Windows 7 Blank Screen After Windows POST

Dec 12, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS. I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it.

I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything. Thanks for any help

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Blank Screen After Windows POST No AGP440.SYS

Dec 13, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS.

I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it. I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything.

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Windows 7 Crashing Post Login Screen

Jun 30, 2012

My computer was working fine 15 hours ago, playing games and loading webpages and all that. I turned it off for the night and when I turned it back on this morning it booted properly, as per usual. So then I logged in, the screen turned black, my cursor appeared and nothing else happened. I've been trying to fix this problem all day and if I leave it for long enough it does log in properly, but I was wondering if maybe one of the start-up systems isn't working right or whether I just need to do a disc cleanup. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit, and the average wait time for it to load (when it does load, which is occasional) is about half an hour. Also running Windows 7 on a Mac, because my school gave it to me for phr33 at the end of their Mac phase.

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5min Delay On Welcome Screen, Then Blank Screen With Cursor (windows 7)

Jul 6, 2012

After leaving my comp on overnight i wake up to non-responding programs, i shut down manually and then as i restart this happens. 5minute lag on welcome screen and then it turns blue with a moveable cursor. i have used system restore and created a new user but neither works. i can run perfectly on safe mode.

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Black Screen BEFORE Post Screen On Restart?

Dec 22, 2012

Just purchased 2 new (refurb) PC's for my wife and I. It's all I could find with Windows 7 still available. They are both HP Pavilion p7-1233w 64 bit Desktops running Win 7 Home Premium SP1.During Windows setup of PC #1, it asked for a restart. When the PC powered back up, it had a black screen from the start (before the Post screen). I power cycled it several times with no luck. Even switched monitors and video cables. The next morning it started normally with perfect video.I assumed the Refurb PC had a problem and set it aside for return.Been setting up PC #2 for a few days now with lots of restarts. All was well, until I did a restart just now. There was the identical problem. Power cycled the unit twice, and still had the black screen.Then I unplugged the PC, and pressed the power button to discharge the capacitors (fans ran for a few seconds). When I returned power and started the PC again, it functioned normally. I've done 10 quick restarts since to try and replicate the problem, but it only happened that once.

I love these PC's, and I love Win 7, so I hate to give them up. But I don't want the video freezing up on me every time I do a restart. I assume now, that PC #1 is not necessarily defective.Since this is occurring before the post screen, I wasn't sure if it could be windows related.

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No Post And Startup Screen

Feb 10, 2013

Usually POST screen would show up first with a laptop company logo, but now Windows 7 startup appears first instead. Then, the Windows 7 startup screen freezes immediately. What's the problem? Motherboard or corrupted BIOS?

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POST But No Login / Black Screen

Sep 8, 2011

For starters this is not my computer, I'm attempting to fix a friend of mines laptop. I have no idea what he was doing prior to this meltdown but the computer will no longer boot so far as to get to the windows login screen. I have tried booting in safe mode on all different settings but after the bios readout it just goes to a black screen with the pointer (same as reg boot).

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Garbled Screen - ASCII - DURING POST

Nov 12, 2009

I recently attempted an install of Windows 7 onto a friends PC. The specs are listed below. Here is a link to a screenshot of the problem

This occurs after a Windows 7 install. The system boots to the Windows 7 setup, where personal options are selected. After this, a reboot will begin the POST, and prior to completion, this screen appears. I do not believe the POST has finished, and I do not think it is handing boot duties to the OS.

What I have attempted so far is:

Memtest - checked out ok.

Replaced CORSAIR mem with other sticks.

Reformat from command prompt on boot disk.

Removal of all hardware, including video card.

I am completely stumped on this issue, and any help would be appreciated.

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AHCI Port 0 Error On Post Screen

Jun 26, 2012

When I start up my pc I my screen stops at the POST screen where down to the bottom it says AHCI Port 0 error...I never had that error before as normally I won't even see the POST screen.

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Black Screen During Post On Cold Bootup

Oct 12, 2010

I have built my computer about 2 months ago now, and had nothing but issues with it, display drivers stopped responding, alot of BSOD (bccode 1a and 50), black screens, lockups and so forth, i have FINALLY read enough forums over this 2 month period to solve majority of problems accept one, Computer runs fine, but every morning on cold bootup it'll start to load POST and then go to a black screen and just stay there unless i reboot the computer and then it'll bootup fine. I will turn off the computer after that and go to work for about 8-10hours come home and turn it on all fine, untill the next day. I have tried new ram, fail safe settings in bios, updated bios to the lastest, bought a new power supply, tried reconnecting everything, unpluged storage harddrive. Only thing i could think of causing the problem is my video card drivers, because as soon as i install the drivers i get "drivers have stopped responding but have recovered" screen would lock up freeze/artifacts and then come back, until i changed my idle clocked from 157/300 to 400/900 and it sorted out that problem, but those settings dont kick in until i reach into desktop, could it be trying to load the ati drivers during post and black screening?

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Slow Downs Then Black Screen After Post?

Jul 10, 2010

It started yesterday when my wife and I noticed the computer hanging a bit more than normal - even when doing basic things, like clicking "login" to check our email. But, it would always come back and really wasn't all that frequent. This morning I tried to start it up and it got stuck on a black screen after the motherboard POST image. I was able to get into BIOS and boot from the windows CD. A system restore fixed it. I'm just wondering what you guys think was likely to have caused it. Is it likely that my boot files got corrupted somehow? I ran a diagnostic and from Seagate and it says that my hard drive is fine - but I'm not sure if that's just because I recently restored Windows.I did recently install a big name game - but it ran fine for three days before this happened. The system restore point I had was from when I installed it, so it's now gone.What do you guys think could have caused it? I'm just a little concerned that restoring only patched over a problem that will crop up again - or, that I should be afraid to install that game again.PS: System Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 3.0GHz E8400 Intel CPU, 500GB Seagate SATA HDD, 4GB Crucial 800MHz RAM (x2 2GB), ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard. The game that was installed was Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

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Painfully Long Delay Before POST Screen

Oct 23, 2012

[code] I have Windows 7 64 bit in HDD1 and OS X Lion in HDD 2 that I installed using Hackintosh distro. I press F8 key on POST screen which gives boot drive selection menu from where I select the HDD to boot from.The system was running flawless on both operating systems until recently. The problems are listed below:

- Almost always it takes unusually long for POST screen to appear (around 60 to 90 seconds) whereas during good condition it used to appear within 5 to 10 seconds of power on
- Sometimes the system doesn't receive display signal
- If I take out power cables from all SATA drives but one, then the POST screen usually appears normally for sometime.
- At one time I removed ALL SATA drives, i.e. both HDDs and DVD then turned on, it turned on promptly without delay.

Then I connected Optical drive and turned on, it turned on properly. Then connected the HDDs one by one, and it still turned on without delay. But this lasted only for 2 days after which the same problem, i.e, either POST screen appears after painfully long time or doesn't appear at all.Before this motherboard, I had Intel DG43NB and had both Os X and Win 7 and experienced exactly the same problem and my hardware guy told me that my motherboard had gone down so I replaced with this ASUS one. Again the same problem with this board

- Where is the problem?
- Could the problem possibly be in the motherboard? I think it's unlikely because once the system starts it works flawlessly, i.e. no errors, no crashes, nothing.
- Could it be the power supply? Since it seems to work better with less load, i.e. some drives disconnected.
- Could it be the GPU?
- What's the best way to diagnose?
- Does the problem have anything to do with my frequently switching boot drive from POST startup menu?

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Windows 7 Blank Screen After Login

Oct 4, 2010

I have Dell studio series 1558,I have two issues: After Powering on the laptop and inputting the password for login to Windows 7, I get a black screen with the Mouse cursor active. In the background the login seems to have happened but I don't get to see the Desktop. When i open any program or web page, e.g. yahoo messenger, the messenger/webpage display is very small, i had to manually enlarge it to view properly, i tried changing my screen resolution, but didnt work.

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Windows 7 Blank Screen With Cursor?

Sep 4, 2011

When computer starts is says windows is starting and then just get blank screen with cursor.

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Blank Screen With Cursor On Windows 7?

Sep 30, 2012

After I turn on my laptop Dell starts and it says her resuming windows and then goes to a blank screen with my cursor. I removed the battery and held the power button but don't know what else to do. I don't have a restore disk. I'm running windows 7.

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Blank Screen After Starting Windows 7?

Aug 13, 2012

I seem to have a odd issue with my laptop. Sometimes when i boot into windows there would be a blank screen with a mouse cursor after the starting windows screen. I would have to wait for approximately 5 minutes for it to show up my logon screen. I've been having this issue since the start of the year and have attempted to solve it but they have been unsuccessful. Things i've tried:Reformat Windows (Did it 4 times)Purchasing a SSDReduced the start-up items(barely any)?

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Getting A Blank Screen After Windows Login

Jan 31, 2012

I started the machine today and after the welcome screen the screen becomes blank and i get a black screen for about 30 seconds.then i get the task bar and after about 10 seconds i get the desktop.

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Windows 7 Blank Screen After Login?

Sep 8, 2011

1> After Powering on the laptop and inputting the password for login to Windows 7, I get a black screen with the Mouse cursor active. In the background the login seems to have happened but I don't get to see the Desktop.

2> When i open any program or web page, e.g. yahoo messenger, the messenger/webpage display is very small, i had to manually enlarge it to view properly, i tried changing my screen resolution, but didnt work. My screen resolutions are:

Display: 1.Mobile PC Display
Resolution: 1920*1080 (recommended)
Orientation: Landscape.

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Blank Screen After Windows 7 Loads?

Jul 18, 2012

I opened up my PC to move the front audio cable so that it wasn't sitting on the graphics card (was causing EM interference).When I tried to reboot, my computer now gets to the windows loading screen, then stops outputting video - so the monitor goes blank and eventually turns off. Windows continues to load in the background as I can hear the startup sound play.

Computer Setup:
Gigabyte GA-EX38-DS4 Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 CPU
Gigabyte 670 GTX Factory OC GFX Card
4GB RAM (I think XMS2)
500GB Samsung Spinpoint F3 7200rpm HDD
Corsair 650W modular PSU
Linksys PCIE wireless card (can't remember model)

Things I have tried:

1) Booting into safe mode (works fine, can view the desktop etc.)

2) Booting into low resolution mode (doesn't work, same issue)

3) Booting into safe mode, un-installing the graphics card, booting into normal mode and reinstalling drivers for graphics card (doesn't work, same issue)

4) Trying a different PCI-E slot (doesn't work, same issue)

5) Trying a different output on the graphics card (doesn't work, same issue)

6) Hard CMOS reset (doesn't work, same issue)

7) Trying a different graphics card (even worse, didn't get any video out even at BIOS screen - can't guarantee card is working as I don't have a second machine to test with but it was working the last time I used it a couple of months ago. Second card was ATI rather than Nvidia so shouldn't be using same drivers).

Things I intend to try but haven't had time:

1) Plugging into a different monitor (heard some people mentioning it may be to do with the monitor drivers not reporting max screen settings properly, I could find any windows 7 x64 drivers for my monitor as its so old but I do have a TV I can test with)

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Tried To Restart Windows 7 Screen Blank

Oct 12, 2012

I let computer downlod updates for windows 7 and then when I hit restart like it said I had to for updates to be complete the screen went blank and the computer justs sits with a black screen. Because it is a laptop I can't power it off and when I try to hit the power button nothing happens. How do I get the computer to start again?

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Windows 7 Screen Goes Blank , Audio Is Available?

Dec 7, 2012

I recently used one key recovery for my lenovo laptop, after restoring, the windows logo is shown but after that my system goes into blank screen mode although the audio can be heard. But when i try with safe mode then i am able to see the screen, what can be the issue??

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Screen Goes Blank After Glowing Windows Logo

Oct 27, 2009

It simply disables display.

My screen goes blank right after the glowing windows logo.

This is a fresh install.

It's an ATI card. Brand new. It was working (for 2 weeks) on vista perfectly.

I understand that there is an issue with ATI catalyst control center.

with all due respect, I can't load a driver if my screen is disabled.

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Windows 7 Screen Goes Blank And Will Come Back Only When Mouse Is Used

Dec 21, 2012

HP G60 laptop, after the unit has been on for 10min or more it has a random issue with the display going blank. If you move the mouse the display comes back as long as the mouse is moving. Stop moving the mouse the display goes blank. Sometimes if you let it sit awile it will start working again. It is now so bad the computer is not useable. It has McAfee protection and I run system fix it utilities 11.

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Blank Screen After Clean Install Of Windows 7?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on my PC again, and came to a blank screen after the reboot. I have the PC hooked up to a TV using the S-Video output on my graphics card, and suspect that win 7 is using the DVI port instead. There is no way at the moment that I can use the DVI port because I don't have a monitor that supports it.

is there a way around this so I can use the S-video output for the rest of the installation?

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Windows 7 Clean Install Blank Screen?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a new SSD, my old hard drive crashed. My video card is an onboard ATI Radeon HD 4250. Initial setup works fine, but when the computer reboots it comes back up blank. I'm already running two monitors, one VGA and one DVI, and safe mode doesn't work either, I've tried booting from a flash drive and a dvd with exactly the same results.

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Windows Not Booting When Restart Getting Blank Screen

Sep 15, 2012

I am using windows 7 ultimate on my samsung laptop. today I tried to install ubuntu in dual boot mode with my windows 7. I installed ubuntu 12.04 on e drive( mounted as ext 4) and 1.5 gb of swap partition..the installation went smooth but when I restart I get a blank screen with crusor blinking?

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Windows 7 Blank Screen / Installation Fail

Jun 15, 2010

The computer goes blank right after Windows starts up as it's supposed to go to the login screen, and the cursor was the only thing to appear. My answer to everything is to basically reinstall Windows 7 and start over, but after inserting the disc, begining the installation, and going through most of the motions....after Windows restarts again the screen goes black. Before I tried to reinstall Windows I was able to use the computer in Safe Mode, but after the reinstallation failed I can't reach safe mode. I can't seem to find a way to finish the installation.

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Receiving A Blank Screen When Loading Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jul 21, 2012

I've run into a problem that's preventing Windows 7 from loading normally. The problem starting happening yesterday, when my computer froze up while I was surfing AGV antivirusver since then, I cannot make it past the "Starting Windows" screen. Afterwards, instead of going to the "Loading" screen, my screen goes to blank.Since I could still bring up safe mode, I've tried the following things, with either no success, or Windows can't detect anything wrong:1. Performed a System Restore to a day earlier.2. Startup Repair didn't detect anything wrong.

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Blank Screen With Blinking Cursor Windows 7

Dec 8, 2012

two day ago i turned on my pc as usual. But it did not boot, instead i got a black screen with blinking cursor, so is there any way to make my pc recover from this issue.

I've tried the f8 , it has No effect I even re installed the os but it does not work.. It does all installation work asks for my name and pc name . Then it does the video and perfomance testing . Then it restarts and i again get the blank screen with blinking cursor.

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Blank Screen After Windows 7 Log On; Only Safe Mode Works?

Jan 10, 2013

I have a Toshiba Satellite C655D laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. Computer was working like a dream and has been for about a year now, when yesterday I booted up after running Windows update, like always, logged on like normal, only to see a blank screen with only my mouse cursor. Neither Ctrl+Alt+Del nor Ctrl+Shft+Esc work to bring up the Task Manager. I am able to boot into Safe Mode just fine, but of course unable to uninstall the Windows updates to the .NET framework.I have tried System Restore several times now, both from the Safe Mode and from the start-up recovery options accessed via F8 upon system startup. From the same menu, I have attempted Startup Repair but alas, Windows does not detect any problems (go figure, right? ).I have ran the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool to check if my hardware was going bad, and upon completion, it rebooted, once again, to a blank screen after being prompted to log in. Mouse works, nothing else does. Upon pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del I am greeted with the following message after waiting roughly 5 minutes:"The logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed. If the operating system does not respond, press ESC or restart the computer by using the power switch."^Pressing ESC makes the message disappear along with my mouse, so that I am staring at a completely blank screen.I am on my friend's MacBook Pro right now, I'm really hoping someone can help, but I must admit I am reluctant to think so because someone once came to this board with the seemingly exact same problem and no one here was able to help him.Just to reiterate, I can boot up in Safe Mode, with or without Networking as well as accessing the Command Prompt. That's about all I can do.Edit: Now when I do a System Restore, I get this error message when it restarts (everything else is blank unless I restart in Safe Mode): However, when I try to navigate to this location either via Windows Explorer in Safe Mode or via the Command Prompt, one can clearly see that the location doesn't exist. I am confused.

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Windows (7 Ultimate X64) Boots Into A Blank Screen With A Cursor

Feb 11, 2012

I was all good working on my computer when I decided to restart my computer because "rocketdock" (a dock program) didn't open a folder and gave me the "open with" dialog instead.

Background:- I've installed a lot of updates recently, including SP1. The windows is customized i.e. some files are edited. I used tune up registry cleaner, which caused a problem in Chrome, so I used a command found on the Internet, it made tons of errors (which was mentioned by the one who suggested the command) and the computer CPU was fully loaded, the command was replacing files, or something like that. When I remember the command I'll post.

PS: "Ctrl+Alt+Delete", "Ctrl+Shift+Esc", and "Ctrl+L" don't do anything. PS2: Safe Mode loads into the same screen.

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