Cannot Open Anything On Computer

Sep 21, 2006

I have a friend on yahoo instant message right now that is having problems. He can not get internet explorer or anything else to open. He says it was working fine earlier, then he ran an adaware scan and it found 39 objects. He quarantined and deleted them. Now he can't get anything to open.I tried sending him a link to download firefox. Won't open. He can't run a virus scan. I tried getting up to open task manager and it also wont open. Everything will start to open then close.

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Wont Open Any Computer Folders My Computer, Pictures?

Jun 13, 2008

I have alot of problems with my computer i have alot of pop ups coming up...when i click to get into my computer or into pictures my documents it won't open it just clears everything...when i am on the internet i get redirected to pages that have nothing to do with what i tried to open. i also have a smss.exe opening everytime i turn on the computer and also services.exe

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USB Acting Up- Open It From My Computer

Jan 12, 2007

I plug a device into the USB port, I get a message that ther was a problem installing the device. I can go to "my computer" and open the device from there.

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Computer At Work Won't Open IE

Oct 27, 2009

My computer at work won't open IE for me, I used it last night and this morning I come in and everytime I try to open it an error message pops up, and says Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. No one else used the computer while I was home last night and I absolutely need IE as my customer management system is only usable with IE, it will not work with Firefox or Chrome. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem, sadly I'm pretty useless without my computer at work.

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Cannot Open Any Program On Computer

Mar 14, 2010

I'm having a problem opening almost any program on my computer after a crash during shutdown (just after a Windows update). When I double-click the icon it looks as if it is loading and nothing ever opens. If I look in task manager ,however, firefox.exe or whatever program I tried running is running, but using 50% the CPU resources and a window never opens. Chkdsk ran after the crash and I tried sfc /scannow and it did get ie8 to open up, but it freezes with 50% of the CPU usage, according to task manager, and still does not allow browsing. Even after uninstalling and re-installing Firefox I still can't get it to open.I tried the following experiment Open Firefox, then IE8, each use 50% of CPU resources, but neither allows browsing (Firefox does not even open a window).

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My Computer Very Slow To Open?

Sep 26, 2006

Win XP Pro Sp2.1.4Ghz P4 Processor with 1.25 Gb RAM. 130 Gb Maxtor disk. New install. When clicking on My Computer it takes over 1 min to open. Other programs very slow also.

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Computer Open Up A New Window And It Freezes?

May 22, 2008

My computer keeps freezing for no reason at all. It starts up normally, and everything loads just fine. I go to open MSN for example, it opens, but I try to do anything inside of that program like open up a new window and it freezes. I press end now and it doesn't close no matter what, even after hours. I minimize it, go to desktop, try to open a folder and explorer freezes. At this point nothing opens up nothing works and I restart.

I have restarted plenty and its the same story every time. I hadn't done anything different than I usually do with my computer. Just one morning I go to my computer and its been doing this non-stop ever since.When I start the computer in safe mode, this problem doesn't occur so its obviously software, but what could be causing this?

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Can't Open Threads - Very Slow Computer

Apr 14, 2010

Dell 2350 XP rebuilt 120G HD 1G Ram, new CDRW/DVD. Why is my computer speed so slow. Always have about 50 systems running all the time. I open google- click news- try to open site -real slow, try to open thread--gets 4-5 green dots than stops or take 10 minutes to open. Sometimes won't open. I go to options and delete all.-- still slow. I've redownloaded IE 7. I defrag, redo registry--ch disk

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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Formatted HP Computer - File Can't Open

Aug 20, 2008

before I formatted my HP computer (Windows XP Prof Media Center Edition) I made a new folder called August 9th stuff saved. Then I put my documents, Email addresses, list of some forums and a few programs into this folder.Opened this folder and everything was in it! Burnt it onto DVD+ with Nero, made sure that the option said DVD. Then, Make Data DVD. Found the folder, then added the folder and burnt it. ( I have done this a hundred times and never had any problem!)However, now putting the DVD into computer, it opens with this "August 9th stuff.o02" but this is all you get, you cannot open this file, However when you click on properties it shows size 572 mb which is correct!I have had a technician working on this for 3 hours, he cannot open it,

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Computer Restarts Itself When Open Windows

Mar 10, 2009

my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?

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Cannot Open Any Program And Computer Will Not Restart

Oct 30, 2006

I'm using Windows XP Sp2 and when I restarted my computer I could not open up any program even windows programs like control panal or even solitaire. The hour glass just shows up on the screen and then goes away without anything opening. I tried a system restore by my computer will not let me restart except a hard restart and then the System restore errors out because of the hard restart. Im not sure if this is a windows problem or a virus problem. I have stopzilla and spy bot as well as adaware.

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Explorer Slow To Open My Computer

Jun 25, 2010

I have tried preventing Automatic Folder and Icon Refresh, and still nothing works. It can take my system up to 2 minutes to open the MyComputer folder, every other folder is fast, weird.

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Can't Open IE7 Or 8 On User Side Of Computer

Apr 12, 2010

I can't open IE7 or 8 on the user side of a computer. Opens ok on admin side. When I click on IE icon, I get an "open with" dialogue box. Tried reinstalling IE7, but problem still exists.

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All Windows Open Minimized On Computer

Jun 5, 2008

Just recently, all of my programs, e-mail client (Juno) and Explorer open minimized. I max them out, and then close them, but it's still happening.I read somewhere that there is a registry fix for this. Does anyone out there have the fix (or other solution)?I do not have a restore point to go to.

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Unable To Open C And D Drive From My Computer

May 23, 2007

i ran the AVG anti virus and it put some files in its i am unable to open my C: and D: drive from My Computer folder.It says it caant find copy.exe file..also some other files seem to be missing.. like host.exe svchost.exe ...I tried to restore these files from AVG VAULT but it does not seem to work... I am only being able to open C and D drive with the right click-> open option.

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Try To Open My Computer Or My Documents - Explorer.exe Closes It

Nov 10, 2006

Whenever I try to open my computer or my documents, explorer.exe just closes and nothing happens

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Media Player Trying To Open All Programs Onn The Computer

Jan 15, 2007

Media player is trying to open all programs on my computer, how do i reset defaults for this. I can't even get to add remove programs it tries to open this also. all i can do is get online.

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Computer Slows Down: Not Enough Space To Open The Game?

Oct 3, 2010

when i tried to open a game a msg appeared which means my ram doesnt have enough space to open the game. If i continue i can get some errors. That was a normal game and I never got a msg like this before. After a few days it was getting bigger and bigger. Now a days if i click on refresh it takes around 3-5 sec. to refresh. My computer takes 30 sec to open. This is really fustrating. I never had a problem like this. My pc hangs up many times. I hav kaspersky antivirus. I did a scan all over my computer. But didnt get anything.

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Computer Does Not Open Folders By Double Clicking

Aug 29, 2005

When I double click using the left mouse button on a file or folder, the file or folder does not open. Instead the search window comes up. This has just happened recently. Right clicking on the mouse gives me the option of opening the file or folder.

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Computer Acting / Properties Window Would Open

Jun 13, 2006

Around a week ago my computer started to act very funny. When I incerted a cd my properties window would open, when I started a program my microsoft office started to install, then I need to re install drivers.

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Not Responding - Open Program Computer Get Restart

Jul 28, 2005

i have windows xp and here lately my computer quits responding. Sometimes when I open a program, my computer will start doing it's thing then all of a sudden it quits and I'll hit my task manager and it says that the programs is not responding. Same thing with my cd rom, I'll put in a disc and my computer acts like it's going to start and then I get the same message. That it's not responding. What is it that makes it do that? And what can I do about it? It's starting to get annoying.

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My Documents, My Computer Will Not Open - Need File Association Fix

Feb 27, 2008

After a recent major cleanup, Windows XP's special folders will not open properly when I double-click them on the desktop. I get a "File does not have a program associated with it ..." error instead. I can still access the folders by rightclick and selecting 'Explore', I just can't double-click from the desktop. it seems that Window's special folders (i.e. My Documents, My Computer, Control panel and the Recycle Bin), are not really files or true folders - they are called 'Special folders'. Also, the problem is self-induced and not the result of a virus or spyware issue - I have done it to myself. Too bad I don't have a recent registry backup or System Restore point I can use.So, my question is how to I fuss with the default associations on the 'Special folders'?

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Internet Explorer Tries To Open When Start Up Computer

Jul 10, 2005

whenever i start up my computer, internet explorer tries to open up a site called '' but it cannot open the site. i've tried numerous things to get the internet explorer to not come up anymore, but nothing has worked. i've tried getting spyware, but about 5 different ones didnt do the trick. does anyone know how i can get this to stop occurring?

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Open File / Auruar Pop Up Very Slow Computer

Jun 11, 2005

I am looking for help with my pc. Over the past 3 months it has slowed to a crawl. I was wondering if the aurura pop up has anything to do with the slow down?

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Right Clicking On My Computer - Explore Option First And Then Comes Open

Oct 13, 2008

when i double click on "My Computer" in the desktop it opens with the "folders" part open on the standard buttons i.e its just like right clicking and exploring. plus i also realised that right clicking on my computer has the explore option first, and then comes open. And also, when i double click on any of my drives in the "my computer" it pops up an error, and the right click option is again wierd, but different this time, the 1st option is autoplay, then comes open, then search then explore. The drive doesnt open with "open" and "autoplay" but only opens with exploring and not only , but the drive opens in a new window.

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After A Format And Opening My Computer / Have Set To Open AXp Folders

May 25, 2005

After a format and opening My Computer which i have set to open as Explorer and selecting the view to List, i click tools>folder options>view > apply to all folders, then i change the my computer folder to view details but the thing is My computer shows detail but all other folders remain in icons. Why won't they be in List? I uploaded a 2 screens First one of how one of how everyother folder looks like the Second My Computer looks like when clicking on My Computer.Now after setting the option in My computer for view clicking tools>folder options>view tab>apply to all folders. The folder view only changes for My Computer all other folders remain unchanged.

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Computer Freezes 50% Of Time / Open A Folder

Aug 17, 2006

This is a nuisance which is really bothering me, about half the time i open a normal folder, the comp freezes, and i have to control alt delete and end task a couple times to make it go away. Does anyone have advice?

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Computer Is Running Slow - Many Program Open At Start Up

Jul 13, 2005

I was just wondering if someone can look @ my Hijack, and tell me want is wong with it.

Also When I go into my config, And then Startup, there are alot of progroram which are open. I don't know which to close or leave open.

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Start My Computer / Get Open File Security Warning

Mar 31, 2010

When i start my computer i get a open file security warning and when i click open it just keeps coming back it or an svchost.exe from c:windowssystem32microsoft.

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Computer Is Coming On Fine - Taking Too Much Time To Open Anything

Feb 25, 2010

Hello,Having trouble with my computer it loads up & comes on ok but when i try to open anything like explorer or anything on my desk its taking a long time to open have run all aniteviruses but not bring anything up

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