Laptop Continuously Restarts Every Time Turn It On
Jul 27, 2007
Every time i turn on the computer, it restarts by itself before i can log on. then it will just endlessly restart itself until i shut it off. occasionally i can hold esc and it will log on properly, but it takes a really long time and doesnt always work. I am using a Windows XP laptop, and i did a virus scan and deleted all the dangerous files. I even unchecked "automatically restart" for a system failure and nothing happened.
Recently I was having problems with my computer so I used the system recovery cd I received when I bought the computer and went through all the necessary steps to make it happen, but for some reason this time instead of being able to log back onto windows, it said my windows was not fully installed. At this point, I used the Windows XP recovery cd and deleted the partition my old windows was on and followed the necessary steps to install it, except once it gets up to the point of "Installing Devices", there is a little bar to the left and shows the progress and it gets up to about halfway and the computer restarts and it continues in this endless cycle unless.
I am trying to install windows xp sp 2 over windows xp on 2 computers and the same thing has happened with each computer.I get down to 36 minutes left - installing drivers - and the setup restarts. I tried to remove the cd and xp then asks for the cd telling me it needs the asms driver, xp then is directed to search e:I386. Xp looks for it there then spontaneously restarts again. The setup is in an endless loop going from 39 minutes remaining till 34 then restarting over and over again. How can I stop this and/or correct this? I did some research at the microsoft site but I have been unable to make anything work.
Explorer.exe will load when my machine starts up. About every 5-10 seconds, it will close, meaning my desktop blinks off. Another 10 seconds later (or around that) explorer.exe will start again and my desktop will come back. Eventually, it stops trying to load and the desktop stays off. I can go to task manager and run explorer.exe to repeat the process of having explorer.exe run, stop, run, etc. I don't receive any error messages when this happens. This machine has the latest Microsoft updates incl service pack 2.
can anyone help we had a power cut whilst my daughter was using her computer which runs xp.Now when we restart it it just continually restarts, I tried pressing f8 at the welcome screen and started in safemode this made no difference just went to the welcome screen and started again!
I went to turn on my PC today and I am asked as usual to pick what OS to run XP (home) or Recovery Console. I picked XP and I am met with a screen saying:We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.If the computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectfully, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.
my computer won't shut down, it just restarts, it look like it will shut down, there is blue screen, than black, and when i think that it's over it just starts again, just like i press the button. i tried every tips nad tricks which i found on forrums (reinstall nVidia drives, power, USB ports...) but i didn't solve my problem
I was having some Adware and virus issues so I got help with those here, but in the process, it looks like I did something pretty screwy.If I shut down from the start button it only restarts the computer. If I try to open it up in safe mode via msconfig from run, it just restarts the computer in normal mode. If I try F8, same thing.I get a "your system has recovered from a seriour error" every time the computer restarts. When I dig for details on the error, this is what it says.
I'm using a different computer, than my not working one to post this. My other computer has frequent crashes like when i click certain things. It says beginning dump of physical memory in a blue screen and counts up from 1 at the bottom of the screen. It takes forever so i Just restart the computer. I downloaded and installed a BIOS update, tried a different graphics card, tried different RAM chips, tried a different processor, and it still happens.
I am facing the disgusting "windows frequently restarts" problem. I am using Compaq Presario X1028US laptop with Intel Pentium Centrino 1.5 GHZ processor, 512 MB RAM and a 160 GB hard disk with Windows XP SP 3 as the OS. I regularly update the anti virus (AVG) and the Windows automatically. The most recent change to the system was to upgrade AVG from 8.5 to 9.0 which was done yesterday. Everything was fine until today morning when the laptop started restarting by itself. I first ignored it and continued to work and it became more and more frequent. I have referred several posts on the internet and have done all the things mentioned below in order but the problem still persists. I am not able to pin point to the cause of the problem. It should be noted that the problem exists only in the normal mode of Windows XP and not in the Safe mode.
I have a Dell 8250 running Win XP Pro. Lately, sounds that have usually be associated with turning on or off peripheral equipment such as a printer of scanner are sounding quite often with no input from me, even when the machine's been idle for awhile. I browsed through the Windows sounds and it's "Device Connected" and "Device Disconnected".
I am using IBM Think pad R60 with Windows XP Pro SP2, When I enabled the hibernate my laptop restarting and also hibernating two times, Like when I click on hibernate after hibernating its coming to Login screen and again going to hibernate mode same with restart also.But if I disable hibernate option and restarts the laptop its working fine. I tried changing the Power scheme and reinstall the graphics Driver but issue not resolved.
After a period of time my computer will turn itself back on. This is after I have completely shut the systems down. I have never found if there is a fixed time period that this happens. What I mean is I don't know if it happens after two, three, four hours. All I know is that when I get up in the morning the computer is back on.
my computer had started to restart or completely shut down on its own randomly when i was using it. The computer has gotten slower over the years (its about 5 years old) and when i shut down on its own again today i decided that i would just reformat the whole thing. So I just finished doing the disk recovery thing and i transferred over some old files that i had backed up from before onto another hard drive and I was just installing a game back onto the computer
a few moments ago when the computer restarted by itself again! when it came back i started my browser and it did it again a second time. Anyway I was wondering what the hell is going on with this thing, could it be some of the files i backed up and transferred over? Im running windows XP any additional info you guys need about the PC or what i have on it ill tell you, but please I really need some help I cant have this happening over and over again.
I have a older Imb laptop modle T23 computer and when I shut it down rather then using standby it takes several times trying to get it to come back on. I press the little round on/off button and the (z) button lights up and I hear the fan turn on and all of a sudden a series of beeps, and the screen won't turn on. The beeping is like 8 beeps, then stops but still nothing come up on the screen. Completely black! So i turn off the computer again, and turn on same thing. I continue doing this like 30+ times sometimes more sometimes less, then finally the beeps dont start and the screen is working. So needless to say its still working in the mean time, but its just such a pain if I shut it down. . For now I am just going to continue using standby but when I have updates sometimes i need to shut down.
I am having problems with a dell inspiron 1150 Laptop computer that will not turn on. It is connected to a electrical power cable, and does not have the battery. the power cable is working fine.
Windows XP SP2 seems to be working normally, when I click Shut Down the computer proceeds to turn off. Afterwards the harddrive powers-down, the fans stop running, etc. Then for no reason, the computer turns back on after a brief period of time off (varied: 1hr, 15min, 8 sec) as if someone pushed the power button.I did not install any new software, or update/added on new hardware when this problem started to happen. Im unable to trace the source of this error
My computer wont turn off 1st time. The 1st time i press the 'turn off' button, the screen flashs, as if its getting ready to turn off, but then nothing happens. When i repeat the procedure again, it does turn off.
When I Exit Speedfan,my Cpu And Hd Fans Just Go On At Highspeeds And Dont Go Off Until I Go Bak To Speed Fan And Turn It Down Do I Just Get Rid Of Speedfan And Make My Computer How It Used To Be?
I have a compaq Presario V2000. The battery is good, the power from power cord is good. it does come on once in a while if I am lucky. But most of the time When I press on the power button nothing happens just the power light goes on then off. any suggestion where to start?
My Laptop is an HP Pavilion ze2000, and I when I turn it on, it goes to the HP logo screen, then the Windows XP screen, then restarts and does that same process. I do not have my startup disk, and also, it won't let me boot the computer in safe mode, last known configuration or anything.
I just cant turn my laptop back on. I press the start button, I get a message "Windows didnt start properly" with all the usual list of options. I have tried them all "start windows normally", press f11, start with last configuration starts for a few seconds, then it cuts itself off and back to former i never get anywhere. I tried taking battery out, leaving laptop time to cool down.nothing.
I turnd off my laptop using the power button as aposed to shuting it down.. this may have been the wrong thing to do however i was in a rush and had done it befor with no problem.I have gone to turn on my laptop. insted of loading up the usual windows xp user select screen i have been directed to a screen that states "we apologise for the inconvenience but windows did not start successfully. a recent hardware or software change might have caused this."
I have a novatech laptop which i have had about one year. Recently when i turn it on , the clock has gained several years. It doesn't hapen all the time, the most recent time it read 12th 0ct 2015. I know how to reset it to the correct time.
Its come with windows vista, but i downgraded to xp. I have everything runnig fine (audio, video, wireless) but the problem is that my laptop turn off regularly. When i'm working it's just turn off. There's no loging off screen, there is nothing, it just turn off, as if touching the power button on your tv.