Cannot Mount 2.5" Drive In USB 2.0 Case

Jul 18, 2005

running XP Pro SP2. Have a 2.5" HDD from a Toshiba Laptop (XP Home SP1 / FAT32) that I have in a USB case. The case plugs into the USB port of Desktop computer and hey presto.should be able to access the drive. However Cannot see the drive in Windows Explorer. Have gone into disk manager and the drive is showing but there is no drive letter assigned and no way of doing so. Option is greyed out on right-click over drive. I have tried changing the drive letter of the cd/dvd drive. I have no mapped drives that could complicate matters. Have tried re-scanning drives no joy. Have even tried uninstalling Enhanced USB2 Host. no joy.

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Will My 98 Hard Drive Mount In XP?

Oct 25, 2008

I have a 120 GB Western Digital IDE Internal Hard Drive that was formatted and used on an old Windows 98 system. I am getting a new computer with Windows XP and I was wondering if I can install this old hard drive as a second drive on the new computer.Will it mount correctly on XP and will I be able to access the data that's on it?

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Data Drive Case To Lock Up

Apr 8, 2007

I have a computer that has a normal C drive with windows XP installed. I added a second maxtor drive for my data drive. It seems when I add my second drive to my windows xp system it causes XP to lock up with a big blue screen after a certain period of time. It usually is when I have intense drive activity when I am installing programs such as visual studio or some thing like that. Both drives are in the Windows XP NSPF format so I don't think that is the problem.I get tired of reinstalling Win XP everytime this occures.

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Need To Mount Compressed ZIP Disk

Jun 9, 2005

I am running Windows XP, Home Edition, to which is connected a 250MB external ZIP drive. My previous system used Windows 98, and, in a moment of madness, I compressed one of the ZIP drive disks. I realize that I need to remount the disk, using the Windows "Drivespace three" program. The only problem is that I don't have the program, and, to my knowledge, it does not exist in or for Windows XP. Is there any way I can obtain a copy of the Drivespace Three program, and, if so, will it run under Windows XP? If not, what version of Windows 95 or 98 has the program? I have access to an older system, belonging to a friend, and might possibly be able to use it to solve the problem.

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Mount Point Does Not Exist

Jan 19, 2008

i'am trying to install oracle apps on my computer.i use winxp sp2, i have 80 gig hard and another one that is 120 gig.i use 97 gig partation to install the apps on it.i use program named mks toolkit that make windows like open source as linux and i use also visual c++ v6 the problem is when i try to install the apps an error occurred and i can't finish the installation the error is Free disk space on system returns zero: probable cause - mount point does not exist.this mean the partiaion is zero gig even it is 97 gig now i want to know how to creat mount point to this partition and the partiation is ntfs.

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Screen Just Went Blue / Unbootable Mount Volume

Nov 29, 2009

I was surfing the internet and all of a sudden my screen just went blue, now it won't boot and just shows a blue screen that says unbootable mount volume.

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Different Case With Different MB

Nov 21, 2009

Have an issue with XP. Here is the story. XP on the master HHD and Ubuntu on the slave HDD. When I put the 2 HDD in a different case with a different MB, Ubuntu worked fine, but XP gets stuck on "Starting Up", but when I put the HDD back to the old MB, every thing works just fine.

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No Sound In Case

Aug 10, 2005

I have stopped getting sounds from inside the coumpter like a beep when I hit "Caps Lock". The sound through the speakers is fine.When I go to Control Panel>Device Control I get the worngin box "RUNDLL .An exception occured while trying to run.

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Keep The Laptop In Its Case While Using It?

Feb 7, 2008

I use this laptop from my work truck and I keep it in a zippered laptop case for protection. My questions have to do with cooling it. Is it ok for me to keep the laptop in its case while I'm using it? My usage when turned on would be for 30 minutes to an hour and than would be turning it off for a little while and than back on again. The usage would be basically surfing the net only and not running high end programs or gaming. I was also wondering if it was possible to maybe put a cooling device if needed under the laptop in the case? I also realize a 7200 rpm hard drive would generate more heat.

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Case Of Missing Buttons

Aug 22, 2006

I have a interesting problem. The OS buttons have gone missing. They are still there and you can click on them if you know the location but they are not displayed. For example if you bring up display properties all the tabs at the top, and all buttons on the screen are not drawn, nor are the text labels. And it is not only display properties, anything that uses the same draw tecniques no longer draw. And even stranger, it is this way even in safe mode.

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Case Of Missing Localhost

Jul 28, 2005

I have done some serious Googling and come up with nothing. As with all the other posts here, I too hope someone can help.I have (had) a localhost that I used for my projects. No problems whatsoever...until a couple days ago. I use the localhost on my PC so as to not affect anything live. I installed a Windows Update which had KB903235 and KB901214. A day later I went to load a project in from my localhost. Normally in the Open Project dialog box, localhost is selected and I get a listing of all my projects. Now, I get nothing just blank. No errors or anything. If I use My Network Places and try to view localHost, it also shows nothing. However, if I look in My Computer and go to C:Intepubwwwroot, everything shows up fine(yipee). Somehow, I lost the link between the two and I can't figure out how to get it back. Like I said, before the recent update, everything was fine, but now I can't load my localhost projects. I have changed absolutely nothing recently(other than the update) and haven't had any other problems that would make you think could have caused this. So, since the update is the only recent system change, I'm kind of leaning toward it as the cause.

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Case Of The Disappearing CD / DVD Drives

May 14, 2008

I am running Windows XP SP2 on an IBM NeVista that has a CD drive and a DVD multi drive.These used to be drive D and E. Just recently, for some unknown reason, it seems that Windows no longer 'sees' the CD drive and only 'sees' the DVD drive, which (I'm positive) used to be drive E but now shows up as drive D. This is weird enough but the really weird thing is that I cannot play or load anything in either.If I put a CD or DVD in drive d (the DVD drive that XP can see in 'My Computer), nothinh happens.It doesn't play or autostart and if I hit 'open' on the drive, it says to please insert a disk.I desperatly need to relaod some software and of course now, neither one of the droves work. I considered deleting the drivers of each of them and then (I assume) have Windows try to re-find the drivers but at this point, XP, nor the hardware device manager in system properties, even 'see; the CD drive.

I am at a loss as to what to do to try and get these drives back. I'm not aware of anything 'weird' happening recently (I think this problem has been going on for a few months now) and everything else seems to be working ok for the most part. I thought about actually physically removing both drives and then physically re-installing them again but I really don't want to have to go take everything apart unless I have to.

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Sudden Case Of Missing NTLDR

Apr 2, 2006

Everything was fine last night when i was on my computer but when i woke up this morning and booted her up i recieved the "NTLDR is missing" error message with instructions to use control+alt+delete to restart and try again. I have not recently installed any new hardware or changed configurations and the only new software is Diablo2 and its expansion which has been on my computer for a week now (its run fine in the past and never caused any problems). I've been reading through the forums for most of the day and tried several different suggestions to fix my problem but to no avail. I've tried using a boot disk i made off of a friend's computer, rebuilding the boot record using the recovery console, and i even tried that NTLDR "fixer" disk that i downloaded from a link i frequently see posted. Nothing has worked. The only interesting thing is that when i use that fixer program (the one that gives you 10 boot options and you have to go through every one to find one that works) is that instead of getting a missing NTLDR message, i get a hal.dll error instead! So i go back into my XP cd and expand the hal.dll into the system32 folder on my drive and try again but now i'm back to the NTLDR error!

I really dont know what to do here and any help is appreciated! Also, i'm not tp sure how vital this is but my drive is labeled D: although it is the only HDD in my computer, when i try to use the recovery console i only have one option for an OS to explore and it is labeled C:. I'm not sure if how this happened is important to my current situation but i can explain it if necessary. Again, any suggestions here would be a big help and hope to hear from you soon. Oh, formating is also out of the quesion as i have no backups of my current papers, projects, and other data.

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We Apologize For The Inconvenience - Special Case

Oct 14, 2010

I was using my computer, and it froze completely. Only thing I could do is Alt + Tab, but it wouldnt bring up anything. So I restarted it, using the button on the computer itself. After that the "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this." message came up. I have the options (Start in safe mode / Safe mode with networking / Safe mode with command prompt / Last known good configuration setting (most recent setting that worked) / Start Windows normally.) and everything, there is a countdown for starting windows normally, but for some reason my arrow keys dont work. I tried both num pads and the normal arrow keys and nothing works, including enter.

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Product Key On The Dell Personal Computer Case

Dec 4, 2004

How can i get a cd for win xp home as the system never came with it and now I have to reload.I have the product key on the dell personal computer case?

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Installed New Case Fan Boot Time Increased 5 Minutes?

Mar 23, 2008

My load times have always been pretty long using XP with my setup and is almost up to a minute or more from power on, but my load light was always working and doing something and I just got use to it. I just installed two small spot fans and as soon as I powered on my boot times have gone from a minute or so now to about 6 minutes. Windows will even load without icons, windows bar, or anything but sits there looking at my desk top background for about 3 minute or so and sits idle. Then after the 3 minutes of idle my load light starts working like crazy and everything comes on.

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Boot Loop With "Unable To Mount" Error

Apr 4, 2008

Boot loop started with XP during XP boot screen. I hit F8 during XP loading screen to stop restart after crash, and a blue screen with "unable to mount" [hard drive] error popped up.

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Case Sensitive Search In Explorer Search

Jul 14, 2005

What are the rules for a case sensitive search when searching for all files and folders in XP. I have set the option, and have tried searching in both upper and lower case options, and still get the same results.

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No Product Key-neither The Case Nor The CD Has The Product Key

Sep 1, 2007

there is a GENUINE XP PROFESSIONAL CD with it's case. But neither the case nor the CD has the product key on it. So I am not able to install it on my new HD. Is there any way to install this XP PROFESSIONAL without the product key or get the product key somehow?

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Relocate Files From One Drive To Another Drive - Change Drive Designations?

Jan 31, 2008

Today I noticed that what WAS my E drive is now called F and what was my F drive is now called G. I don't know how it happened, but it's wreaking havoc with Adobe Premiere because on all old projects I have to relocate all files on what were F that are now on G. It's also messing up my shortcuts.

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Multi Boot ASP Drive C And Drive D Sepret Drive

Sep 22, 2010

I am try to two partition drive C and drive D in my computer but only one c or d instoling. i have 4000mb hardrive,please tell me how can i instol partition in my window xp professional.

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Total Drive Melt Down And Drive E: Bacame Drive C

Jul 11, 2005

I had to buy a new Hard drive and installed it into my computer.also have a slave drive that is much smaller. the slave drive has always been drive e: or drive d:. But for some reason after I re-installed windows and ran it, it now made my slave drive into drive c: and my master drive into drive e:! How do I switch the two? The slave master is set up properly in the BIOS. The large drive is the master and the small drive is the slave. But how do I assign the c:designation to the large drive and the e: designation to the small slave drive.

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Make A Copy Of My Drivers Onto A Slave Drive, When Upgrading Hard Drive?

Apr 1, 2010

When installing a larger main drive, how do I get the drivers copied onto the slave before I take out the main one I wonder is there a simple way of doing this, I am using Windows XP home edition, the PC is an oldish one and isn't any specific make, so I can't get any clever programs from the manufacturers site

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Restore Formatted Hard Drive From Zip File Residing On Network Drive

Aug 6, 2005

I use Cobian Backup to produce a zip-file containing all files and folders, except for temporary-folders (I added an exclude-filter), of my system.Before I can rely on this method, I need to find a way of restoring the 27 gb zip-file, which I store on a networked drive, easily. how booting up a laptop with a formatted harddrive, be able to access a network-drive and extract all the contents of the networked zip-file to the hard drive?

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Drive Letter Clash (mapped Network Drives Vs Physical Drive)?

Aug 3, 2005

My office has a number of mapped network drives for each user which, unfortunately, start at drive letter F.Each time a USB device is used on the computer it is also automatically assigned the drive letter F (presuming that C is hard disk and D and E are CD/DVD drives). This has to be manually changed from within Disk Management.Apparently this is as a result of physical drives taking precedent over the mapped network drives.Is there any workaround for this other than moving the mapped drive letters further along in the alphabet? - this is not really a feasible solution at this time.

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Can't Access Hard Drive / Invalid Media Type Reading Drive C

Dec 20, 2008

A little over a year ago I purchased a used IBM Thinkpad laptop from ebay for my wife. It came with Windows 2000 Professional installed and everything worked fine. No CDs or floppies came with the computer. A couple of months later, it was stolen by one of her business associates. It eventually was recovered, but the thief had installed Windows XP along with the OS that was already installed. In trying to remove XP and return the machine to its original state, I somehow managed to eventually not be able to use either OS. As it stands now I have no OS and cannot even access my hard drive.When I boot from a floppy then try to change to C: drive, I get the error message: Invalid media type reading drive c: Abort, Retry, Fail?

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Installation Failed / Unchecked Drive To Check Hard Drive Corruption

Oct 2, 2006

A friend gave me a laptop, my problem is that it came from Japan thus everything is japanase thus I can't hardly use it. The reason I accept it is bcoz he said I can try to reinstall a win xp with english version (btw, the OS is win xp pro in japanase version). Thus I bought win xp pro sp2 and try to reinstall it, so I reboot fm cd rom and while the windows setup is starting, the system stopped and the message on my screen read as:A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps:Check for viruses on your computer, resume any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers, check your hard drive to make sure it is porperly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK/F to check hard drive corruption. then restart computer. how in the world I can follow the above steps if everything written on it are in japanase language? I also try to visit the manufacture's website, thinking that perhaps it help solve the problem but....i also need a japanase translator to understand it.

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Partitioned Drive Lost - D Drive Missing Files / Folders Won't Open

Aug 13, 2005

XPpro with two HDs, CDr/w and DVDr/w.(D AND (E are (were?) a 20G drive which I partitioned over a year ago. This morning I came across a 4G drive in an old box. (really). Being a curious type I pulled the power and ribbon leads from the DVD and plugged them into the 4G HD, after setting the jumper to slave.Then switched on. A dos line appeared saying 'automatically configuring an F: drive' After which Windows appeared to boot up normally. Except that 'My Computer' showed no (D The 4G (F drive showed as not formated. So... I removed the 4G and replaced the leads back to the DVD. My Computer' shows 3.5 floppy Local Disk(C FRSTHAFOLD(D 9G abt Notice NO (E

Not only that but my D drive is missing lots of files and folders wont open. It seems that the partitioning has been forgotten! I have checked what bios settings there are (not many on Compaq 5000) And the bios sees my main Crive and only one 20G disk I have a bad feeling about this Is there any way to get things back to normal?

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Files & Transfer Wizard To Copy C - Drive Replace Original E Drive

Jan 12, 2006

This is really a question more than a problem. I'm running a PC with 2 HDs. I am changing the boot drive C: for a larger disk. Now ordinarily I would use a backup program like Ghost or whatever. Now my situation is slightly different in that most of my startup programs are installed on my second HD E:, the C: drive being the boot drive with XP installed.

What my intention is. Is to take out drive E: Then replace that with my new drive. Then I was going to boot in Safe Mode and use the Windows Files & Transfer wizard to copy the C: drive to The new drive. The last thing to do then is swap the C: with the newly installed drive and replace the original E: drive. I hope that all makes sense.

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Boot Drive Letter Changed After Cloning To New SATA Drive

May 25, 2004

I installed a Serial ATA hard drive. Booted from floppy,partitioned and formatted 120mb HD,with 2 partitions.

Connected my old IDE drive and booted from Norton Ghostdisc, cloned my old drive to the new one. Removed all drives and USB card readers except the new SATA drive. Windows will not fully boot, it halts at the blue Windows intro screen. Restarted Windows, and scandisk ran, but indicated drive letter "H" not "C", so I guess the windows installation is still looking in the original place for it's files, ie. the "C" drive, that's why it won't boot. You cannot change the "System" drive letter from "Computer Management" within XP, and I cannot get into Windows anyway. Is there a "work around" for this, other than a clean install? Even then, is it still going to be drive "H"? And that means another Windows activation. How many goes do you get for activation? I tried a windows repair installation, and reactivation (wasted). Windows then worked, sort of. Lots of things were missing and programs unuseable,as they were looking for their files on "C": so I went back to square 1, put my old drive back in for the moment

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Can't Assign Drive Letter To Slave Hard Drive After Reinst

Jul 31, 2005

I had to reinstall XP because of spyware issues. I saved important data on my slave drive. I reinstalled XP. Now the bios, device manager, and disk manager recognizes the slave drive but didn't assign it a drive letter. In disk manager it shows as a basic disk, NTFS, Healthy (Active), 18.65 GB,Online. When I right click the volume to assign a drive letter it is grayed out.

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