Windows 7 Crashing Post Login Screen

Jun 30, 2012

My computer was working fine 15 hours ago, playing games and loading webpages and all that. I turned it off for the night and when I turned it back on this morning it booted properly, as per usual. So then I logged in, the screen turned black, my cursor appeared and nothing else happened. I've been trying to fix this problem all day and if I leave it for long enough it does log in properly, but I was wondering if maybe one of the start-up systems isn't working right or whether I just need to do a disc cleanup. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit, and the average wait time for it to load (when it does load, which is occasional) is about half an hour. Also running Windows 7 on a Mac, because my school gave it to me for phr33 at the end of their Mac phase.

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POST But No Login / Black Screen

Sep 8, 2011

For starters this is not my computer, I'm attempting to fix a friend of mines laptop. I have no idea what he was doing prior to this meltdown but the computer will no longer boot so far as to get to the windows login screen. I have tried booting in safe mode on all different settings but after the bios readout it just goes to a black screen with the pointer (same as reg boot).

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Random Crashing And Inability To Post Properly

Feb 17, 2013

I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate forum to post this problem. I'm uncertain as to whether the problem is hardware or software related.

Recently, my Windows 7 computer has been randomly crashing, and then restarting itself. I was initially under the belief that it was doing this when it was inactive, as it would always seem to happen when I wasn't using it. However, today, the myth was debunked. It crashed while I was using it.


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Blank Screen After Windows POST No AGP440.SYS

Dec 13, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS.

I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it. I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything.

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Black Screen BEFORE Post Screen On Restart?

Dec 22, 2012

Just purchased 2 new (refurb) PC's for my wife and I. It's all I could find with Windows 7 still available. They are both HP Pavilion p7-1233w 64 bit Desktops running Win 7 Home Premium SP1.During Windows setup of PC #1, it asked for a restart. When the PC powered back up, it had a black screen from the start (before the Post screen). I power cycled it several times with no luck. Even switched monitors and video cables. The next morning it started normally with perfect video.I assumed the Refurb PC had a problem and set it aside for return.Been setting up PC #2 for a few days now with lots of restarts. All was well, until I did a restart just now. There was the identical problem. Power cycled the unit twice, and still had the black screen.Then I unplugged the PC, and pressed the power button to discharge the capacitors (fans ran for a few seconds). When I returned power and started the PC again, it functioned normally. I've done 10 quick restarts since to try and replicate the problem, but it only happened that once.

I love these PC's, and I love Win 7, so I hate to give them up. But I don't want the video freezing up on me every time I do a restart. I assume now, that PC #1 is not necessarily defective.Since this is occurring before the post screen, I wasn't sure if it could be windows related.

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No Post And Startup Screen

Feb 10, 2013

Usually POST screen would show up first with a laptop company logo, but now Windows 7 startup appears first instead. Then, the Windows 7 startup screen freezes immediately. What's the problem? Motherboard or corrupted BIOS?

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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Garbled Screen - ASCII - DURING POST

Nov 12, 2009

I recently attempted an install of Windows 7 onto a friends PC. The specs are listed below. Here is a link to a screenshot of the problem

This occurs after a Windows 7 install. The system boots to the Windows 7 setup, where personal options are selected. After this, a reboot will begin the POST, and prior to completion, this screen appears. I do not believe the POST has finished, and I do not think it is handing boot duties to the OS.

What I have attempted so far is:

Memtest - checked out ok.

Replaced CORSAIR mem with other sticks.

Reformat from command prompt on boot disk.

Removal of all hardware, including video card.

I am completely stumped on this issue, and any help would be appreciated.

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AHCI Port 0 Error On Post Screen

Jun 26, 2012

When I start up my pc I my screen stops at the POST screen where down to the bottom it says AHCI Port 0 error...I never had that error before as normally I won't even see the POST screen.

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Black Screen During Post On Cold Bootup

Oct 12, 2010

I have built my computer about 2 months ago now, and had nothing but issues with it, display drivers stopped responding, alot of BSOD (bccode 1a and 50), black screens, lockups and so forth, i have FINALLY read enough forums over this 2 month period to solve majority of problems accept one, Computer runs fine, but every morning on cold bootup it'll start to load POST and then go to a black screen and just stay there unless i reboot the computer and then it'll bootup fine. I will turn off the computer after that and go to work for about 8-10hours come home and turn it on all fine, untill the next day. I have tried new ram, fail safe settings in bios, updated bios to the lastest, bought a new power supply, tried reconnecting everything, unpluged storage harddrive. Only thing i could think of causing the problem is my video card drivers, because as soon as i install the drivers i get "drivers have stopped responding but have recovered" screen would lock up freeze/artifacts and then come back, until i changed my idle clocked from 157/300 to 400/900 and it sorted out that problem, but those settings dont kick in until i reach into desktop, could it be trying to load the ati drivers during post and black screening?

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Slow Downs Then Black Screen After Post?

Jul 10, 2010

It started yesterday when my wife and I noticed the computer hanging a bit more than normal - even when doing basic things, like clicking "login" to check our email. But, it would always come back and really wasn't all that frequent. This morning I tried to start it up and it got stuck on a black screen after the motherboard POST image. I was able to get into BIOS and boot from the windows CD. A system restore fixed it. I'm just wondering what you guys think was likely to have caused it. Is it likely that my boot files got corrupted somehow? I ran a diagnostic and from Seagate and it says that my hard drive is fine - but I'm not sure if that's just because I recently restored Windows.I did recently install a big name game - but it ran fine for three days before this happened. The system restore point I had was from when I installed it, so it's now gone.What do you guys think could have caused it? I'm just a little concerned that restoring only patched over a problem that will crop up again - or, that I should be afraid to install that game again.PS: System Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 3.0GHz E8400 Intel CPU, 500GB Seagate SATA HDD, 4GB Crucial 800MHz RAM (x2 2GB), ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard. The game that was installed was Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

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Painfully Long Delay Before POST Screen

Oct 23, 2012

[code] I have Windows 7 64 bit in HDD1 and OS X Lion in HDD 2 that I installed using Hackintosh distro. I press F8 key on POST screen which gives boot drive selection menu from where I select the HDD to boot from.The system was running flawless on both operating systems until recently. The problems are listed below:

- Almost always it takes unusually long for POST screen to appear (around 60 to 90 seconds) whereas during good condition it used to appear within 5 to 10 seconds of power on
- Sometimes the system doesn't receive display signal
- If I take out power cables from all SATA drives but one, then the POST screen usually appears normally for sometime.
- At one time I removed ALL SATA drives, i.e. both HDDs and DVD then turned on, it turned on promptly without delay.

Then I connected Optical drive and turned on, it turned on properly. Then connected the HDDs one by one, and it still turned on without delay. But this lasted only for 2 days after which the same problem, i.e, either POST screen appears after painfully long time or doesn't appear at all.Before this motherboard, I had Intel DG43NB and had both Os X and Win 7 and experienced exactly the same problem and my hardware guy told me that my motherboard had gone down so I replaced with this ASUS one. Again the same problem with this board

- Where is the problem?
- Could the problem possibly be in the motherboard? I think it's unlikely because once the system starts it works flawlessly, i.e. no errors, no crashes, nothing.
- Could it be the power supply? Since it seems to work better with less load, i.e. some drives disconnected.
- Could it be the GPU?
- What's the best way to diagnose?
- Does the problem have anything to do with my frequently switching boot drive from POST startup menu?

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Windows 7 Blank Screen After Windows POST

Dec 12, 2009

I was on my Compaq V2310US laptop and noticed it was running slow, so I decided to run chkdsk just for the heck of it. It appeared to freeze at around 33%(but now I dont think it did), so I turned it off. I restarted it, noticed that it just stayed at 33% for awhile and left it this time. Now when I start windows 7 ultimate, it says "starting windows" then boots to a blank screen. No welcome screen or anything.

The mouse pointer is there and my wlan button and capslock work, but the mute sound button doesnt respond. If I boot in safe mode, CLASSPNP.SYS is the last file to load and I get the same black screen problem. Im wondering why theres no AGP440.SYS. I have the ATI M200 chipset and when I updated it awhile back, my PC did the same thing, however I was able to go into safemode and uninstall it.

I got another option to update it a week later(which made windows aero work) saying the driver was for windows 7 and it worked. My advanced options are limited to the 3 safe modes and normal mode. Startup repair didnt do anything. Thanks for any help

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Initial Windows Screen Before Login Screen And Freezes / Then Sends Into Startup Repair

Mar 28, 2012

As of about 3 days ago my Dell Inspiron N7010 (Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit) fails to boot up. It gets to the initial Windows screen before the login screen and freezes, then sends me into Startup Repair. [code] I've tried running the diagnostics and get no error codes. I've tried restore points, memory diagnostics.. pretty much everything except factory image, with no success. I have a lot of government programs installed on this laptop, so.

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System Goes To Black Screen Before Login/welcome Screen After Windows 7 32-bit Upgrade?

Sep 2, 2012

My son has a Toshiba Satelite P205 that he just upgraded from Windows XP Home Premium to Windows 7 32-bit. After the upgrade completed the computer booted fine. The within 20 minutes he got the BSOD and the system rebooted. Now he can't get Windows to fully start. We've tried all of the options from F8 with no success. We have the Toshiba System Recovery Disk but it won't launch. (The Boot sequence has been changed to boot from CD/DVD and then the Hard Drive.)The Memory Diagnostic from the Windows 7 disk ran fine with no errors. I'm thinking I might need to re-format/wipe the drive to start fresh but don't know where to obtain a boot CD(no floppy drive on this laptop). Does anyone recommend a software that I can purchase to clear everything without destroying the CD/DVD accessibility so I can then use the System Recovery Disk to put it back to the original factory Settings?

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Black Screen After Windows Start Up Doesn't Go To Login Screen

Nov 12, 2011

I have an Acer aspire 5732Z. I turn my laptop on and it shows the starting windows screen then just goes to a black screen with a cursor. I tried to do systems restore but it said that I did not have a system restore point. I cannot start in any safe mode. I have all my pictures, uni work etc., and I am terrified I've lost it all. I've only had the laptop a year.

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Black Screen For 5-10 Seconds Before Windows Login Screen

Nov 16, 2009

i recently just installed a clean install of windows 7(instead of a upgrade from my vista.i got the free upgrade),now everything works fine expect when after the windows 7 splash occurs there is about a 10 second delay were the screen is just black with a cursor.

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Full Screen Videos Crashing To Black Screen And Buzzing

Mar 26, 2011

My computer has a problem with crashing while playing a video in full screen. When it crashes the screen turns black while the speakers give out a buzzing noise. Everything is unresposive the only solution is to turn it off with the power button. It happens in any full screen video online or offline and even visualizations from windows media player and iTunes, but only in full screen. I don't think it's overheating either because sometimes it takes 30 mins to crash and other times it will crash immediately when put in full screen. *I've tried setting it back to factory settings thus reinstalling windows. *All the directx features are working with no reported problem there.* I don't think it's a memory issue in the computer, as my specs are:

Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: intel core i5 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Graphics card memory: 0.5 GB
Any other ideas?

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Windows 7 Crashing - Blue Screen Comes Up With Error

Mar 27, 2011

Suddenly my laptop is crashing. Blue screen comes up with this error 0-0000007e. Tried a restore point but did not Work. I haven't installed anything new. Toshiba about 3 1/2 years old. Nothing special happened before.

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Dell Vostro 1520 Black Screen Won't Reach Login Screen

Dec 15, 2011

i have a Dell Vostro 1520 and im running Windows 7 with a 32bit. It is only 2 years only. It started about a month ago. I was on my laptop viewing and deleting some unwanted photos i had. A few minutes later i realized that i deleted a photo that i wanted. So i went to the recycling bin and restored that photo. When i went back to my photos and went into the album, it said something like i do no have permission to access this folder. Please press continue to get full permission. I clicked continue and i got the access i should have. Now i tried many more random folders and the same thing happened. Also when i came out of the folders, the folders had a big pad lock sign on the front of it. After that i shut down the laptop and went to turn it back on. The laptop will power on like normal. I can press f12 for the boot options. which i have already tried many times. I also tried it in safe mode and what-not, but still nothing. I can hear the fan and stuff spinning up like normal. I have also put and CD into the CD ROM and that spins up fine. So after the Dell logo on the screen, it goes black and stays that way with the cursor. You can move the cursor around no problem. I should also add that the battery light is and has been flashing for a good wile. Its flashing orange and blue. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the battery. Because my laptop will not charge with the AC adapter in it for many months now. It will only stay powered on with the AC adapter plugged in. One more thing. The LED lights over the buttons. None of the are flashing, besides one, on the far left. And i cant find out anywhere what this LED light stands for.

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Windows 7 Blue Screen - Crashing / Restarting Regularly

Oct 21, 2012

i've been running windows 7 on my computer ever since i found out i need a higher bit os to run my movie editing programs. as i filled up my c drive and d drive with clips and photos and what not, my computer started doing weird things. the crashes are never consistent, sometimes the screen goes black, sometimes it freezes, sometimes i get a blue screen, and sometimes i can't even start the thing. i tried freeing up some space on my computer but no luck. now i can't even watch a Internet video without it crashing. so:

a) if i have no memory left on the computer, does this affect how it runs? when it was extremely full i wouldn't even be able to view pictures and stuff, but i have 2.5 gb left on c right now so i can view pictures but i can't even watch a Internet video or run 2 or 3 tabs at once
b) i downloaded my os off the internet, but it's never given me any problems. could this be buggy?
c) my old os is on the d drive and it takes up a lot of space, can i delete it to free up space? is it a good idea to?
d) do i need a ram upgrade? i really don't even know how much i have, it says 2 gb ddr2 memory if that means anything. at idle it runs at about 57%

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PC Skips BIOS Splash Screen And Goes Straight To Login Screen

Mar 27, 2012

Okay so lately I've noticed that my PC isn't displaying the BIOS splash screen anymore and skips straight to the Windows login screen.It didn't really bother me until today when I wanted to boot into Ubuntu and I couldn't select which OS I wanted to use.I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the BIOS itself since I unplugged all the peripherals except the speakers, removed all the RAM and the BIOS did beep repeatedly. And given enough time, I can boot into windows (and only windows ).Apparently people have had this problem before and all the solutions I've read such as "Press 'del' to go into your BIOS!" really doesn't help since I can't see anything in my BIOS menu.The only solution that made sense to me was that my CMOS battery could be dying. I haven't changed my rig since I built it in 2009. The only significant event that happened recently might be that Windows updated itself.

-PC doesn't display BIOS splash screen
-Can't see messages displayed by system
-When windows does bootup, everything runs just fine
-Haven't changed rig for ~3 years

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Startup Delay After Login Screen - Blank Screen With Cursor?

Dec 31, 2010

Everything shows up fine until the welcome screen after that it normally used to fade to the desktop but now it goes blank. The screen in Black with only the mouse pointer. Its not hung, i can move the mouse pointer. Then after a minute or so it advances to the desktop. Everything on the desktop loads up in less than 5s. The PC runs fine, it is really fast as there are only a few programs, but only boots slow. My total boot time is about 3-5 min. I think it should be like in a minute or so.I have not tweaked much with the system but have installed a few programs like MS office, Nero, Acrobat and Photoshop. These are the only heavy programs in the PC right now. The only games on the PC are AC1 and AC2. I have uninstalled my graphic driver and reinstalled. I already minimized the programs in the msconfig>startup to the minimum. I have run ccleaner, spybot s&d, Antimalware and i also have a trial copy of Kaspersky AV (upgrading later to 1-year license). there are no peripherals attached during boot except the USB keyboard and mouse. A printer is attached too but is most of the time turned off.

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Black Screen Of Death During Boot, Before Login Screen

Mar 18, 2012

While attempting to restore a previous backup of my system (with Norton Ghost 15), I got an error, and the system rebooted. Upon reboot, I get the black screen of death with just the cursor instead of the usual login screen. I have tried the following thus far: These all give me the black screen of death with movable cursor:boot in safe mode boot in safe mode with networking boot in safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration I did an initial system startup repair which went through and said it repaired it, rebooted, but no change. I did a pre-boot diagnostic test - nothing memory test - nothing tried restoring from restore point, but it says I don't have any (LIES! BLASPHEMY!) tried restoring from restore point on external disk - seemed okay, then failed. chkdsk - found some stuff, fixed it, no change. tried ctrl+alt+del on black screen of death - nothing

Now, I know that the hard drive itself is alright, that is, the information is still all there still. While I can't give you exact specs, I can tell you that I am on a Dell Studio XPS running Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I'm at a loss as to what else to do. Despite being a black screen, with just a movable cursor, the system still appears to be running, as every few minutes, it will show the "thinking" cursor, where it shows the little circle next to the arrow.

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Windows 7 Blank Screen After Login

Oct 4, 2010

I have Dell studio series 1558,I have two issues: After Powering on the laptop and inputting the password for login to Windows 7, I get a black screen with the Mouse cursor active. In the background the login seems to have happened but I don't get to see the Desktop. When i open any program or web page, e.g. yahoo messenger, the messenger/webpage display is very small, i had to manually enlarge it to view properly, i tried changing my screen resolution, but didnt work.

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Windows 7 Hanging At Login Screen

Apr 24, 2012

I bought my wife a Dell Inspiron Zino HD with Windows 7 Home Premium preinstalled about 3 years ago. It has been working well since, with a few hiccups here and there.Three days ago it started behaving really badly: it would boot normally up to the welcome screen, but when I click on one of the users icons it simply stays there with the rotating icon forever. It won't even show me the usual box to insert the password.If I boot to a safe mode (no matter which) it boots without problems, but I see nothing wrong with either the device drivers or anything else.

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Windows 7 Login/welcome Screen Corrupt?

Apr 14, 2012

i've got a very strange problem with the kids laptop which i'm desperate to sort out as my kid has her exams coming up and needs access to her apps.Windows loads okay, upto the point when i get to the welcome screen.Sometimes it gets to the welcome screen, but the user profile icons will never show but then sometimes the icons will show, but when i click on the icon, i can't get to the bit where i can type a password.

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Any Way To Customize Windows 7 Login Screen?

Dec 7, 2012

What is the best way to customize the windows login screen? Thought maybe it would be cool to have it look something like this (linux)...

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Getting A Blank Screen After Windows Login

Jan 31, 2012

I started the machine today and after the welcome screen the screen becomes blank and i get a black screen for about 30 seconds.then i get the task bar and after about 10 seconds i get the desktop.

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Windows 7 Black Screen When Login?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a HP Pavillion G6 - Windows 7 Home Premium

I still have warranty, and today when i start up my computer it just froze and it commanded me to go to Windows Recovery ( recommended ) it went through my files and tried to repair it and i had to system restore.

as i system restored into later save date, it said that it failed?! so i didn't know what to do there. i tried hardware resetting and it didn't work.

also when i turned on my computer it would sometimes go to the login screen and it would say welcome for hours and hours, untill it became a black screen and it froze with the cursor..

When i turn on my computer it would always flash or blink once on the caps lock.

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