Laptop Randomly Waking From Hibernation Mode?

Sep 9, 2012

this morning I woke up to find my laptop was active and I was worried it might overheat now the past few days it has been doing and I did some research, and I am wondering should I make it so that tasks can't wake the machine up?

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Stop Laptop From Going Into Hibernation Mode / Sleep Mode?

Sep 17, 2010

How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?

I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.

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Hibernation Works Randomly / WHEA Logger Event 18 When Hibernation Fails

Dec 8, 2012

When I put my computer in hibernation, sometimes when I wake it, it hangs at the user select screen, or it just shows a black screen. Sometimes I can reset the computer after it has hanged, and try again resuming from hibernation, and many times it will work after a couple of tries. Other times after resetting I won't get the prompt to try again with resuming (the other option is to delete hibernation data and reboot the system) but I will get the usual screen that says that Windows was not shut down correctly (with all the options for safe mode, etc). If I cannot resume and I get the screen with safe mode and all the other crap, I finally log in I get a notice that there was a critical error, in the details I see BlueScreen and other data, but I actually never get a blue screen. In the dump folder, there are no dmp files related to the hibernation hanging.

Anyway, when it happens, I see several Event 18 WHEA-Logger in the event viewer, about 6 of them every time.What's weird though, is that I literally have NO problems with this computer other than this. The only times it hangs is when I resume it from hibernation. I can play games or run stress tests with or without overclock and the system is 100% stable. But there is some problem that prevents it from resuming from hibernation correctly, so every time I use it is basically a gamble because it has like 50% chance of working.I tried EVERY SINGLE solution I found with google related to hibernation problems, and it's still there. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows from scratch, and it's still there. I'm positive I updated every single driver for every hardware I have and nope, no solution.I know the WHEA error is related to the hardware but like I said, everything works PERFECTLY once the system starts up properly, or when it resumes from hibernation properly. [code]

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Screen Black After Waking Up From Hibernation

Sep 26, 2010

I have a problem since I installed Windows 7 on my laptop.Whenever the laptop automatically goes to sleep or hibernation mode while the lid is closed, it wakes up with the screen black. The only thing I figured out to do is switching it off and starting it newly then. I already updated my graphics driver (ATI Radeon X1200 Series). Maybe there's a problem there because the Catalyst Control Center which is apparently supposed to configure the graphics does not work together with the most current driver. But except for the black screen I never had a problem with that.

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Windows 7 Acer Aspire Laptop Stuck In Hibernation Mode

Jul 2, 2012

This is an acer aspire laptop that is stuck in hibernation/sleep mode. It has windows 7, the power light blinks, no response whatsoever to windows key or any other keys including ctrl alt del. I have checked without memory and hard drive and have the same results. It will power off but will not get out of hibernation mode while it is turned on.

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ASUS UX21 Crashing After Waking From Sleep / Hibernation

Apr 12, 2012

I have an ASUS Zenbook UX21E, 128SSD, 4GB RAM, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits.I'm having a problem with Windows crashing and rebooting after waking up from sleep or hibernation. It manages to show the welcome screen (whre you put your password) but after a few seconds it reboots.i'm attaching the Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML files. My System Health Report file is in Spanish, I hope it is still usefull. Further information:

- Windows OEM versi, original installation.
- I have uninstalled all ASUS utilities related to power management
- The computer is from january 2011.

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PC Randomly Freezing While Inactive Or Upon Waking Up

Apr 19, 2012

I was hit with a smarthdd infection, which has been successfully removed. However, (whether related to it or not ?) after having this infection the pc has been randomly "not responding". It may go for 24+ hours and not freeze up at all and I think it's fixed, but then it does it again. It usually happens more over a longer period of inactivity, but not always.If I leave the pc alone, the screen saver comes on and does it's thing. But sometimes when I come back, move the mouse, click on an icon and I get that little blue circle spinning (windows "not responding"). Then mouse and keyboard commands are non responsive - the mouse does move around the screen with no problem. I have to hold the power button down to shut off, upon restart the pc runs absolutely fine, from what I can see.When it freezes, sometimes the taskbar (usually hidden) will pop up, other times no. I have a desktop gadget clock installed and have seen when it has frozen, which is prior to when I have attempted to wake up the pc, not AT the time of wake up. I haven't had any issues of it freezing while using the pc (working offline, browsing, music, video etc). The machine is working very well, other than for this random exception.

I have played with power settings - thinking that it may have to do with the machine sleeping and not waking up, but even if I have it set to "never sleep", it still freezes.This seems to be a common issue but very difficult for a "non expert" to diagnose/navigate on my own.

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BSOD When Waking Computer & Randomly Dismounting HDD

Mar 21, 2012

I've been having two main problems recently. One being a BSOD upon waking up a sleeping/hibernating computer and two being a randomly dismounting HDD.The former problem has been happening for well over a year, but I've just kind of ignored it. Recently, my computer's starting to BSOD even when its not waking up, so I thought I might want to finally take a look into what's happening. If anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to post dump logs, I will gladly supply them.The latter problem also is a recent occurrence and happens sporadically. I know this isn't the exact forum to post this in, but I thought I'd mention it to see if it is somehow connected. Sometimes I'll try to access Mozilla or a shortcut on my desktop and a message will pop up, notifying me that that file is unavailable for access. Then I check "computer" and see that my main data drive (the HDD) has disappeared! This problem remedies itself once I've restarted my computer but is still none-the-less disconcerting. Does this hint at a failing hard drive? It's important to note that when I try to back up the HDD or check disk it, it usually will disappear in the middle of my attempts, or my computer will BSOD and fail to complete the tests.

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Sleep Mode, Why Is It Waking Up

Oct 12, 2011

When I put my computer in Sleep mode, using the start button / shutdow / sleep it "sleeps" for about 10 minutes and wakes up on its own! Could it be programs trying to run in the background that wakse it up; Carbonite Backup or Norton? I can't get the computer to remain in sleep mode!

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Mode

Nov 2, 2012

I have been getting BSODs after waking my computer up after stand by. I've tried Googling the situation as well as performing basic troubleshooting tasks such as sfc, chkdsk, virus scans... no luck. According to the event viewer, it says :

"The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.
The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff8800f20044c, 0xfffff8800679e378, 0xfffff8800679dbd0).
A dump was saved in: C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 110112-8190-01."

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How To Get Computer Out Of Hibernation Mode

Dec 4, 2012

My new HP desktop is in hibernation mode and the monitor displays a message that says it can't come out of hibernation. What can I do?

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Computer Crashes When Waking Up From Sleep Mode

Jan 17, 2012

My computer crashes right after it wakes up from sleep mode.I used MSDaRT to diagnose the problem, and obtained a Analysis.log file, but I can't figure out where the problem is.Here is a copy of the contents of the file:

Code: Opened log file 'C:Windowsmsdart_crashanalyzer_kd_ansi.log'
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP]
Kernel Summary Dump File: Only kernel address space is available


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System Lock On Waking From Sleep Mode

Jan 17, 2012

I get intermittent freezing on waking from sleep mode, and indeed occasionally it wakes up immediately after sleeping.

I looked in the event manager and after 2 separate occasions of it freezing on waking up, it's come up with vwififilt as the culprit. I hope I've uploaded a screengrab correctly.

I can't find anything online which distinguishes why this file is not loading and causing a freeze on waking from sleep mode.

Any ideas on what I can do to remedy this problem? And also why I might be getting this sporadic problem of the system waking immediately after sleeping?

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Windows 7 Not Waking Up From Sleep Mode Properly

Mar 13, 2012

I have been using sleep mode for a while. Until recently, I had to re-install my OS due to some troubleshooting and hardware issues. Now my PC won't wake up from sleep mode with the new install. She goes to sleep, and when I try to wake her up, she powers on, for like 2 seconds and then shuts off. I have to turn on the power switch to get it to boot. My pc is not a generic brand pc. It's a custom built water cooled pc. I haven't noticed any new driver installs. I have performed a clean start up with no insight to what the issue could be. Event viewer only shows what I expected.

The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. - Event 41, Kernel Power Session "Microsoft Security Client OOBE" stipped due to the following error: 0xc000000D Event 3, Kernel-Event Tracing

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BSOD Occasionally After Waking Up From Sleep Mode?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm assuming its a driver problem, does BSOD only around every 5 times after I wake it from sleep mode.System Specs:Windows 7Home Premiumx64 bitOEMThe entire system is a little under 2 weeks old.

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Black Screen Waking From Sleep Mode?

Jul 9, 2012

I recently built an HTPC and it was working OK until last night. I�ve been using it mainly as an OTA DVR and it does wake up, record, etc.I went to program a recording & it was already awake & the HDD indicator LED was on. However the HDTV had a black screen with a message to select boot device & press any key. This was not a BSOD but a black screen. There was no way to select anything as every time I pressed a key the same message displayed another time. I finally powered off.Another program was scheduled to record at this time but it should not have. It was a series schedule set for new but this episode was not. That�s one strike against the EPG. Anyway it started recording after I booted back up but it was missing the first 40 minutes because I booted up 40 minutes into the program.

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Wifi Is Always Disconnected After Waking From Sleep Mode?

Nov 27, 2012

I have the TP-Link USB Wireless adapeter (TL-WN722N) It always reconnects after sleep mode or I have to do it manually and it takes a long time to reconnects all the time?

***DO NOT say to uncheck " Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option! This DOES NOT work for me and it has no effect whatsoever!***

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Mode, Freezing When Idle

Mar 12, 2012

my computer has all of a sudden started to give me a BSOD about a minute after I wake the computer up from Sleep Mode. Also, if I leave the computer for more than 15 minutes I come back and the computer has frozen so I have to manually restart it. Every once in a while I've gotten the BSOD while I'm in the middle of doing something and it's been hours since it was in sleep mode.

So far I've tried to Restore my computer back to before the trouble started, and I've also fully uninstalled my video drivers (ATI Radeon HD 5470), and then installed the newest version from ATI's website.

My computer is Windows 7 64-bit, OEM version from Acer.

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Aero Peek Disabled After Waking From Sleep Mode?

Nov 22, 2009

7 x64 goes in/out of Sleep Mode successfully, but Aero Peek's visual effects disable approx. 2 sec. after the system wakes. If I log out/on the effects are still disabled; I have to reboot to establish.

Phenom 9850 x4 2.5 GHz
GeForce 9600 GS

* I also have issue with right-clicking and Explorer crashing, however mine only occurs when I right-click on the Recycle Bin, and only after my computer has been running for awhile and I am recycling multiple files.

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Ipv6 Doesn't Work After Waking Up From Sleep Mode

Mar 2, 2010

I had a problem about ipv6 on windows 7 for a long time. I have a ipv6 & ipv4 dual stack network. Every time I wake up my computer, the ipv6 cannot work. The appearance is that I can't ping and access ipv6 website. But after some research, I realize that only the DNS part is broken. When I ping the ipv6 site like, it tells me it find no host, but if I use nslookup, I can find the ipv6 address. And the following are my tries:

ping -- not work
ping 2a00:1450:8001::68 -- does work, the ip is the address
ping -6 -- does work like the above

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Monitor Is Black After Sleep Mode But Not Hibernation?

Sep 14, 2011

The thread title about sums it up! When I try to wake my computer from sleep mode, my monitor gets no signal/is black. The "rest" of the computer seems to wake up just fine.

The monitor was working fine with Windows Server 2008, after sleep mode, but I just recently upgraded to windows 7.

I have already tried: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal in a .bat file

using "Hibernate Trigger", "Power Triggers" and Windows task sheduler.

Doesn't work at all for me (I've got Windows 7 Proffesional 32-bit Service Pack 1)

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PC Refuses To Remain In Sleep/Hibernation Mode?

Dec 7, 2011

I recently formatted, and since, my pc refuses to remain in Sleep/Hibernation mode. When I select the option in the start menu, my pc does its thing, once it enters sleep/hibernation, it instantly powers back up. I have changed nothing to my pc's hardware since the format, and this issue never occurred before hand.

Some of the things I have tried are making sure the power management setting were correct. I also hard reset my motherboards cmos to manufacturer settings.

The above seemed to make no difference.

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Windows 7, After Hibernation Mode No Audio Plays?

Sep 1, 2012

After playing ESV Skyrim for a bit, i put it into hibernation mode accidentaly, by shutting down my laptop. As soon as i loaded it back up again, no audio played. When i go on to audio mixer it either crashes and says theres a problem, or i move it to turn the volume up, and it doesn't make a sound!

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Windows 7 64bit Boot Loops Waking From Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2012

When I try to wake my machine from S3 sleep mode I see the hard drive lights power up but nothing happens, I get a black screen for about 5-6 seconds then my machine proceeds to boot loop itself until i manual shut it down with the power button. Sometimes it will start up regularly with no problems, and about 60-70% of the other times it will do the problem i have explained above.

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Screen Stays Black After Waking Computer From Sleep Mode

Oct 31, 2012

Over the past few months I began having this recurring problem where the computer goes into sleep mode, next I click the mouse to wake it and the lights and fans go on but the screen stays black. I then have to perform a hard restart where I was usually getting the "start in safe mode" screen, but lately I have also been getting BSODs.

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Blue Screen Of Death In Hibernation Mode - Need To Restart PC

Apr 20, 2011

Every time it hibernates I see a blue screen and I have to restart. The PC is:


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Windows Doesnt Go Into Sleep / Hibernation Mode When Battery Low?

Jul 21, 2012

I am having a problem where my laptop doesn't got into sleep / hibernation mode when the battery is running low. It just shuts down suddenly causing the machine to give me an error about not been shut down property upon reboot.

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Disable Hibernation Mode - How Much Hard Drive Space Will It Save

Mar 27, 2012

how much hard drive space will it save? i have windows 7 64-bit pro. and does the change keep until i change it back?

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Laptop Keeps Waking Up From Sleep On Its Own When On Battery?

May 8, 2012

My laptop just wakes up from Sleep, while on battery. It's soooo annoying! I have this info from a CMD command. Maybe, it's relevant?

Info: Command I entered on Command Prompt: PowerCFG -LastWake .


Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 1
Wake Source [0]


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BSOD While Waking Laptop From Sleep

Jan 21, 2012

So i've recently been getting a BSOD in Windows 7 after waking my PC from Sleep. [code]

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Need To Start The Laptop From Hibernation

Jun 15, 2011

I've had my HP laptop for going on two years now and it's been acting up. It's mainly in the hibernation field and it started when i turned the start up GUI off (saved me about 15 seconds in start up) and first installed Ubuntu. I've read elsewhere and it said that my drivers need updated, but Windows update AND HP support assistant said that everything's up-to-date. I want to start from hibernation again. Oh, one more thing the screen is just a white dash (_).

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