Boot Loop With "Unable To Mount" Error

Apr 4, 2008

Boot loop started with XP during XP boot screen. I hit F8 during XP loading screen to stop restart after crash, and a blue screen with "unable to mount" [hard drive] error popped up.

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Continual Boot Loop

Sep 4, 2008

Has been working fine for 3 days but it took a while to shutdown 2 days ago so I shut down with power switch.It now refuses to boot up. Goes through all usual till the 'start windows normally', run in safe mode' etc. The cursor will not move via any key on keyboard (although can use keyboard to access bios features) so I have no option other than to wait till 30 second timer countdown and it tries to start windows norally. After the 30 second countdown, the Windows splash screen appears half illuminated and it goes back to boot up again. Have tried to boot from CD (Windows disc) via Bios setting but the process continues as usual not allowing boot from disc.Have swapped Sata cables for new ones on DVD and HDD, tried to run windows setup with a brand new HDD but get BSOD after 2 minutes saying virus or HDD problem?Have tried swapping memory modules, removed graphics card and wifi card, nothing works!

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In A Boot Up Loop Booting Up?

Nov 10, 2006

It's a good thing I have another computer to use...otherwise, I don't know how I would be able to ask these questions.My other machine is an HP a730n, 1 Gb RAM, 3 GHz, running with AVG anti-virus, all Windows updates in place.The machine was on overnight. Two programs were running (photoeditor, word processor).This machine also has two external drives connected to it, through USB ports.When I turned on my monitor, there was an error message displayed, but I didn't write it down. I clicked okay, and then the machine proceeded to shut down, and now it is going through an endless loop of trying to start windows.It initially gives me a screen with the options of safe mode, safe mode with networking, or command prompt, letting it start with the last known working configuration, or start windows normally. I've tried the start windows normally several times, to no avail.In safe mode, I clicked on Administrator, which then said it was starting windows up, but I then got a window that said "winlogon.exe application error. The instruction at "0x7498aaba" referenced memory at "0x00000008." The memory could not be read. Click cancel to debug, and OK to close.I also tried the last known good configuration, with the endless loop continuing.

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Home Won't Boot In Any Mode, Stuck In Loop

Sep 15, 2007

I don't really know where i should start so.well earlier today i installed a second hd in my computer to pull so files off of it for my sister and my mom, but when i got it working it said accsess was denied to there stuff i went on my moms computer to check if i hade already backed up there stuff of the old comp, so i go into her document to see if i could find the old documents and when i start scrolling through them the window i leave it for a minute and while i'm waiting i close some other programs one of which was mozilla which was also frozen.I go back to the my document window and its still frozen.

I try to close it and of course its not responding so i click end now and it made the every thing disappear like the task bar and all the icons on the desktop are i wait and see if any thing will reappear and nothing does so i restart it and it starts booting up..the windows logo comes up and the little bars only gets half way across then it restarts and brings me to that menu where you can choose save mode or start normally and all that and no matter what i pick the comp just restarts and bring me back to the menu.

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Stuck In A Boot Loop Computer Starts

May 7, 2008

Installed SP3 today.The install seemed to go fine.Restarted the computer,now I am stuck in a boot loop computer starts, goes to the We apologies page.None of the load options work, computer simply shuts down and goes back to the same page. Since this computer was a Vista-ready computer,but I ordered it with Win XP Pro,I don't have the OEM Win XP Pro CD.Therefore, can't do a chkdsk.

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Reboot Loop / Error Message

Apr 22, 2007

This is kind of a long one, so please bear with me. In the last week I've been getting a lot of pop ups (almost every time i clicked a link or visited a new site) which i never used to get before. Many of them were things saying my computer was at risk and i should download such and such software, but i didn't know if they were legit so i didn't do it.Then one morning a couple days ago i woke up with the computer running the windows loading page. It took me to the password screen, i entered my password and windows started. But then once all the programs had loaded, it flashed a blue screen error, too quick to read, and then went black. Then it started loading windows again and took me back the password screen. I logged on and the same thing kept happening over and over.I started it in Safe Mode and did a full scan with my virus protection software (Symantec). It found six threats and i deleted them all. Restarted the computer but the same thing happened. I tried the disk defragmenter in Safe Mode but that didn't work either.

Finally i changed the System Config Utility in Safe Mode to diagnostic which allowed me to open windows outside of Safe Mode, but not use any programs. So i went back to the system config and turned off all the programs that i could recognize as unnecessary (AIM, Kodak, winAmp, etc) and restarted. This time windows started fine and stayed up for awhile. Just to be on the safe side i disabled the automatic restart so that if it happened again i could write down the blue screen error. After about a half hour of working fine it went to the blue screen error again.

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Restore Ghost Image, Boot Up But Login Loop

Jan 19, 2008

I have been in the recovery console, I have tried making a winpe boot disk "Failed due to errors" tried fixing the MBR, even tried to connect to it remote with regedit to make some changes in the registry with out success. I have even installed another copy of win xp on another drive and booted the system up with the 250gig in it and changed the drive letter in there. After taking the one drive out and booting with the 250gig it still has a letter of "C:" and still the same login loop.

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Sp3 Installation On Dell Laptop Results In Boot Loop

Aug 27, 2009

I recently Installed windows sp sp3 on my dell laptop and after i restarted the computer i found that i am stuck in a boot loop! i cannot boot to anything not safe mode or last known good config. Everytime it boots to normal windows, it gets to the boot screen scrolls across once and then stops and shows a blue screen for about a second, not enough time for me to see, and then it reboots and repeats the process. I have been able to see the bsod because of disabling the auto restart and it showed this stop : c0000221 unknown hard error systemrootsystem32 tdll.dll. When i boot into safe mode it gets to the agp440.sys or whatever it is then restarts.Now im pretty sure this is a common problem with sp3 installs, but isnt that normally on amd machines where you have to disable intelppm. Im running a dell with a pentium 4 m processor so it cant be that.

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PC Stuck In Safe Mode Loop / Wont Boot

Aug 21, 2007

I'm working on an IBM ThinkCenter Desktop PC.On bootup, it goes through the IBM logo and then the Windows logo flashes quickly and then is gone and then the Safe Mode screen appears. No matter which option I choose from the Safe Mode screen, the result is the same: The Windows logo flashes quickly and then the system reboots, and then the IBM logo and then the Safe Mode Screen.I have tried running the repair module from an o/s disk I have here, but when I get to the c: prompt and type "dir" it says "error occurred during directory enumeration".There is only one partition.I have a copy of UBCD4WIN, if that would be helpful in diagnosing the problem.I do not have the o/s disk that belongs to this computer.

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Home Configuration Wont Boot Stuck In Loop

Jan 6, 2005

Windows xp will not boot to the safe mode or normal mode or the the last known good configuration, just goes in a loop and right back to the menu page

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An Infinite Loop To Safemode / Changed The BOOT.INI Section

Aug 18, 2007

I changed the BOOT.INI section of msconfig to boot windows in Safemode. Upon getting in Safemode, the computer finally recognized USB devices and the CD drive again (wasn't doing so in normal mode). So, I insert a Windows XP disc, used the Advanced install mode (the one that overwrites the previous installation of Windows), and everything seemed to be going great.

However, the machine restarts and tells me this "Windows XP Setup cannot run under Safemode. Setup will restart now." and has an OK button. I click it, thinking it's going to boot into normal mode. Well, it doesn't. It boots up again, says the same thing.I click OK.Restart.Again.OK.On and on into infinity.

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Tried To Boot Into Safe Mode; Infinite Restart Loop

Aug 4, 2006

I was attempting to boot into safe mode through the BOOT.INI /SAFEBOOT function in MSCONFIG. After restarting to boot into safe mode, my computer would restart ten seconds into the login screen. This happens every single time and I cannot get back into Windows to uncheck the /SAFEBOOT box. The computer that I am typing on right now allows the user to choose the boot method before entering Windows. It has an old ASUS board and is running Windows XP Pro w/ SP2.

My primary computer (the one that is restarting) has an ASUS A8N-E and is running Windows XP Home w/ SP2, latest updates. Is there anything I can press (one of the F keys, perhaps?) that will prompt me to choose the booting method? Safe mode has restarted on me before, but not like this. I tried setting the motherboard to defualts in my BIOS, but that was just a stab in the dark, as I don't see what that has to do with this problem. I am thinking about setting my motherboard to defualts by opening up the case, etc. but I don't think that will do anything.

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Infinite Boot Loop, Even Safe Mode Won't Work

Aug 6, 2007

I was incredibly bored and I downloaded an old DOS VGA version of The Oregon Trail from the-underdogs. I used VDMsound to run it, and everything seemed to work alright until i got sick of the game and tried to quit. It locked up, i used ctrl-alt-del a few times, got impatient and stupidly switched off the computer just as i was being dumped back to windows. When i turned the computer back on, i was given the "safe mode" prompt, so i chose to start in safe mode. It then showed that list of system files(?) it was loading until it gets to "d347bus.sys" and asks if i want to press escape to skip loading it. Regardless of whether i press esc or not, it moves on to "SPTD.sys" and asks the same question. After i press escape (or not), i get a black screen, then the computer restarts again back to the safe mode prompt. If i try to "start windows normally" i get to the Windows XP loading screen, the progress bar moves a bit then the whole thing restarts again. Safe mode with command prompt, safe mode with networking, last known good configuration, none of these work, they all result in this maddening infinite loop.

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Stuck In A Loop - Adminstrator Password Set Protecting Boot

Apr 3, 2007

Windows XP Home but before it boots to the start up screen it freezes and crashes everytime. I went through many troubleshooting steps and am stuck in a rut. here's what I've done. Tried booting in safe mode, that failed as well. Seems like the OS is really messed up. Tried using a restore cd that includes Windows XP Home. But the boot order for the cd rom is last and so it keeps trying to boot windows first instead of starting up the restore disc. To fix that I went to the Bios. Tried changing the boot order but that was not available to me because they weren't an administrator.

There was an adminstrator password set protecting the boot order but they don't know what the password is because they bought it from ebay a long time ago and lost that person's contact information. So there is no way of finding out the admin password from the previous owner. So now we're in a jam, can't get to Dos, can't get to windows, can't boot from the cd rom to do anything.

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Nv4_disp Bsod Infinite Loop Error

Nov 18, 2007

I have been trying to play Half-Life 2, but at certain loading screens, it throws me the nv4_disp infinite loop error.

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Unable To Boot In Safe Mode Same RPCRT4.dll Error

Oct 8, 2007

I'm having a problem starting my computer running windows XP home edition. Upon startup, I get the blue screen stating... "stop: c0000135 {unable to locate component} This application has failed to start because RPCRT4.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."Also, I am unable to boot in safe mode (same RPCRT4.dll error).i have tried repairing with original xp disk when using chkdsk /p it finds one or more errors on disk but does not solve the problem.

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Error On Boot Up Computer - Unable To Load BXXS5.dll

Jan 14, 2005

I keep getting an error when I start up my computer. It say:( Unable to load BXXS5.dll )I have use the Hi jackthis 1.98.2 and below is the log files It came up with.Which file do I remove and which file so I keep .Can someone help me and tell me all the unsafe or unnecessary files I should remove.

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Continuous Boot Loop + Keyboard/mouse Not Detected Before Login

Feb 16, 2009

I had left my computer on logged in on Windows 7 and when i got back the computer was in a continuous boot sequence (starts to boot, then after about 4 seconds shuts down and then over and over again). I reset the power from the back and turned it back on and it started up but with a different boot screen (Dynamic Energy Saver Quad6 Screen lol) and not the "black" one that normally comes up. It happened again last night and I think it happens when I leave my computer logged on in Windows 7. The weird thing was that after I reset the power from the socket (which stopped the loop) and turned it back on, it had me still logged on as a user and everything was like it was before I had left (basically like hibernate, except that hibernate is disabled on my computer

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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Boot Sector Read Error - Unable To Recover Data?

Mar 4, 2006

I have a toshiba laptop running windows xp. It crashed yesterday and now whenever it boots it give me the following error A disk read error occurred Press ctl alt del to restart.I managed to get to the selection of boot in safe mode, but it still won't boot and then I get I/O error reading boot sector.At this point I just want to get the data off it. Toshiba's recovery disk only has the option of formatting the disk and restoring the system to it's initial state (the Toshiba tech support explained that was a benefit, getting it back to the original state

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Need To Mount Compressed ZIP Disk

Jun 9, 2005

I am running Windows XP, Home Edition, to which is connected a 250MB external ZIP drive. My previous system used Windows 98, and, in a moment of madness, I compressed one of the ZIP drive disks. I realize that I need to remount the disk, using the Windows "Drivespace three" program. The only problem is that I don't have the program, and, to my knowledge, it does not exist in or for Windows XP. Is there any way I can obtain a copy of the Drivespace Three program, and, if so, will it run under Windows XP? If not, what version of Windows 95 or 98 has the program? I have access to an older system, belonging to a friend, and might possibly be able to use it to solve the problem.

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Mount Point Does Not Exist

Jan 19, 2008

i'am trying to install oracle apps on my computer.i use winxp sp2, i have 80 gig hard and another one that is 120 gig.i use 97 gig partation to install the apps on it.i use program named mks toolkit that make windows like open source as linux and i use also visual c++ v6 the problem is when i try to install the apps an error occurred and i can't finish the installation the error is Free disk space on system returns zero: probable cause - mount point does not exist.this mean the partiaion is zero gig even it is 97 gig now i want to know how to creat mount point to this partition and the partiation is ntfs.

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Will My 98 Hard Drive Mount In XP?

Oct 25, 2008

I have a 120 GB Western Digital IDE Internal Hard Drive that was formatted and used on an old Windows 98 system. I am getting a new computer with Windows XP and I was wondering if I can install this old hard drive as a second drive on the new computer.Will it mount correctly on XP and will I be able to access the data that's on it?

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Cannot Mount 2.5" Drive In USB 2.0 Case

Jul 18, 2005

running XP Pro SP2. Have a 2.5" HDD from a Toshiba Laptop (XP Home SP1 / FAT32) that I have in a USB case. The case plugs into the USB port of Desktop computer and hey presto.should be able to access the drive. However Cannot see the drive in Windows Explorer. Have gone into disk manager and the drive is showing but there is no drive letter assigned and no way of doing so. Option is greyed out on right-click over drive. I have tried changing the drive letter of the cd/dvd drive. I have no mapped drives that could complicate matters. Have tried re-scanning drives no joy. Have even tried uninstalling Enhanced USB2 Host. no joy.

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Screen Just Went Blue / Unbootable Mount Volume

Nov 29, 2009

I was surfing the internet and all of a sudden my screen just went blue, now it won't boot and just shows a blue screen that says unbootable mount volume.

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Win Pro - Caught In A "boot Loop"

Nov 15, 2007

Running WIN XP Pro on a HP Desk top. Here is the story. anti-virus program (F-Secure) said it found and fixed two trojan viruses (i cant remember the names). Just to be safe I ran another manual virus check with F-Secure and it came back clean. I then rebooted, and it took a while to reboot. when windows finally loaded - my desktop was the same, all my files where there, but my menu bar at the bottom looked different.
still running slow.

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Setup Duel Boot Configuration - Slow Boot Up - Occurred Error Operating System

Oct 27, 2007

I"m running WinXP SP2 Home. Hardware is 2.0 Celeron, 1 gig Ram, 64MB Nvidia Video Card, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, HD's are 250GIG Western Digital with 4 partitions and 27% free on the XP Boot and 200GIG Western Digital with 2 Partitions. I have a Lite-On DVD +-R/RW drive and a 3.5 floppy. I am setup with a Duel-Boot configuration Win 98/XP. I do not have a paging file.

My problem occures after I hit enter for the Select Operating System page. I Hit enter, Win XP proceeds to load. After I hit enter and Windows loads the blue welcome screen 1 minute has passed. I hear the Welcome Audio music, however blue welcome screen is still there for 30 more seconds. Next is my picture that I have as my background that is shown without icons for 1minute 21seconds. Windows now displays my icons on my desktop. the icons blink at minute 4. after 4 minutes and 51 seconds I am able to use my computer. At bootup I only have 43 programs running and 357MB of the 1 gig ram taken.

What I have done:
1) I have started in safe mode and defraged my PC, 0% frag on all partitions except a drive that isn't currently plugged in and it was 1% because it's my backup drive (not worried about that 1%)
2)Removing all connected Componets and rebooted, same problem.
3) I have tried using msconfig.exe and setting the startup selection as Normal- it's defaulted to Selective. Tried reducing my startup programs. ....

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Computer Wont Boot - Boot Manager Error?

Apr 6, 2008

I had had 2 operating system on 2 hard drives (XP and Vista) I took vista off and replaced it with media center. I could boot both xp and media center but the vista boot screen always shows up and would have to go into "ealier versions of windows" and choose my OS from there. I read somewhere to get rid of the vista boot screen I should delete "bootmgr" file and "boot" folder from the root of C: I did this and now nothing works. It tries to boot into vista boot screen but it says files are missing and resets

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Installation Unusually Slow - Boot Error First Boot

Mar 30, 2010

I am having probllems installing Windows XP, first of all the installation is unusually slow, it has more than 5 hours installing. Then i have a boot error from Windows NOT from the BIOS, i have tried getting into the Repair Console an using FIXMBR and FIXBOOT, unsuccesfully; removed every suspecious setting on my BIOS..... The installator copies small parts, copy 1% or 2% and stops for a while (I think it is decompressing the files, but that slow!?). After that i get a booting error (I dont remember what does it says; i will post it later, when my 4th attemp ends).

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Won't Boot (error On Boot) / Can't See SATA Drive

Mar 31, 2010

I had voltage fluctuations last night due a snowstorm and the voltage dropped crashing my PC.It now won't boot and gives the error that a file is corrupted.Windows/system32/config..The PC runs an OEM XP home edition on a SATA drive, the PC also has an IDE drive (D) but the OSes are on the C drive.Inside the XP installation I have Linux Mint installed.When I boot I get the 2 options I always used to , XP (default) and Linux Mint.XP won't boot when selected and gives the error above.The Linux Mint, also on C and in fact installed as a program within XP, will boot, hence I believe the SATA drive to be undamaged.I can see the C drive and all the XP files from the Linux installation.I've tried using the original full CD and the recovery console but when the recovery console opens all it can see is the IDE drive which it labels D (and of course doesn't contain the original XP install.I can't remember how I got XP on the SATA drive in the first place, I don't appear to have any Hard drive drivers in the case I keep all software CDs in and I'm a bit flummoxed. I can only imagine I just fitted it and loaded the XP install disc but that's at odds with what seems to be happening now.Spent a large part of today Googling but can't find anything that will fix this. so far.I don't want to have to wipe and re-install everything unless there's no option, it's a fast way to kill a couple of days over the holidays.

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Boot Disc Error & Partmgr.sys Error

Oct 27, 2008

My machine shut down properly with no errors. Then when I tried to start it the next day I encountered the following errors. The first is a Boot Disc Error which is followed by a Boot from CD prompt.After copying files from the windows xp cd, a blue screen with a stop message appears with details of an error -
partmgr.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. At this point, I am able to reboot in safe mode and do a system restore. However, when I shut down and try to restart, I'm back to square one

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