Monitor Is Black After Sleep Mode But Not Hibernation?

Sep 14, 2011

The thread title about sums it up! When I try to wake my computer from sleep mode, my monitor gets no signal/is black. The "rest" of the computer seems to wake up just fine.

The monitor was working fine with Windows Server 2008, after sleep mode, but I just recently upgraded to windows 7.

I have already tried: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal in a .bat file

using "Hibernate Trigger", "Power Triggers" and Windows task sheduler.

Doesn't work at all for me (I've got Windows 7 Proffesional 32-bit Service Pack 1)

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Stop Laptop From Going Into Hibernation Mode / Sleep Mode?

Sep 17, 2010

How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?

I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.

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PC Refuses To Remain In Sleep/Hibernation Mode?

Dec 7, 2011

I recently formatted, and since, my pc refuses to remain in Sleep/Hibernation mode. When I select the option in the start menu, my pc does its thing, once it enters sleep/hibernation, it instantly powers back up. I have changed nothing to my pc's hardware since the format, and this issue never occurred before hand.

Some of the things I have tried are making sure the power management setting were correct. I also hard reset my motherboards cmos to manufacturer settings.

The above seemed to make no difference.

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Windows Doesnt Go Into Sleep / Hibernation Mode When Battery Low?

Jul 21, 2012

I am having a problem where my laptop doesn't got into sleep / hibernation mode when the battery is running low. It just shuts down suddenly causing the machine to give me an error about not been shut down property upon reboot.

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Monitor Stuck In Sleep Mode?

Jul 7, 2012

im having problems with my monitor, it doesnt want to get out of sleep mode. Right now I have the comp apart which is no problem for me to put it back together. Im assuming its either the battery not giving enough power or the connection where you plug the monitor into is bad.

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Monitor Cannot Wake Up From Sleep Mode

Jun 17, 2012

I have a Dell Studio XPS435 MT running Windows 7. For the past six months I noticed that when waking the computer from sleep mode, occasionally the monitor would not wake up and I would have to reboot. It got worse and worse until now it will never wake up without rebooting. I also noticed when I reboot, if I don't wait a few seconds for the computer noises to stop and immediately press the power button; the computer starts beeping loudly and nothing works. I have to manually shut it down and wait about 30-40 seconds to reboot.

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Monitor Not Wake From Sleep Mode

Nov 13, 2009

sometimes not all the time after my pc has been in sleep mode, the monitors dont come back on, i can see the pc wakes up but the monitors stay black and so far the only way ive got it to work is to power off and reboot.

all my drivers are upto date what could be causing this i dont realy want to disable the sleep mode?

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode Instantly

Oct 2, 2011

reset video card to factory setting, reboot if it still goes to sleep,remove added on video card hook monitore up to onboard vid card

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Monitor Won't Wake Up From Sleep Mode?

Dec 3, 2012

My computer monitor won't wake up from sleep mode. The power light flashed blue like it is asleep but when I hit the keyboard or click the mouse nothing happens. I even restarted the computer and tested to see if the wires were bed or loose and that didn't help either. I switched out the monitor and the new one works on the computer so it seems it is something with the monitor.

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Black Screen After Sleep Mode?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VPCSB11FX/W laptop. I lock the screen (it's password protected too) and close the lid when I need to get up to do something else while using it. Usually, the blue Windows 7 lock screen shows up when I open the laptop, but just now, I got a black screen that wouldn't respond to any buttons, so I shut the laptop down manually by holding down the power button. When I booted up and logged in, I got the old 'Windows was shut down unexpectedly' message.

Just curious, why did I get the black screen? Also, the power button was green, which means it wasn't in sleep mode at all, and the laptop's fan was whirring loudly too. This has happened to me a couple of times before, and I usually wait at least 30-60 seconds for the black screen to respond before shutting down, though the fan makes a louder noise the longer I wait. This happened even though the lid was closed properly.

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Monitor Won't Turn Back On After Sleep Mode?

Apr 17, 2011

so the Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit install is fresh, and all the drivers are the latest available. I have updated my mobo's bios to the latest version through Asus' "AI Suite II" which makes things very simple. I want my PC to be able to go into sleep mode but I don't want to have to force shutdown every time it goes into sleep mode after a time span. For some reason if I wake my PC after its been in sleep mode for a short period everything turns back on just fine... I know there might be a solution through the configuration panel

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Monitor Incorrectly Detected After Sleep Mode

Dec 29, 2011

New Build Asus M5A88-M EVO
Phenom II x6 1055T 2.8Ghz
Samsung 840 series 64Bb SSD
Radeon HD5570
Win7 Professional 64 Bit

Annoying intemittent fault whereby the monitor is incorrectly detected as a generic model instead of an LG L192WS and the screen resolution changes to a lower setting which loses a large percentage of the desktop. I've updated to the latest AMD drivers as that seemed to work for others with a similar problem but to no avail. it takes 5 mouse clicks to open desktop and reset the display to the correct one, but after spending quite a bit to speed up my system I begrudge the time!

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Black Screen When Coming Out Of Sleep Mode?

Jun 6, 2010

For the past several mornings, when clicking my mouse to wake my PC from sleep mode, my screen remains completely black. I can hear the PC start up, the fan running, etc. I can even hear the Windows log on sound when I punch in my password. All power lights are on, but the monitor refuses to display anything, not even a blinking cursor.My keyboard then becomes unresponsive and I'm unable to shut my PC down using the power button. I've had to hard reboot several times by manually switching my surge protector off and on. After getting the expected message that Windows didn't shut down properly, my system then starts up as usual. I have Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit). My processor is an AMD Athlon II X4 630 and I have 6 GB of RAM. Both my PC and monitor are brand new.

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Black Screen At Startup - Sleep Mode

Jul 21, 2009

I installed windows 7 a few days ago, everything seemed to run fine until this morning. Last night i updated windows because some updates where finished, during shutdown the update was installed. This morning i turn on my computer, it beeps once(loud beep not a soft beep) The screen doesnt flicker and goes into sleep mode.

I tried disconnecting the videocard and reconnecting the wires, still doesnt work. I pressed F2, F8, F12, doesnt go to BIOS screen or Boot. I have no idea how to get the connection back. Has anyone has this problem and can help me find a solution.

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Black Screen Waking From Sleep Mode?

Jul 9, 2012

I recently built an HTPC and it was working OK until last night. I�ve been using it mainly as an OTA DVR and it does wake up, record, etc.I went to program a recording & it was already awake & the HDD indicator LED was on. However the HDTV had a black screen with a message to select boot device & press any key. This was not a BSOD but a black screen. There was no way to select anything as every time I pressed a key the same message displayed another time. I finally powered off.Another program was scheduled to record at this time but it should not have. It was a series schedule set for new but this episode was not. That�s one strike against the EPG. Anyway it started recording after I booted back up but it was missing the first 40 minutes because I booted up 40 minutes into the program.

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PC Won't Resume If Screen Goes Black/Won't Go Into Sleep Mode

Nov 20, 2010

I'm having a problem where if my laptop is idle and the screen goes black, I can't get it to resume. I try moving the mouse and hitting buttons, but nothing happens. I have to completely shut the PC off and start it again. Also, if I put it to sleep, the same thing happens (it goes black but doesn't sleep or resume). My drivers are all up to date but it still happens.

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Black Screen With Error Message Instead Of Sleep Mode?

Jul 9, 2012

I recently built an HTPC and it was working OK until last night. I�ve been using it mainly as an OTA DVR and it does wake up,record, etc.I went to program a recording & it was already awake & the HDD indicator LED was on. However the HDTV had a black screen with a message to select boot device & press any key. This was not a BSOD but a black screen. There was no way to select anything as every time I pressed a key the same message displayed another time. I finally powered off.Another program was scheduled to record at this time but it should not have. It was a series schedule set for new but this episode was not. That�s one strike against the EPG. Anyway it started recording after I booted back up but it was missing the first 40 minutes because I booted up 40 minutes into the program.

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Screen Stays Black After Waking Computer From Sleep Mode

Oct 31, 2012

Over the past few months I began having this recurring problem where the computer goes into sleep mode, next I click the mouse to wake it and the lights and fans go on but the screen stays black. I then have to perform a hard restart where I was usually getting the "start in safe mode" screen, but lately I have also been getting BSODs.

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Can't Wake-up From Sleep/hibernation?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to say 2 days ago, my computer has decided to fail when going to sleep. It is Windows 7, completely updated with no problems to that point. When it falls asleep and I wake it up, the machine starts up and is active, but my monitors and external hard drive are never turned on as they once were and the machine just sits there running with a black screen. I restart, boot back into Windows and it says resume (as if it was in hibernation, but I have hybrid sleep on) and I just get a flashing underscore and no more. I restart once again, it says Windows could not restore the session, I start a new session and all is good again... until the computer falls asleep and the process starts over.

I have tried turning off hybrid sleep. No good. I have tried using hibernation instead of sleep. Same error. I found online where someone said they had this problem with an ATI card, but once the upgraded the Catalyst Control Center and drivers, they had no problems. That did no good. The only update I've done recenly is Firefox, but I have not seen any other reports of the newest Firefox causing sleep problems. I read where someone had a problem with waking up from sleep mode because of Firefox's memory leaks and they said closing Firefox before putting it to sleep helped.It does not matter if I put it to sleep and wake it up immediately or if it goes to sleep and when I get home from work, boot it up. The same thing happens no matter the length of time.I have a dual boot with Ubuntu, but that has been on there for months with no errors and Ubuntu will sleep and wake up just fine. There have been no hardware changes or any hardware driver changes other than the video card. I tried rolling back video card drivers to see if there was a difference with no change. My ASRock MB has the most up to date BIOS that has been out for over a year. My video card is a 5770, but like I said, I've tried older and new drivers. I tried the prevx black screen fix with no luck.

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Hibernation/sleep Settings

Jul 16, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium. I have the system set up to run two applications at certain times - Norton Scans being one.

Yesterday, it missed a scan and I suspect it was because of the power saving options - the computer is set to go to sleep after 30 minutes.

Does anyone know whether that is the case and if there is anyway to set up the power saving so that any timed applications will run OK?

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BSOD After Sleep And Hibernation?

Oct 28, 2012

BSOD at many random time
Dump File : 102712-27050-01.dmp
Crash Time : 10/27/2012 5:53:42 PM
Bug Check String : BAD_POOL_CALLER
Bug Check Code : 0x000000c2
Parameter 1 : 0x00000007


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Hibernation And Sleep Modes Don't Work

Mar 26, 2012

I have, in my Control Panel, timers set for both Sleep mode and Hibernation modes (Advanced settings). However, neither one of them ever functions.

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Laptop Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Or Hibernation?

Dec 21, 2011

when i did the powercfg -LASTWAKE, it didn't show the wake source, same thing in event viewer, how do i know what's causing this?

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

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Timed Shortcut For Sleep / Hibernation?

Jun 17, 2010

so I have 10,000msecond(2.7hour) shortcut to shutdown my computer ("C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 10000") which i use for watching films before bed, just encase i sleep half way through but I was wondering if there was a way to make a similar shortcut but instead of making your computer shutdown in a few hours make it sleep in a few hours time. Now I know how to make a sleep shortcut but that makes the computer sleep instantly, and putting "-t 10000" at the end of "C:WindowsSystem32 .exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0" doesnt work. Apparently their is a way to do it if you install some software but I don't want that.

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Windows 7 Does Not Reload After Hibernation / Sleep

Sep 13, 2011

This happens very frequently. It happens on and off. I am running Windows 7 professional on Dell Inspiron E1505 and when my computer goes into hibernation ( it doesn't matter if it's on battery or plugged in), sometimes I can reload the computer physically. Sometimes or most times, it shows a black screen and I have to manually shut the PC up and then reload it losing everything which I had before going into hibernation.

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Wake The PC From Sleep/hibernation When Power Comes Up?

Apr 20, 2011

I live in a place where we have power shortages from time to time. I have my Dell desktop pc attached to a UPS and i have configured the pc to go to sleep after 5 minutes when on UPS. Is there anyway to wake up the pc automatically once the power is on? I have connected my UPS with USB cable to the pc, and the pc treats the UPS as a battery. I use this pc as a media centre so this feature is something i really need.

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New Windows 7 Now BSOD After Sleep/hibernation?

May 14, 2012

I built a new computer with:

I7 2600k
MSI Z77-gd55 motherboard
4 gb of ddr3 crucial 1066 ram
1 tb WDEARX Caviar HD (op sys)
1 tb seagate barracuda
Corsair AX750 Gold PSU
Nvidia EVGA gtx 560 2gb

I installed a clean windows 7 installation, Worked fine for a bit and now when I put it into sleep mode it BSOD coming out. In hibernation it requires me to hit the power button to come back and when it does it just comes up with a windows black screen with white lighting saying "windows could not recover the data to load windows" then i need to coose to loose the data and restart or try and load the data (which never works).I have the minidump file that I ran in debugger and and analyzed, which I am pasting here since idk how to upload it;

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidump�51112-28735-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available


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Frequent BSOD After Windows Goes To Sleep/Hibernation

Apr 13, 2012

I've been getting frequent BSOD after Windows goes to Sleep. I'm getting BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO, KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and CRITICAL_OPJECT_TERMINATION errors pretty regularly. I ran chkdsk on my C: drive and got a registry file failure. This is a fairly recent build (<8 months).


OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit retail
CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 Pro
Memory: PNY 4GB DDR3 PC3-10666; PNY 2x@GB DDR3 PC3-10666
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
Monitor(s) Displays: Dell S199WFP; Generic PnP Monitor
Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900; 1280 x 1024
Hard Drives:
Seagate 1TB SATA (ST3100003 40AS SCSI)
Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB, 32 MB Cache (WDC WD20 EADS-00R6B0 SCSI)

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Hibernation Or Sleep Loses Internet Connectivity

Feb 10, 2011

Whatever modem/router I use (except my old 2Wire that died in Dec. 2010), I lose connectivity after I resume/wakeup. The tray icon says "connected", but my browser (Firefox) or my email client (Thunderbird) say "no"!

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Screen Black After Waking Up From Hibernation

Sep 26, 2010

I have a problem since I installed Windows 7 on my laptop.Whenever the laptop automatically goes to sleep or hibernation mode while the lid is closed, it wakes up with the screen black. The only thing I figured out to do is switching it off and starting it newly then. I already updated my graphics driver (ATI Radeon X1200 Series). Maybe there's a problem there because the Catalyst Control Center which is apparently supposed to configure the graphics does not work together with the most current driver. But except for the black screen I never had a problem with that.

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ASUS UX21 Crashing After Waking From Sleep / Hibernation

Apr 12, 2012

I have an ASUS Zenbook UX21E, 128SSD, 4GB RAM, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits.I'm having a problem with Windows crashing and rebooting after waking up from sleep or hibernation. It manages to show the welcome screen (whre you put your password) but after a few seconds it reboots.i'm attaching the Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML files. My System Health Report file is in Spanish, I hope it is still usefull. Further information:

- Windows OEM versi, original installation.
- I have uninstalled all ASUS utilities related to power management
- The computer is from january 2011.

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