Computer It Continuosly Restarted And Restarted

Oct 8, 2006

I downloaded some automatic updates and restarted my puter as instructed. However, when I restarted the computer it continuosly restarted and restarted just as it got to the desktop. So I started up in safe mode thinking i could restore back to before I installed the updates. But it seems W2k doesn't have this capability, so i uninstalled the latest Windows update I found on my puter. Okay, I can get to the desktop but my Internet connection no longer works and the browser just keeps popping open windows like it has constant hiccups or something. I bought this puter second hand so I don't have any disks or anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Are these components I uninstalled located somewhere on the HD where i can retrieve them and maybe undo this mess?

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Right At The End Of The Installation - Computer Restarted

Sep 15, 2006

earlier today I was installing Perfect Disk and right at the end of the installation, my computer restarted. After that each time Windows started up it would only get as far as the "Loading Personal Settings" part and it would restart again before I even get a chance to see my desktop.Figuring it was something to do with the failed installation of Perfect-disk, I entered Windows in safe mode (Without any restarts) and I disabled the loading of anything related to Perfect Disk.This didn't fix the problem and I tried disabling every single program on start up and that didn't fix anything either.I've attached the dump files from the Mini dump folder if that helps with the problem.

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Message - Appear When Computer Is Restarted

Mar 14, 2007

I have spent most of my day working on my computer and with not a lot of success. For a few weeks I have been having an error message appear when we restart the computer regarding xprt5.dll and the application can not be found.I have googled and checked out a ton of sites about fixing this and how it relates to AOL.And an emergency virus scan earlier today when my computer would not boot back up.I also had or have a virus where I am getting a ton of bounced back emails regarding drugs for sale being sent to people not in my address book. Earlier today I did a full scan with Norton, fixed the problems but then my live update was not working.So after speaking to a customer rep. from Symantec we removed Norton and I downloaded the 7.2 version and again ran another scan which came up clean.We un-installed AOL and then reinstalled it after checking out the site that you listed in a previous post, but still to no avail we get the error message and again tonight I am having bounced back emails with virus warnings.

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Computer Getting Restarted Without Any Warnings?

Dec 5, 2005

I have Xp HE with SP2 on an AMD64 system. My new PC has been working great for a year but in the past week it's rebooted couple of times without any warning The screen simply goes blank as if a power failure however within seconds it starts up again.I do have a UPS which is working properly so I'm confident thats not the problem.

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Computer Restarted While Working On MSCONFIG?

Jan 15, 2005

I'm trying to run MSCONFIG to remove something from start up but whenever I try to run it windows says that it cannot find the specified pathway. It was working litteraly 5 minutes ago before I restarted my computer when I was working with MSCONFIG. What's wrong?

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Beeping Sound When Computer Restarted

Sep 17, 2009

So my computer was knocked by an object my brother threw at it, and now something seems to be wrong.When you restart it, It tries to boot but comes to a black screen with a message saying "Drive 0 not found: Serial ATA, SATA-0 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility".Im not a computer genius, so simple language.

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Restarted My Computer A Folder Pops Up With No Files?

Mar 19, 2006

when i restarted my computer a folder pops up with no files in it, and this happens every time i restart my computer for some weird reason. The path of the file is C:Program FilesCommon. As you can see the name of the folder is common. Ive been having this problem on another computer for a few months already but now since it started to happen on this computer i decided to ask why and what to do to stop this.

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Computer Restarted: Wont Load User Profile / Corrupt?

Dec 24, 2007

my computer will just reboot itself every couple of days. When it asks for my password, it says it cannot display my profile because of an error or maybe a corrupt file (but not in those words exactly). The computer says it will give me a temporary profile but if it is rebooted, anything that I have saved on this temporary profile will go away forever. This is true?

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Computer Froze, Restarted, Blue Screen "disks Need To Be Checked For Consistency"?

May 6, 2010

Computer froze, restarted, blue screen "disks need to be checked for consistency"? It ran through, not sure what that means.

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Install Can't Find HDD - Restarted Itself - File Mup.sys

Apr 20, 2007

my XP install started acting up and whenever it loaded the XP boot screen, my HDD light stayed on, and after a couple of minutes, my computer restarted itself. To find the problem, I started XP in safe mode, and it went to load up till a file mup.sys(?), can't remember. I re-plugged my SATA cable (I have a Samsung SpinPoint 160GB on a MSI P965 Neo-F running a Core 2 Duo E6600 at stock clocks), switched the cable, and checked that my mobo's bios was emulating the RAID device on IDE. The thing is, every other OS finds my HDD (even Win 2000!): Linux, Vista, Mac OS-X (I was desperate). I'm running openSUSE 10.2 right now, and I desperately need Windows back! My dad won't let me install Vista yet.

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Installed New Copy / Restarted PC And Gets Black Screen?

Feb 10, 2008

i started installing Windows XP. I first did a reformat from WXP cd of my HDD after which XP copied some files to it. It then said it was gonna restard after 15 seconds that went by and restart after.It asked to press a key to restard from the CD but I didn't and the install should have kept on going on from there But the screen just stayed black with no activity going on at all. No beep, no restart,no CD spinning, but all fan running. I restart a few time,even restard the install always with the same result. Everything goed fine until the first restart happen.

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Defragged And Restarted - Missing File - NTLDR

Feb 14, 2005

she just defaged and she then restarted and now it wont start it says NTLDR is missing press any key 2 restart and when you press a key it says the same thing over and over again. what do i do or will i need 2 reformat?

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Wont Load: System Crashed And Restarted?

Jul 22, 2010

My laptop has broke due to HDD and other things so im currently using my computer. It was working fine untill i tryed to turn it on this morning it turned on fine then crashed so i restarted it. It then loaded up normally with the "ACER" logo and options below (F2 for bios, F12 for boot menu and ALT + F10 for recovery thing) but it doesnt go any further, i can go into the bios , i can go into the boot menu and select a boot device and i can press the buttons for the erecovery but they all just go onto a black screen and i dont understand

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During Check Disk Blue Screen Comes And Restarted

Apr 10, 2006

I've just run defrag on my C drive which went without any hitches but afterwards trying to run AVG (free) virus checker caused the computer to produce a blue screen and restarted XP. I uninstalled AVG, reinstalled and it still crashed XP when run after the clean reinstall. Then ran Checkdisk (CHKDSK) from within XP which appeared to work fine until it got to Where it's been stuck like that for over 2 hours... is this length of pause normal? Is it safe to do a forced restart of XP?

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Keyboard Quit Working Restarted Did't Do Any Thing

Oct 18, 2007

I have an emachine that is a few years old that my high school daughter uses. Today when she was typing a paper for school it got stuck on all caps, then it just quit working all together. I took the keyboard and put it on my computer and it works fine. My keyboard doesn't work on her computer either. I restarted which didn't help. I also retored the computer to yesterday's back up. That didn't work either. This computer does have some age on it but I was hoping to get it to last her until she gets that college laptop.

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Blue Screen - Restarted In Safe Mode

Jun 2, 2006

had blue screen so re-started in safe mode and searched for suggested problem....MpFirewall.sys.......found 2 files.........removed them to recycle bin because didn't know what to do with them. Can i safely delete now and what else should I do?

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Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted?

Nov 30, 2004

I get the following error, every 5 minutes (almost to the second)Description:The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The screen goes blank for a second and the task bar and start button disappear then come back.I've virus scanned with AVG (with latest updates) and done online scans. I appear to be virus free. I have used a registry checker and tidied up any errors there.

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Can't Complete Repair Install - Turned Machine Off, Restarted

Oct 27, 2008

Started the pc w/the XP Home SP2 cd in, and followed prompts to do a repair install. All was going well. Got to the point of it needing to restart the computer. After the Windows logo appeared, received STOP error 7E, with no driver mentioned. (1st variable if needed is 0x0000006). Turned machine off, restarted. Same thing. Tried again, this time trying Safe Mode. I get the message "Setup cannot continue in Safe Mode, Click OK to restart".

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Disk Boot Failure: Restarted Checked Wires But Same Error?

Nov 14, 2009

hp media center pc 864n , windows xp, have checked al wires, plugs, turned off , restarted etc keep getting disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter

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Restarted Message Hard Drive Capable But Disabled - Blue Screen

Oct 21, 2007

I was given an older machine that had win me installed. It was full of junk and would crash often. So I downloaded a startup disk for formating Win-Me. I ran thru the process - formated the hard drive or so it seemed but when I tried to install winxp it would go thru the process and then get a blue screen stop message. When I restarted the machine I got the message "hard drive capable but disabled". There are ways to enable the drive but you need an operating system to do that. The cd rom on this machine is scsi and I am not familiar with that process. Is there a way to enable a hard drive with out the operating system? The drive is an ultra DMA-mode 4.

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Restarted PC To Get Into Safe Mode To Run Virus Scan / Message Appears Before Windows Begins

Aug 3, 2009

I'm running Windows XP - Media Center Edition on Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.2GHz, 1.5G RAM.This morning, Norton 360 detected and blocked several intrusion attempts, but stated that everything was secure.Shortly thereafter, every program that attempted to open would generate the following pop-up message, "[program name] UNABLE TO LOCATE COMPONENT - The application has failed to start because msefrms.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."I click OK to acknowledge this message, only to have it reappear. After several "OK clicks", however, the program usually opens and functions properly.

I restarted my PC to get into safe mode to run a virus scan, but the message appears even before Windows begins (even on winlogon, services, lsass, etc.). Again, a few clicks of OK gets me past the message and into Windows.I haven't been able to find ANY reference to msefrms.dll on the web.

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Blue Screen After Installing Service Pack 2: Screen Freezed/ Restarted?

Jan 18, 2008

I have a celeron/p4 machine with 256 RAM and 160 G Hard Disk. Well i installed a service pack 2 for xp. After installing my screen freezed so i restarted the pc and I got a blue screen. What can i do please?

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Explorer Crashes - Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted

Sep 11, 2007

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module netapi32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2976, fault address 0x0003952c. When a user is editing documents in Word 2003 from a network share, the Windows Explorer then shuts down and refreshes the desktop. The error message above is in the Application Event Log. the Event ID is 1000. Done some searches and tried a few things but still user gets this error. After this error in the Event Log another message is "The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The Event ID is 1002 for this one.

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Home Computer Acting Weird / Pop-ups, To The Point My Computer Freezes

Dec 2, 2004

I went out of town for 2 weeks, came home and my pc is acting really strange. I've been getting tons of pop-ups, to the point my computer freezes and i must restart. Not only that but it randomly reboots itself even when not being used. Also, when i go to delete files now, the file does NOT go into the recycle bin. I looked at the settings and there is no check mark next to the "do not move files into recycle bin". My BF said he had been downloading things so I figured maybe its a virus or something. I ran Nortons... nothing. Ran AVG... nothing. A friend told me it sounded like spyware so he told me to run Adaware & Spybot. Did that, found a ton of stuff. But when i retarted the pc, it wanted to start in "safe mode". I noticed that most of these pop ups are (search miracle ??) Found info that its a trojan, but i dont know. . I dont know what to do, totally computer illiterate.

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Way To Access Bios Of Computer With Another Computer / Via Direct Link Or Route

Aug 24, 2005

Is there any way to access the bios of a computer with another computer, via a direct link or a router? I am sure that the bios have been affected and attempts to boot from either a floppy or cd get ignored in the loading process and the bios canot find the module to activate the periferal devices ie: keyboard, mouse, usb ports. I am at a total loss of how to do this.

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Computer Freezes And Message Pops Up Computer Is Not Responding ?

Oct 13, 2010

My computer freezes randomly and a message pops up, (this computer is not responding) WHY?

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Virus In My Computer And Computer Running Slow - Trojan

Jan 19, 2007

My computer has been running slow and I just did a quick virus scan and I seem to have a 8 trojan horses or something

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Wont Open Any Computer Folders My Computer, Pictures?

Jun 13, 2008

I have alot of problems with my computer i have alot of pop ups coming up...when i click to get into my computer or into pictures my documents it won't open it just clears everything...when i am on the internet i get redirected to pages that have nothing to do with what i tried to open. i also have a smss.exe opening everytime i turn on the computer and also services.exe

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Freeing Up Computer Space/making Computer Faster?

Nov 20, 2009

i want to free up space but dont know how, i tried disk clean-up, ccleaner and still not that many space was freeup up also i want my computer to be alot faster because lately its bein very slow.

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CNET Computer Material - Computer Yser Services

Jun 26, 2006

It appears CNET performs an excellent service to computer users and their desire is to assist individuals acquire computer knowledge.Unfortunately at 63, such input simply is beyond my understanding. I enroll in a class but upon receipt, the printed directions doesn't do/perform as expected. I note your address is changing--I attempted to add the new address to the address folder but my computer will not accept the @ symbol. My question--Is there real basic material to assist one become better acquainted & understand the system?

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Computer Been Acting Slow- Computer Has 2000 Pro

Sep 29, 2005

well computer has 2000 pro, been acting really slow lately, opening programs etc, lost of useless programs installed i think, tried adaware and spybot,

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