One Of The Computer Fans Not Working

Apr 9, 2007

I turn on the computer this morning, and it says it found new hardware. So I rebooted and everything was fine (so I thought). A few moments ago I noticed that one of the fans wasn't working. However, I believe this fan is not so necessary for the computer's operation because it glows rainbow when it spins.

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Computer Shuts Down But Fans Still Running

Jan 15, 2006

Recently Ive been having a problem when shutting down windows. I have XP. When I shutdown my computer it goes to the blue screen and says your Computer is Shutting down. Like normal the computer makes a little clicking noise like it does when it usually shuts down but the fans and stuff are still running and it doesn't shut down all the way. The screen still says Windows is shutting down and the light on the computer stops blinking. How can I fix this?

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Computer Fans Runs No Boot

Apr 2, 2010

My computer fan runs and stays on no booting to post and stays on really loud can not figure this out! What am I missing I turned the computer and tried to reboot after the video screen went crazy and loud noise scrambled appeared! lease help! Does my poor partitons are 28 in number on my biggest drive of 1000gb

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Every Time Turn Off Speed Fan Computer Runs - Fans At 100%

Aug 25, 2006

When I Exit Speedfan,my Cpu And Hd Fans Just Go On At Highspeeds And Dont Go Off Until I Go Bak To Speed Fan And Turn It Down Do I Just Get Rid Of Speedfan And Make My Computer How It Used To Be?

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Screen / Fans Turning Off

Apr 3, 2010

Having a little problem here. I have a 7 year old Compaq Presario Desktop. 3 times now (Thurs night, Fri night, Sat morning) while it's being used the screen goes black, and the fans shut off inside the tower. But the green power light stays on. I turned off the PC last night to let it cool down but this AM the same thing happened again.Is this problem due to the computer over heating? I just cleaned the whole thing up 2 months ago for the first time in a long time, but maybe something got in there causing the fan not to spin correctly.

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Fake Software Or Hardware - Booting Slow - Fans Make's Loud Noise

Apr 11, 2008

my xp software is fake as i am always reminded of by the computer,but the problem is that now, everything is comparitively slower, even for the computer to fully boot takes about 6 minutes and cpu always makes a loud an annoying noise which i think is from the fans. i want to know if the slower rate and the noise is a hardware problem or if the two are caused by two different problems

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Computer Is Not Working Well

Mar 8, 2005

In the last couple of weeks my computer has started acting strange. I have ran my antivirus,adaware,spybot, and a few other programs to try and find out what might be causing the problems,which are:

1: Mouse pointer moves around the screen, from time to time, on it's own.

2: I was just sitting here watching TV, not touching,any part of my computer, mouse, keyboard etc, and my computer booted it's self.

3: I have also noticed that from time to time, if I go away from my computer,and leave a web page on my screen, so I can go back, to what I was reading, when I come back to my computer, there's no web page at all on my screen, just the background.

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Computer Not Working Properly :S

Mar 3, 2007

recently my computer has been doing some very strange things. occasionally i get a box popping up saying that something has been terminated unexpectedly and the computer will shutdown in 60 seconds, but this is quite rare.

the main problems are having unusual crashes and moments where the computer acts like the monitor cable has been unplugged and then plugged back in. also i am having internet connection issues much more frequently than before, and sometimes my computer just slows down to snail pace or the mouse hangs every few seconds for no apparent reason.

i have searched through my task manager processes and cannot find anything there out of the ordinary. i have tried to run Ad-aware and Spybot but the programs both crash when they try to update, the same thing also happens with AVG antivirus, the computer refuses to let these apps access the internet connection. I do have Sygate Personal Firewall installed and usually it would run at startup but now there is no longer the icon in the system tray, and when I try to boot it up from start menu it too refuses to load. however the process 'Smc.exe' which I understand is part of Sygate Personal Firewall is still running.

As for system specs, I have:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1 gig ram
Geforce 6600 GT AGP
Soundblaster Audigy 2
ASUS motherboard
Windows XP Professional SP1

PS- I did have an idea why the spyware/adware/AV programs won't update, since recently my Sygate Personal Firewall seemed to forget which programs were 'allowed' or 'blocked', and I haven't run any of these programs since then. Now that I cannot access SPF to tell it to allow these programs that could be the reason they won't update. I am still at a loss as to why SPF/AVG do not load up on startup as they used to however.

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Computer Not Working Properly

Jul 17, 2010

When I turn on the computer, I get a screen with functions Esc, F2 and F11. I can not select any of these functions

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HJT / Computer Has Been Working Slowly Lately

Jun 29, 2005

My computer has been working slowly lately, as well as programs becoming so slow they are non-functional watching movies halfway through. This has never happened before. My OS is XP. I have run a virus scan (McAffee), as well as Ad Aware 6, trying to fix the problem, but it has not gone away.

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Usb Key Drive Not Working With Computer

Sep 18, 2006

I have a usb key drive that works fine with several desktop and laptop computers except one desktop. When it's plugged in nothing happens. Other usb devices work fine with this computer. Device manager shows all usb controllers working with no yellow exclamations. I tried plugging the drive into a hub and directly into the usb slot with no luck. I've noticed when the drive is plugged into other computers the red light comes on. With this computer the red light doesn't come on when plugged directly in, but if it's pulled halfway out and then slowly pushed in the light comes on. It's still not recognized, however. What should I be checking?

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Ps2 Mouse Not Working On Two Different Computer

Aug 13, 2005

My two computer and two ps/2 mouse all not working at all.This is very strange. I've never had problem on this.I have two ps/2 mouse and put in two computer. They are
suddenly not working at all. Ths is very very strange.

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Working Computer Normally Without Hanging Up

Jan 16, 2005

When I start my computer, instead of the "Welcome to Windows" dialog box coming up, my computer just hangs at the blue screen. It never did this before. What's the problem? BTW, XP Pro SP2 and I use the CTRL+ALT+DEL to get into my computer instead of the other thing. Everything works fine in safe mode.

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Webcam Not Working On Computer

Apr 23, 2005

I put the cd in for it and it says the device is working properly, but when i try to use the cam in imaging i get an error message "General failure in response to MSG_ENABLED and low on memory free up disk space and try again. she has way more then enough free space.It is a P3 800mhz 128ram and running win98se.

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Computer Working Very Slow Tried Everything

Feb 21, 2006

Computer is running pretty slow. I have a HP Pavilion with 448 MB RAM. Programs are running real slow. Did a cache clean, adware, and defrag.

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Computer Working Is Slow

Jun 29, 2010

XP is slow and I have allot of memory. I would watch stuff streaming on line and now it just freezes and does not move much like it should when I have streamed before. My XP also takes forever to set up and there is not much running in the back ground.Also my email program and Foxfire is so slow to open. My computer is slow in everything.

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Computer Is Freezing Up Not Working

Jan 24, 2005

I am in need of some help.I friend of mine has WIN 98,she upgraded her business program which requires at least WIN 2000.So her computer is freezing up and she can't work on it at all.If she upgraded to WIN 2000 will it run ok if she doesn't do a clean install.

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Computer Restarted While Working On MSCONFIG?

Jan 15, 2005

I'm trying to run MSCONFIG to remove something from start up but whenever I try to run it windows says that it cannot find the specified pathway. It was working litteraly 5 minutes ago before I restarted my computer when I was working with MSCONFIG. What's wrong?

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Computer Remains Working When Shut Down

Aug 23, 2005

Whenever I try to shutdown my computer or restart nothing happens. It just stays at my desktop. If I try to log off or switch users I get a black screen and a small message window saying with the title of, "Parser Message" then in the window it says, "Value creation failed" at line 40" (with the quotation in the middle). The only way I can turn the computer off is by holding the power button. When I turn the computer on I get the same message and click ok a couple of times then I get to a log on screen where you have to type in a user and password. Normally I just click the user's name. This started this morning when I left the computer on (accidentally) and showered, when I came back my screen saver was on and I moved my mouse and I had the message. I tried going into safe mode and doingsystem restore but that didn't work and I couldn't shutdown from safe mode. When I eventually log on everything works normally. Please help me before I break my computer.

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Computer Only Working In Safe Mode

Feb 20, 2009

When I try to boot up Windows XP, when its at the windows loading screen with the Windows logo, the bar under it the blue thing will move for about 6 or 7 times and then just freeze and stop. Then I restart the computer and choose to boot in safe mode which is the only mode that works.This is the second time this has happened,the first time it happened through safe mode I got the Windows Xp.iso image from, and then used a product key locator to find it on my pc because I do not have the windows xp boot discs but my original copy of XP is legit.

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Restored A Computer Not Working Completely

Jan 21, 2008

IBM computer and she used my recovery disc to restore her computer to the factory settings. I have a lenovo so the disc reset the computer but didn't work completely. It will load but it stops at a black screen and says "We're sorry but Windows did not load successfully."

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Noisy Computer - Not Normall Working

Sep 5, 2007

I'm not sure if this is in the right place but my computer is being really noisy and it used to be really quiet. It Happens First it sounds like a drill when you start it up. Then Continues but if i put it at an angle it stops after the computer settles into programs it stops? and it's only being doing it the last week?

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Computer Working Slow After Installing A Game?

Jun 12, 2005

Computer has suddenly gotten real slow shutting down and upon start up. I can not readily see any changes. Ran Adaware and Spybot before running HiJack This. All were good. Need some new eyes on this one...Only changes to computer recently were the addition of the new BattleField 2 demo, which really seemed to slow the system down.

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Very Slow Working - Heating / Computer Crashed

Jul 5, 2006

my comp crashed, now it is going very slow, keeps over heating and getting pop-ups, i was told it could be a virus or a worm. it has windows 2000 im pretty sure

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Computer Acting Strange - No Working Properly

Sep 16, 2005

computer has been acting strange, when ever she types anything, another character will automatically be put after the one you type. Even with the space bar if you press it it will do the space and add an e after it, and if you press tab it puts a 4 after about 3 spaces... And if you do a question mark it will do a capital R and just really random things, I've done MS Anti spyware scans, ad-aware scans, spybot scans, everythink, but nothing finds anything wrong... Is it the keyboard playing up or something else?

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Computer Stops Working And Restart Every Time

Oct 11, 2008

I have a gigaware 4 port usb 2.0 high speed hub.I used it to plug 4 joysticks in my computer,its been working for a year.all of a sudden today it just stops working.i tried unplugging it and replugging it back in and i keep getting an error message saying "USB Device not Recognized" Is there anyway I can fix this problem?if i plug the logitech joystick into the usb port it works with no problem. I have windows xp.i tried restarting the computer but it doesn't work.

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Mouse Not Working On New Computer - Drivers Are Installed

Jan 11, 2010

I have transffered my Hard Disk from MSI mother board to INTEL mother board.

All drivers are installed from INTEL mother board CD. But mouse is not working, only its pointer is visile in the middle of screen (pointer can be moved by using keyboard's Num pad

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Computer Won't Start - Internet Stoped Working

Oct 24, 2006

i have a hp computer running windows xp and yesterday the internet stopped working so i tried restarting the modem and router and nothing happened so i was gonna shut down my computer and then start it back up but after i shut it down it never started back up. it just goes to the windows xp start screen and the little blue bar just keeps loading forever, i tried letting it set for about 30 minutes and still it would not load.

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Standby Mode Not Working - Computer Shuts Down

Nov 2, 2008

I have WINXP, Service pack 3. On SHUTDOWN I press STANDBY, computer shuts down, same for HIBERNATE. I checked the settings in POWER OPTIONS. No new programs installed recently.

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Floppy Disk Not Working - Computer Won't Start

Feb 12, 2005

I have reinstalled floppy disk drive and I still have no light or sound. You are talking to a noncomputer person. I orginally bought the computer to surf and now I want start playing with it. I have windows 2000. I would like to copy some programs and I can't get the floppy disk A to work. What do I do next? If I purchase a new computer, I need certain files and programs without having to repurchase. I even thought I might be doing things wrong. Having never used the floppy this was my first time. When I click on send to I get a message saying insert floppy in to drive A with a cancel prompt in the right lower corner. When I put the disk in that nothing happens.

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Runtime Error And Computer Working Slowly.

Mar 16, 2005

I am getting "runtime error 75" and pc is running dead slow.

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