Runs Checkdisk Every Time At Reboot

Apr 12, 2008

Runs checkdisk every time at reboot what might be wrong?

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Chkdsk Runs On Slave HD After Reboot

Jan 21, 2007

I bought a new maxtor 250 gig hd and set it to be master drive C. I had a 80gig hd that came with my dell. I set it to slave drive E for storage reformatted it clean. For some reason on restart or bootup chkdsk runs on drive E. Finds no problems. Never has. I am running xp home sp2

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Chkdsk Runs On Reboot Constantly

Jun 3, 2008

Hi, Somehow my daughters computer is stuck rebooting. When you start it up chkdsk attempts to run and if you hit any key in the allowed time period it does not just skip chkdsk as it has in the past, it continues to reboot again and again. Even if you let the chkdsk utility run it just reboots when its finished and we're back to square one. How do we disable chkdsk or Autochk.exe if that's what is happening and will this solve the problem maybe?

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Computer Runs Slow Hangs On Proper Reboot

Jan 21, 2008

1st I use internet explorer for my web browser. At work when I click on it it pops right up with out even thinking about it Page loads with in 10 seconds every time. At home. Some times it will take 30 seconds to a minute to start after I click on it.2nd issue is this Occasionally I will come into my computer after not using it for 8-10 hours or so and I will have a ton (sometimes 40+) Error messages that say "unable to launch restart.exe".I can close all of them but then the computer runs like a tank. I always have to do a hard shut down after this too.It will NOT restart using the proper methods just hangs up.

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Computer Runs Slow After A Certain Time

Aug 18, 2009

My computer starts going really slow after about 11:00-12:00 PM-AM (Programs take forever to start/open and games take about 20 minutes to load.) until i wake up (About 10-11:45 AM ). Anywho I was wondering if there is any thing I can do to help my computer run fast for 24/7, give or take.Just to let you know I'm Not that good with technical stuff, so if there's any that would be difficult for a noob you'll have to explain slowly.

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DISK CHECK Runs Every Time Boot And Wont Go Any Further

Jun 5, 2008

Each reboot starts with scan of fat32 and checks for errors on file system c:/says Removing trailing entries from system volume - restore It then says entries have been checked and fixed ,says windows will now start up then does the acer screen, then windows xp screen loads then it cuts back to scandisk again. I could reformat with the original installation disk, but the owner of this computer wants heaps of files and photos and things off the harddrive first, so i want to see if i can fix without loosing her data.

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Every Time Turn Off Speed Fan Computer Runs - Fans At 100%

Aug 25, 2006

When I Exit Speedfan,my Cpu And Hd Fans Just Go On At Highspeeds And Dont Go Off Until I Go Bak To Speed Fan And Turn It Down Do I Just Get Rid Of Speedfan And Make My Computer How It Used To Be?

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Lock-up And Reboot All The Time

Jan 1, 2009

Several strange things happened after a lock-up and reboot. Defrag and System Restore will not longer work. Norton Internet security advanced protection turns off. I have also had a problem receintly when starting up where a box opens that says "DWRCST tray icon encountered a problem and must shut down". Also, I am able to log onto my IPS and some websites will open as they should and when clicking on others, a page opens that says Internet Explorer cannot open this page. This also happens when I try to open this website, so I must use another computer to get here.

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MS DirectShow 5 Asks To Reboot Upon Startup Every Time?

Sep 3, 2005

Every time I start my computer, the Cakewalk Pro Audio Setup appears, and says that Microsoft DirectShow 5 has been installed on my system. Then it needs to reboot to continue the installation. This is all fine except that after reboot it would show me the same prompt all over again. Is there any way to stop this from happening? (I don't want to install Cakewalk anymore). My OS is WinXP SP2.

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2000 Pro Forgets Zonealarm Settings Every Time Reboot

Mar 1, 2005

Running win 2000 pro SP4. every time i reboot, certain program settings are lost. for example, my zonealarm settings are lost, and all program net access authorizations have to be re-authorized, when the programs attempt to connect to the net. It will not remember the "always use this answer" option, that you can check in zonealarm to keep from having to continue to re-authorize the program each time it is run. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

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Restore Desktop Icons To Default Every Time At Reboot Restart Computer

Jan 13, 2007

I'm running Windows XP professional and when I change my desktop icons (my computer, my documents, my network places, recycle bin full and & empty) they revert back to the default settings when I restart my system. This doesn't effect my wallpaper, start menu settings or personalized colors, only the icons. The file that I'm using is an *.ico file which I know works fine. (I've used this file when I was still using windows 98.) I've also tried making a "theme" with the saved settings and that doesn't seem to work either. I'm wondering if it's some simple setting that I'm over looking. Something stupid like "Restore default icons on restart"...I'd rather not edit my registry if I don't have to.

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Xp Loading Bar Just Runs Runs And Runs

Nov 6, 2008

Hi all

Like the title says, everytime i turn my machine on the windows page appears on start and the load bar just keeps going. I left this running for an hour and nothing happened.

I have read tons of stuff and tried loads of stuff and yes you guessed it nothing has sorted it out.

My computer knowledge isnt great so if this requires Bios work or Command prompts i will need some detailed help.

Cheers All


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Hdd Slow During Checkdisk

Sep 28, 2008

. Everything is going pretty well, but I have tried to perform a chkdsk. My internal hard disk is partioned as C and D; they "accepted" perfectly chkdsk in "normal times", but the 80 G external, that as a matter of fact, behaves perfectly, has taken more than three hours (until I stopped it) in the last revewing: the "files" = it practically stops in "2%"; other previous three ones's reviews took normal time. Is it just for the hard disk's size, or is it the sign that something is going wrong? Many thanks and greetings

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Wants To Run A Checkdisk On My External USB Drive

Aug 28, 2005

I am running XP sp1 Recently windows wants to run a checkdisk on my external USB drive.
This is done every time I start windows.Even though the checkdisk result shows no errors it wants do do it every time on boot up.I did a manual checkdisk ( full check) and it seemed to clear it up for a couple of days but now it had returned to the same situation.The disk is fairly new so I do not think there are any problems with it and
it runs fine.

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Scheduled Checkdisk Freezes At 83%

Oct 29, 2007

I setup a full scan of my hard drive. Upon restart the checkdisk program starts and that is where my problem begins. It checks ok through steps 1,2,3,4 but freezes at 83% on step 5. PC is locked cannot do anything. Power off and on again, checkdisk starts again, try hitting any key to cancel but it does not recognize the keys and starts the scan over again and with same results. How can I cancel the scan and restart my windows os?

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Keeps Returning To Checkdisk Menu

Jun 28, 2006

I scheduled a checkdisk on my drive c: checking both automatically fix file system errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors options. it does the scanning completely but when i restart the pc, windows does not load and it goes back to the checkdisk menu again. Even if i let it complete another scan, it keeps coming back to the checkdisk menu, unless i interrupt it and choose starting the pc at last known good configuration option. what do u think can i do with this?Also, i cannot create a restore point with system restore, and most of my restore points are lost.*Im using a new hard drive, the windows files are copied from my old hard disk using DiskWizard.

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Boot Checkdisk Error?

Jan 13, 2005

He turned on his computer today and it just froze at the windows loading screen. When my father came home from work he tried to boot it into safe mode to try and do a rollback to a safe point, but instead it would give him a screen with some lines on it which will follow in a moment. He then tried to run chkdsk in safe mode but it just hung there so he restarted it and it went straight into safe mode with no indication it was running chkdsk except the HD light is going so perhaps it is in the background. Either way we went ahead with the Windows Xp disk to try and do a repair and ran a chkdisk from there and it finished said it found 1 or more errors then went into safe mode again with the hd light running. He is unable to do anything at all in safe mode atm but is letting it sit there jic the hd is doing chkdisk again.
Anyway here are the lines it keeps giving.
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32configsystem
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32c_1252.nls
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32c_437.nls
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32l_intl.nls
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowsFONTS vgaoem.fon
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowsAppPat chdrvmain.sdb
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSACPI.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSWMILIB.SYS
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSpci.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSisapnp.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSviaide.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSPCIIDEX.SYS
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversMountMgr.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSftdisk.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversPartMgr.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversVolSnap.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSatapi.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSdisk.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DRIVERSsr.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversKSecDD.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversNtfs.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversNDIS.sys
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)windowssystem 32DriversMup.sys
The computer specs are:
Win Xp Home SP1
740MB Ram
Tornado GeForce FX5900 128MB
Sound Blaster 5.1 Live
EliteGroup KT600-a motherboard with an AMD Athlon 2700

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Unable To Defrag, Checkdisk, And Restore System?

Sep 10, 2008

i cannot use disk defragmenter, when i click analyze or defragment it says "Disk Defragmenter could not start."i try to check the disk and it says "Windows was unable to complete disk check."last, i hope windows system restore could solve my problems, but after i select the restore point, i cannot click 'next', i clicked it and nothing happened.

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Checkdisk Error Cannot Open Volume For Direct Access

Feb 21, 2006

This problem started happening randomly and now I cannot run checkdisk at all on reboot. Basically I cannot run Checkdisk at all on my OS drive because it always says in Windows that it is in use and needs to run the scan on next reboot. After I reboot, the above error message displays (see thread title).I've ran a virus scan and spyware/adware scans and I'm now pretty sure that it isn't the issue. I've tried disabling all non-essential services in services.msc and disabling all startup items under msconfig.exe, neither of which made any difference.I'm really beating my head against the wall on this one, I have no idea what the cause is?

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Delete Corrupt And Unreadable Folder - Checkdisk Doesn't Work

Sep 27, 2010

i have a folder on my desktop that is not empty but when i try to open it (via GUI or command line) it will not. i get "the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" and it wants me to run check disk. when i do, i then get an application error on boot up. so i boot in safe mode with command line and disable check disk on boot up so i can get back into windows with no problem however the folder is still there and unable to open and/or delete. fsutil tells me that the c drive is dirty, but i just can't clean can i delete "C:Documents and SettingsusernameDesktopNew Folder"?

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Chkdsk Runs But Can't See It

Oct 21, 2006

so right after normal windows screen shows up when chkdsk normally runs after an error, Chkdsk runs... but i just see a black screen.i can hear hard drive going, light flashing... i even see the folders where it had repaired stuff Found.000 after.i can even "push any button to halt chkdsk" to stop it.i used to see it run repair with the % showing for each drive it checked.

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UPDATE: Time Zone/Daylight Savings Time?

Nov 27, 2006

Since Windows has been released several time zone changes have occurred, and beginning this coming year the Daylight Saving Time period will change in the US. Specifically, DST will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November). Thus, Microsoft is releasing an update to address changes that have or will take place in several countries. The update will be delivered automatically to Windows XP SP2 users starting December 12th (or can be downloaded now by clicking here) and will be included in Windows Vista.

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Winxp Computer Running Slow (from Time To Time)

Aug 28, 2006

i dont know where the reason could be, since i didn`t install any new programs or had virus problems. It just becomes slow, then I restart and sometimes it helps and sometimes doesn't.

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Time / Date Clock Looses Time After Shut Down

Sep 3, 2007

I have a 4 year old computer that runs perfectly, except when I turn it off at night and then back on the next day, I loose a few hours on the time date at bottom of screen. I ajust each time I use it but the same thing happens each time I turn it off. Could it be the clock battery or? My operating system is Windows XP Home

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Runs Then Halts And Reboots

Sep 20, 2009

I have receintly purchesed a hybrid-self built computer, rather relyable and fast, but since i brought it home it would periodicly stop in mid function and reboot all while case lighting uninterupted. I tried to replace oem powersupply with a much more capible one of 700w and still system will stop in mid-function and reboot as if reset

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CHKDSK Runs On Every Boot

May 4, 2005

I've recently formatted my HD and run Partition Magic to create 5 partitions but now every time I reboot, CHKDSK runs to check each drive, but doesn't find any problems. My drives and labels are as follows; O.S.(C), DVD Drive(D), DVD/CD-RW(E), Data(F), Games(G), Video(H), Music(I). I'm running twin WD 250 GB HD in a RAID 1 configuration. 30 GB dedicated to (C) and the rest are split to contain between 50 to 60 GB. I've also adjusted the cluster size to 16K. File system is NTFS and os is Win XP Pro. I haven't installed any antivirus or firewall because I'm not connected to the internet yet. Also no progs running on startup. This is a fresh HD with nothing installed except os and drivers. Partitioning was fairly easy and straight-forward so I'm really scratching my head to figure out what is wrong.

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CHKDSK Runs At Every Bootup

Apr 4, 2005

Every time I open Windows XP, I get a message saying "One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency" Then it runs a chkdsk.It reports no errors and opens as usual.Then if I try to defrag the disk that is checked, I get a message saying Diskeeper has detected that CHKDSK is scheduled to run. This is due to a user request or because the Operating System has found errors in the file system.I have run Chkdsk on this drive, but no errors have been found.I have not scheduled Chkdsk to run on this drive.If I then try to reboot, the same procedure occurs again and check disk does not report any errors.

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Chkdsk Runs At Startup

Sep 7, 2008

Chkdsk runs at startup due to me resizing and shifting my NTFS partition to the left. Running "fsutil dirty query C:" returns the message: Volume - C: is Dirty. I know this problem can be solved by running chkdsk but I also know from prior experience that it will cause a lot of problems. I'm not having any problems. Windows XP is running very fast and works just fine. I just know from experience that if I allow chdsk to run that it will mess with my OS.At boot it gives me the option of not allowing chkdsk to run, which I don't. Is there anyway that I can disable chkdsk from running at boot?

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Shutdown Pc / Runs In UPS Battery

Aug 2, 2008

i am having windows xp with service pack 3,intel 1.8 ghz,1 GB RAM,i have APC UPS for my system,now i want to shutdown my pc if it runs in UPS battery,i want to automatically shutdown my pc if it's running in UPS battery power,is there any tool to do that?

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