After Period Of Time Computer Will Turn Itself Back On

Jan 18, 2006

After a period of time my computer will turn itself back on. This is after I have completely shut the systems down. I have never found if there is a fixed time period that this happens. What I mean is I don't know if it happens after two, three, four hours. All I know is that when I get up in the morning the computer is back on.

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Turning Off The Computer: Long Time To Turn Back On?

Dec 6, 2004

Windows XP SP2 seems to be working normally, when I click Shut Down the computer proceeds to turn off. Afterwards the harddrive powers-down, the fans stop running, etc. Then for no reason, the computer turns back on after a brief period of time off (varied: 1hr, 15min, 8 sec) as if someone pushed the power button.I did not install any new software, or update/added on new hardware when this problem started to happen. Im unable to trace the source of this error

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Computer Locks Up - Short Period Of Time

Aug 19, 2007

I just bought a rebuilt computer and already I have had the computer lock up and prevent my keyboard or mouse from operating at some point in the session. I am just about ready to take this to another computer repair shop and tell them to go through the system with a fine tooth comb and fix all the remnant problems.To make matters worse I cannot get the computer to boot if there is anything connected to the USB ports.Here is a look at my computer's profile from running Belarc Advisor.

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MS Works History Gets Deleted After A Short Period Of Time

Dec 26, 2008

I have had Windows XP for about five years. In the last six months my MS Works history gets deleted after a short period of time and I can't find any files that they would have been moved to. I have heard that this may have been caused by downloading an 'update' to MS Works.
My other problem (which may be related) is that I cannot download the Microsoft service pack. It gets about 3/4 of the way through downloading updates and then shuts down because of 'registration errors'.

I believe I may have deleted something that is causing this.

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Loss Of Internet Connectivity:after A Variable Period Of Time Of Being Logged?

Sep 22, 2005

I lose internet connectivity after a variable period of time of being logged into my computer. I can actually ping and do tracerts to verify that I can "see" the internet. But, my any other methods of accessing the internet do not work! I can't surf using a web-browser, my IM clients do not work, and I can't play any of the online games. I can still share files with computers on my local network.

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Stand By - Unable To Turn Computer Back On

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. I believe my computer keeps going into stand by mode. The power button is orange instead of green. When this happens I am not able to turn my computer back on. I have to unplug everything. When I plug it back in, the light is usually still orange but I just keep hitting the on and off button until it finally turns green and the computer will start up. I will now shut my computer down at night but when I get up in the morning the light on the computer is orange again.

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Turn Off Computer Takes Too Much Time - Up To Five Minutes.

Jun 2, 2006

This is a Pentium 4 with XP home.

I tried to reduce the start up programs but that had no effect when I turn it off.

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Blue Screen Error: Several Times A Day: Computer Won't Turn Back On?

Jul 14, 2010

getting a BSOD every day, sometimes two or three times a day. And when it happens, atleast once in that say the computer won't turn back on. It'll BSOD and then when he goes to boot it back up, it'll load the Bios screen and turn itself back off, with no warning. Here's the line of code he gave me:BCCode : 10000050 BCP1 : B3D25FFC BCP2 : 00000000 BCP3 :BD11FD61BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 256_1file names: C:DOCUME~1USERLOCALS ~1Temp WERb815.dir00Mini071110-01.dmpC:DOCUME~1USERLOCALS~1TempWERb815.dir00sysdata.xml

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Screen Flashes - Computer Wont Turn Off 1st Time

May 22, 2007

My computer wont turn off 1st time. The 1st time i press the 'turn off' button, the screen flashs, as if its getting ready to turn off, but then nothing happens. When i repeat the procedure again, it does turn off.

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Every Time Turn Off Speed Fan Computer Runs - Fans At 100%

Aug 25, 2006

When I Exit Speedfan,my Cpu And Hd Fans Just Go On At Highspeeds And Dont Go Off Until I Go Bak To Speed Fan And Turn It Down Do I Just Get Rid Of Speedfan And Make My Computer How It Used To Be?

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Computer Hang When Sitting Idle For Short Period.

Sep 11, 2005

When starting the computer from total power down, the computer (Dell dimension 8300) works fine. However when the computer has been left idle for short periods of say 1 hour or more, the the system hangs. All programs and internet/LAN access lock up which requires a full hard boot to enable restart and program access.

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Turn VGA Back On

Mar 31, 2006

Had to reinstall Windows XP. It appears there are issues with SP2 involving the video graphics card and the sound. Now I'm stuck. I thought that if I chose "do not use this device" under "Device usage" on the display adaptor tab, that it would pick the right adaptor.

Anyway, my screen went blank and I tried to reboot in safe mode and it sticks at mup.sys. I disabled mup and it now sticks at "nid" something or other.

I use "Windows Narrator" to try and reenable the adaptor but I think the reinstall or the SP2 killed my sound.

Is there a way to reenable VGA adaptor from the command prompt in recovery mode?

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I Turn PC Off, It Comes Back On

Sep 5, 2008

Once again the computer impaired one comes to the table of knowledge.I shut down my PC, fans stop, lights go out. About 6-8 mins later it starts up again, been doing this for four days now. I ran a virus scan which came out clean. The only way to keep it turned off is to unplug it. The only tinkering I've done lately is to try to open a port on my router which I didn't get done, forgot password and reset button doesn't work. I don't think my PC is set to hibernate, I have never used that feature.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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After Hibernation It Turn Back On

Mar 22, 2006

whenever i Hibernate My System and then Turn it BACK ON, IT HALTS AFTER COMPLETING THE LOADING OF "RESUMING WINDOWS", Then Nothing Happens. This sucking problem was with my AthlonXP-2400+, with totally different components(but the running Programs are same --- My Friend has the SAME SYSTEM AND SAME RUNNING PROGRAMS like I DO,They have no problem). I thought it was of my IDE-HDD.

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Screen Is Upside Down How Turn It Back Original Position?

Jul 5, 2010

My computer screen is upside down, how can i turn it back ito original position?

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Program On The Desktop Became Link - Turn Them Back As Programs?

Sep 2, 2010

I downloaded a program and found out that I cannot delete it. Every time I turn on my pc It comes out and every time I log out, it stay on on my pc. So, I deleted it and then I discovered that all my programs became a executable link.

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Power Surge / Shut Off And Would Not Turn Back On Anymore

Jul 31, 2009

My neighborhood had a transformer blow and knocked out the power out within like 2 blocks and ironically im within that and when it happened my computer shut off and wouldnt turn back on anymore. (Prior to this happening every time i turned my computer on it gave me a windows message before loading saying something like "Alert, your power supply is low .. something something" im not sure if that has anything to do with it but yea..) now when i press my power button it flashes like its going to turn on but doesnt just stays off.

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Sound From My Pc At Vthe Time Of Turn Off And On

Jun 14, 2007

I have a Dell 8250 running Win XP Pro. Lately, sounds that have usually be associated with turning on or off peripheral equipment such as a printer of scanner are sounding quite often with no input from me, even when the machine's been idle for awhile. I browsed through the Windows sounds and it's "Device Connected" and "Device Disconnected".

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Monitor Do Not Turn Off Ofter Certain Time

Nov 3, 2006

I seem to have a Power Scheme problem. The monitor/disks are set to power down after a certain time but they never do! It is an XP SP2 system.

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Laptop Continuously Restarts Every Time Turn It On

Jul 27, 2007

Every time i turn on the computer, it restarts by itself before i can log on. then it will just endlessly restart itself until i shut it off. occasionally i can hold esc and it will log on properly, but it takes a really long time and doesnt always work. I am using a Windows XP laptop, and i did a virus scan and deleted all the dangerous files. I even unchecked "automatically restart" for a system failure and nothing happened.

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BSOD Comes Back Every Time

Nov 12, 2009

I had to reformat an old IBM Thinkpad,I used the on board way to do it.Since reinstalling XP I get the BSOD described above.It always reboots, does a disk check says all files are fine, then starts up.I have updated the bios, and video driver.When I try to do a windows update for sp2, the bsod comes back every time. Another driver problem?Should I be checking the RAM memory?I did not have this problem before I reinstalled XP.

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Resetting Clock - Bounces Back To Old Time

Feb 9, 2007

I have a windows XP operating system. Whenever I reset the clock - it bounces back to the old time (three hours behind) I have tried to change the timezone setting from Pacific to Eastern but again it bounces back

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Period At End Of Folder Name

May 24, 2008

I recently started using a software to convert some of my AAC songs to MP3. Unfortunately, it also created some folders with '.'(period) at the end... which, technically it should have tried to do since it was the album name regardless, now i get an error message I try to access, delete, or rename the folder that basically states that the folder doesn't exist.Does anyone know if there is a way i can force change/delete the folder since it's currently acting as a bad sector on my hard drive?

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Activation Time Expired: PC Locked-up/get My Data Back?

Oct 20, 2006

If I RE-INSTALL XP again, will it give me 30 more days? All I need is a few hours, actually, because all I want is to get my stuff off the drive and be done with it...if we're able to do that, we'll probably subsequently give the machine away or sell it for cheap and let somebody else buy a copy of windows for, if I were to re-install XP again, would it give me more time? Also, would there be a way to install the OS without formatting the whole drive (so that my files, pics, etc aren't written over)? If I were to install something like Windows ME, which I'm told doesn't need to be activated, could I retrieve my files THAT way? Or would it have to reformat the whole drive?

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Reactivating After 30 Day Grace Period

Sep 2, 2005

My girlfriend has a dell computer, that came pre-installed with XP. We had to reformat it and reinstall XP with whatever disk comes with the dell. She recently restarted her computer and it says that the 30 day grace period is over and she will have to put in the product key to activate windows. She put the product key number we had to put in when we reinstalled. (This number is on a sticker on the side of the dell) After inputing the number several times, it still says it will not work, and she can't get to her desktop anymore without this 30 day grace period thing. I'm going over there saturday to take a look at it, but it seems like I can't avoid a call to microsoft.

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Daylight Savings Time Automatic Switch Back To Manual?

Oct 29, 2006

I had the box checked on the computers on my network to automatically go to daylight savings time. Because of a particular application, I decided that I didn't want to automatically switch back to standard time at 2:00 AM. I would do it manually later.So I unchecked the box on the server and all of my PCs on the 28th. When I got ready to make the manual change around 5:00 AM on the 29th, they were all already on standard time. Does this mean that the box only affects going to daylight savings time and that it will always revert to standard time?

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Can't Turn System Restore Back "on"

Nov 24, 2004

My OS is Windows XP Proffessional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1), now recently I had to turn off System Restore to get rid of a pesky trojan horse virus (I did successfully). The problem now is I can't turn it back "on". I've gone to the troubleshooting pages and used every method and I get the same error messages

"Could not start System Restore Service on Local Computer"
"Error 5: Access is Denied"
"System Restore cannot protect your computer right now, restart and try again"

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Winxp Computer Running Slow (from Time To Time)

Aug 28, 2006

i dont know where the reason could be, since i didn`t install any new programs or had virus problems. It just becomes slow, then I restart and sometimes it helps and sometimes doesn't.

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