Every Time Turn Off Speed Fan Computer Runs - Fans At 100%

Aug 25, 2006

When I Exit Speedfan,my Cpu And Hd Fans Just Go On At Highspeeds And Dont Go Off Until I Go Bak To Speed Fan And Turn It Down Manually.....how Do I Just Get Rid Of Speedfan And Make My Computer How It Used To Be?

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Computer Fans Runs No Boot

Apr 2, 2010

My computer fan runs and stays on no booting to post and stays on really loud can not figure this out! What am I missing I turned the computer and tried to reboot after the video screen went crazy and loud noise scrambled appeared! lease help! Does my poor partitons are 28 in number on my biggest drive of 1000gb

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Computer Runs Slow After A Certain Time

Aug 18, 2009

My computer starts going really slow after about 11:00-12:00 PM-AM (Programs take forever to start/open and games take about 20 minutes to load.) until i wake up (About 10-11:45 AM ). Anywho I was wondering if there is any thing I can do to help my computer run fast for 24/7, give or take.Just to let you know I'm Not that good with technical stuff, so if there's any that would be difficult for a noob you'll have to explain slowly.

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Turn Off Computer Takes Too Much Time - Up To Five Minutes.

Jun 2, 2006

This is a Pentium 4 with XP home.

I tried to reduce the start up programs but that had no effect when I turn it off.

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After Period Of Time Computer Will Turn Itself Back On

Jan 18, 2006

After a period of time my computer will turn itself back on. This is after I have completely shut the systems down. I have never found if there is a fixed time period that this happens. What I mean is I don't know if it happens after two, three, four hours. All I know is that when I get up in the morning the computer is back on.

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Turning Off The Computer: Long Time To Turn Back On?

Dec 6, 2004

Windows XP SP2 seems to be working normally, when I click Shut Down the computer proceeds to turn off. Afterwards the harddrive powers-down, the fans stop running, etc. Then for no reason, the computer turns back on after a brief period of time off (varied: 1hr, 15min, 8 sec) as if someone pushed the power button.I did not install any new software, or update/added on new hardware when this problem started to happen. Im unable to trace the source of this error

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Screen Flashes - Computer Wont Turn Off 1st Time

May 22, 2007

My computer wont turn off 1st time. The 1st time i press the 'turn off' button, the screen flashs, as if its getting ready to turn off, but then nothing happens. When i repeat the procedure again, it does turn off.

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Boot Up / Fan Runs On High Speed Much Too Frequently

Feb 26, 2005

I been dealing with hp support the whole time I've owned it. The problem was/is is that the case fan runs on high speed much too frequently. When it cranks on It slows down the computer and continues to run for about a minute.Then after about 2 min. it turns on again at high speed. When this happens and your surfing the web or working in a program it slows that process down. The fan cranks on even when not in use, if left on. Anyway, hp changed the cpu fan first, did not fix the problem. Then they changed the motherboard, it did not fix it either. They are now sending me a new power supply and cord. I'll see what happens.

I own 2 of these pc's and the other one does not run like this at all. As I was troubleshooting the first one I unplugged the 2nd pc to move it to another outlet. I then went to turn on the pc and it's totally dead! I tried everything. Switched out the powercord but that was not it. There is a light on the back of the pc that comes on when the pc is plugged in. It's blinking. On the other pc it's solid, not blinking. I talked to hp and they are sending a tech to the house with a new motherboard and power supply.

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One Of The Computer Fans Not Working

Apr 9, 2007

I turn on the computer this morning, and it says it found new hardware. So I rebooted and everything was fine (so I thought). A few moments ago I noticed that one of the fans wasn't working. However, I believe this fan is not so necessary for the computer's operation because it glows rainbow when it spins.

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Computer Shuts Down But Fans Still Running

Jan 15, 2006

Recently Ive been having a problem when shutting down windows. I have XP. When I shutdown my computer it goes to the blue screen and says your Computer is Shutting down. Like normal the computer makes a little clicking noise like it does when it usually shuts down but the fans and stuff are still running and it doesn't shut down all the way. The screen still says Windows is shutting down and the light on the computer stops blinking. How can I fix this?

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Turn Off Indexing To Speed Up ?

Aug 12, 2002

Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc. If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then I suggest turnning this feature off:1. Control Panel
2. Administrative Tools
3. Services
4. Disable Indexing Services

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Runs Checkdisk Every Time At Reboot

Apr 12, 2008

Runs checkdisk every time at reboot what might be wrong?

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DISK CHECK Runs Every Time Boot And Wont Go Any Further

Jun 5, 2008

Each reboot starts with scan of fat32 and checks for errors on file system c:/says Removing trailing entries from system volume - restore It then says entries have been checked and fixed ,says windows will now start up then does the acer screen, then windows xp screen loads then it cuts back to scandisk again. I could reformat with the original installation disk, but the owner of this computer wants heaps of files and photos and things off the harddrive first, so i want to see if i can fix without loosing her data.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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Unable To Play Need For Speed / Stopped After Short Time?

Sep 18, 2006

Right, everything else works just fine on this computer, including loads of games, new and old, programs systerm etc.I have had problems with the Raptor drive but have had a replacement sent and installed ok I'm trying to run Need For Speed : Most Wanted : Black Edition.I can play just fine for anything from 15 minutes to 1 1/2 hours then the sound loops, the display goes blank and the PC shuts off.I have re-installed windows, defragged the drives (took days), re-installed drivers, swapped hardware, played in 2000, 98, NT modes, turned off SLI (turned it back on again) just about everything i can think of.I have loads of other games but it's really frustrating me that i can't play this without it crashing the system.

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System Taking Long Time To Boot / Unable To Speed It Up?

May 29, 2008

About 2 months ago I had to replace the hard drive. It was a WD40 gig. I chose a Seagate PATA160 gig. It works good but since that time it takes a long time to boot up. Would a new, larger drive need more memory. I didn't add anything else.

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Sound From My Pc At Vthe Time Of Turn Off And On

Jun 14, 2007

I have a Dell 8250 running Win XP Pro. Lately, sounds that have usually be associated with turning on or off peripheral equipment such as a printer of scanner are sounding quite often with no input from me, even when the machine's been idle for awhile. I browsed through the Windows sounds and it's "Device Connected" and "Device Disconnected".

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Monitor Do Not Turn Off Ofter Certain Time

Nov 3, 2006

I seem to have a Power Scheme problem. The monitor/disks are set to power down after a certain time but they never do! It is an XP SP2 system.

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Laptop Continuously Restarts Every Time Turn It On

Jul 27, 2007

Every time i turn on the computer, it restarts by itself before i can log on. then it will just endlessly restart itself until i shut it off. occasionally i can hold esc and it will log on properly, but it takes a really long time and doesnt always work. I am using a Windows XP laptop, and i did a virus scan and deleted all the dangerous files. I even unchecked "automatically restart" for a system failure and nothing happened.

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Screen / Fans Turning Off

Apr 3, 2010

Having a little problem here. I have a 7 year old Compaq Presario Desktop. 3 times now (Thurs night, Fri night, Sat morning) while it's being used the screen goes black, and the fans shut off inside the tower. But the green power light stays on. I turned off the PC last night to let it cool down but this AM the same thing happened again.Is this problem due to the computer over heating? I just cleaned the whole thing up 2 months ago for the first time in a long time, but maybe something got in there causing the fan not to spin correctly.

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Computer Always Runs Slow

Sep 10, 2009

It takes up to 15 minutes to start up when you first turn it on. Often takes up to 20 seconds for programs to come up when you hit start. Virtually all software programs take time to come up, even little ones like Notepad. Have lots of slowdowns and freeze ups when using the internet, including trying to type in url's. Anytime the computer isn't in use for a little while, starting up again is always very slow with frequent little freeze ups. Lately, even when we first turn the computer on, we get a low on virtual memory warning in the lower right corner. Somebody told me this could be the problem. If so, why would it need more memory now than in the past when it worked ok?We actually deleted lots of files and some software programs not be used, including video games.We used Spybot, Malwarebytes and our anti virus program a few days back and all 3 came up with no problems.

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Cant Install On A Computer That Runs Vista

Mar 22, 2008

Okay, I have this laptop with Vista Home Premium that I just can't stand stand anymore. I decided to try to install XP pro on it. I partitioned off a part of the HDD to store data backups and proceded with wiping Vista off the primary partition and went ahead to installing XP. When trying to install XP pro SP2 it got all the way to the partition setup and it did not read the HDD at all. If I press enter anyway I get a BSOD that has a setupdd.exe error. I have researched this error and it seems to relate to hardware incompatibility. I tried installing XP pro with the service pack 3 beta slipstreamed in and had the same problem. I also tried Black XP and it would not even boot from the disk. Then as a last resort I tried installing LastXP and it seemed to have alot better luck. It read the HDD and started installing but it always fails to copy the file "iastor75.sys" and after clicking "skip" it finishes the setup and reboots to another BSOD. I have no idea what iastor75.sys is. I have tried google searches and found nothing conclusive.

BTW my laptop is a Gateway MT6730.

I really really really want XP on this computer. Do you guys think that if I slipstreamed in some chipset and HDD drivers onto the XP disk it would work?

Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated.

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Xp Loading Bar Just Runs Runs And Runs

Nov 6, 2008

Hi all

Like the title says, everytime i turn my machine on the windows page appears on start and the load bar just keeps going. I left this running for an hour and nothing happened.

I have read tons of stuff and tried loads of stuff and yes you guessed it nothing has sorted it out.

My computer knowledge isnt great so if this requires Bios work or Command prompts i will need some detailed help.

Cheers All


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Wuauclt.exe Runs Everytime/ Using 99% Of Computer Resources?

Jul 18, 2005

For some reason my windows update (wuauclt.exe) file has decided to run 24 hours a day. This means that it is using 99% of my computer resources. I have
run virus and spyware and nothing, I have deleted the file that seems to be causing the problem, but it always comes back on restart.

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Constant Bsod , Computer Runs Very Slow?

Jun 2, 2010

A few weeks ago I decided to try messing around with the RAM. I took out the last stick and the computer, yet again, seemed to work perfectly… for a week at least (enough time for me to assume it was fixed). The problems persisted. Note that by now not only did I have bsod problems but simple problems like browsers not being able to open, programs crashing at a very high rate,windows unable to shut down, etc. (these reasons made me decide to start experimenting with the RAM) After RAM stick #4 did not work, I started switching out ram (to no avail) And just yesterday I took them all out and put only two in, so I am running 2 gigs memory

Last night, my computer seemed to run fine, I got my hopes up yet again. This morning my comp bsod’d. After waiting an hour, I turned my computer back on and now I have a constant “Microsoft windows, the system has recovered from a serious error” error report sending thing, which no matter how many times I click don’t send or send it will pop up again. I have moved it to the corner of my screen to write this. I believe I may have had this problem before and just restarted to fix it, but I am not sure.

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Computer Boots And Runs Slow As Molasses

Feb 9, 2009

I've got an old msi K7N2G-L board/computer and it's got an old WD1200JB installed and running xp. The problem is that it boots and runs slow as molasses, I'm talking like 10 mins to get it to the log in screen and opening apps takes a good 2-3mins before opening too. If I run a defrag on the drive, things temp speed back up to normal, but as soon as I reboot, it's slow again. If I run the defrag again, everything's cool and speeds go back to normal.So I'm guessing that there's some HD corruption on this drive (at least 5yrs old) and it keeps writing system files to the bad sections of this old HD when it's booting. I've run various fdisks, but none of them reveal any errors. (I should mention that I'm diligently proactive on Antivirus', firewall and Spyware practices, so that's definitely not an option relating to the old drive's slowness.) I've scanned with Avira, Nod32, Kaspersky, Trojansuperantispyware, and checked hijack this entries, there's nothing detected or unusual. Of course, I don't have all of these installed at once.I decided to try and swap the drive out and reinstall xp on this system using a newer WD3200 drive (that I use as a storage drive on one of my other computers.) I run the xp installer, successfully quick format the 3200 partition to NTFS, and everything proceeds fine and fast(keep in mind the 3200 drive was used to store data on my newer comp and was already formatted to ntfs.) Unfortunately, after it successfully finishes the initial install, it gives me the 15 second reboot warning. Okay, I let it reboot, but instead of continuing the install after the reboot, the system hangs on "Verifying DMI Pool Data" and that's it. Nothing happens and I am unable to finish the installation. I tried this like 10 times with 2 different XP home's and I keep getting the same problem. When I go into Bios, the drive is recognized as a 3200/automatic settings? I can't see why xp installs fine on the old WD1200, but not on the WD3200.

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Application Runs On Computer A, But Not Computer B ?

Aug 14, 2005

How does one begin troubleshooting an application that appears to install correctly but fails to start in Windows XP ?I am trying to install the same application on two nearly identical Windows XP workstations. The application (Maxon NET render) installs and runs fine on computer A. On computer B, however, after the application appears to install without error it simply does not start. Clicking the application shortcuts or the executable itself causes the computer to think for a moment, the mouse icon turns into a spinning hourglass for a few seconds, then nothing happens.

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Computer No Longer Auto Runs Program / Game

Oct 19, 2008

I got some help on removing maleware and after running combofix my computer no longer auto runs program/game cd,dvd. My computer has no other problems.

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Computer Runs Slow Hangs On Proper Reboot

Jan 21, 2008

1st I use internet explorer for my web browser. At work when I click on it it pops right up with out even thinking about it Page loads with in 10 seconds every time. At home. Some times it will take 30 seconds to a minute to start after I click on it.2nd issue is this Occasionally I will come into my computer after not using it for 8-10 hours or so and I will have a ton (sometimes 40+) Error messages that say "unable to launch restart.exe".I can close all of them but then the computer runs like a tank. I always have to do a hard shut down after this too.It will NOT restart using the proper methods just hangs up.

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