Wont Open Any Computer Folders My Computer, Pictures?

Jun 13, 2008

I have alot of problems with my computer i have alot of pop ups coming up...when i click to get into my computer or into pictures my documents it won't open it just clears everything...when i am on the internet i get redirected to pages that have nothing to do with what i tried to open. i also have a smss.exe opening everytime i turn on the computer and also services.exe

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Open Folders Full Of Pictures - Attempted To Install Adobe Acrobat

Jul 22, 2007

I installed Adobe Acrobat about 2-3 weeks ago as part of a CreativeSuite package. I have yet to use it. However, just last night, when I tried to open a folder full of pictures on my desktop, for some reason, it attempted to install Adobe Acrobat. I cancelled the installation (acrobat was already installed) and the folder opened. I've tried some experiments now and it seems like every time I try to open a REGULAR FOLDER or a COMPRESSED FOLDER (ARCHIVE) ... ON MY DESKTOP ONLY, my computer attempts to install adobe acrobat. When I hit cancel the folder finally opens. I haven't waited to see what would happen if I let the computer install it cause I just spent hours cleaning my hard drive so my windows installation is sparkling and I don't want to mess that up w/ 2 copies of acrobat.

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Computer Does Not Open Folders By Double Clicking

Aug 29, 2005

When I double click using the left mouse button on a file or folder, the file or folder does not open. Instead the search window comes up. This has just happened recently. Right clicking on the mouse gives me the option of opening the file or folder.

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After A Format And Opening My Computer / Have Set To Open AXp Folders

May 25, 2005

After a format and opening My Computer which i have set to open as Explorer and selecting the view to List, i click tools>folder options>view > apply to all folders, then i change the my computer folder to view details but the thing is My computer shows detail but all other folders remain in icons. Why won't they be in List? I uploaded a 2 screens First one of how one of how everyother folder looks like the Second My Computer looks like when clicking on My Computer.Now after setting the option in My computer for view clicking tools>folder options>view tab>apply to all folders. The folder view only changes for My Computer all other folders remain unchanged.

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Transfer Files/folders Old Computer To New Computer?

Aug 26, 2005

I have purchased a new computer to replace my old one(both are running Windows XP Home) and want to know if Windows XP has a way to transfer all of my files and folders directly to the new PC and also I need to remove everything from my old computer except for the Windows XP Operating system (don't want to leave any personal information in the system) before I either give this to a relative to use or donate it.

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Computer Keeps Saving Pictures As BMP By Itself?

Feb 10, 2007

My computer now is saving pictures as BMPs . Any JPG image I copy it saves it as BMP how do I fix this. saving it as a JPG does not give me that option. Only in paint

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Folders With Pictures

Sep 30, 2008

A while ago I put my pictures into folders. I now realize I don't like them in folders. How can I remove them from the folders they are in?

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Folders With Pictures

Jul 16, 2009

i have in "MY MUSIC" folder, over 85 individual folders all of which have an album cover displaying the artist that they represent. I have noticed in various other places on my PC that certain random folders also display an album cover.why is this, i have tried to select the restore to default but it seems to not wipe the folders clean. i hope this makes sense, its kinda annoying me that this is happening.

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Closing My Pictures Freezes My Computer

Jan 1, 2007

I take a lot of digital photos which I store in folders in "My Pictures" in "My Documents" in Windows XP. After over a year of doing this with no problems I can still open folders OK to view the photos in any of the folders and to delete them if required but as soon as I then close the folder the computer freezes.All I can do is to turn off the computer and then reboot. I have tried Ctl,Alt,Delete but whilst a list of the running processes comes up nothing seems to be using CPU except System Idle Process. Has anybody any ideas as to what is causing this to happen.

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My Pictures - Organise Various Folders

Jun 21, 2009

this may sound dumb and unimportant to most, but it's a pain in the keyster to me so here goes i'm an artist and i keep my photos i intend to paint in the "my pictures" section and i keep them organized in various folders.when i want to see a photo i double click on it and it shows up....great up to there. when i hit the "done" button, it takes me back to the top of the folder rather than the picture i just looked at it. i will often have various views of the same subject and would like to be able to return to the original photo and just click to the photo next to it rather be returned to the very top and have to scroll down and often guess at the one i just looked

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My Pictures And My Music Folders Are Missing

Oct 30, 2007

A friend's computer total nightmare she doesn't know much about computers, and it seems thoroughly messed up. Tried installing Windows Defender, and it couldn't find her "My Pictures" folder so it didn't install. So I looked under her My Documents folder. It's missing the My Pictures and My Music folders. Plus, the other folders that are there, such as My Videos, etc., their icons are not special, they look like ordinary folders.Her computer's "Shared Documents" section looks fine, with all the usual folders with special icons, etc.

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Long Loading Times For My Documents / Pictures / Music / Computer

Aug 21, 2008

The normal loading time is about 1-2 seconds. Loading time has been ranging from 2 to 45 seconds from start menu, desktop shortcuts, and Windows Explorer. All other programs load normal speed 1-4 seconds. My Documents, which I use the most often, is the worst. Doesn?t appear to depend on how many programs/windows are open or if I am on the internet. Using AVG Free antivirus-no infections found, except 20 or so level 3 cookie/yieldmanagers when loading Internet Explorer/Firefox. No recent changes to the computer. Only 5% of hard drive being used. Spybot/Adaware/AVG run every couple of days. This has been happening for 17 days, tried several previous system restore points--no effect. Defragged?although XP indicated this unnecessary. I use an APC battery backup. Scan Disk run several days ago--no problems found. This morning working normally for first time since problem began (no action taken)?yesterday loading times varied from 4-35 seconds throughout the day.

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Can't Open Desktop Folders & Cant Open Tabs On Start Up

Aug 14, 2007

i can't open my desktop folders including shortcuts..when I go to start, i can only open recenlty used programs but not my documents, my computer, control panel & all the tabs on the right field...also when I close a program, the window display still remains on the desktop.by left clicking the current program window i'm using and dragging it around, i can sort of erase the previously used windows.i can only correct this by restarting xp.do i have a virus? pls give me step by step guide to fix this.

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Win SP2 - Computer Lagging When Opening Some Folders

Apr 26, 2006

When I open certain folders in my computer, these folder tend to take ages to load. I checked the graph in the performance window (Ctrl+Alt+Del) but there was no suddeny increase of CPU usage. Others folder is normal, I double click and it show nicely. Just for certain folder. Is it because of the number of files in the folder? It dont happen when I open my C: drive but if i open that particular folder. The windows explorer just stop responding.. and i had to wait for it to come out. If i access a folder under it and hit back or up, again it will stuck there again n wait for it to load.

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Computer Restarts - Non Phone Folders

Jun 11, 2007

I run win xp and have a nokia phone. all other folders on the phone seem to me accessable, but this one, and all non phone folders aswell. This would indicate a phone problem, but for old times sake I blame windows. Also, if there are other alternatives to windows explorer that would be a very efficient way to find out if there is any blame to be guided towards windows.

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Can't Access Shared Folders - That Are On My Computer

Dec 2, 2008

I used to be able to access the shared folders that are on my computer that is running windows XP on my vista laptop and my xbox 360 but they are no longer showing up I just spent a couple of hours trying to get it working again but nothing

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Computer Does Not Support Shared Folders

Nov 28, 2006

I want too do shared folders on my Windows Messenger Live, but, and i quote 'Your computer does not support shared folders'

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Open My Pictures - Error With Explorer

Dec 27, 2007

There seems to be a problem with the My Pictures folder located in My Documents. whenever i open it,a windows explorer popup screen says there's an error with explorer..."Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." My Pictures cannot also be used with any other application,eg.setting up Avatars or when creating a DVD title menu(as in using a background display picture). Since I use ZoneAlarm whenever i open the my pictures folder a program alert appears saying windows explorer is trying to communicate with vsmon.exe...on clicking deny the explorer error pops up. I tried copying the pictures in the folder to an empty hard drive partition but instead the hard drive partition stopped working...i.e. the same explorer error popped up,making the partition inaccessible.
I then had to format the partition.

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Some Pictures Wont Open - Settings Have I Got Wrong?

Sep 1, 2005

Some pictures on websites wont open and there is only a X in a
small box. What settings have I got wrong?

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Wont Open JPG Files : Getting Notepad Instead Of Pictures?

Jan 23, 2006

I'm running WinXP/SP2. All of a sudden, every time I try to open a JPG file all I get is a notepad with gobbledegook. What has happened, and how do I fix it?
I can open any other type of photo or video with no problems.

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Music And My Pictures File Wont Open Normally

Jan 1, 2009

The settings in my folder options have been changed. If i left click any file it comes up wth access denied.. However if i right click and go to open then the file will open. The problem was caused by going Tools>folder options> file types.... file folder and folder have been changed on the advanced button..also AudioCD file has been changed.

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Computer Running Slow : Clicking Folders Results In Getting Properties?

Aug 5, 2007

my computer jams every now and again for a minute or 2 depending on what i do for E.g if i press ALT and TAB to quikly change wat im doing it jams. also whenever i click on something like a folder or shorcut of a program , instead of opening the file or folder the proprties come up ( this problem is now fixed but it might be a sympton of a virus or sumthing ?).i think its cuz of a file i downloaded off the internet.

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My Documents / Music Pictures Icons On The Start Menu Will Not Open

Oct 18, 2007

I'd like to delete My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents. Though whenever I do, the My Pictures and My Music icons on the Start Menu will not open.

It's redundancy not to my liking to have My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents folder, and to have My Pictures and My Music icons on the Start Menu; which lead to the same folders.

Is there a way to delete My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents folder, while still retaining their Start Menu functionality?

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Files Unreadable After Disk Check - Cannot Open Pictures Or MP3s

May 11, 2007

At startup Windows XP always suggested to run disk check and after I let it the whole partirion(most of it) is unreadable. The files are there but they are simply unreadable. For instance, I cannot open pictures or open MP3s. Like the content of the files has been messes up

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Cannot Open Anything On Computer

Sep 21, 2006

I have a friend on yahoo instant message right now that is having problems. He can not get internet explorer or anything else to open. He says it was working fine earlier, then he ran an adaware scan and it found 39 objects. He quarantined and deleted them. Now he can't get anything to open.I tried sending him a link to download firefox. Won't open. He can't run a virus scan. I tried getting up to open task manager and it also wont open. Everything will start to open then close.

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USB Acting Up- Open It From My Computer

Jan 12, 2007

I plug a device into the USB port, I get a message that ther was a problem installing the device. I can go to "my computer" and open the device from there.

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Computer At Work Won't Open IE

Oct 27, 2009

My computer at work won't open IE for me, I used it last night and this morning I come in and everytime I try to open it an error message pops up, and says Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. No one else used the computer while I was home last night and I absolutely need IE as my customer management system is only usable with IE, it will not work with Firefox or Chrome. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem, sadly I'm pretty useless without my computer at work.

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Cannot Open Any Program On Computer

Mar 14, 2010

I'm having a problem opening almost any program on my computer after a crash during shutdown (just after a Windows update). When I double-click the icon it looks as if it is loading and nothing ever opens. If I look in task manager ,however, firefox.exe or whatever program I tried running is running, but using 50% the CPU resources and a window never opens. Chkdsk ran after the crash and I tried sfc /scannow and it did get ie8 to open up, but it freezes with 50% of the CPU usage, according to task manager, and still does not allow browsing. Even after uninstalling and re-installing Firefox I still can't get it to open.I tried the following experiment Open Firefox, then IE8, each use 50% of CPU resources, but neither allows browsing (Firefox does not even open a window).

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My Computer Very Slow To Open?

Sep 26, 2006

Win XP Pro Sp2.1.4Ghz P4 Processor with 1.25 Gb RAM. 130 Gb Maxtor disk. New install. When clicking on My Computer it takes over 1 min to open. Other programs very slow also.

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Computer Open Up A New Window And It Freezes?

May 22, 2008

My computer keeps freezing for no reason at all. It starts up normally, and everything loads just fine. I go to open MSN for example, it opens, but I try to do anything inside of that program like open up a new window and it freezes. I press end now and it doesn't close no matter what, even after hours. I minimize it, go to desktop, try to open a folder and explorer freezes. At this point nothing opens up nothing works and I restart.

I have restarted plenty and its the same story every time. I hadn't done anything different than I usually do with my computer. Just one morning I go to my computer and its been doing this non-stop ever since.When I start the computer in safe mode, this problem doesn't occur so its obviously software, but what could be causing this?

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Can't Open Threads - Very Slow Computer

Apr 14, 2010

Dell 2350 XP rebuilt 120G HD 1G Ram, new CDRW/DVD. Why is my computer speed so slow. Always have about 50 systems running all the time. I open google- click news- try to open site -real slow, try to open thread--gets 4-5 green dots than stops or take 10 minutes to open. Sometimes won't open. I go to options and delete all.-- still slow. I've redownloaded IE 7. I defrag, redo registry--ch disk

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