Slow Downs Then Black Screen After Post?

Jul 10, 2010

It started yesterday when my wife and I noticed the computer hanging a bit more than normal - even when doing basic things, like clicking "login" to check our email. But, it would always come back and really wasn't all that frequent. This morning I tried to start it up and it got stuck on a black screen after the motherboard POST image. I was able to get into BIOS and boot from the windows CD. A system restore fixed it. I'm just wondering what you guys think was likely to have caused it. Is it likely that my boot files got corrupted somehow? I ran a diagnostic and from Seagate and it says that my hard drive is fine - but I'm not sure if that's just because I recently restored Windows.I did recently install a big name game - but it ran fine for three days before this happened. The system restore point I had was from when I installed it, so it's now gone.What do you guys think could have caused it? I'm just a little concerned that restoring only patched over a problem that will crop up again - or, that I should be afraid to install that game again.PS: System Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 3.0GHz E8400 Intel CPU, 500GB Seagate SATA HDD, 4GB Crucial 800MHz RAM (x2 2GB), ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard. The game that was installed was Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

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POST But No Login / Black Screen

Sep 8, 2011

For starters this is not my computer, I'm attempting to fix a friend of mines laptop. I have no idea what he was doing prior to this meltdown but the computer will no longer boot so far as to get to the windows login screen. I have tried booting in safe mode on all different settings but after the bios readout it just goes to a black screen with the pointer (same as reg boot).

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Black Screen During Post On Cold Bootup

Oct 12, 2010

I have built my computer about 2 months ago now, and had nothing but issues with it, display drivers stopped responding, alot of BSOD (bccode 1a and 50), black screens, lockups and so forth, i have FINALLY read enough forums over this 2 month period to solve majority of problems accept one, Computer runs fine, but every morning on cold bootup it'll start to load POST and then go to a black screen and just stay there unless i reboot the computer and then it'll bootup fine. I will turn off the computer after that and go to work for about 8-10hours come home and turn it on all fine, untill the next day. I have tried new ram, fail safe settings in bios, updated bios to the lastest, bought a new power supply, tried reconnecting everything, unpluged storage harddrive. Only thing i could think of causing the problem is my video card drivers, because as soon as i install the drivers i get "drivers have stopped responding but have recovered" screen would lock up freeze/artifacts and then come back, until i changed my idle clocked from 157/300 to 400/900 and it sorted out that problem, but those settings dont kick in until i reach into desktop, could it be trying to load the ati drivers during post and black screening?

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Black Screen BEFORE Post Screen On Restart?

Dec 22, 2012

Just purchased 2 new (refurb) PC's for my wife and I. It's all I could find with Windows 7 still available. They are both HP Pavilion p7-1233w 64 bit Desktops running Win 7 Home Premium SP1.During Windows setup of PC #1, it asked for a restart. When the PC powered back up, it had a black screen from the start (before the Post screen). I power cycled it several times with no luck. Even switched monitors and video cables. The next morning it started normally with perfect video.I assumed the Refurb PC had a problem and set it aside for return.Been setting up PC #2 for a few days now with lots of restarts. All was well, until I did a restart just now. There was the identical problem. Power cycled the unit twice, and still had the black screen.Then I unplugged the PC, and pressed the power button to discharge the capacitors (fans ran for a few seconds). When I returned power and started the PC again, it functioned normally. I've done 10 quick restarts since to try and replicate the problem, but it only happened that once.

I love these PC's, and I love Win 7, so I hate to give them up. But I don't want the video freezing up on me every time I do a restart. I assume now, that PC #1 is not necessarily defective.Since this is occurring before the post screen, I wasn't sure if it could be windows related.

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Games Slow Downs After Sometime?

Feb 20, 2012

My PC specs : Intel Celeron D 3.06Ghz Processor,3Gb DDR2 Ram, Gefore 9400GT 1GB GFX card, and 320 Gb HDD bla bla blaMy Problem is When i start Playing games they works fine at beginning but after few minutes it starts lagging ,when i checked the task manager the CPU usage goes to 100%,i checked in BIOS the temperature goes to 80, so i applied thermal paste on processor, but there is no difference

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HP Laptop Suffering Massive Slow Downs?

Dec 26, 2012

I bought a used HP Pavilion g7 about a month or two ago. I first noticed that I was suffering from a massive slowdown problem that often prevents me from opening programs or even shutting down the computer from a cold startup. My computer is currently running chkdsk from bootup and is finding file segments 58724-58731, 58756-58763 unreadable.My computer is running Windows 7 sp1. This is the second time this has happened; I had reformatted the hard drive once already due to this issue, and it has now started occurring again two weeks later.Considering that all I've only put League of Legends, LackeyCCG, and Google Chrome on my computer, I doubt this is a software issue. I have heard that I may have to replace my HDD if I'm receiving errors such as this in such volume. If this is one of the vagaries of purchasing used computers, how should I act? Do warranties typically cover dead hard drives, and if not how much would it cost to replace mine?

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Semi-random Partial Lock-ups / Slow Downs

Sep 28, 2011

For the longest time I've had this problem where my computer will be on, everything working, then all of a sudden it stops but it doesn't crash.. no blue screen.. and oddly enough it doesn't completely lock up. I try to move the mouse and it may not move instantly, but a few seconds later it will jump and freeze again. It acts as if it goes from normal speed to then processing everything at about .0000001 frames per second, if that makes sense. Upon forcing down the computer, it will restart and hang at the "detecting IDE Drives" part of my Bios boot, then I fully force it down again and it boots up fine. At first it would only do this when I was downloading or installing with my 1.5TB drive installed so, I "uninstalled" it by disconnecting the power and SATA cable and it worked, didn't have any "slow down" or install/download issues after that.Now, I had plugged it back in a few months ago and everything was working fine, downloads were going perfectly fine, installs worked without a hitch, until today I decided to install XNA 4.0. When trying, it did the whole slow down/lock up and required me to restart. Recognizing it, I unplugged the drive again and rebooted. Tried to reinstall, then XNA 4.0 installer kept crashing saying "invalid Drive F:/" which is the drive I unplugged... why it was continuing to look for that drive I have no idea, anyways. I messed around with it a bit I plugged in a USB stick and renamed it to drive F:/, it would start installing but now still do this lock up. Some how after loading my BIOS on a boot and having only my 150GB raptor plugged in (no 1.5 TB, no USB drive) I was able to boot and install XNA 4.0 without errors. However, at the very end it started to lock up and slow down.

Now, whenever I boot my computer it continues to do this lock up, even with the drives I thought were problematic uninstalled. During start up it will make the windows chime and then start to slow down/lock up and act almost as if it's processing the sound in very, very slow motion. It would do this to video as well back when it would crash while I was playing games, until I initially unplugged the 1.5TB drive. Anyways, I am stumped now since it seems to be something completely different than a drive problem and do not know where to go from here. [code]

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Stop Slow Downs And Pauses When Playing Shows?

Dec 18, 2011

sometimes wmc will slow down the video and sometimes it will pauses for 2 seconds and make some strange noise. how can i stop this? i think its windows doing something in the back ground.

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Extremely Slow - Black Screen After Logging In?

Jun 20, 2012

Also noticed a bunch of drivers are not loading. I uploaded the log.I scanned with Malwarebytes but didn't find anything with that.

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Blue Screen Of Death And Random Shut Downs After Watching Videos

May 27, 2012

Alright so a couple months ago my computer crashed and I was told it was a hard drive problem. So I got a new hard drive and installed it myself reinstalling windows and everything else. After a bout a week my computer would randomly shut off the screens image would become jumbled with dark lines running horizontally across and then it would either shut off or give me the BSOD. The BSOD flashes fast so I can't write down any information from it. This has happened repeatedly for about 3 months since every couple days. Usually I leave my laptop alone for about 15 min and then I can start it up again. The problem seems to happen mostly when i watch videos or go on sites with a lot of media going on. I think I've installed all the drivers i need to. I'm hoping it is not a hardware problem because i just bought this hard drive. I never had this problem before when i had the old hard drive. If any one could give me some help that would be awesome. I also ran check disk and it came up with nothing. My laptop is an HP G72 Notebook running windows 7. Hard drive is a western digital 250 gb.

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Programs Unrespond, Keyboard Acts Up, Random Shut Downs And Blue-screen?

Feb 6, 2013

I have had my HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC (with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1) for less than a year and I am encountering a ton of problems.Whenever I go to open a program, it unresponds for a short while before I can continue to use it.Sometimes my keyboard acts up, for e.g. if I were to press T whilst in an internet browser, it would open a new tab, as if I was pressing the CTRL button when I'm not.Sometimes my laptop shuts down - sometimes there is a blue screen error message before, other times it just shuts down without one.I have Trend Micro Tiatanium anti-virus protection and have done scans and nothing has showed up.

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No Post And Startup Screen

Feb 10, 2013

Usually POST screen would show up first with a laptop company logo, but now Windows 7 startup appears first instead. Then, the Windows 7 startup screen freezes immediately. What's the problem? Motherboard or corrupted BIOS?

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Garbled Screen - ASCII - DURING POST

Nov 12, 2009

I recently attempted an install of Windows 7 onto a friends PC. The specs are listed below. Here is a link to a screenshot of the problem

This occurs after a Windows 7 install. The system boots to the Windows 7 setup, where personal options are selected. After this, a reboot will begin the POST, and prior to completion, this screen appears. I do not believe the POST has finished, and I do not think it is handing boot duties to the OS.

What I have attempted so far is:

Memtest - checked out ok.

Replaced CORSAIR mem with other sticks.

Reformat from command prompt on boot disk.

Removal of all hardware, including video card.

I am completely stumped on this issue, and any help would be appreciated.

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AHCI Port 0 Error On Post Screen

Jun 26, 2012

When I start up my pc I my screen stops at the POST screen where down to the bottom it says AHCI Port 0 error...I never had that error before as normally I won't even see the POST screen.

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Windows 7 Crashing Post Login Screen

Jun 30, 2012

My computer was working fine 15 hours ago, playing games and loading webpages and all that. I turned it off for the night and when I turned it back on this morning it booted properly, as per usual. So then I logged in, the screen turned black, my cursor appeared and nothing else happened. I've been trying to fix this problem all day and if I leave it for long enough it does log in properly, but I was wondering if maybe one of the start-up systems isn't working right or whether I just need to do a disc cleanup. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit, and the average wait time for it to load (when it does load, which is occasional) is about half an hour. Also running Windows 7 on a Mac, because my school gave it to me for phr33 at the end of their Mac phase.

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Painfully Long Delay Before POST Screen

Oct 23, 2012

[code] I have Windows 7 64 bit in HDD1 and OS X Lion in HDD 2 that I installed using Hackintosh distro. I press F8 key on POST screen which gives boot drive selection menu from where I select the HDD to boot from.The system was running flawless on both operating systems until recently. The problems are listed below:

- Almost always it takes unusually long for POST screen to appear (around 60 to 90 seconds) whereas during good condition it used to appear within 5 to 10 seconds of power on
- Sometimes the system doesn't receive display signal
- If I take out power cables from all SATA drives but one, then the POST screen usually appears normally for sometime.
- At one time I removed ALL SATA drives, i.e. both HDDs and DVD then turned on, it turned on promptly without delay.

Then I connected Optical drive and turned on, it turned on properly. Then connected the HDDs one by one, and it still turned on without delay. But this lasted only for 2 days after which the same problem, i.e, either POST screen appears after painfully long time or doesn't appear at all.Before this motherboard, I had Intel DG43NB and had both Os X and Win 7 and experienced exactly the same problem and my hardware guy told me that my motherboard had gone down so I replaced with this ASUS one. Again the same problem with this board

- Where is the problem?
- Could the problem possibly be in the motherboard? I think it's unlikely because once the system starts it works flawlessly, i.e. no errors, no crashes, nothing.
- Could it be the power supply? Since it seems to work better with less load, i.e. some drives disconnected.
- Could it be the GPU?
- What's the best way to diagnose?
- Does the problem have anything to do with my frequently switching boot drive from POST startup menu?

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Blank Screen After Windows POST No AGP440.SYS

Dec 13, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS.

I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it. I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything.

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Windows 7 Blank Screen After Windows POST

Dec 12, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS. I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it.

I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything. Thanks for any help

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Repairing Computer That Shut Downs With Kernel

Apr 16, 2012

My current build is shutting down while playing games, and not restarting, and BSODs. I want to try and see if it is a hardware problem that I can fix this paycheck without taking it to the local computer repair shop that will cost an arm and a leg. attached is the error that shows in event viewer after I restarted my pc, and I did some looking and still not sure what I need to do. Do I need a new CPU? trying to not keep throwing money at it, already bought a new GPU and PSU for it, separate reasons. Any help will be awesome!

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When Reboot, The Screen Eventually Goes To A Black Screen Saying "Windows 7 Failed To Start?

May 12, 2012

My wife did something on her PC (she doesn't know exactly for sure what & can't explain it completely me), and now she can't boot up her PC. She says it had something to do with changing the security settings for a program she uses a lot so it wouldn't keep asking her if she wanted to launch it, and that's when it told her to restart the PC, then it wouldn't boot up anymore.When you reboot, the screen eventually goes to a black screen saying "Windows failed to start. A software or hardware error may be the cause" or something to that effect. It offers me the option to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally".If I Launch Startup Repair, nothing much happens --- it says it's adding files, then it looks like Windows is about to boot up, then it goes to a black screen for a long time & nothing happens.

If I choose Start Windows Normally, it simply reboots & eventually brings me back to the same screen again.I've tried using rebooting and selecting ESC to get to the boot menu, then installing the Win 7 installation disc & selecting the DVD drive, then I select thelanguage, then I click Repair, but it sits there forever with nothing happening.I also tried an outside boot disc I found on the web & it doesn't launch.

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Dell Vostro 1520 Black Screen Won't Reach Login Screen

Dec 15, 2011

i have a Dell Vostro 1520 and im running Windows 7 with a 32bit. It is only 2 years only. It started about a month ago. I was on my laptop viewing and deleting some unwanted photos i had. A few minutes later i realized that i deleted a photo that i wanted. So i went to the recycling bin and restored that photo. When i went back to my photos and went into the album, it said something like i do no have permission to access this folder. Please press continue to get full permission. I clicked continue and i got the access i should have. Now i tried many more random folders and the same thing happened. Also when i came out of the folders, the folders had a big pad lock sign on the front of it. After that i shut down the laptop and went to turn it back on. The laptop will power on like normal. I can press f12 for the boot options. which i have already tried many times. I also tried it in safe mode and what-not, but still nothing. I can hear the fan and stuff spinning up like normal. I have also put and CD into the CD ROM and that spins up fine. So after the Dell logo on the screen, it goes black and stays that way with the cursor. You can move the cursor around no problem. I should also add that the battery light is and has been flashing for a good wile. Its flashing orange and blue. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the battery. Because my laptop will not charge with the AC adapter in it for many months now. It will only stay powered on with the AC adapter plugged in. One more thing. The LED lights over the buttons. None of the are flashing, besides one, on the far left. And i cant find out anywhere what this LED light stands for.

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System Goes To Black Screen Before Login/welcome Screen After Windows 7 32-bit Upgrade?

Sep 2, 2012

My son has a Toshiba Satelite P205 that he just upgraded from Windows XP Home Premium to Windows 7 32-bit. After the upgrade completed the computer booted fine. The within 20 minutes he got the BSOD and the system rebooted. Now he can't get Windows to fully start. We've tried all of the options from F8 with no success. We have the Toshiba System Recovery Disk but it won't launch. (The Boot sequence has been changed to boot from CD/DVD and then the Hard Drive.)The Memory Diagnostic from the Windows 7 disk ran fine with no errors. I'm thinking I might need to re-format/wipe the drive to start fresh but don't know where to obtain a boot CD(no floppy drive on this laptop). Does anyone recommend a software that I can purchase to clear everything without destroying the CD/DVD accessibility so I can then use the System Recovery Disk to put it back to the original factory Settings?

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Full Screen Videos Crashing To Black Screen And Buzzing

Mar 26, 2011

My computer has a problem with crashing while playing a video in full screen. When it crashes the screen turns black while the speakers give out a buzzing noise. Everything is unresposive the only solution is to turn it off with the power button. It happens in any full screen video online or offline and even visualizations from windows media player and iTunes, but only in full screen. I don't think it's overheating either because sometimes it takes 30 mins to crash and other times it will crash immediately when put in full screen. *I've tried setting it back to factory settings thus reinstalling windows. *All the directx features are working with no reported problem there.* I don't think it's a memory issue in the computer, as my specs are:

Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: intel core i5 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Graphics card memory: 0.5 GB
Any other ideas?

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Black Screen After Windows Start Up Doesn't Go To Login Screen

Nov 12, 2011

I have an Acer aspire 5732Z. I turn my laptop on and it shows the starting windows screen then just goes to a black screen with a cursor. I tried to do systems restore but it said that I did not have a system restore point. I cannot start in any safe mode. I have all my pictures, uni work etc., and I am terrified I've lost it all. I've only had the laptop a year.

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Black Screen On Startup / Showing Cursor / Doesn't Go To Log In Screen

Dec 5, 2011

I'm using I have a DELL4500S desktop, on startup it will not go to the login screen, the screen is just black with the cursor showing. I've tried restarting the computer, unplugging everything and restarting it. Nothing is working. When it first starts a pop up shows and says "This Application has failed to start because SAMLIB.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I'm not sure what it's talking about and what to re install and I can't reinstall whatever it is because I can't get to the start menu.

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Graphics Drivers Issues After Reinstall / Black Stripes And Slow Redraw

Apr 29, 2012

Recently I decided to finally reinstall my Windows 7, since it was ~2yrs old and getting slower each day. I used the official MSDN Windows 7 Professional ISO SP1 and did a clean install. Unfortunately, I've been having this problem which I can't solve no matter what. It seems to me that there's some graphics issues - When resizing any window, it takes some tome while it redraws it's contents, you can actually see it updating the contents.Also, there's some sort of flickering involved as well.Machine in question is: HP ProBook 4515s With AMD/ATi HD 4330, running Windows 7 32bit SP1.I have tried the following, without success:

- the default drivers on the HP website
- the drivers provided by windows update service
- latest mobile drivers from AMD
- modded drivers with Mobility Modder
- Aero On / Aero Off / Disabling every visual effect
- Updating BIOS
- Doing the same on x64 version of windows.

I have DirectX updated, and all other patches and drivers should be there as well.

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Black Screen With A Non-blinking Underscore After Boot-screen?

Sep 9, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7 on my Toshiba Satellite Special Edition laptop that came with Vista 64bit and the other night i downloaded iTunes 10 and told me to restart my machine so I clicked ok and then my laptop shut off and when it came back on the Toshiba screen came up as usual but seemed to stay on longer than normal then it goes to a black screen with a underscore that blinks for a few moments then becomes solid. Ive tried to use the "F" keys to get different boot options because i have the windows 7 ISO disc and a ubuntu disc that I could use but whatever i try my laptop wont process it just does the same thing over and over again and bever proceeds to the actually boot up windows.

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Toshiba Screen And Then Black Screen Only, No Boot Menu Either?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop running windows 7. It has been running like a well oiled machine since the day I got it.I turned it off to watch TV, then when I turned it back on, the screen shows the Toshiba screen for about 1/4th of a second and then goes black.If I hit F8, F10, or F12 nothing shows up.

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'Resuming Windows' Screen Where Everything Turns Off And Screen Goes Black

May 25, 2011

I have recently bought a computer and I have found that when I turn it on it runs normally until after the "Resuming Windows" screen, where everything turns off and the screen goes black. It had been running well for the last few days, so this came out of nowhere.I have searched this problem and I come up with a bunch of different solutions but no one agrees. The most common reason (apparently) is my version of Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) and I need to install something or other. But I can't even get to the desktop, and no one really explains it simply. [code]

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Black Screen Of Death During Boot, Before Login Screen

Mar 18, 2012

While attempting to restore a previous backup of my system (with Norton Ghost 15), I got an error, and the system rebooted. Upon reboot, I get the black screen of death with just the cursor instead of the usual login screen. I have tried the following thus far: These all give me the black screen of death with movable cursor:boot in safe mode boot in safe mode with networking boot in safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration I did an initial system startup repair which went through and said it repaired it, rebooted, but no change. I did a pre-boot diagnostic test - nothing memory test - nothing tried restoring from restore point, but it says I don't have any (LIES! BLASPHEMY!) tried restoring from restore point on external disk - seemed okay, then failed. chkdsk - found some stuff, fixed it, no change. tried ctrl+alt+del on black screen of death - nothing

Now, I know that the hard drive itself is alright, that is, the information is still all there still. While I can't give you exact specs, I can tell you that I am on a Dell Studio XPS running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Despite being a black screen, with just a movable cursor, the system still appears to be running, as every few minutes, it will show the "thinking" cursor, where it shows the little circle next to the arrow.

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Black Screen W/ Cursor After Windows 7 Loading Screen?

Mar 24, 2012

Recently, my computer starts up windows and after the loading screen it just sits at a black screen forever with a cursor and it doesn't even make it to the log in screen. I have tried safe mode with the same results. What I've Done So FarTried to Repair Startup with Windows DVD Tried to use sfc /scannow at boot (Says pending changes and needs to restart) Tried logging into my Ubuntu partition and virus scanning (None found) Tried copying Reg Files from Regback into config while I was in Linux Tried to Repair Install (But I can't log into Windows ) Tried to bootrec /fixmbr /fixbot /RebuildBcd (Which destroyed my dual boot linux grub, but I was desperate. And still nothing) Interestingly though, after I do /RebuildBcd command it says something like "Found Windows Installations: 0" Tried to System Restore (Gave me an Error, wouldn't you know) At this point I'm not to confident that this can be fixed. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to try. Or if you have any snazzy suggestions on how I could fix it using another computer, I have a different Windows Pro x64 computer that I can put the HD in if there's someway I can save my data/fix it/repair install from there. I just don't know how.

Edit: I finished the chkdsk and there were no bad sectors, though it did give me a message "Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50."I did a Windows Defender Offline scan with no viruses and I'm currently scanning with Kaspersky Rescue disk. I don't believe it is a virus, I think it's a corruptregistry at this point. I had just cleaned my registry with CCleaner before the shutdown that led to this >.<

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