Computer Restarts Itself When Open Windows

Mar 10, 2009

my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?

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Computer Restarts Suddenly / Windows Has Recovered?

Oct 14, 2006

anytime I am working on it it will suddenly turn off. I mean one second I'm working away and the next it's booting up as though someone flicked the switch off and on again really quickly. When it starts up it shows the message "Windows has recovered from a serious error". It happens when I doing 3d work, burning a dvd, listening to music or even opening a document. It's not and never was connected to the internet.

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Computer Randomly Restarts And Windows Doesn't Loads

Jun 21, 2006

I've been having major problems with my computer and only got it up with boot disks.It randomly restarts itself but when it does, windows doesn't load and I get a screen asking for system disk. I have to manually turn it on and off for it to restart and then it's fine. Mainly restarts when I try doing any kind of scan - anti virus, defragmenter. Then I got a complete stop and blue screen with stop error 0x7B inaccessible boot device. Could only get it back up with the disks.I haven't added new hardware or programs. I haven't been able to virus scan but spybot and vundofix come clear. Originally I thought restarts were from overheating (have cooling problems) but could a stop come from that too?Worried about a boot virus.

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Open Windows Explorer My Computer

Nov 7, 2006

When I open windows explorer I see My Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, and Internet Explorer. I no longer see My Documents. How do I get them back to show in windows explorer?

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All Windows Open Minimized On Computer

Jun 5, 2008

Just recently, all of my programs, e-mail client (Juno) and Explorer open minimized. I max them out, and then close them, but it's still happening.I read somewhere that there is a registry fix for this. Does anyone out there have the fix (or other solution)?I do not have a restore point to go to.

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Dvd Open Explorer - Shuts Down / Restarts

Mar 9, 2008

Since recently, whenever I insert a DVD/CD intomy DVD drive & try to browse it (via OPEN or EXPLORE) the DVD does open & I can see the icons/folders + other details, but within seconds, I get a box saying "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem...etc" & explorer shuts down & restarts. This happens only when I access my DVD drive. I'll be grateful for a solution., Here's the details from the Event Viewer , the last time it occurred (an hour ago).

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Application Error
Event Category:None
Event ID:1000
Time:10:46:53 AM
Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3264, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x06041468. For more information,
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 65 78 70 ure exp.....

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Windows Xp Restarts Repeatedly

Jan 30, 2009

My windows xp wont do anything besides act like its gonna load up windows, then it goes back to normal, over and over. I pressed f8. I tried all of things listed to do, nothing worked, except disable automatic restart... then the blue error screen comes up. Stop! error c0000135. I have no info on this computer, it was a Custom Pc. I cant get into my desktop or anything to check or do anything. No windows disk, no recovery disk. Nothing my dog chewed off the side label off the pc side panel so i have nothing!

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Windows Xp Sp2 Setup Restarts Continuously?

Mar 6, 2005

I am trying to install windows xp sp 2 over windows xp on 2 computers and the same thing has happened with each computer.I get down to 36 minutes left - installing drivers - and the setup restarts. I tried to remove the cd and xp then asks for the cd telling me it needs the asms driver, xp then is directed to search e:I386. Xp looks for it there then spontaneously restarts again. The setup is in an endless loop going from 39 minutes remaining till 34 then restarting over and over again. How can I stop this and/or correct this? I did some research at the microsoft site but I have been unable to make anything work.

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Windows Instaler Keeps Launching When Open Windows Office

Sep 30, 2008

I try to open an office 2003 document the windows installer starts up.

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Computer Always Restarts

May 18, 2007

My computer always restarts eventhough im not restarting it. this always happen. what am i going to do?

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Computer Restarts By Itself

Feb 7, 2005

I've been using Adobe Photoshop for awhile now and I seem to have a serious problem. Sometimes, when I'm using it, the computer just restarts without any error. This happened to me a few times. I tried Norton Virus Scanner, Adaware, Defragment, and System Restore. But sadly... it still doesn't work...It happened again when I was using spy bot and listening to music... what is the problem??

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Computer Restarts About 4 Times A Day?

Jul 23, 2008

I have been looking into this computer restarting. I have downloaded recent drivers and updates. I looked at Microsofts suggestions. After the bsod if comes back up and the error reports says they are not sure what it is but it has something to do with antivirus.
Here is the event. It seems to happen whenever they are playing games or online. sometimes they will just go back to the desktop and the program will close.

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Computer Getting To OS Boots Then Restarts?

Oct 24, 2009

Ok so I just fixed a computer and reinstalled the Operating System. I booted it once an installed all the drivers again then restart it. Upon doing so it failed to boot the operating system. I rebooted it again and said start Windows in safe mode. This results in the Windows XP loading screen appearing but when it goes away the whole system restarts. The same thing happens no matter what I select on the "Windows did not start up last time" screen.

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Computer Restarts Itself - IE Or Downloading

Sep 29, 2005

Recently my computer just started restarting itself. I haven't quite pinpointed when yet but it seems that it does it when i'm running IE or downloading something. It just does it randomly.

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Computer Restarts When Shut Down

Jun 12, 2006

when i press shut down my computer then its going 2 restart and the n give this message:DOCUME~1saikatLOCALS~1TempWER2038.dir00Mini061206-04.dmp C:DOCUME~1saikatLOCALS~1TempWER2038.dir00sysdata.xml

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Computer Restarts When Shut Down

Sep 30, 2006

I have a computer that restarts when it should shut down. Can anyone please help me?Hardware:Motherboard - Intel D865PERL Processor - P4 3.0E GHz Memory - 512 Mb DDR PC3200 Hard Disk - 80 Gb Parallel ATA Video Card - ATI Radeon 9250 OS: Windows XP Professional.Things I've tried: Clean install of Windows XP Pro Checked if Motherboard grounds with Case Tried with another Power Supply Latest BIOS Unchecked Automatically Restart if system fails I've visited different forums, and the information doesn't seem to help.A little more explanation, if I shut down some times it shuts down, and sometimes it restarts. It restarts more often than stays of.Usually (9 out of 10) if I flick on the power switch of the volt regulator, the Computer Starts before I press the start button.

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Computer Restarts Every Time

May 30, 2006

I was having some Adware and virus issues so I got help with those here, but in the process, it looks like I did something pretty screwy.If I shut down from the start button it only restarts the computer. If I try to open it up in safe mode via msconfig from run, it just restarts the computer in normal mode. If I try F8, same thing.I get a "your system has recovered from a seriour error" every time the computer restarts. When I dig for details on the error, this is what it says.

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Computer Randomly Restarts Itself

Nov 15, 2006

This problem has been persisting today. In CoD2, in CS:S and at the desktop, my computer randomly restarts itself. Any possible reasons

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Computer Restarts Automatically

Apr 3, 2007

I have a xp sp2 and Norton internet security suite 2007 installed computer.It restarts automatically. I did a full system scan with Norton."No spywares, malwares, viruses detected." But the computer restarts automatically.

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Computer Restarts On Start-up

Apr 23, 2007

This is a totally unexpected problem. My computer was totally fine last night. The only new process I did last night was back up my whole C Drive onto an external hard drive. When I got home this afternoon, the computer starts as normal then I get the error message asking me to choose to "Start Windows Normally" or "Last Known Good Configuration". No matter which one I choose, the Windows XP Home Edition screen comes up and begins to load, then my computer just restarts itself and I go through the same process. What's happening?

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Restarts Computer - Spyware And AVG

Aug 6, 2008

I have a Dell Dimention 2350 , Windows XP Home edition, SP2. The computer just shuts down at time without error messages. I can be on the net or running any program. Then it just restarts as if I I pushed the start button. A few times , when it restarted, it loaded me into the page that you get when you tap F8 at startup. I think it's clean from viruses. I have run Spybot and SuperAnti Spyware and AVG.It has ZoneAlarm for a firewall and runs AVG antivirus. When I opened the inside of the case, it was very clean. No dust on the "fins" or any dust buildup anywhere. I ran PCPitstop and it said 3 drivers were out of date and I believe that I have updated 2 out of 3 of them

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Computer Restarts Without Warning

Feb 11, 2009

I am not sure if it it windows or my actual computer but iam on my computer and it just restarts. somtimes because i run to many progrmas but somtimes it does it for no reason.

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Insert Cd Computer Restarts

Aug 15, 2006

I am using Windows XP professional edition. suddenly a problem has surfaced in my PC. Whenever I insert a CD into my CD-ROM the comp restarts. I am unable to figure out he prob. The cds worked well few days back but now no cd is working and whenever u insert the disc the comp boots again.

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Computer Randomly Restarts

Mar 19, 2005

The problem im having is that my computer just randomly at anytime restarts on its mostly occurs when im starting up the computer...but when i am also just doing things on the computer like surfing the just restarts sometimes...any help?

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Turning On Computer:shuts Down And Restarts Again?

Jan 11, 2006

I turn on the computer and it starts to load.I see the Windows screen then the computer just shuts down and restarts again.It has done this around 40 times now in 4 days and just wont turn on.Is this some kind of short somewhere in the computer.I also disconnected it from the power source and tried a new one and still the same thing.

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Computer Wont Turn Off - It Restarts

Oct 27, 2009

my computer won't shut down, it just restarts, it look like it will shut down, there is blue screen, than black, and when i think that it's over it just starts again, just like i press the button. i tried every tips nad tricks which i found on forrums (reinstall nVidia drives, power, USB ports...) but i didn't solve my problem

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Computer Crashes And Restarts Without Warning

Feb 6, 2006

I am using Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 and every updated that is required and available for this operating system. I am experiencing crashes which then restarts the computer, at restart the error report box opens up, and I send an error report, which Microsoft send a statement with regards to a driver error which as an I.D. Q322205, my problem is where or how do I reinstall this driver.

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Computer Restarts On Itself - Online And Offline

Mar 3, 2005

My computer suddendly restarted itself now this happens both online and offline. What do i do to resolve this problem

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Computer Restarts By Its Self When Reading Email

Mar 4, 2007

I have windows XP. suddenly it restarts at any time. just reading an email, no obvious reason for it. I tried to do a virus scan but it shut down before it would run very long. I did winsock xp fix and that didn't fix it. What can I do to fix this?

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Computer Restarts On Its Own - Error 1000007f

Apr 29, 2010

As of yesterday my computer has been restarting on its own alot lately, I havnt installed anything new and I cant seem to figure out why. Here is from the event viewer:Category: (102)Type: Error Event ID: 1003. Description: Error code 1000007f, parameter1 0000000d, parameter2 00000000, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 00000000.

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Blue Screen - Computer Restarts On Its Own

Jul 29, 2006

For the last couple days I have been having this issue. All of a sudden my computer goes blank, a blue screen appears for a split second and then it restarts. I can't even read the blue screen it goes by so quick. Is there anyway for me to find out what it is saying? Is there a log somewhere or something?

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