Computer Randomly Restarts And Windows Doesn't Loads
Jun 21, 2006
I've been having major problems with my computer and only got it up with boot disks.It randomly restarts itself but when it does, windows doesn't load and I get a screen asking for system disk. I have to manually turn it on and off for it to restart and then it's fine. Mainly restarts when I try doing any kind of scan - anti virus, defragmenter. Then I got a complete stop and blue screen with stop error 0x7B inaccessible boot device. Could only get it back up with the disks.I haven't added new hardware or programs. I haven't been able to virus scan but spybot and vundofix come clear. Originally I thought restarts were from overheating (have cooling problems) but could a stop come from that too?Worried about a boot virus.
My computer started to do this wierd thing where it would load at the windows screen, then go to a blue screen, then restart.It tells me its shutting down to prevent memory loss, also tells me these numbers: 0x0000007E (0xC0000006, 0x806A276D, 0xF789E6E8, 0xF789E3E4)Before this started Windows prompted me to download a service pack, It worked fine ulti about two days later.So I start the computer in safe mode and do system restore, that doesent work. I started again and did a virus scan and it wouldent let me. So after trying and trying I finally gave up, I had nothing i wanted on that hard drive, so I decided just to reinstall windows. I pop the CD in there, and it asks me if I want to repair, I tried that. Now it wont even let me run safe mode.I do boot from cd, but when it loads the CD i cant see anything but a blue screen, like it froze or my screen doesent load it.
The problem im having is that my computer just randomly at anytime restarts on its mostly occurs when im starting up the computer...but when i am also just doing things on the computer like surfing the just restarts sometimes...any help?
my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?
Sometimes I can have the comp on for a couple of days, be playing WoW and HL2 games on it and all sorts of things and it'll suddenly freeze without warning. No hdd light, no error message, just complete freezure (not a real word, I know). Mouse won't move, keyboard is locked out. Sometimes when i restart the comp, it just hangs without even getting to the post screen. Other times i'll restart and everything will boot fine, but a minute or so after windows boots it'll freeze again. The freezing/restarting happen while playing games, right after closing the games, and/or when i'm surfing the web, or even when the comp is idle.
anytime I am working on it it will suddenly turn off. I mean one second I'm working away and the next it's booting up as though someone flicked the switch off and on again really quickly. When it starts up it shows the message "Windows has recovered from a serious error". It happens when I doing 3d work, burning a dvd, listening to music or even opening a document. It's not and never was connected to the internet.
I am operating XP media edition, Dell dimension E510, I have installed and uninstalled and installed Live messenger again and it loads very slowly and then won't respond to the mouse, acually locks up. Is there some patch or driver I am missing?
Loads of *.TMP files created automatically in c:windowssystem32 " on while searching for a problem I was having.It was posted by DidoWide on the HJT forum, so I was unable to post a reply, nor could I send DidoWide an email to ask how he solved in in the end, but I have the exact same problem. Two times now, at a seemingly random times (both times round about 11:00AM), all of a sudden, loads (and I mean tens of thousands) of TMP files, looking like 0fb149fbcb12b2799cfd1c55fc08b4e9.TMP are pumped into my system32 folder. In a matter of 15 or 20 minutes, this may generated as much as 5GB of used diskspace. Some are 0K, some are 91K, but other than those tow, sizes seem to be constant.
I have 3 displays attached to my WINXP home system. The windows will de-activate randomly. By deactivate, I mean the active bar at the top of the window will dim and the task block at the bottom of the window will dim also. I have to mouse click the window to make it active again. This happens randomly. even if I am keying into an application such as EMAIL or my word processor. This also happened when I had only ONE display attached.I have automatic updates enabled so I believe my software is up to date.
I did a restore and all went well except now "My Computer" loads at start-up. I've spent considerable time researching this and have checked numerous settings and tried numerous suggested fixes to no avail.
Recently I have noticed that my PC has been loading things really slowly. When I start my computer, there is a black screen with a loading bar at the bottom, which takes atleast five minutes to load. When I launch a game, it takes ages for it to start up and it also takes ages to join a server. I tried reformating, but it didn't help. When I was installing one of my games, I found that it took about 10 times as long to install. And while it was installing, I couldn't do anything else because it slowed everything down. It's like my RAM has been lowered or something. I am guessing it may be a hardware problem.
My windows xp wont do anything besides act like its gonna load up windows, then it goes back to normal, over and over. I pressed f8. I tried all of things listed to do, nothing worked, except disable automatic restart... then the blue error screen comes up. Stop! error c0000135. I have no info on this computer, it was a Custom Pc. I cant get into my desktop or anything to check or do anything. No windows disk, no recovery disk. Nothing my dog chewed off the side label off the pc side panel so i have nothing!
I have a lot of folders on my pc so from time to time I go into the folder options and in the folder views sections I click "Reset all folders" The other day I opened up my computer and the panel on the right loaded then disappeared and then the search icon came up (torch and folder thing) and I guess it searches for the hard drives then after a bit of searching it loads them which is really annoying.
I am trying to install windows xp sp 2 over windows xp on 2 computers and the same thing has happened with each computer.I get down to 36 minutes left - installing drivers - and the setup restarts. I tried to remove the cd and xp then asks for the cd telling me it needs the asms driver, xp then is directed to search e:I386. Xp looks for it there then spontaneously restarts again. The setup is in an endless loop going from 39 minutes remaining till 34 then restarting over and over again. How can I stop this and/or correct this? I did some research at the microsoft site but I have been unable to make anything work.
When i restart my computer system 32 file loads and I have to close it. Screen comes up and shows everything in the system 32 folder. running xp pro sp 2
My computer boots slowly, loads websites slowly and goes slowly from page to page.If Flrman (or any moderator of the sight) solves this, I will be happy to make a donation to keep this site going.Lastly, how do I get to personal profile to log specs into my sig? Can't find link.
whenever i start my dell laptop inspiron 6000 after the dell load a black screen appears with a white loading bar appears which loads for about 10 minutes and then the windows xp proffesional sp2 loads i had recently reinstalled windows from a cd can you please tell me how to get rid of this black loading screen
I noticed some irregular occurences on my system, starting off with “My Computer” opening the same folder at startup (C:program files ero I think) and taking a LOT longer to shutdown/restart than normal (anywhere between 5 & 15mins to shutdown). Occasionally ckdisk would run at boot and after analysing would go through the process of recovering orphaned files (on both C: and F:
This isn't my machine it belongs to my grandpa. It has XP SP2 on it. It loads just past cmos screen then reboots itself. no message or nothing. Try run windows normally doesn't work. Try run safe mode with network support NOPE.
I have windows xp and i want to play a game but everytime i try to install it it says that it does not support windows NT and I have tried everything your site has said and nothing works! What can I do?
The light on the tower turns on when I wasn't even using the computer. I turned on the monitor but it just displayed a blank screen like the computer wasn't even on. Before I could do anything, the tower shut down. So I pressed the power button and it wouldn't come on. I, once again, unplugged the tower and plugged it back in to find it working fine. I ran my virus scanner (Norton) and Adaware but got no problems from either of them. So I shut it down and later that night it happened again.
I'm having a serious problem with my computer, and I feel that I have to type this as fast as I can because it's been shutting down very randomly lately.For the last three or four days, my computer has been completely dysfunctional? I suppose. At first, it just wouldn't turn on. I left it for a bit, and it actually would turn on, but it would run so incredibly slowly. I could barely open a program, and when I could OPEN them, they wouldn't run at all. After letting it sit for about two days, I turned it back on, and it works pretty okay for the first hour. The second hour it'll slow right back down, and then spontaneously shut down. I know this sounds like an over-heating problem, so I bought a really intense heavy duty laptop cooling fan to put under it. That doesn't help.
My laptop DOES get hot, but nothing significant, especially with the fan. I figured it might be a virus, so I installed Kaspersky. Kaspersky runs fine, until I get to about 83% and it will continue running, but it will never go past that 83%. (I've let it run for almost 6 hours). I tried Kaspersky in Safe Mode, but my computer spontaneously shut off then too.I have Word 2007 installed, and it won't save any files. It just says, "Word Cannot Save Due To A File Permission Error". And just doesn't. Playing video is useless, because it just stops halfway through whatever media is playing. I've down two system restores to two different points further away, and that hasn't stopped it either.
My problem as it stands is: My computer randomly reboots when utilizing graphics intensive programs. For example: games such as EverQuest, Final Fantasy XI, Quake III and programs such as Adobe ImageReady CS. I can't seem to establish any patterns between the crashes aside from they all seem to happen in graphics intensive programs (although ImageReady CS doesn't seem to be too graphically intensive to me). For a while, after a random restart, I would get an error saying my system has recovered from a serious error. Now I don't even get that. I just hang up on the "Welcome" screen in XP and have to ctrl+alt+del.When I first had a problem, I also had a problem that seems to be pretty common on the internet - My HD kep crashing and getting write errors to $Mft. So, I took the HD back (before I read about the problem) and it happened on the new hard drive. So, I called my friend and asked to borrow his XP SP1 CD to see if it might have some better effect on the situation than mine (my other friend suggested that it might have some problems copying certain files). When I reformatted and reinstalled with my friends version of XP SP1, I seemed to have no problems at all. No $Mft. Nothing. I upraded my motherboard drivers (including IDE bus/onboard sound/AGP driver), video drivers, directx. Still no problems. Then about 2 weeks after this, I started crashing randomly. I've scanned my computer multiple times for adaware/virus' and nothing has come up, so it's not that.
I've tried reformatting a few times and the same thing ends up happening in the end.I somewhat think its a complication between my video card and my motherboard versus my version of windows XP, and this is why:The odd thing is, if I plug in my old Hard drive (which I used with my new SAPHIRE RADEON 9700 for a little while before replacing it with a new one), I have no problems whatsoever. My computer is completely stable asside from the fact that the hard drive is slow. I replaced my video card about 3 months ago when my old GeForce went out. I used it with that old hard drive for a while with no problem. Then I got a new hard drive to give my computer a new kick -- and now I have nothing but problems.
A while ago, I posted a problem about my computer shutting down and throught I had it fixed after scanning/removing spyware and running disk check. But the last few days it's been happening again. It just shuts down while I'm working on something, either surfing the net, working in psp, working in windows movie maker, checking email, etc. Then I can't turn it back on by pushing the button on the tower. When I look in the back of the tower, the green light for the power isn't on, so I have to push the power cord in and out and jiggle it around a bit to get the green light to turn on and the computer to start up. What could be wrong?
Last night at 3am I heard an error prompt and then shutdown music. Then my computer started back up immediately after. This has happened several times now, only at night (maybe once a week or two), possibly but not certainly at the same time. Firfox is able to recover but Office is not! And I've already lost hours of work from not saving frequently enough
lately my computer has been randomly shutting down. Not while im doing anything specific, it happends at completely random times. I openned up my tower to see if it was dusty or something, sure as hell it was dusty but i cleaned it out ( blew in it ) and i felt the motherboard, it was pretty hot so i turned my computer off for a few hours but the same thing happends. the same thing happened to my friend but his problem was a fan wasnt working, but all of mine are working,i'm using a windows xp home edition, if u need anymore info, lemme know(ignore spelling/grammar errors i had to type this fast before my computer shut off again)
my pc has been restarting randomly nowadays...usually, its when i log in with the admin accnt, and it'd restart after around 10-20s. I'm posting this with my limited account, where it doesn't occur as frequent as it does on admin accnt. Also, after a couple of restarts, I did get this message on a black screen: Secondary master: ATAPI Incompatible.
We have XP running on an AOpen model computer. It's an Intel Pentium 4 with 1 GB of RAM and a Radeon X700 series video card. We've been having some trouble these past few days with the computer just randomly restarting for no reason. At first my father was having the trouble, but I didn't believe him. So I decided to sit down a little while ago to confirm what he told me.He initially told me the restart happened as he was burning a CD, but then after a restart he burnt like four of them in a row with no difficulty. So then he said it has occured while playing music. So I tested it out, played a song on Windows Media Player, and then tried to play a second one. Boom, instant restart.Now, as I said I was looking elsewhere. I do have the "auto restart" thing disabled, and I do not get a blue screen of death. As for cleaning the computer? Way ahead of you on that one. Prior to me sitting down to test the music thing, I unplugged everything in my computer and opened it up.
I want to repair my windows cause I doesn't boot up properly..I hve followed instructions but when I put cd in it takes mr to set up windows n asking mr to select I select my current system drive n it is asking mr to press c to continue setup using this partition..N then it ask me to format or leave current file system I doing something wrong, how come I don't have the repair windows xp option like it shows on the user guide?