Repairing Computer That Shut Downs With Kernel

Apr 16, 2012

My current build is shutting down while playing games, and not restarting, and BSODs. I want to try and see if it is a hardware problem that I can fix this paycheck without taking it to the local computer repair shop that will cost an arm and a leg. attached is the error that shows in event viewer after I restarted my pc, and I did some looking and still not sure what I need to do. Do I need a new CPU? trying to not keep throwing money at it, already bought a new GPU and PSU for it, separate reasons. Any help will be awesome!

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Blue Screen Of Death And Random Shut Downs After Watching Videos

May 27, 2012

Alright so a couple months ago my computer crashed and I was told it was a hard drive problem. So I got a new hard drive and installed it myself reinstalling windows and everything else. After a bout a week my computer would randomly shut off the screens image would become jumbled with dark lines running horizontally across and then it would either shut off or give me the BSOD. The BSOD flashes fast so I can't write down any information from it. This has happened repeatedly for about 3 months since every couple days. Usually I leave my laptop alone for about 15 min and then I can start it up again. The problem seems to happen mostly when i watch videos or go on sites with a lot of media going on. I think I've installed all the drivers i need to. I'm hoping it is not a hardware problem because i just bought this hard drive. I never had this problem before when i had the old hard drive. If any one could give me some help that would be awesome. I also ran check disk and it came up with nothing. My laptop is an HP G72 Notebook running windows 7. Hard drive is a western digital 250 gb.

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Programs Unrespond, Keyboard Acts Up, Random Shut Downs And Blue-screen?

Feb 6, 2013

I have had my HP Pavilion g6 Notebook PC (with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1) for less than a year and I am encountering a ton of problems.Whenever I go to open a program, it unresponds for a short while before I can continue to use it.Sometimes my keyboard acts up, for e.g. if I were to press T whilst in an internet browser, it would open a new tab, as if I was pressing the CTRL button when I'm not.Sometimes my laptop shuts down - sometimes there is a blue screen error message before, other times it just shuts down without one.I have Trend Micro Tiatanium anti-virus protection and have done scans and nothing has showed up.

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Repairing Computer, Crashing After Start Up?

Apr 21, 2012

I have an hp laptop G62 series 64 bit windows 7. I can run it in safe mode only; in normal mode it loads the desktop but after a minute or two it freezes. My battery needs replacing i think but i don't know if that is the problem. I ran a malware check and deleted the corrupted files and it had no effect.

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Computer Restarts, Event 41 Kernel Power?

Jan 2, 2012

Recenlty I used to have a full memory dump when I used my other drive as a cache. I got this from an old crash report in event viewer on my win 7 pro,I made it the mini dump on my C drive for the last few weeks as im using an SSD. Though for a while I had no page file at all and noticed it wouldnt save a memory.dmp, so I gave C: 100-500 megs again as it keeps crashing. My old memory dump still on C drive from a month or so ago is 480 megs, so I cant upload that.


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Computer Locks Up Playing Several Games KERNEL ERROR In Event Log?

Jun 27, 2012

Dell XPS 9100 with Windows 7 pro X64. Dell support is no help, they just keep saying it is a software issue because their boot diagnostic doesnt show any problems. It quite often makes me do a system restore before i can get back into windows after it happens. Event log says Critical type, Kernel Error. System is less then 6 months old. I have had this problem for 3 of those months for a total of about 8 times.

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Kernel Power 41 Task 63 - Computer Reboots After Loading Level In Game

Jul 1, 2011

In the last 2 days, my computer has been restarting whenever I loaded a level in a video game. Event Viewer shows Kernel Power critical errors (41, task 63). Basically, the error says something about insufficient or unstable power supply or whatever. I have a Corsair VX450 which is around 3 years old. I have a Geforce GTS 250 GPU, running at decent temps. My Q6600 also has good temps, so I think we can rule temps out as the source of the problem.

I will elaborate a bit more about the symptom: When a level is done loading and I hit START or whatever to start playing the level, that is, when the GPU kicks in, the PC reboots. I do have two audio drivers installed - one for the build in sound card and another for the non-built in one. I need them both, and I've had them both installed and running simultaneously since day one of using this PC. I did disable the built in one's driver, though. Is it possible that my PSU is no longer able to supply my GPU with the required power?

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Computer Restarts - Event Viewer Shows Kernel Error And Improper Shutdown

Jun 1, 2011

It is win 7 with updates. I built it a little over a year ago. It restarts all by itself. The event viewer shows a kernel error and improper shutdown. It may restart once or maybe twice a day or not at all but It happens too often and started a while back. I have checked temp using Sisoft sandra but its not overheated. The only thing unusual to me was the power supply fan seems to kick in twice. Its done that since it was new. It still does it at times but not always. The Power supply is a Fatality 550 w. The amd processor is low watts and so is the video card. I don't like the idea of replacing stuff just to see if it works. I don't know if ram or memory error could cause something like this?

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Games Slow Downs After Sometime?

Feb 20, 2012

My PC specs : Intel Celeron D 3.06Ghz Processor,3Gb DDR2 Ram, Gefore 9400GT 1GB GFX card, and 320 Gb HDD bla bla blaMy Problem is When i start Playing games they works fine at beginning but after few minutes it starts lagging ,when i checked the task manager the CPU usage goes to 100%,i checked in BIOS the temperature goes to 80, so i applied thermal paste on processor, but there is no difference

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HP Laptop Suffering Massive Slow Downs?

Dec 26, 2012

I bought a used HP Pavilion g7 about a month or two ago. I first noticed that I was suffering from a massive slowdown problem that often prevents me from opening programs or even shutting down the computer from a cold startup. My computer is currently running chkdsk from bootup and is finding file segments 58724-58731, 58756-58763 unreadable.My computer is running Windows 7 sp1. This is the second time this has happened; I had reformatted the hard drive once already due to this issue, and it has now started occurring again two weeks later.Considering that all I've only put League of Legends, LackeyCCG, and Google Chrome on my computer, I doubt this is a software issue. I have heard that I may have to replace my HDD if I'm receiving errors such as this in such volume. If this is one of the vagaries of purchasing used computers, how should I act? Do warranties typically cover dead hard drives, and if not how much would it cost to replace mine?

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Slow Downs Then Black Screen After Post?

Jul 10, 2010

It started yesterday when my wife and I noticed the computer hanging a bit more than normal - even when doing basic things, like clicking "login" to check our email. But, it would always come back and really wasn't all that frequent. This morning I tried to start it up and it got stuck on a black screen after the motherboard POST image. I was able to get into BIOS and boot from the windows CD. A system restore fixed it. I'm just wondering what you guys think was likely to have caused it. Is it likely that my boot files got corrupted somehow? I ran a diagnostic and from Seagate and it says that my hard drive is fine - but I'm not sure if that's just because I recently restored Windows.I did recently install a big name game - but it ran fine for three days before this happened. The system restore point I had was from when I installed it, so it's now gone.What do you guys think could have caused it? I'm just a little concerned that restoring only patched over a problem that will crop up again - or, that I should be afraid to install that game again.PS: System Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 3.0GHz E8400 Intel CPU, 500GB Seagate SATA HDD, 4GB Crucial 800MHz RAM (x2 2GB), ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard. The game that was installed was Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

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Computer Won't Shut Down?

Mar 4, 2011

I am running windows 7 ultimate and am having a problem with the computer shutting down. When I click shut down it acts like its going to work but all it does is shut off the monitor the fans andeverything else keeps running and unless I hold down the power button it stays that way but if I restart the computer and don't log into a user name I can click shut down and it works fine any suggestions?Processor is a qs9650 Asus p5kc motherboard 4gb ocz ddr3 memory Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit (gave up on 64 bit nothing but problems)

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Computer Won't Shut Down Normally?

Jun 6, 2012

I have Acer Aspire laptop 5560-Sb256 laptop with Windows 7 and lately when I go to shut it down, it gets hung up and the circle comes I close the computer for the night...or whatever...later when I turn it on battery is worn down and I plug it in...Windows does not start normally but it starts.

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Can't Shut Down My Computer

Dec 7, 2011

When i try to shut down or restart the computer it goes to a screen saying "Press esc for setup menu" but it's not doing anything. Every time i have to manually restart the computer.

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After Shut Down Computer Will Not Come Again?

Jan 10, 2012

Computer is not overheated but when shut down and try to restart it will not come up

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Computer Gets Shut Off?

Oct 15, 2012

my personal computer shuts off completely while working. Is it due to fan. what should i do

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Semi-random Partial Lock-ups / Slow Downs

Sep 28, 2011

For the longest time I've had this problem where my computer will be on, everything working, then all of a sudden it stops but it doesn't crash.. no blue screen.. and oddly enough it doesn't completely lock up. I try to move the mouse and it may not move instantly, but a few seconds later it will jump and freeze again. It acts as if it goes from normal speed to then processing everything at about .0000001 frames per second, if that makes sense. Upon forcing down the computer, it will restart and hang at the "detecting IDE Drives" part of my Bios boot, then I fully force it down again and it boots up fine. At first it would only do this when I was downloading or installing with my 1.5TB drive installed so, I "uninstalled" it by disconnecting the power and SATA cable and it worked, didn't have any "slow down" or install/download issues after that.Now, I had plugged it back in a few months ago and everything was working fine, downloads were going perfectly fine, installs worked without a hitch, until today I decided to install XNA 4.0. When trying, it did the whole slow down/lock up and required me to restart. Recognizing it, I unplugged the drive again and rebooted. Tried to reinstall, then XNA 4.0 installer kept crashing saying "invalid Drive F:/" which is the drive I unplugged... why it was continuing to look for that drive I have no idea, anyways. I messed around with it a bit I plugged in a USB stick and renamed it to drive F:/, it would start installing but now still do this lock up. Some how after loading my BIOS on a boot and having only my 150GB raptor plugged in (no 1.5 TB, no USB drive) I was able to boot and install XNA 4.0 without errors. However, at the very end it started to lock up and slow down.

Now, whenever I boot my computer it continues to do this lock up, even with the drives I thought were problematic uninstalled. During start up it will make the windows chime and then start to slow down/lock up and act almost as if it's processing the sound in very, very slow motion. It would do this to video as well back when it would crash while I was playing games, until I initially unplugged the 1.5TB drive. Anyways, I am stumped now since it seems to be something completely different than a drive problem and do not know where to go from here. [code]

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Stop Slow Downs And Pauses When Playing Shows?

Dec 18, 2011

sometimes wmc will slow down the video and sometimes it will pauses for 2 seconds and make some strange noise. how can i stop this? i think its windows doing something in the back ground.

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Certain Computer Games Shut Down Computer?

Jun 12, 2012

First off, I'd like to say that this isn't an overheating issue, because I am able to play Computer intensive games (like Star Craft II) for 4+ hours with no problems, but I can't play certain games for longer than 15-20 minutes. So far it has only happened to me with 3 games:

1. Halo Combat Evolved

2. Assassin's Creed II

3. Brink

If it was only Halo, which is an older game, my guess would be that it is a driver/compatibility issue. But when it happened with Assassin's Creed II and Brink, it totally baffled me as to what could be the problem. Before they shut down, They usually freeze for a second and then the screen goes black and then shuts down(without restart). Brink had the odd case of having it go a bit laggy, and the textures being blurry(not loaded properly) and then freezing>shutdown.because its making me feel insecure as to whether I should get other games, because I'm afraid my laptop will turn off, and I won't be able to play it properly.Oh I'd also like to say that after a shutdown, CS : S gets very buggy for a bit, and then returns to normal, I haven't noticed it on any other games happening though.

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Computer Takes For Ever To Shut Down?

Jul 20, 2012

my Windows 7 starts up really fast probably about 1 min. and then I can use the system but one eye shut down I get stock at the shutting down screen where I see a loading symbol and it just says shutting down for probably about a half an hour to an hour usually I have reformatted and it still doesn't what do I do I think it may be caused by drivers or something I'm not quite sure.[advertizing deleted by mod]My System Code: OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7Processor Count: 4RAM: 6125 MbGraphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6470M, 512 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 599234 MB, Free - 387726 MB; F: Total - 250 MB, Free - 152 MB; G: Total - 99 MB, Free - 70 MB;Motherboard: Sony Corporation, VAIO

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Computer Does Not Shut Down, Restart Or Log Off?

Apr 8, 2011

I have just bought a new PC, installed windows 7 64bit and it doesnt seem to want to shut down or restart, when i press shut down i have a blue screen appear and when i try to restart nothing happens. I have tried doing the same in 'safe mode' and still the same problem

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Random Computer Shut Down?

Feb 14, 2013

here is my problem it seems when ever i try and do anything memory intensive on the computer it blue screens and says that it is a "memory management" issue I've tried restoring to an earlier point this does not work. It had been having problems before this shutting down but they were not this bad. I can't play games or anything like i said memory intense.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Won't Shut Down On New Computer

Feb 17, 2012

I just received my brand new computer yesterday. It runs like a dream and I was loving it. There is one problem though, and I haven't ever seen this before, I am hoping maybe someone can shed some light on this. When I hit shutdown, it will act like it is shutting down. But it seems to freeze on the Windows is shutting down screen, the little circle shown no more progress. I can hear my hard drive power down, and it shows no more activity, however the case stays on and the Shutting Down screen stays up. (this is my first 64 bit)?

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Gigabyte Z68 motherboard
16 GB ram
Nvidia GTX 560 2 GB
Intel i7 3.4 GHz
When Win 7 came up I accepted the let Windows choose for me as I just wanted to get WoW downloading (it takes forever)..

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Computer Does Not Shut Down, Restarts?

Jul 24, 2012

For the past week, my recently new started having this problem .Whenever I try shutting down the computer, click start and shut down or shut down on the log on screen, the computer turns off for 3 seconds, then restarts.I've google searched the problem and found solutions such as changing registry key, creating a shortcut on the desktop and clean booting but none have worked for me.

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Computer Wont Shut Down

Oct 19, 2009

I have a couple of problems.. first of all my computer wont shut down. It looks like it is going to in the beginning and after the "Shutting down" window the screen turns blank but the computer is still running and a couple of seconds later it starts to boot up, I noticed that the boot up image stays on for a while and I also hear the hard disks spinning up again, as if they had stopped. This has been like this since I installed Windows 7.

I've made sure that the Power button is set to shut down the computer in the "Taskbar and startmenu properties" and I've also undone the "Automatically restart" in Startup and Recovery.

Another "problem" or so. It seems like windows 7 thinks my desktop computer is a laptop.. o.

And the third and final problem has to do with my wireless network adapter. It's the Realtek RTL8185.

It's been troublesome since the beginning. The windows drivers don't work one bit so I had to get the 64bit drivers online from another computer. Had to force the computer to use them (Have disk) and then it would work for a while until i disconnect and windows can't figure out why..

I've read on the web that there have been issues with it and Windows 7 and this fix is said to be other drivers but they semi-fail me.. Right now I'm using a sucky USB adapter. Seems to work so far, if this works the next 2 days it's definitely just that Realtek thing that's failing. Maybe I can find older drivers.

I doubt anyone has the answer to this issue, I know I'm not giving um information about it.. right now I'm trying to find the CD that came with the damn thing..

Anyhow, hope you can help with the first 2 problems.

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Computer Wont Shut Off

Oct 27, 2009

It just goes into a sleep mode that I can't wake it up from. Have to hit the reset button to re awaken. I can actually hear it click off and click on quickly. Hope somebody can help me with this because wading thru the Q and A bull at Microsoft Solutions is enough to make one throw the box out the window.

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Computer Shut Down After Burn Dvd

Dec 22, 2011

my system shuts down after I burn a dvd. message says Unauthorized shutdown. I am using burn x to dvd. It worked great in Vista and still does on my desktop. But not on win 7.

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Computer Restarts Instead Of Shut Off?

Feb 25, 2012

Just as the thread says "Computer restarts instead of shut off. This happens after Windows 7 upgrade

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Computer Doesn't Shut Down

Aug 9, 2012

Just randomly, my computer hasn't been able to shut down the normal way. I'll go to start > shut down and it just sits on the "Shutting down" screen for a while and actually reboots and says Windows did not shut down correctly.

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Shut Down My Computer / Now It Won't Start Up

Jan 27, 2013

I shut down my computer and now it won't start up. The on button is lit, but nothing happens. Tried to find reset and pushed into the only hole without a screw in the bottom.

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Computer Won't Shut Down Completely?

Feb 6, 2013

I was playing guild wars 2 then my computer completely crashed, at first it wouldn't boot up. I reseated my memory and restarted my PC it started up but now it won't completely shut down, it just sits kinda at like a stand-by but you can't come off of it an you have to shut down the computer from the PSU.

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