No Task Bar No Start Menu - Just Blank Screen

May 13, 2005

A family member ran Norton Anti-Virus and an XP error message came up saying that XP needed to be reinstalled. I don't have a backup disc or a Windows XP disc. I read in another post "The system should have at least come with the setup files located on a hidden partition on the hard drive." Does anyone know how to access this? I can still get into programs and whatnot through pressing ctrl+alt+delete, clicking Applications and New Task. Then I browse for whatever I want to open, i.e. AOL etc. But XP has otherwise completely disappeared off my desktop. All that is there is the background. No taskbar, Start menu, or anything. It won't right click either. I tried System Restore, no luck

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Blank Screen - Can't See Start Menu, My Computer Etc

Oct 11, 2010

I installed Windows XP on my computer, but when I got to restart / cut it on its just a blank sceeen. I can't see nothing like (start menu, my computer,etc..) What have I done and how do I correct it ?

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Start Menu Is Totally Blank....

Sep 2, 2008

as you can see from the picture my start menu has no "recent used" programs. you are probably thinking it is related to the theme i am running on my computer, but nope i had this problem before installing this theme. although previously i did have windowsblinds installed on my computer, and during this the problem occoured.

i have tried system restores and every one i try says its unable to do in properties for the start menu

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Desktop Completely Blank - No Start Menu

Feb 20, 2007

HEY,my desktop is compltely blank,i read d previous post but cudnt figure it out how to restore d desktop.thers no start menu,i cant rightclick on desktop,cannot read the content in cd/dvd/pen drive by using the windows task manager but can run installed programs that were there before desktop crashed.

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Opens To Blank Desktop - No Icons Or Start-up Menu

Dec 28, 2006

Having displayed the 'Welcome' screen during power-up, my computer (Dell D0926 Dimension 2400) then proceeds to my desktop (the picture that I chose, rather than, for example, a black or blue blank screen). There are a few egg timers, and the arrow is present, but no icons appear whatsoever.

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Win Loses Desktop - Start Menu Options / Goes Blank

Jun 28, 2008

This is not a desktop recovery error. While using the computer, for example using IE on the internet: all of my desktop icons and access to anything ie. start menu and right click on desktop no longer works. I can continue using the IE open window, but to get my other programs back I have to shut down. The desktop wallpaper still remains.

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Where Did Task Bar And Start Menu Go?

Jul 17, 2005

My taskbar and start menu don't appear at the bottom of my desktop. How do I get them back?

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Advanced Start Menu Options Blank, Sys Restore Non-functional?

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on recovering a machine from a month-long period of time during which it was completely overrun with spyware and virues. Currently, I have the following issues to contend with: System Restore can only be activated or deactivated via direct registry edit. When you try from the System Properties window, it simply tells you that an error occurred and to try a restart. The advanced start menu options are blank. There are no options to turn off or on things like "Show Network Connections." The options can be turned on in the registry, but the options are missing altogether from the 'rt-click-on-the-start-button' process. Any instance of IE that is open shows in the taskbar as "Windows Explorer," rather than Internet Explorer.

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Start Menu / Icons / Task Bar Don't Appear

Aug 13, 2006

The Start Menu,icons,taskbar,dont Appear Only The Desktop Background Image Appears..But When I Restart The Computer Everything Appears Normal. So My Computer Will Only Show Everything If I Restart After I 1st Boot It Up..So Everyday I Have To Boot My Computer Up Twice To Make It Work..Also Drives Keep Trying To Install Themselves When They Are Already Installed.

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NO Start Menu / Task Bar Or Icons

Oct 30, 2007

I currently ran a disccleanup and deleted all the temp files and etc. i rebooted and none of my icons appeared, taskbar was gone as well as start menu. All that was left was my background. I tried CTR+ALT+DELETE to run programs..but ieexplore, explorer, or anything else would not run. I am currently running in safe mode and everything is fine. wats the deal. i tried also a system restore but that didnt work either.

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Does Task Bar And Start Menu Look Like Windows 95 Instead Of XP

Aug 16, 2005

why does my taskbar and start menu look like windows 95 instead of XP. it seems to have changed itself overnight?

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Task Bar / Start Menu Not Working

Jan 15, 2006

For some reason, my computer decides to not let me click on the Taskbar/start menu/system tray area. It stays updated, with whatever I open, but I just can't click on anything. Or I should say, clicking has no effect. Right OR Left.This seems to come and go with restarts. But not every restart more randomly.I am running Windows XP with SP2.

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Task Bar / Start Menu Not Booting

Aug 27, 2008

Recently I was experiencing a bit of slowness when playing a MMO, and I figured that perhaps this was a Windows update that wanted to install so I tried restarting the computer. At that time, I got a message (disappeared too quickly to remember) telling me that something was "dirty" and it performed so sort of cleaning on all my files. Afterwards, the taskbar and the start menu did not boot with windows. I attempted to restart it again but still the same. The boots take a longer than usual time and the icons on my desktop show up quite slowly. As well, every 5-10 I lose my active window as if a program is about to open, but nothing ever does.

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Start Up Menu And Task Bar - Disappeared

Nov 18, 2007

I started up my PC yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes!I have looked all over the net and cannot find anything like this. Here is the description:The PC loads windows, but instead of going to my desktop screen... I get to an open windows explorer window (open to my desktop list) - my start up menu and taskbar are GONE.Everything else works.... my programs, my files, my user config.everything, I went into control panel and clicked on taskbar... nada... nothing happens checked anti virus.. nada.I have another physical disk (d with windows and when I swithc it to be the boot up disk, I get windows like usual, but none of my user configuration.... and the programs from the original disk do not load.

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No Task Bar Or Start Menu - Ran Explorer.exe And Nothing

Jun 5, 2006

I have windows XP home edition running on a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop, and have recently done a windows repair, which set me back to service pack one. So I went to the site and downloaded all of the necessary updates, installed, and then went back a second time and did it again and installed SP2. I then received the BSOD when I restarted after SP2. So I started up using F8 to boot into the most recent configuration that worked, and there was no taskbar or start menu. I tried starting up normally, and it started up, but took forever loading (the screen that says loading your settings), and the taskbar is still not there, neither is the start menu.

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Start Menu, Task Bar And Scroll Bar Are Not Working

Apr 15, 2007

I clicked on a movie which I have saved and watched before and is supposed to play in iTunes, after I clicked on the movie to watch it my task bar at the bottm of the screen went black... the start menu wouldn't come up, and the scroll bar thing on my touchpad stopped working. So I rebooted, by using ctrl alt del then selecting shut down, then turn off.

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Feb 18, 2009

The only way I can get started is Control/Alt/Delete, which raises Task Manager, then enter URL for Internet Explorer (.exe) to get into the internet, then either hit the Read Mail button to get Outlook Express, or enter the Outlook Express URL into Task Manager.Can't access C-drive at all. Haven't tried A or D drives yet

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No Desktop Icons / Task Bar / Start Menu

Jan 27, 2010

no desktop icons tasks bar start menu

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3 Pictures In Task And Start Menu Properties

Jan 9, 2008

How to change the that 3 pictures in "Task and Start Menu Properties"? By the way, Is there any suggestion to replace?

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No Start Menu Task Bar Or Desktop Icons

Dec 30, 2006

I have a New Dell E520. Have use it for 4 days, then error shutdowns started.(Having to use laptop again.)
Used system restore, and now No start menu, task bar or desktop icons.Key board hardly works on power up until the welcome screen, so safe mode start is not possible� Can run certain program using task manager, but none that might help to solve problem.

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Start Menu Task Bar And Desktop Icons Are Gone

Jan 5, 2009

The start menu, task bar and icons are all missing. The only way i can open anything is to hit ctrl alt del and open the task manager. Where did everything go?

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Missing Desktop And Start Menu And Task Bar

Jan 13, 2006

A friend of mine is running XP and has a bizarre problem that I can't figure out. Their desktop, start button and taskbar have completely disappeared. They can only run applications by using the task manager to manually browse to the application and launch. All of the apps work perfectly fine, it's just they have no desktop.I'm sure I am missing something obvious, but this one has me stumped.

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Theme Changes Are Not Affecting Task Bar / Start Menu

Oct 9, 2007

ok plz help me. First i had a problem with uxtheme.dll and i fixed it but now themes work cept they dont apply to the taskbar or start menu but they do for everything else and iv tryed to fix uxtheme.dll a few more time like sue the repare i have and still nuthin y wont they affect it. The taskbar/ start menue propertes also are not on clasic.

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Menus Invsible In Start Menu And Task Bar

Jul 8, 2005

I am trying to find out why menus are not visible. For instance If I open my Start Menu and go to All Programs I can see all of those, but the program submenus are not visible, I see the shadowed outline and that is it. Also happens for the menus off the taskbar. Basically anything that is a submenu is not visible. The entire Start Menu is not visible in the classic view as well.

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Task Bar And Start Menu Properties Does Not Work

Jul 17, 2005

Recently i downloaded a program for msn called 'CE/DP STEALER. After i downloaded it , it didnt seem to be working correctly, so i uninstalled it and all of its adds. , now my problem is that the 'CE/DP STEALER' has left loads of past items on my customise notifications. what i mean by this is that when you right click on the taskbar, and then click properties, i go to the taskbar tab, and then i click on customise.I see that
the CE/DP STEALER has left alot of rubbish in my past items. Is there anyway of getting rid of all this?

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Start Menu / Task Bar And Desktop Icons Do Not Startup

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone help? I ran Spybot and deleted all identified problems. Now when I reboot, and anytime I startup, I get to blank wallpaper with nothing else. I can run task manager to get to all apps OK, but this is not very useful.I tried running from a previous known good state, but nothing changed. I also tried starting up in safe mode, but only get a black screen.

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Start Menu Desktop Icons And Task Bar Is Missing.

Dec 11, 2005

When I log in to my XP home laptop (in regular and safe mode), I am unable to see start menu, desktop icons (however, wallpaper is there and mouse arrow is active) and task bar is missing. Also, pop up the message: wininet.dll is missing (twice).Now I am able to log in safe mode and can see all desktop icons start button and task bar but still I am unable to get all those in regular mode. Meanwhile, my Norton told me that computer has Bloodhound.W32.EP virus but unable to fix it.

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Start Menu, Task Bar Locked When Search Facility Is Used

Jan 15, 2009

Trying to search for files. Open 'start menu', can't open search facility. Start menu and task bar then becomes 'locked'.Still able to access programs from desk top and open 'search facility' from control panel.

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Grey Task Bar And Start Menu / Themes Is It Trojan

Mar 24, 2008

I would be very grateful for some of your input. We have recently suffered from several Trojan viruses and an attempt to install Sony Ericsson's phone suite. I have hopefully got rid of both. Though I still get the occasional crash of win23 services. My AVG is up to date and has not found any more viruses and there is no detected spy ware. However as a result the task bar, start menu and IE have all gone Grey.

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Just Desktop Wallpaper / No Icons / Start Menu Or Task Manger

Jan 27, 2006

I have a major problem. When I regularly start Windows XP home edition. It seems to run just fine, yet the mouse is at an hourglass for a good amount of time.Then, All the icons disappear, Start Menu goes away, Cannot open task manger or run anything. Computer then stalls with DLL.exe and svchost error messages.I ran a spybot scan and adaware. Only coming up with Jupilites and Smitfraud-C.Both have been cleaned.If I can find a way to transfer my HJT file from my laptop to the computer I am currently using, will posted as soon as possible.

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Run Option Got Disappeared From My Start Menu / Task Manager Wont Work?

May 21, 2007

the run option got disappeared from my start menu....also task manager is not working....cant even open regedit.exe from windows folder.

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