Can't Complete Repair Install - Turned Machine Off, Restarted

Oct 27, 2008

Started the pc w/the XP Home SP2 cd in, and followed prompts to do a repair install. All was going well. Got to the point of it needing to restart the computer. After the Windows logo appeared, received STOP error 7E, with no driver mentioned. (1st variable if needed is 0x0000006). Turned machine off, restarted. Same thing. Tried again, this time trying Safe Mode. I get the message "Setup cannot continue in Safe Mode, Click OK to restart".

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Unable To Complete Repair Install

Apr 23, 2007

I've been trying to do a XP Home Edition repair install for a very long time now. I've restarted it a lot of times but in the "Installing Windows" section when it says setup will approximately complete in 25 mintues it starts "copying files", I get this "copy error" "Setup cannot copy the file licwmi.dl_.Ensure that the disk labeled 'Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 CD' is in the drive section below, or provide the location where the file can be found."

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Repair Installation Will Not Complete

May 17, 2009

On yahoo home page was holding mouse over an ad. The computer suddenly crashed and restarted. My husband then got a sudden error message on his computer.

"One of the files containing the System's registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful" You could not get it to go away if you clicked ok. We restarted in manually because you were not able to get into start or any programs at all. I did get it to go away at one point but still could not get into any programs or start menu. I was trying to run an anti virus and also a clean up and fix of registry, but could not.

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Can't Complete Windows Repair After HD Move

May 1, 2009

After a PSU failed and took my motherboard with it, I decided to build a new system and move my hard drive. Of course XP wouldn't boot. Since I didn't have an XP disc on hand (old system came with XP preloaded), I purchased Vista figuring I might be able to do an in-place upgrade (i could use 64-bit anyways). This didn't work as the Vista upgrade demanded to be started from within windows. I downloaded a clean version of XP w/ bittorrent and attempted a repair install. This seemed to go fine until setup restarted to complete the installation. Now XP restarts automatically on the loading screen and if I start in safe mode, I get the message "Windows XP Setup cannot run under Safemode."

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Install Can't Find HDD - Restarted Itself - File Mup.sys

Apr 20, 2007

my XP install started acting up and whenever it loaded the XP boot screen, my HDD light stayed on, and after a couple of minutes, my computer restarted itself. To find the problem, I started XP in safe mode, and it went to load up till a file mup.sys(?), can't remember. I re-plugged my SATA cable (I have a Samsung SpinPoint 160GB on a MSI P965 Neo-F running a Core 2 Duo E6600 at stock clocks), switched the cable, and checked that my mobo's bios was emulating the RAID device on IDE. The thing is, every other OS finds my HDD (even Win 2000!): Linux, Vista, Mac OS-X (I was desperate). I'm running openSUSE 10.2 right now, and I desperately need Windows back! My dad won't let me install Vista yet.

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Computer It Continuosly Restarted And Restarted

Oct 8, 2006

I downloaded some automatic updates and restarted my puter as instructed. However, when I restarted the computer it continuosly restarted and restarted just as it got to the desktop. So I started up in safe mode thinking i could restore back to before I installed the updates. But it seems W2k doesn't have this capability, so i uninstalled the latest Windows update I found on my puter. Okay, I can get to the desktop but my Internet connection no longer works and the browser just keeps popping open windows like it has constant hiccups or something. I bought this puter second hand so I don't have any disks or anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Are these components I uninstalled located somewhere on the HD where i can retrieve them and maybe undo this mess?

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Upgrade Vs. Complete Install

Oct 9, 2006

I am planning to reformat my desktop this weekend. I currently have Windows ME,upgraded to Windows XP Home. I would like to buy the complete Windows XP Home (with SP2) so I can have a nice clean (and hopefully easy!) reformatting experience. Am I allowed to sell my old Windows XP Home "Upgrade" software to else on Ebay I have all the cumentation and serial numbers. Is there anything else I need to provide to a potential buyer It would be nice to recoup some of the cost of my new Window

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Home SP2 Install Won't Complete?

Jul 26, 2005

I cannot seem to install SP2. Every time I try, it freezes up somewhere in the middle. I just tried last night, and it never made it past the first message. Something like "Initializing installation". It doesn't sound like the hard drive is doing anything. When I try to cancel the install, it will then freeze on the "Cancelling Installation" message. The only way out is to "End Task". The furthest I got was one time when it seemed to finish installing, but when it rebooted, my system was at 640 x 480 resolution, and still at SP1! I then ran a System Restore and got back to where I originally was, minus a bunch of security patches, even though the point I restored should have already had those patches


-When trying to install, I let it run OVERNIGHT, so it has plenty of time to work.)

-System is clean of Spyware, Viruses, etc.

-System performance is pretty good, although I do get an occasional blue screen, hence the reason I'm finally trying to update.

Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?

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System Updates Install Automatically After Turned On

Sep 23, 2007

I am on a fresh clean install of Windows XP and Windows has already updated five times now. Windows is set for automatically download recommended updates and install them. I turned on my computer tonight and it downloading updates again for a total of six times now, when will it stop? I am starting to worrie here.

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PRO: Post-SP3 Updates Will Not Complete Install

Jul 25, 2009

I'm working on a ASUS F5V laptop. The system had some problems, it has to be returned to the manufacturer on an RMA, and they re-installed Windows XP Pro circa December 2007. When I got the machine back it needed many Windows updates. The first was SP3, then there were 41 OS updates, and 9 hardware and other updates. The install process got to #46 of 50, KB951847 (Updated for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5). The screen had not moved for an hour at that point but the same screen remained. I canceled the install, it reported immediately that cancellation was taking place, and then it stopped. No indication it was rolling back the updates.

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Virus And Did A Complete Re-install Of Windows Xp

Aug 25, 2007

I recieved a virus and did a complete re-install of windows xp. Unfortunately I did not have a anti-virus program. I unwisely surfed the web and seemed to have contracted another virus. Trend-micro's trial program doesn't seem to be able to locate the virus. I also loaded spybot, ad-aware, and XoftSpySE, and they say I have many problems, but can't seem to fix them every time I run these programs

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Install Of SP2 Won't Complete: XP Couldn't Find Ntoskrnl.exe?

Apr 3, 2007

OK, I downloaded Diskkeeper premium the other night and it ran through my disk and defragged. Later, the system (running slow) so I uninstalled it. Still ran terrible. Did a system restore and upon booting, XP couldn't find ntoskrnl.exe. I never could get xp back up and going into the recovery console from the XP setup disk showed the windows folder was empty. I'm guessing the system restore wiped it and didn't complete reloading the contents which is why it was empty. I pulled the drive and hooked it up to another system as a second drive and was able to get some vital data files but most that

I needed were corrupt and wouldn't copy.i put the drive back in the machine it was in, started a fresh install of XP sp2 and it loads all files and when it starts windows to do the install, it hangs at 33 minutes remaining. Changed the drive and started with another good drive. Same thing. Got another XP sp2 disk in case some files were corrupt on the original although I had used it many times prior with no problem. Still the same thing. Gets to 33 minutes remaining on the install and just never gets any farther

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Nov 25, 2008

Built recording studio computer. Mobo Intel DP35 DP, Intel Core2, 4 GB ram,Geforce video card, M-Audio Delta sound card, Windows Xp home w/SP2 Had troubles with screen going blank every 15 minutes. Replaced screen, and video card and finally removed hard drive and formatted it to remove everything including OS. Reinstalled HD and attempted clean install of WinXp Cd w/SP2 In the middle of install I get error setup can not copy the file PLUGIN.OCX how I can complete install of WinXP

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Install On 4-wayprocessor Machine

Sep 12, 2005

Is it possible to install Windows XP Pro (32 or 64 bit) on a 4-wayprocessor machine? Would appreciate if you could response to this queryand if you have documentation, much better.

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Cannot Install Service Pack3 - Additional Download Needed To Complete Installation

Nov 6, 2008

Having a problem with the install of Service Pack 3. The update keeps picking it up but halfway through the install a popup appears to say " an additional download is needed to complete the installation.Install service pack 3 again " . Well I have installed 6 times now and the same happens every time, it doesn't say what the additional download is or where to get it from. I'm running XP which has been taking forever to start up up recently ( about 15 mins ) don't know if it's related or not?

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Removing Operating System From One Machine/Install In Another

Jun 22, 2005

With this activation process, you cannot have xp(RETAIL) on more than one machine. I would like to remove it from one machine and then install in another. MS tech support told me that this copy of xp cannot get a license for more than one machine. I wish I knew that before. I would then have put it on the machine that I want it on now. Can it be removed and then installed on another nachine? Still only one machine licensed.

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Machine Went For Toss After Symantec Client Remote Install

Oct 12, 2009

to start with I was using TeamViewer to remotely install symantec client 9.0 on my. Papa's laptop -winXP. The AV successfully installed and then the issue started when it was updating itself. all of a sudden the machine hanged .. never to recover! When hard booted the machine booted up but the start button nevr came and all the desktop apps were just small boxes! Recovery Steps that i took: I booted the machine in the safe mode and tried to uninstall the symantec but the windows installer does not run in safe mode !!

tried to follow a tutorial on the web to create a registry entry : To create a Registry entry, open command prompt ( Run->Cmd). Type the following command in the Window- REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootMinimalMSIServer/VE/TREG_SZ/F/D %Service%. then "net start msiserver" to start the windows installer to install/uninstall app in safe mode. unfortunately it din workout i still get error 1084 “the service cannot be started in the safe mode”.

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Updates Won't Install After Repair Install Of XP

Nov 9, 2007

I was using Latitude D600 and Latitude D620. After completeing a Repair install of Windows XP, Windows update will not install. I didn't get any error messages. It downloads all of the updates but fails to install.

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In Doing A Repair Install, The Install Is Stalled

Apr 18, 2007

Upon a normal reboot tonight, my XP Pro would not reboot. It hung on a screen immediately after the Windows XP scroll, it went to a blue screen with a "Windows XP" on it, where normally I see the WELCOME screen before Windows and the desktop appears. So the stall came at a SECOND Windows XP screen. After researching on the Net and talking to a couple of friends, and failing to get into Windows in Safe Mode (it stalled again at the same place), I started a Windows Repair reinstall.

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Original Install Cd Gone, How To Do A Repair/install?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension with XP. XP is in need of repair. The original XP cd is gone. Dell sent me a replacement but when it is inserted the "cannot continue since the version of XP on your system is newer than the one on the cd" message. I know a new cd can be made that will include the SP3 update with it. But to do this isn't the original cd with the product key required I still have the product key but am having trouble continuing.

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Remotely Accessed Machine's Data Can Be Copied To Local Machine?

Nov 20, 2009

Can I copy the data of remote desktop to my Local machine.

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Another Repair Install Thread

Mar 12, 2010

After long, hard fought battle against various ailments of my computer, My operating system decided to not run anymore. Of course after all this I decided to finally break down and buy a new computer (besides my machine was about 7 years old), but I do want to salvage some data from it. Now after doing some research, I read about the whole repair install and from this board even,I was wondering if any of you have tried this, how well it works,

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Repair Installations After IE7 Install

Oct 22, 2006

The MS note is here The key thing to note is that an uninstall of IE7 must be done first, and then reinstalled after the repair.

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Updates Won't Install After Repair

Jun 30, 2008

I have had some computer problems lately. It happened a day after I installed 2GB RAM (which I have since removed) and after we lost power in the neighborhood for over an hour. Don't know the real cause, but was in an endless loop of loading windows.It never went to the desktop though.So I did a Windows XP REPAIR. I'm not really sure if the computer is running as it should. The "problem" I'm having is the Automatic Updates are not installing.

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Repair Install Ends Wrong

Nov 25, 2007

I had some freezing on my Dell notebook due to a updated driver that froze the machine. After wits end I decided to perform a repair from the the XP pro disc. All the files copied with out any pop messages. After the restart it froze on the first Windows screen in which the squares go across the bar

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Recovery Disk Will Not Install / Repair

Oct 19, 2007

My XP Home recovery disk will not install or repair anymore (the last few days I did have it up and running - but after trying to install SP2 it's crashing again). So my final chance to get this system back up and running is to try and install a "retail version" XP Pro to a new hard drive.

Can you perform a 'full installation' from a product that is listed as "upgrade" I found what I feel is a good deal on eBay - the blurb states that you can (boot from CD drive) and then when promted just insert your original XP Home or WIN98 disk which sorts out the "key problem". I have listed what this Power Seller says - I have also emailed previous buyers who say it's a great product - legal etc. But these buyers had installed over a working copy of Windows 2000 and XP Home....

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Repair Install / No Mouse Or Keyboard

Mar 25, 2008

i am trying to do a repair install for windows XP.I have a message come up that says VIAAGP1.sys is required please type in the path and click ok.This is good and i know where the file is but My keyboard and mouse do not work so i cannot click or type in the box.the keyboard and mouse are ps2 and works in the BIOS but as soon as windows starts they stop responding.i cannot progress with the repair install with this problem.I have tried putting the driver disc in but the message still pops up.

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SP2 - Did Repair Install Now Windows Updates Won't Work

Aug 22, 2007

Did a repair install, everything is working except windows updates, it says I have updates and I can click on custom and it shows them when I click to install them it acts like it will then a box comes up and say they all failed. I turned off auto updates and went to the site and click on custom and they came up but the same thing won't install did it with express install to and its the same,. Any one know what could be wring, one update it needs is the windows validation update I know the disk is valid it came with the machine and it retook the product number when I did the repair install.

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Access Denied After Repair Install Of Xp Home

Apr 1, 2006

I have successfully completed a repair install but not all of the old user accounts are accessible using windows explorer. Two accounts plus the old administrator account show 'Access Denied'. I would like to retrieve the accounts' files and know the old passwords. I can't even delete them.

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Has Not Passed Logo Testing - At End Of Repair Install

Sep 19, 2005

Current situation: 2 minutes remaining in a repair installation of WinXP Home, I get an error with a large X and the words "has not passed Windows Logo testing." Below that, it says "This software will not be installed...." If I click OK or turn off at this point, the pc reboots and restarts the setup program at 39 minutes remaining. If the CD is not in place, I get a blue screen asking for the CD.

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Repair Install Prof Sp2 - Fixed The Explorer

Jul 26, 2008

Recently I was working on my brothers pc when I encountered some serious explorer.exe problems. After trying various workarounds with no sucess I ended up doing a repair install (was xp prof sp2). It fixed the explorer.exe problems, but now I have an even bigger headache on my hands.I cannot run Windows Update or IE, although I did download SP3 from I cannot install it though because it says it needs SP1. I tried installing SP1a, but it says it cannot verify update.inf and to turn on my Cryptographic services. When I try to turn that on, services wont open and produces an error message that says "MMC failed to intialize because it was installed incorrectly or because a portion of the registry has become corrupted. Make sure the file Mmcndmgr.dll is registered by running 'regsvr32 %SystemRoot%system32mmcndmgr.dll'. I try that it says that "Loadlibrary failed - the specific procedure could not be found." Oh, and I am constantly getting an error message which says "the procedure entry point SHRegGetValueW could not be located in the dynamic link library SHLWAPI.dll".

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