook the CPU a bit and then tried again and it started. I did a virus scan and every things clear l. i don't know much about these things lol so doing the virus scan must sound a little then anyway, i had to turn the computer off again and then when i switched it on i got the same error message. i pushed the off button and then put it on again and it worked. how do i prevent getting the error?

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Moved Start Up Programs From C To D And Now System Doesn't Start

Jan 12, 2007

I admit it...I moved my startup folder from C drive to D and now I am dead in the water. The computer is a Sony PCV RS420 with Windows XP Home Edition with all the updates. When I start the comp. I get "SONY" on the screen and thats it. Unresponsive to all F commands.

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PC Doesn't Always Start And Then Freezes After 45-60 Secs

Apr 24, 2005

Hey guys, hoping you can help, hopefully i have put this in the right section...

My computer has yet another problem - lovely.

It was all running fine until yesterday night when I went to play on a game - Medal Of Honor: Spearhead, which i've been playing for years. Anyways, I connected to my usual server, and the computer froze. I waited for 10 mins, and then powered it off by the PWR button on the front of the computer.

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Bit Torrent - Doesn't Move Or Start The Download

Oct 22, 2005

On my old computer, i ran bittorrent and downloaded LEGAL stuff off of, but for some reason now i'm on my lapotp and none of the things want to download it just doesn't move or start the download. I AM running Norton, would this do anythign?

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Start Outlook Express - Doesn't Exit

Jul 6, 2005

Why does Windows Messenger start every time Outlook Express starts ? Why doesnt it exit when OE exits ?

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Programs Start Up Keyboard Doesn't Work

Aug 21, 2006

i'm having a serious problem with my computer, i am on my dads pc the now because my PC is trippin. Programs start up on their own and the keyboard doesnt work. I Think it is a virus or a hacker, or maybe even spyware im not sure. When i stick my system recovery disc in and at the start up but wen it asks u to press 'r' i can't even becuase the keyboard isnt responding. is their anyway i can get my PC back on track ? because i dont want to lose everything on it i have around 300gb of stuff on it.

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Explorer Doesn't Start / No Desktop Icons Or Taskbar

Jul 13, 2008

I have about 80 computers running in a domain environment.All are winxp pro sp2 or better. The server in Windows 2003 sp2. What I've been experiencing is when a user logs in sometimes explorer doesn't start. Its very random. I can't find a pattern. I just have the user ctrl-atl-del, log off and log back in and all is fine. We are running Symantec AV 10.2 ( is what is installed on each pc). I know this is the cause of the problem because of 2 reasons. I uninstalled Symantec AV and the issue disappeared. Also I just upgraded one client from SAV 10.2 to SEP11 and the same thing just started to happen with them. I know others on the net have uncounted the same thing but I have yet seen the fix.

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Not Responding - Start Bar - Task Manager Doesn't Show Up

Oct 2, 2010

I have Winodws XP on a Compaq nc6120. I opened my laptop today to get it working and clicked on Google Chrome's shortcut, and nothing happened. The hourglass cursor came up and it stayed that way for about a half hour, then I tried to turn it off and back on the same thing keeps happening. I have also tried other programs. The task manager doesn't show up and the start bar does not even respond. I ran an HDD self-test and it said that all tests were successful. I use Avast Anti-Virus Free, and tried to download Comodo, but something went wrong, this was the day before theses issues started happening. I'm not very intelligent when it comes to 'under-the-hood' problems with computers, so I have no idea what could be happening.

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Clean Install Doesn't Start Setup After Copying The Files

Oct 9, 2007

Got new parts for PC upgrade. All parts new (including cables) but recycled HDD and DVD/CD-ROM.All bits connected and powered up last night in about 10 mins. Put Windows XP CD in, went into setup/ reformat process then PC needed rebooting to continue with Windows setup. Fine. or so I thought. rebooted, went into "Please press any key to boot from CD". IF pressed any key, went through the whole reformat, copy setup files etc. ELSE, just hangs on that screenie. No error messages or anything!Seems to me like it's gone into a loop, and not running the Windows set-up files copied into the HDD.

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Start I Tunes Error Message - Audio Configuration Doesn't Work Properly

May 15, 2007

i'm using window's xp. whenever i start my i-tunes program, i get an error message telling me "i-tunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. audio/video lpayback may not work properly." at this point, i no songs will play, and the sound doesn't come through the speakers when i'm watching any videos on the web either. Every once and a while, my monitor will flicker, then power down, leaving me with no choice but to manually shut the pc down. in addition, the desktop and browser graphics have begun to deteriorate. they almost look like somethign from windows 95. i have no idea where to start,

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Cd - Rom Doesn't Show On Computer

Feb 15, 2005

my dvd/cdrw drive just recently disapeared from the "my computer" window, and it does not work any more. It has power going to it. I checked all cables plenty of times. The only time it works is when i put XP cd and restart computer, it reads it. But otherwise it wont read anything when i am on Xp. i dont watn to reformatt agian lol

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Me As The Administrator

Mar 1, 2005

My operating system, Windows XP, comes up with several error messages when I try to open up system files or programs that concern the "Computer Administrator". I then checked in the Control Panel to make sure that my name is in fact the admininstrator, and it is, to no suprise. But whenever I try to open these programs it either says this has been disabled by the administrator. The administrator has turned off this feature.

I don't know why this happens. I find out a way to fix it and then when I close it, it won't let me reopen it without fixing it again. Some programs that I have tried that don't work and give me this or a similar error message are, System Restore, Task Manager, Regedit, and Windows Update.

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Computer Doesn't Like Keyboards Or Mice

Jun 24, 2005

At random occasions, my mouse will get all jumpy on me. Another way to describe it would be laggy - the pointer is laggy. I can drag the pointer across the desktop and it'll get 'stuck' a few times. Sometimes it even gets stuck for 10-30 seconds. Sometimes although very, very rarely it gets stuck and won't move until I reboot. Logging out of Windows and changing users or something like that doesn't help. I have to shutdown or reboot.

And sometimes the computer will beep when the mouse is getting stuck. The beep isn't coming from my speakers, but from the motherboard (?). The mouse is clean, I'm sure of that. It has also been taken care of, so I don't understand why it would start failing on me. And the other bizarre thing is that.. sometimes the mouse will work okay for two straight days, but then it'll start to screw up, and stay a little jumpy even after a reboot, such as right now.

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Computer Doesn't Stand By Or Hibernate

Apr 27, 2007

i have a laptop (windows xp) and when i close the lid it goes into stand by automatically, and successfully, but then starts back up within 2-10 seconds for no reason.same case with hibernation, as soon as the computer is in hibernation it starts up again. i went to windows website but it suggests this has to do 3d screen savers which i dont use. this seems like a common problem and supposedly has to do with winfixer, sysprotect or winantivirus spyware. my computer had had vundo trojan.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Anything Being On The Disc

Mar 3, 2006

I have a Windows XP home SP2 computer that has a Sony DVD RW DW-D22A that supposedly supports both -R and +R. Well I bought a stack of 100 Blank DVD-R and less than 1/2 way through the stack they turned into lousy DVD's. Both for DVD movies and data storage they wouldn't work. I would get this CRC check sum error message. I contacted the manufacturer and sent in a few samples and they replaced them - sent me two stacks of 50 - nice company. Well I just burned a data disc and my computer doesn't recognize anything being on the disc - I even get the "You have inserted a blank cd/dvd window" thing on my screen. I then tried to burn a dvd movie using a different program and that program doesn't even recognize a disc being in the drive (yes I did put in a fresh dvd before I started the program).

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Computer Doesn't Show The Second Drive

Dec 13, 2007

I have two hard drives each divided into two partitions.I performed a clean install and repartitioned the C drive into C: and D:"My Computer" shows the C & D partitions correctly but does not show the second drive with it's partitions D: and E:In "Disk Management" of "Computer Management", my secondary drive is shown as Disk 0 and not being partitioned with all the GB combined.

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Computer Doesn't Read Router?

Feb 22, 2008

All right here is my story and my problem.I am using router Thomson Speedtouch 780 WL and Windows XP SP 2 Version 2002. Everything worked well until one day my connection dropped and now doesn't work. I reseted router and couldn't set it up again on my PC! (web browser doesn't open router webpage) but it worked everything well for laptop. My PC doesn't say like router would be unplugged, but it says that my connection is "Limited or no connectivity". I can't even use Mail programs/MSN on my PC, but all works on wifi/laptop using cable.My config settings seem to be same as on laptop and I reinstalled my ethernet driver but nothing has got better.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize CD Drive?

Aug 9, 2007

My brother went to My Computer one day and saw that there was no disc drive there, it was working in the past, but now it doesn't show up, I don't think he did anything unusual. But it shows up under Safely Remove Hardware Wizard with "Samsung CD Drive" or something like that.

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Clicking Add/Remove Program Icon In Control Panel Doesn't Start The Program?

Jan 29, 2005

I have been using Add/Remove icon in Control Panel to remove programs. Although the Win2k Pro is running fine ,the icon of Add/Remove Program is not opening the next window to remove the programs.

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Computer Doesn't Auto-login Anymore

Aug 17, 2010

I only have 1 user on my computer, but it doesn't automatically log-in for me anymore. I never changed the settings, it just did on it's own this morning for some reason. Also, now for some reason instead of going to a screen saver when I'm inactive for like 10 minutes, it will instead take me back to the log in screen. Also, how can I stop Windows Messenger (a weak version of MSN Messenger) from starting when I turn on my computer? I'm using Windows XP.

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2009

I am running XP Pro on my computer. On another drive I have windows 7. My computer stopped booting to my XP drive all of a sudden, but it would let me boot to my Windows 7 drive. That lasted for about 3 days. Now I can't boot to either drive. When I start the computer it says there is no HDD. I tried to use the XP disk to repair, that didn't work., so I thought I'd do an XP install. But my hard drive doesn't show up all the time. Or it will show the HDD but upon trying to pick a partition to set up XP in, it then tell me there is no HDD. I get the blue screen of death, and have to manually force a shut down. Other times it tell me that the HDD is RAW, and it needs to be formatted. How can I get the HDD to format? Is there a way to do it through DOS. Sometimes I can't even get to the DOS prompt. The bootup section is corrupt. I need to repair it, but can't if the system doesn't see my HDD.

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2 Win 2000 Pro Computer OS - One Works / Other Doesn't - How To Delete One?

Feb 8, 2005

Some how I have 2 WIN 2000 Pro on my computer. One works and the other doesnt, so how do delete the one that doesnt work?

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Ftp Commands / Computer Doesn't Send The Information To The Server

Aug 15, 2005

When i run a batch file wich includes a ftp command, the computer doesn't send the information to the server, the windows firewall is actived.

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Computer Freeze Mouse And Keyboard Doesn't Respond

Oct 3, 2006

My computer will just freeze out of nowhere, never while in a game, but sometimes while just doing menial tasks in windows, or just idling. By Freezes, I mean, I have one image on my monitor that's it. The mouse doesn't respond, the keyboard doesn't, nothing brings it out of it. It's ridiculous, and I'm tired of rebooting in the middle of something important.I recently found that the SM Bus Controller Drivers aren't installed, and I'm installing those, would that have anything to do with it?

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Computer Doesn't Recognize Extra Hard Drives

May 9, 2005

I recently was forced to do a re-install of XP to clean up a few bugs.The system has 3 hard drives, but since the reinstall, only the C: drive appears. The other two are nowhere to be found.I've tried mapping to them, but they just don't show up there as a mapping option.Anyone have any advice? When I added the extra hard drives I didn't have an available slot and did have to create a partition. I no longer have the software I had originally used though. Do I need it to make the 2 other drives visable?

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Usb Drives Attached - Computer Malfunctioned Doesn't Recognize

Jan 6, 2008

I keep getting this error "One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it". And if I leave my PC on to long the keyboard, mouse, and sometimes even the monitor stop working. I've tried unplugging the keyboard and mouse (which are not USB) and plugging them back in, but to no avail.

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