Windows Xp Sp2 Setup Restarts Continuously?
Mar 6, 2005
I am trying to install windows xp sp 2 over windows xp on 2 computers and the same thing has happened with each computer.I get down to 36 minutes left - installing drivers - and the setup restarts. I tried to remove the cd and xp then asks for the cd telling me it needs the asms driver, xp then is directed to search e:I386. Xp looks for it there then spontaneously restarts again. The setup is in an endless loop going from 39 minutes remaining till 34 then restarting over and over again. How can I stop this and/or correct this? I did some research at the microsoft site but I have been unable to make anything work.
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Jul 29, 2007
Recently I was having problems with my computer so I used the system recovery cd I received when I bought the computer and went through all the necessary steps to make it happen, but for some reason this time instead of being able to log back onto windows, it said my windows was not fully installed. At this point, I used the Windows XP recovery cd and deleted the partition my old windows was on and followed the necessary steps to install it, except once it gets up to the point of "Installing Devices", there is a little bar to the left and shows the progress and it gets up to about halfway and the computer restarts and it continues in this endless cycle unless.
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Feb 22, 2008
Explorer.exe will load when my machine starts up. About every 5-10 seconds, it will close, meaning my desktop blinks off. Another 10 seconds later (or around that) explorer.exe will start again and my desktop will come back. Eventually, it stops trying to load and the desktop stays off. I can go to task manager and run explorer.exe to repeat the process of having explorer.exe run, stop, run, etc. I don't receive any error messages when this happens. This machine has the latest Microsoft updates incl service pack 2.
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Apr 18, 2006
can anyone help we had a power cut whilst my daughter was using her computer which runs xp.Now when we restart it it just continually restarts, I tried pressing f8 at the welcome screen and started in safemode this made no difference just went to the welcome screen and started again!
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Jul 27, 2007
Every time i turn on the computer, it restarts by itself before i can log on. then it will just endlessly restart itself until i shut it off. occasionally i can hold esc and it will log on properly, but it takes a really long time and doesnt always work. I am using a Windows XP laptop, and i did a virus scan and deleted all the dangerous files. I even unchecked "automatically restart" for a system failure and nothing happened.
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Sep 10, 2008
I just bought a new hard drive for my computer because with the old one I was having problems with creating a new partition and installing XP... so I figured the Hard Drive itself was the problem. Anyways, I have the new drive hooked up, I run windows XP setup and it loads all of the files. It finishes and says "setup is starting windows" after this my screen goes black, the computer restarts and the cycle repeats.
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Apr 19, 2006
I went to try to install windows xp onto a computer that already had windows on it. I did not boot from the cd. To do it without using the cd it has to copy the installation files to the computer and then run them. When setup does this it creates a new choice of an operating system to boot from called "Windows XP Setup." So now I have a Windows XP and a Windows XP setup. I've been in msconfig and looked at boot.ini but that didn't help
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Jan 30, 2009
My windows xp wont do anything besides act like its gonna load up windows, then it goes back to normal, over and over. I pressed f8. I tried all of things listed to do, nothing worked, except disable automatic restart... then the blue error screen comes up. Stop! error c0000135. I have no info on this computer, it was a Custom Pc. I cant get into my desktop or anything to check or do anything. No windows disk, no recovery disk. Nothing my dog chewed off the side label off the pc side panel so i have nothing!
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Mar 10, 2009
my system restarts just when it's up to open windows. i installed fresh windos xp for three times and after 15 minutes working it starts restarting again. safe mode doesnt work too. could it be some of my components not working?
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Oct 14, 2006
anytime I am working on it it will suddenly turn off. I mean one second I'm working away and the next it's booting up as though someone flicked the switch off and on again really quickly. When it starts up it shows the message "Windows has recovered from a serious error". It happens when I doing 3d work, burning a dvd, listening to music or even opening a document. It's not and never was connected to the internet.
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Jun 21, 2006
I've been having major problems with my computer and only got it up with boot disks.It randomly restarts itself but when it does, windows doesn't load and I get a screen asking for system disk. I have to manually turn it on and off for it to restart and then it's fine. Mainly restarts when I try doing any kind of scan - anti virus, defragmenter. Then I got a complete stop and blue screen with stop error 0x7B inaccessible boot device. Could only get it back up with the disks.I haven't added new hardware or programs. I haven't been able to virus scan but spybot and vundofix come clear. Originally I thought restarts were from overheating (have cooling problems) but could a stop come from that too?Worried about a boot virus.
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Dec 4, 2008
I have been noticing that whenever I reboot my computer, or even at random intervals, that the wave portion of the volume menu goes to zero and it makes the sound on my computer go very quiet. I can move the wave dial back to the max and everything works alright, but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on why this would be happening. I am running the onboard sound which is nvidia based, but not sure if there are any more current drivers than what I am running.
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Oct 17, 2005
Had to reformat my drive and now whenever i use my win xp sp2 install disc...i first format the drive and create the proper partition..the windows disc then starts copying files to the computer but at a point i get an error message saying that windows setup cannot copy the file...and it tells me which file. I redid this several times and each time at a some point in the copying it gives me this error...each time with a different file name
What should i do at this stage?
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Feb 22, 2008
I've bought a new notebook.The specifications you can see from my profile.
I've got an AMD Athlon 64X, X2 1.80GHz TK-55 Processor.
I've tryed to install the Windows XP SP2 64X Edition, at the setup Windows didn't install?!
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May 23, 2010
using windows xp how do I get in the BIOS Setup screen
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Jun 8, 2008
I can't get XP Pro to get past "Setup is starting Windows" ,to allow me to format.Loads all drivers up to that point,then the error in above post.Pressing F6 or F10 to install 3rd party(XFX MB drivers) has no effect,and Alt-F2 ultimately gives error also.S prompt is no joy also.Tried F8 for Safe Boot and no joy.Cleared CMOS several times.All drives are there in CMOS. All RAM (4 Gigs) is detected I raised Memory voltage to 1.9 volts standard for my ram),and raised FSB to 1600 Mhz from 1333 (standard also).Put timings to standard 7-7-7-24T Tried Memory linked/unlinked/Auto/1T/2T I Tried only 1 SATA drive,and 1 Gig of RAM with 1 DVD RW /2 drives and 2 Gig of RAM,I Enabled standard RAID for each and every drive and ultimately disabled them cause I want the XFX 790i ultra motherboard RAID Drivers.
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Jun 10, 2008
When i put in teh Win xp disc its starts loading teh file etc.. and then when done after i press enter and "Setup is starting windows" its freezes andi get liek A black dot and a few like patterns on the screen or soemtimes teh screen just goes mad liek with different colourd patterns but ontop of the blue "Setup is starting windows" screen ive checked teh disc and made a copy both work fine checked teh CD rom works fine put a diffremnt cd rom drive in and made no difference cant check ram because my computer doesnt take DDR2. ive put diffrent IDE harddives in with and without a SATA convoertor and the same thing happens with the "Setup is starting windows" also when i start the computer up before i boot from cd or anything after all that without booting from CD i get a BSOD code 0x07B.
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Feb 17, 2009
I want to install Windows XP Pro 64 Bit on my Hp dv9907ca, which came with Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. I upgraded my RAM to four gigs, and get better gaming on XP and I'd like to upgrade my 32 bit to 64, problem is, the installation hangs as soon as it gets to 'Setup is loading Windows' still int he text based installation. I believe I read somehwere it's because of some sort of hard drive connection that's in newer computers, and XP doesn't have drivers for it. So basically, I'm wondering if soeone can figure out what's wrong, and tell me exactly what I need to do in order to get XP to work, now this is a laptop so I can't change any parts in it or anything like that.
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Oct 15, 2010
I recently purchased a Western Digital laptop hard drive for my HP Presario X1015US laptop - and got the part where it said : Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed on my computer. I have tried two new drives now and it is simply not getting past this point. I have gone in to the bios to ensure it is booting from Windows Operating System CD and it is still not finding. HP told me I have to check motherboard? Is there anything else I can do or am I going to need to buy a new laptop (the old hard drive is no longer working...started making weird noise).
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Nov 11, 2006
i'm trying to reinstall my windows xp Pro onto my computer Boot will recognize that the XP CD is in the drive, DO NOT press any keys, let setup bypass the CD boot. and it doesn't display the "Press any key to boot from CD.."All it does is restart the setup again, something flashes past fast and then it starts the setup all over.
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May 26, 2005
When I start my pc I get an option to either start Windows XP or to run Windows XP Setup. If I am not quick then it automatically selects Windows XP setup where it goes into the intial setup screens where I need to quit and re-boot the PC. There is nothing wrong with my pc and I have no need to carry out any setup tasks, what I want to do is to get rid of this option.
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Jan 19, 2009
I got the error screen
The file serial.sys is corrupted.
Press any key to continue
... and at the bottom it says
Setup failed. press any key to restart your computer.
Any ideas ?
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Sep 16, 2005
A while back I tried to reload the entire WinXP and start from scratch due to some viruses and what not. Before I could complete the process, I decided to try to fix the problems one last time. It Worked. Now when I turn the computer on It automatically directs me to a blue windows setup screen. In order to start WinXP I must manually select windows in the three second time limit.How do I get my computer to automatically start windows at start up?
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Jan 16, 2005
I have a new computer with a 120g hard drive and a 20g hard drive as a slave. I also have 1 gig of memory.In setting up partitions for my computer, is it ok to have just one partition or should I make several?I do nothing fancy on this computer as far as gaming or any type of designing. All I am interested in is just an easy way to setup and maintain my system.
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Jun 24, 2006
i recently wanted to installed a few windows components from the windows xp installation cd. during the install i cancelled it. but the next day when i booted up the pc i got two options in the boot menu. It asked wether i wanted to boot "windows xp home edition" or "windows xp setup" How do i get rid of this "windows xp setup" boot option?
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Jul 5, 2005
I wrk for a company that has a server with Windows 2003. There are multiple 2000 and XP users who map drives from the server. Now here is where the problem begins. 2000 has no problms at all mapping drives. XP however has an issue with one folder. No matter what letter you pick, when you map the drive you get an error message "Setup requires a different version of windows. Check to make sure you are running setup on the Windows platform for which it is intended. Error 102" First of all im not running any type of setup. Im merely mapping a drive. This error occurs regardless of what drive letter you pick. And the really weird part, is once mapped the drive will open in Explorer or any other mode EXCEPT through My Computer and double clicking on the drive. If you right click the drive and hit open or explore, both will open the drive just fine. You double click and you get the error. When you right click the drive you also get an "autoplay" feature which makes no sense being its a folder on the server.
It acts like it has lost its association. Like if a JPG file is associated with nothing it wont open, but if you tell it to open with paint then it will. Its really weird and after weeks of searching i have found not a single similar problem to this one i can relate or get help from. It just plain makes no sense. I am going to unshare and reshare the folder when everyone leaves and see if that helps, but it works fine in 2000 currently and not in XP just in my computer.
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May 17, 2005
Every time I reboot a setup window appears. When I click the next button an error say can not install on windows NT.
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Jul 17, 2008
In the past, I have used the S-video port (with RCA adapter) in a dual view setup with my TV. I recently reinstalled Windows XP and now I can't get the secondary display (the TV) to work correctly. I just get a bunch of black & white lines moving up the screen (looks like bad reception/static on a TV). The weird thing is that the TV displays everything fine during the bootup process, including the loading screen with the Windows XP logo. Full color and everything. It's when Windows actually starts that the TV freaks out. Another weird thing is if I use nVidia's TV setup Wizard and select "Span," the image on the TV actually stabilizes. But I am forced to keep a low resolution on the monitor (which wasn't the case before I reinstalled XP), and as soon as I make any other changes the TV goes back to freaking out.
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Sep 23, 2006
i have i think it is a spyware problem, there is a file in the windows folder that needs deleating, the only problem is windows vistas explorer restarts every 10 seconds or so and i cant browse the hdd because it jus restarts itself lik u have just logged in, i have even tried this in safe mode but it stil does it. Anybody know of any problems like a certain spyware name or virus that is doin this, and any programs that would likely to get rid of it, this has happened before, and i deleted the program in the windows folder and it was fine, except i dont know the name of this file i havbe to delete this time.
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Oct 31, 2007
Its been a while since i needed to come here but my computer is on the verge of being chucked out the window.
I keep getting crashes, pc shuts down and then its very hard to get the damn thing to boot up again.
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Sep 25, 2007
I have a Toshiba satellite and it has windows xp home edition. It has been making continuous clicking noises. What do I do,download or do I need to go to a shop?
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