Disk Boot Failure: Restarted Checked Wires But Same Error?

Nov 14, 2009

hp media center pc 864n , windows xp, have checked al wires, plugs, turned off , restarted etc keep getting disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter

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Disk Boot Failure: Every Startup Comes Up Same Error?

Jul 12, 2009

I keep getting this message everytime I try to turn the computer on. It will occasionally begin to start up but then will automatically reboot and I will get the Disk boot failure - Insert system disk and press Enter message again. I read the old posts on this but I have not been installing anything new.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reboot Results In Same Error ?

Nov 13, 2009

Okay every time i start my pc i get this error. I insert my gigabyte system cd with gives me option to backup or reboot.Back up = error dont have enough hard disk space reboot = nothing the same error as in the title

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Installed New Hard Disk / Error With Boot Failure During Installation?

May 3, 2005

a friend asked me to install a new hard drive for him because his crashed. So i purchased a new hard drive (maxtor 60 gb) set out to partition and format the drive, using a win 98 boot disk. I partitoned the drive ( for large volume drive.) Formatted the drive ( format c: /s ) to include system files.and proceeded with Os install Windows 2000. Everything went as smooth as silk... the when install finished, I was prompted to remove the disk from cd rom and complete installation with the onscreen prompt. I removed disk, clicked finish and the computer rebooted upon loading, when it went to start windows it said DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER

I put the Win 2K disc back in and hit enter. It started windows perfectly no errors at all... then I took disk out re-started ( to check system stability) and back to the same error message: DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. I of course freaked out, I feel like an idiot cause I cant get this thing to work right. tried reformatting without the sytem files, re-partioning tried win 98, winXP, nothing same stuff! So I talked to a pal got a hard drive wipe program off the net "killdisk", wiped the drive and tried to reinstall Win 2K, same problem.

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"Disk Boot Failure" Error Cured By Unplugging Keyboard

Feb 11, 2007

I sometimes get the "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press Enter" error message when booting, but if I unplug my Logitech PS2 keyboard it boots up as if nothing was ever wrong. I can then usually plug the keyboard in as I reboot the PC and it works fine. But there is obviously something wrong here! It's as if the fact that the keyboard is attached to the PC makes the PC think that there is no hard disk in the PC.
There are no flags in Device Manager and everything is identified correctly

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Nov 8, 2009

Getting error message when trying to change out a 10 gig to a 250.NVIDIA Boot Agent 201.0462 PXE-E61: Media Test Failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting NVIDIA Boot Agent DISK BOOT FAILUR, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" this drive I am upgrading also has Windows XP OS. I have another drive on the computer that has 160g.

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Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Jun 23, 2009

What can I possibly do to solve this problem? I have Windows XP and everywhere.

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Boot Failure:No HDD In Boot Menu/insert System Disk And Press Enter?

Jun 10, 2007

first i get the HP blue screen. I tried F1, but i dont see my hard drive in the boot menu. I followed some steps in Hp's web site- took the cpu apart and unplugged both hard drives from the motherboard, plugged them back in. when i restarted ,i got the HP screen and then windows started to load up. After a few seconds the HP screen came back up and then the black screen: sk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I also noticed that pressing F10 for system recovery does nothing.

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Computer Froze, Restarted, Blue Screen "disks Need To Be Checked For Consistency"?

May 6, 2010

Computer froze, restarted, blue screen "disks need to be checked for consistency"? It ran through, not sure what that means.

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Disk Boot Failure: New Pc With Old Hard Disk?

Dec 28, 2005

Hey, have built a new pc, but am using the same hd as my old one, when booting i get a "disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter" however when i press enter it boots up, not really a big problem just annoying and i wonderd if anyone could help get rid of it.

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Boot Disk Failure But Disk Good?

Aug 29, 2006

I have 2 hdds on my system and windows xp crashed and would not recover from main drive so in an effort to save my data I loaded windows on secondary drive which worked, and gave me access to the old drive, all files were in tact and so I tryed to use windows recovery on winXP cd to no avail. When I try to boot from the original drive I get "boot disk failure, insert system disk and press enter" The thing that makes no sense is that I have rewritten the boot sector and mbr I also used the automatic recovery feature on the windows install disk and all looked like it went fine but still no boot

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Disk Boot Failure

Nov 6, 2007

so my computer is coming up with this message on a black screen. "Disk boot Failure, Insert boot disk and press enter." What is this? What does this mean? I just downloaded a "Regicure" to clean up my PC because it was running very slow and wouldnt open some of my files. Everything seem to be ok, untill this morning. Now i dont know what to do. It wont even boot. That black screen is all i get. Please help me! I purchased this computer in Feb."07. Its not even a year old.

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Disk Boot Failure

Aug 6, 2005

Trying to hook up computer to wireless.Computer has been sitting in closet for 6 months. Worked great when taken down. Now when I hook up I get "Disk boot Failure".Any help will be greatly appreciated. Telling me that IDE Master none if that means anything.

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Boot Disk Failure

Jul 6, 2006

Hey guys, as u gather my nakme is stresseoutsandy for a reason, i recently bought a diy kit ocmputer and builllt it up then when i turn it on it says boot disk failure: mplease insert system disk and press enter,when in do so it loads then goes back to the same screen.could this be because the xp disc is a copy ? or is my computer broken?

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Disk Boot Failure: Inserted The Win Xp Cd But Got The Same?

Dec 5, 2004

I am trying to help my son with his computer. I hooked it up and got the following message:Disk Boot Failure Insert System Disk and Press Enter I inserted his Windows XP Pro (SP1) disk and it started doing it's thing. When it finished, it asked if I wanted to install or repair. I tried both and got the same message - that Win. XP Pro couldn't find the hard disk drive.

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Disk Boot Failure On HP Computer

Feb 27, 2008

I've had this computer for a year and a half, and this is the third time it's done this. I want to know if it's something I can fix on my own - I dont' know much about computers at all. To get into setup, I have to press F1 from the start up menu. If I don't do that, it takes me to a black screen where it says, Disk Boot Failure, please insert system disk and press enter. I have taken this computer to a repair shop, where I have been charged 200 dollars each time I get this message. Please advise me on what I should do, or if I'm doing something wrong? I have windows XP and it has only one DVD/CD drive, no floppy or anything like that. It started doing it this time when it froze and then I pressed cntrl-alt-delete and got the above error message.

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Disk Boot Failure New Install

Jun 6, 2005

I just built a computer today, and I'm trying to install Windows XP Pro with SP2. The CD boots fine, but once I have done the initial setup I get a Disk Boot Error every time I restart, unless I manually intervene and again boot from the CD (in which case I can finish the installation and everything works fine, except that I can only boot from the CD).I have done some searching, but although lots of people have had similar problems, I'm not finding a solution that works for me.

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Disk Boot Failure / To Be Concerned Or Not

Jun 22, 2006

Well everytime I SHUTDOWN my PC after a while, Lets say 2hours+ I get a "Disk Boot failure - Please insert system disk to continue" message, BEFORE windows loads, Before I started to panic I just restarted my PC and then it seems to boot normaly and quickly, If I leave my PC on Standby for a while, It comes back fine and ready, I play lots of games from my harddrive so I doubt its hardware failure. I have ran virus scans and spyware scans, Im clean. My boot sequence is, Floppy : CD drive : Harddrive : N/A. I dont have a CD in my drive at the time I boot.What is wrong? Why does a simple restart make it function correctly? Is it my boot sequence?

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Disk Boot Failure While Starting The Computer?

Jun 17, 2010

When I start my non-brand PC with an MSI mobo I receive the following message:disk boot failure insert system disk and press enterAt first I thought it was the SATA hard drive but when hooked up to another machine I can see all the files. When I went into the Phoenix/Award Bios all the drives are IDE drives. Not an SATA drive option anywhere. The computer was working great for a number of years. I hooked a brand new SATA drive and the BIOS does not recognize the drive.

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Boot Disk Failure: Two Files Are Missing?

Sep 6, 2010

i see this message comes on my screen that there is a boot failure and that two files are missing.i must then insert system disk and press enter,then the system goes through setup,after finishing this process it takes a good time for windows to get going.but my problem is when i closed windows and restart my computer iam getting the same message that i must insert system disk and press enter,can you say what is happening. i am using windows xp professional service pack 2

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Disk Boot Failure: Xp Cd Is Unable To Detect?

Jul 14, 2010

i have got the same problem....but when i insert a windows xp cd it is unable to detect it so the problem continues to be there itself...and more over i am using gigabyte mother board.and if i insert that cd.the monitor displays"FD 1.44MB System type(13)"gigabyte bootCD loader. press any key to boot from CD-ROM"
when i press a key...it shows.."hard drive not installed properly press any key to restart"

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Blue Screen / Disk Boot Failure

Dec 22, 2008

About 2-3 weeks ago my computer started playing up, i switched it on and it came up with disk boot failure, so i restarted the computer and it started up fine.. a few days later i got a blue screen message, didn't have enough time to read it, ever since the computer starts up to disk boot failure and i restart and it works, i do that every day to use it. Today however i restarted and it was freezing, wouldn't let me into BIOS setup, or anything, but after a few restarts it worked again.. about 10minutes ago the computer came up with a blue screen as i left the room, i didn't have enough time to see all of it but i got, 0x000000f4 (0x00000003 couldnt get the rest, and something about physical memory dump. i had to restart again about 3 or 4 times before it worked, and when i got through the computer froze.

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Boot Disk Failure Message On Restarts

Feb 17, 2008

When I reboot my computer I get the error message Disk Boot Failure, insert system disk and press enter. I do that and go to the recovery console. I have tried doing FIXMBR and/or FIXBOOT, which will get me into Windows, but the next time I reboot or turn off/on my computer I get the same message and have to go through the same steps to make it work. I'm not really sure what is causing the error message, and I dont know what to try to get the computer to boot up properly.

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Turn On Computer - Disk Boot Failure

May 30, 2006

My computer at turn on says: disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I do not know what disk they are talking about but I tried the system recovery disk #1 and it told me the drive is not partitioned and to delete it and do I want to contunue? Please help me I want to use my computer to send my children some pictures we have not see each other for 4 years and I have not seen my grandbaby since she was born,

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Boot Failure: System Became Halted / C & E Are Set As Preimary Disk ?

Sep 12, 2005

I went into BIOS and I found that my PC hard disk C & E are set as preimary disk both. Then the DVD-CD rom was set as escondary disk.So I try to make changes and when I start PC, Boot failure: System became Halted.What can I do? As a mtter of facts that why when I try to update WXP SP1 to SP2, the last one kick out disk E.

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Boot Disk Failure: Inserted Cd Starts Xp Installation?

Apr 23, 2005

I am running Windows XP Professional and it came up with that message Disk Boot Failure: INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER when i turned on the computer. In my bios it is set up to CD is first boot and HDD is second I dont have a floppy drive and only 1 hardrive...I do not have the original windows xp pro installation cd, but I do have a full unused version of windows xp home edition installation cd and I put that in and booted off of that it started loading up like its supposed to then I got to the screen that said to start installing windows xp press enter so i did that then it went to the agreement thing and said press f8 to aggree to these terms i did that and it braught up a new screen saying

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Disk Boot Failure: Drive Is Recognised By The BIOS?

Apr 25, 2005

I have a 60GB Seagate HDD running Windows XP, which when connected as the Master Drive will no longer boot Windows. Instead I get an error screen reading "Disk Boot Failure - Insert System Disk and Press Enter."The drive is recognised by the BIOS approximately 1/4 of the time I have it plugged in. I have attempted to run the drive as a slave to my current HD on the same motherboard which I am running at the moment to no avail. I have tried using the program "GetDataBack for NTFS" which failed to recognise the drive.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reinstalling New Copy Of Windows?

Jan 21, 2007

Just wiped my hard drive clean and am trying to reinstall OS but get a Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. When i add the cd it just repeats Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. Have wiped my hard drive before and haven't had this problem. The boot order is correct in the BIOS and i havent touched any cables.

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Disk Boot Failure: Pc Reboots During Uninstallation Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I was uninstalling Norton Antivirus 2005 and during the uninstallation process, the PC rebooted (without warning me) and then the computer sat at a black screen. The screen said "disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter". Can you please let me know what might be causing the problem? I haven't made any recent hardware or software changes to the computer (other than attempting to uninstall Norton Antivirus 2005).

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Disk Boot Failure: Started Pc After Power Outrage?

Jul 1, 2010

I had a power outage last night and when I turned the computer back on this morning, it says that error. "Disk Boot Failure - Insert system disk and press enter" I do not have a working CD drive in the computer so I hope that doesn't have anything to do with it.

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Boot Disk Failure: Verifing DMI Pool Data

Dec 9, 2006

Verifing DMI Pool Data.BOOT DISK FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER I am getting this error right after Verifing DMI Pool Data........message. When I insert XP Install disk and press enter I can get to the recovery console but not sure of what switches to run to bring my XP windows back.

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