Windows 7 Installed But Will Not Boot On System

Dec 11, 2011

I have a custom built system. windows 7 installed but it will not start up in this system. A friend put the hard drive into his system and Windows started up fine on his. I ran the memory check on windows and it never said that there were problems but you have to be able to get into windows to see the report so i can't be totally sure. The motherboard was sent back and checked by the mfg. and i doubt that the processor could be bad if it was able to install windows 7 onto the hard drive.

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Installed New HDD, System SSD Won't Boot

Sep 8, 2012

I have a 260 GB SSD with my Windows 7 system on it, and I connected an old laptop HDD. Afterwards, it booted from the laptop HDD, and I did some perusing to run my Windows 7 disk and boot from that to "activate" my OS on my SSD.I tried this, but it doesn't display anything. I have disconnected all of the other HDDs (two laptop HDDs total) and now nothing is listed in terms of disks with Windows on it. It says, "If your operating system isn't listed, click Load Drivers and then install drivers for your hard disks." I can do this, and it brings up my SSD with all of the folders. Would this be a place to load a driver? I am not sure what I am looking for.I have spent about an hour looking elsewhere online but it doesn't seem that any body else has had my problem (or I wasn't able to find it). It recognizes my SSD in the BIOS, but it simply won't load from it. As well, when it was loading from my laptop HDD's OS (Windows 7 Professional 64-bit), I was able to access my C: drive (the SSD) and all of its folders.

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Boot Files Installed On C But Not System Reserved?

Aug 26, 2011

Boot files etc have installed on C and not system reserved, why?Is it because I increased the size of the system reserved and then (maybe I) left the larger partition highlighted by mistake?I used Windows own install disk to format etc.

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Installed Win7, System Will Not Boot From Proper Drive

Oct 11, 2009

I recently isntalled windows 7 professional and I have three sata drives, one is the system drive where windows 7 is installed (C, my primary partition, the other is a storage drive (F and a drive to replace the partition (Z. My boot priority for the moment is the F: drive then the C:. This is because for some reason my C: drive, even though the system is installed on it, will not boot.

I tried several things like copying the hidden system folder in F:Boot to the C drive but that did not work. I recently did a repair install but that did not restore the boot manager. Is there a way to manually set my C: drive as my primary boot drive, without jumping through hoops, I bought the Z drive to replace the F drive and need to be able to boot without it.

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Installed SSD. Move "System Reserved" To SSD And Make SSD Boot?

Jan 4, 2012

I recently installed a SSD into my setup. I didn't have a Windows 7 64bit disk, so I booted into the HDD's OS and installed via .iso (I didn't want to burn it, as that always seems to fail.I wanted to get the System Restore partition installed on the SSD, so I tried booting to a Win 32bit disk and formatting the drive that way. Problem is, the System Restore is not recognized as such, and was visible so I ended up deleting it

that works fine, except I now have this:
Disk0: Hard drive
Disk1: SSD
Disk2: Irrelevant

1. Can I move the System Restore Partition to the SSD?

2. How can I make this boot off of the SSD? It currently boots off of the System restore on the HDD

3. The drive letters are screwed up, but whenever I try to change the SSD's drive letter it says "the parameter is incorrect", no matter which drive letter I choose.

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Installed Storage Drive, Now System Drive Will Not Boot

Sep 30, 2012

I have a 1T SATA system drive and a 1T SATA working drive. I installed a 3T SATA storage drive, and now my system won't boot from the C:. I have to go into the BIOS and boot from there, or use a boot disk. How do I get the system to boot from C: again?

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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Way To Reinstall Windows With Pre-installed System?

Feb 23, 2012

A few weeks ago I bought a DELL computer with the Windows 7 Home Premium. Is there a way to reinstall Windows with the preinstalled system?

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Changing Partition System - Windows 7 Can Only Be Installed To GPT Disks

May 30, 2012

As Windows tells me, "on EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks". This is the error message I get trying to install a Windows upgrade from 7 Home Premium to Pro. I have to do a custom install because I am installing English over Russian. I have looked on the internet about how to change my partition system to GPT. Seems like something I can do, however, I have a question: If I have only one physical hard drive in my machine, is it possible the change the partition system from MBR to GPT? I see lots of examples of doing it to a second hard drive, but not many when it is the only hard drive. It is a new drive and clean, so I do not worry at this point about the data on it.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After New MB Installed?

May 9, 2011

I installed a new motherboard for my Windows 7 Home Premium system and was surprised to find Windows won't boot now. I tried repair option from the install disc but didn tried the in place upgrade but after selecting the Install now option I end up with a message that the system was booted from the install disc and I need to start Windows normally and then insert the install disc again which of course won't work when Windows can't boot.I made a new install on a test hard drive to check my motherboard and it is working fine. What can I do? I would like to boot on my regular drive with all my data and programs and not have to go through the long process of finding and installing everything anew.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Windows 7 Installed On Non Boot Partition?

Sep 19, 2012

So long story short, my current os (w7) is installed on a non-boot partition of a now internal drive that used to be external. This wasn't an issue/I didn't notice because I had another unused internal hdd which DID have an old bootable os partition, and then I'd just choose the correct instance of Windows when that one booted.I have to get rid of the old HDD with the bootable partition. Is there anyway I can change the non bootable my currant OS is on to a bootable partition (ie thru windows, cmd, bios etc)

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Installed Windows Seven, Now Can't Boot To Vista

May 17, 2009

I installed windows seven and it boots up automatically without giving me the option to boot into my old vista partition.


I am sure this is something simple, but I can't get it working.

I had vista installed and I used partition magic to repartition my hard drive on my laptop.

I made the new partition come before my old partition, because I wanted windows 7 to be my primary eventually.

I think it may have someting to do with making the vista partition active, but I am notentirely sure how to do that.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64-bit With (pre Installed) Xp 32-bit

Jul 18, 2011

My installation was FAILED!!! i have windows xp 32 bit pre-installed (in C drive), I was trying to install DUAL BOOT xp with Windows 7 (in D drive NTFS) using ISO image file of Windows 7 64bit ultimate (present in my HHD), i mounted the ISO file of windows 7.The installation started normally but in the FINAL step (Finalizing installation) when system restarts to perform configuration etc, but instead of that i got message "Failed to install windows and rolling back changes".mportant NOTE: Using virtual dvd rom, i mounted and install Windows 7 "32 bit" all right!!! There was NO problem at all of dual booting windows xp 32 bit and windows 7 32 bit on the same hard disk (on different drives)so my question is Windows 7 64 bit cant be dual boot with pre loaded Xp 32 bit ??? or tell me how to do it please..i got 4 gb ddr2 ram and i want to run 64 bit OS windows 7 to utilize it maximum.My system info;Dell OptiPlex GX620 2.8 ghz, 4 gb ram, ATI 4350HD-512 mb Hard disk space on D Drive is 25GB

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How To Create Boot Cd From Installed Windows 7

Oct 27, 2012

how to create bootable dvd from insatalled window 7 from my pc

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Can't Boot Windows 7 After Installed Centos 6 To 2nd Hdd

Feb 3, 2013

I have window 7 in 1st hdd, installed centos6 in 2nd sata hdd (note, I disconnected data cable before installing centos from mother board)After completion of installation centos, I reconnected the data cable to the 1st hdd and reboot and I didn't see the option for booting to windows at all.

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Installed New Boot SSD / Internet Connectivity On Boot Up

Feb 7, 2012

I recently installed a new SSD and put my OS on it but every now and then when I boot up it just wont get an internet connection.Once its booted up and I restart Windows though its fine.It doesn't happen everytime but 50% or so I'd say on boot up.I'm thinking its something to do with how fast its booting up now and for some reason my network settings or drivers have not had a chance to load or something and its not getting a handshake with my router.

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System Not Dual Boot After System Restore In Windows 7

Oct 19, 2012

Did a system restore in Windows 7 and my dual boot system (Windows 7&XP) won't boot. It's looking for a boot device. When I put in a Hiren boot 10.6 disk, the dual boot option is one of a number of alternatives, and it allows me to get into my pc. How can I get back to having the system work like it did before? So it boots to the dual boot option without Hiren.My SSD drive is the main drive for Windows 7 &XP. It has two partitions.

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Windows Won't Boot With Graphic Card Installed

Mar 31, 2011

My system was working fine last week until I've installed an additional SATA HDD, windows will boot up until the windows 7 logo after that its all black screen, I've waited for hours for some response to happen but nothing happened, I've reformatted it a few times with the same outcome. I've tried resetting CMOS a lot of times but to no avail. But this evening I tried taking out my Graphics card and other peripherals and then windows boot! it boots with all other accesories(wifi card,firewire etc.) and the new HDD but when I try to reinstall the Graphics card it goes back to a black screen after the windows 7 logo!! is it a case of a busted video card? if so then why does it have display? I also checked the back of the Graphics card's heatsink and it has this white paste-like goo that has hardened, should i clean it and apply new thermal paste?

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Can't Boot Server 2003 After Having Installed Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I had three operating systems in my computer: Ubunt, Win XP and Win Server 2003. Grub was the booting program, that offers you go to Windows loader. When I selected this, I could choose between XP and Server 2003, according to XP boot.ini file.Yesterday I got Windows 7 installed over XP. Everything seemed to be fine. I got back Grub booting with Super Grub. When I boot the computer I choose Windows booting, and now, Windows 7 menu is shown.First options here were:

- Previous Windows version
- Windows7

Firtst entry did not work: when you select it the computer just hungs up doing nothing, showing nothing, totally black.I installed EasyBCD and tried to edit boot menu: adding new entry to be autodetected or selecting the drive, but I get just absolutely nothing. When I choose this new entry to be loaded, same result: black screen.These are my curent booting settings:There are a total of 3 entries listed in the bootloader.

Default: Windows 7
Timeout: 15 seconds
Boot Drive: C:
Entry #1
Name: Versi�n anterior de Windows
BCD ID: {ntldr}


I tried also copying a regular boot.ini file (see below) into the Server 2003 partition, but all I got with this is, instead a black screen, a message saying that system in " NSTeasyldr1" cannot be loaded by some hardware/software error (no more options but to go back)

Code: [boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect As said, I am totally desperated with this, I really need my server 2003 getting launched

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Installed New Hard Drive With Windows 7 - PC Will Not Boot Up

Dec 10, 2011

I recently bought a new hard drive with windows 7 home premium 32 bit installed. When tried to install it in my pc it would not boot up, I am assuming its because everything is new to it. I bought a windows 7 recovery disc but it has not worked. I did not get an install disc with the new hard drive.

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Can't Boot Server 2003 After Having Installed Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I had three operating systems in my computer: Ubunt, Win XP and Win Server 2003. Grub was the booting program, that offers you go to Windows loader. When I selected this, I could choose between XP and Server 2003, according to XP boot.ini file.Yesterday I got Windows 7 installed over XP. Everything seemed to be fine. I got back Grub booting with Super Grub. When I boot the computer I choose Windows booting, and now, Windows 7 menu is shown.

First options here were:

- Previous Windows version
- Windows7

Firtst entry did not work: when you select it the computer just hungs up doing nothing, showing nothing, totally black.I installed EasyBCD and tried to edit boot menu: adding new entry to be autodetected or selecting the drive, but I get just absolutely nothing. When I choose this new entry to be loaded, same result: black screen.These are my curent booting settings:

Quote: There are a total of 3 entries listed in the bootloader.

Default: Windows 7
Timeout: 15 seconds
Boot Drive: C:


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Windows 7 Not Appearing In Boot Screen, But Installed?

Dec 26, 2011

i am using windows 7 ultimate 32 bit, and when i install windows xp to install some software that is not compatible with windows 7, after i finish installing xp., the boot screen not showing options either ro boot windows 7 or xp, it just goes booting windows xp

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Installed Windows 7 On Same Partition As XP Unable To Boot The Former

Mar 10, 2011

Now, I've installed Win 7 (Professional) on the same as XP is installed. When I try to boot from HDD, I only get the XP entries, but can only boot Windows 7 through.

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Installed Windows 7 On One Hard Drive / But It Seems To Need To Boot

Dec 12, 2011

I have a computer with two (IDE ribbon cable) hard drives. One had a bad windows XP installation on it. I installed Windows 7 on the other. I formatted the drive before installing Windows 7.Then, I decided I want to use the hard drive with the bad winXP installation on it, in another computer (I will format it). When I opened the computer side panel, I wasn't sure which hard drive was which, so I unplugged the power to one, and started the computer.The thing is, it won't boot Windows 7 with either of those hard drives alone, only when both are plugged in. With HD #1 disconnected, it says "Can't find BOOTMGR, press a key to reboot." With HD #2 connected, I get asked whether I want Windows 7 or an older OS, and when I choose Windows 7, I get an error message, something like "Windows 7 failed to start. To try and repair, insert install disc, or use recovery mode, etc" With both HDs, I get asked the same question, "Windows 7 or an older OS," but when I choose Windows 7, it works. In my computer, I have verified that Windows 7's files are on one disk, and corrupt winXP files on the other.

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Can't Boot Server 2003 Since Installed Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I really need to get my Server 2003 running, as that is working platform (need it for my job).I had three operating systems in my computer: Ubunt, Win XP and Win Server 2003. Grub was the booting program, that offers you go to Windows loader. When I selected this, I could choose between XP and Server 2003, according to XP boot.ini file.Yesterday I got Windows 7 installed over XP. Everything seemed to be fine. I got back Grub booting with Super Grub. When I boot the computer I choose Windows booting, and now, Windows 7 menu is shown.First options here were:

- Previous Windows version

- Windows7

Firtst entry did not work: when you select it the computer just hungs up doing nothing, showing nothing, totally black.I installed EasyBCD and tried to edit boot menu: adding new entry to be autodetected or selecting the drive, but I get just absolutely nothing. When I choose this new entry to be loaded, same result: black screen.

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New Windows 7 Install Won't Boot, Installed Fine?

Sep 28, 2011

I recently built a new machine. I installed Windows to my drive, a 1TB Western Digital. Installed worked fine, but at thestage 'preparing your desktop', it just says 'shutting down' then 'logging off', and then starts rebooting up to the point where it would load the OS, then reboots again.What gives? I tried re-installing the OS, same exact thing happened.

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Can't Start Into Windows 7 After XP Installed (Dual Boot)

Sep 30, 2011

I installed xp pro sp3 on my dell inspiron 1545 on a seperate partition of the same hard drive windows 7 is already installed on. Now the computer will only boot into xp there is no bootmanger screen to choose from.

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Windows 7 Installed On SSD - Need To Reinstall Drivers On Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I recently got a new ssd and installed Windows 7 on it (I used the oem code on the bottom of my laptop [Lenovo Y580] along with the iso from digitalriver). It's been... well, as good as you can expect windows to be up until yesterday. When I booted the laptop into Windows, I had no internet despite having an ethernet cable connected. I checked to make sure it wasn't just my router. Sure enough, wifi and ethernet work perfectly in Ubuntu. I went into windows again and checked if I had the latest drivers. I did, so I tried reinstalling them and everything worked fine. Until I restarted. Every single time I restart I need to reinstall my wifi and ethernet drivers. It takes seconds, but it's still annoying and shouldn't be happening.

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Dual Boot With Already Installed Windows 7 And RedHat 5

Jan 19, 2013

My concern is only to make Desktop dual bootable where Winodws 7 is already installed and I want also install RedHat 5 Linux. I want to know what settings in BIOS are required to be changed or what is the proper procedures to do so.

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