Hibernation/sleep Settings

Jul 16, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium. I have the system set up to run two applications at certain times - Norton Scans being one.

Yesterday, it missed a scan and I suspect it was because of the power saving options - the computer is set to go to sleep after 30 minutes.

Does anyone know whether that is the case and if there is anyway to set up the power saving so that any timed applications will run OK?

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Can't Wake-up From Sleep/hibernation?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to say 2 days ago, my computer has decided to fail when going to sleep. It is Windows 7, completely updated with no problems to that point. When it falls asleep and I wake it up, the machine starts up and is active, but my monitors and external hard drive are never turned on as they once were and the machine just sits there running with a black screen. I restart, boot back into Windows and it says resume (as if it was in hibernation, but I have hybrid sleep on) and I just get a flashing underscore and no more. I restart once again, it says Windows could not restore the session, I start a new session and all is good again... until the computer falls asleep and the process starts over.

I have tried turning off hybrid sleep. No good. I have tried using hibernation instead of sleep. Same error. I found online where someone said they had this problem with an ATI card, but once the upgraded the Catalyst Control Center and drivers, they had no problems. That did no good. The only update I've done recenly is Firefox, but I have not seen any other reports of the newest Firefox causing sleep problems. I read where someone had a problem with waking up from sleep mode because of Firefox's memory leaks and they said closing Firefox before putting it to sleep helped.It does not matter if I put it to sleep and wake it up immediately or if it goes to sleep and when I get home from work, boot it up. The same thing happens no matter the length of time.I have a dual boot with Ubuntu, but that has been on there for months with no errors and Ubuntu will sleep and wake up just fine. There have been no hardware changes or any hardware driver changes other than the video card. I tried rolling back video card drivers to see if there was a difference with no change. My ASRock MB has the most up to date BIOS that has been out for over a year. My video card is a 5770, but like I said, I've tried older and new drivers. I tried the prevx black screen fix with no luck.

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BSOD After Sleep And Hibernation?

Oct 28, 2012

BSOD at many random time
Dump File : 102712-27050-01.dmp
Crash Time : 10/27/2012 5:53:42 PM
Bug Check String : BAD_POOL_CALLER
Bug Check Code : 0x000000c2
Parameter 1 : 0x00000007


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Hibernation And Sleep Modes Don't Work

Mar 26, 2012

I have, in my Control Panel, timers set for both Sleep mode and Hibernation modes (Advanced settings). However, neither one of them ever functions.

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Laptop Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Or Hibernation?

Dec 21, 2011

when i did the powercfg -LASTWAKE, it didn't show the wake source, same thing in event viewer, how do i know what's causing this?

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

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Timed Shortcut For Sleep / Hibernation?

Jun 17, 2010

so I have 10,000msecond(2.7hour) shortcut to shutdown my computer ("C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 10000") which i use for watching films before bed, just encase i sleep half way through but I was wondering if there was a way to make a similar shortcut but instead of making your computer shutdown in a few hours make it sleep in a few hours time. Now I know how to make a sleep shortcut but that makes the computer sleep instantly, and putting "-t 10000" at the end of "C:WindowsSystem32 .exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0" doesnt work. Apparently their is a way to do it if you install some software but I don't want that.

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Windows 7 Does Not Reload After Hibernation / Sleep

Sep 13, 2011

This happens very frequently. It happens on and off. I am running Windows 7 professional on Dell Inspiron E1505 and when my computer goes into hibernation ( it doesn't matter if it's on battery or plugged in), sometimes I can reload the computer physically. Sometimes or most times, it shows a black screen and I have to manually shut the PC up and then reload it losing everything which I had before going into hibernation.

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Wake The PC From Sleep/hibernation When Power Comes Up?

Apr 20, 2011

I live in a place where we have power shortages from time to time. I have my Dell desktop pc attached to a UPS and i have configured the pc to go to sleep after 5 minutes when on UPS. Is there anyway to wake up the pc automatically once the power is on? I have connected my UPS with USB cable to the pc, and the pc treats the UPS as a battery. I use this pc as a media centre so this feature is something i really need.

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New Windows 7 Now BSOD After Sleep/hibernation?

May 14, 2012

I built a new computer with:

I7 2600k
MSI Z77-gd55 motherboard
4 gb of ddr3 crucial 1066 ram
1 tb WDEARX Caviar HD (op sys)
1 tb seagate barracuda
Corsair AX750 Gold PSU
Nvidia EVGA gtx 560 2gb

I installed a clean windows 7 installation, Worked fine for a bit and now when I put it into sleep mode it BSOD coming out. In hibernation it requires me to hit the power button to come back and when it does it just comes up with a windows black screen with white lighting saying "windows could not recover the data to load windows" then i need to coose to loose the data and restart or try and load the data (which never works).I have the minidump file that I ran in debugger and and analyzed, which I am pasting here since idk how to upload it;

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidump�51112-28735-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available


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Frequent BSOD After Windows Goes To Sleep/Hibernation

Apr 13, 2012

I've been getting frequent BSOD after Windows goes to Sleep. I'm getting BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO, KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and CRITICAL_OPJECT_TERMINATION errors pretty regularly. I ran chkdsk on my C: drive and got a registry file failure. This is a fairly recent build (<8 months).


OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit retail
CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 Pro
Memory: PNY 4GB DDR3 PC3-10666; PNY 2x@GB DDR3 PC3-10666
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
Monitor(s) Displays: Dell S199WFP; Generic PnP Monitor
Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900; 1280 x 1024
Hard Drives:
Seagate 1TB SATA (ST3100003 40AS SCSI)
Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB, 32 MB Cache (WDC WD20 EADS-00R6B0 SCSI)

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Monitor Is Black After Sleep Mode But Not Hibernation?

Sep 14, 2011

The thread title about sums it up! When I try to wake my computer from sleep mode, my monitor gets no signal/is black. The "rest" of the computer seems to wake up just fine.

The monitor was working fine with Windows Server 2008, after sleep mode, but I just recently upgraded to windows 7.

I have already tried: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal in a .bat file

using "Hibernate Trigger", "Power Triggers" and Windows task sheduler.

Doesn't work at all for me (I've got Windows 7 Proffesional 32-bit Service Pack 1)

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Hibernation Or Sleep Loses Internet Connectivity

Feb 10, 2011

Whatever modem/router I use (except my old 2Wire that died in Dec. 2010), I lose connectivity after I resume/wakeup. The tray icon says "connected", but my browser (Firefox) or my email client (Thunderbird) say "no"!

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PC Refuses To Remain In Sleep/Hibernation Mode?

Dec 7, 2011

I recently formatted, and since, my pc refuses to remain in Sleep/Hibernation mode. When I select the option in the start menu, my pc does its thing, once it enters sleep/hibernation, it instantly powers back up. I have changed nothing to my pc's hardware since the format, and this issue never occurred before hand.

Some of the things I have tried are making sure the power management setting were correct. I also hard reset my motherboards cmos to manufacturer settings.

The above seemed to make no difference.

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ASUS UX21 Crashing After Waking From Sleep / Hibernation

Apr 12, 2012

I have an ASUS Zenbook UX21E, 128SSD, 4GB RAM, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits.I'm having a problem with Windows crashing and rebooting after waking up from sleep or hibernation. It manages to show the welcome screen (whre you put your password) but after a few seconds it reboots.i'm attaching the Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML files. My System Health Report file is in Spanish, I hope it is still usefull. Further information:

- Windows OEM versi, original installation.
- I have uninstalled all ASUS utilities related to power management
- The computer is from january 2011.

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Scheduler Fails While Trying To Wake Windows From Sleep / Hibernation

May 2, 2012

I've got it to work flawlessly on my desktop, however on my laptop, a Dell D630, I can't seem to get it to work. I've created a task triggering on a specific time and running the operation '/c "exit"', which should just start a command prompt and close it again. I've set it to "run with highest privileges" and "wake the computer to run this task". However, it just doesn't boot as scheduled.

The history of the scheduler says nothing at the moment that the trigger is set to go off, but a minut later (probably when I manually boot) I get a "Task scheduler "{....}" instance of the task "Wakeup" due to a time trigger condition."

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Windows Doesnt Go Into Sleep / Hibernation Mode When Battery Low?

Jul 21, 2012

I am having a problem where my laptop doesn't got into sleep / hibernation mode when the battery is running low. It just shuts down suddenly causing the machine to give me an error about not been shut down property upon reboot.

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Power State Driver Failure On Putting PC To Sleep Or Hibernation?

Apr 22, 2012

Laptop Sony Vaio Model VPCCW1Z4E
OS Windows 7 Home Premium Service pack 1
Processor Intel Core DUO P7450.
Norton 360 V5.2.1.3, security software

Laptop starts up and can shuts down with out any problem.If try to hibernation or standby, it take long time accessing disc then crashes. The problem only started when upgraded to service pack 1.All drivers have been update using driver dating utility by WinZip.Dump files & system health check report is attached.

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LCD Brightness Control Doesn't Work After Resume From Sleep / Hibernation

Jun 12, 2011

Occasionally, when resume from hibernation/suspend, display brightness control doesn't work. Means that Fn + F2,F3 doesn't work, change from Windows Power Options doesn't work, change from intel graphic doesn't work. If I have to restart some services to get it working? It's occasional and I can't find anything exact in EventLog. My system is HP Probook 4230s with Core i5-2410 with intel HD3000. Latest patches on both Win 7 Pro 32-bit and intel driver. Restart machines solve the problem, re-hibernate or re-suspend machine occasionally solve the problem, but mostly not.

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Hibernation Works Randomly / WHEA Logger Event 18 When Hibernation Fails

Dec 8, 2012

When I put my computer in hibernation, sometimes when I wake it, it hangs at the user select screen, or it just shows a black screen. Sometimes I can reset the computer after it has hanged, and try again resuming from hibernation, and many times it will work after a couple of tries. Other times after resetting I won't get the prompt to try again with resuming (the other option is to delete hibernation data and reboot the system) but I will get the usual screen that says that Windows was not shut down correctly (with all the options for safe mode, etc). If I cannot resume and I get the screen with safe mode and all the other crap, I finally log in I get a notice that there was a critical error, in the details I see BlueScreen and other data, but I actually never get a blue screen. In the dump folder, there are no dmp files related to the hibernation hanging.

Anyway, when it happens, I see several Event 18 WHEA-Logger in the event viewer, about 6 of them every time.What's weird though, is that I literally have NO problems with this computer other than this. The only times it hangs is when I resume it from hibernation. I can play games or run stress tests with or without overclock and the system is 100% stable. But there is some problem that prevents it from resuming from hibernation correctly, so every time I use it is basically a gamble because it has like 50% chance of working.I tried EVERY SINGLE solution I found with google related to hibernation problems, and it's still there. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows from scratch, and it's still there. I'm positive I updated every single driver for every hardware I have and nope, no solution.I know the WHEA error is related to the hardware but like I said, everything works PERFECTLY once the system starts up properly, or when it resumes from hibernation properly. [code]

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Stop Laptop From Going Into Hibernation Mode / Sleep Mode?

Sep 17, 2010

How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?

I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.

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Windows 7 Keeps Going To Sleep - All Settings Ok

Nov 2, 2011

I've got got a new tower with windows 7, its been fine for the last 3 weeks, yet today it keeps going to sleep and taking me to the switch user screen, I've checked all the settings and they are ok, and I am the only user account on it?

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Monitor Going To Sleep Regardless Of Settings?

Aug 5, 2011

My monitor goes to sleep after about 10 minutes when I am watching a movie or something. Its really annoying because I have changed the screensaver and monitor power settings (in display settings) to never, I have changed the power settings (in Control Panel -> Power Settings -> Edit Settings -> Advanced) and put everything at never. Still the problem persists.

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HP Laptop Sleep / Hybernation Settings

May 23, 2011

My HP laptop shows a blank screen after loa=eaving the computer for a short time. I have tried changing settings for hybernation and sleep, as I don't know which it is, but when I click the mouse to bring it back, it shows the computer as "locked". It take quite a while to bring the screen back. I have changed the settings to "never" as it is usually on mains electricity.I don't know what happens, but it takes whatever I was working off screen and comes up with the options to "change user" but we only have one account and says it is "locked".

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Power Settings - Never Go To Sleep Not Working?

Sep 8, 2010

I have all my power settings to never go to sleep and when I leave my computer on unattended for about 20 minutes I come back and see the password screen. That may be ok as long as I don't lose any work in progress, but I would like to control this or at least understand it.

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How To Change Settings So Computer Will Not Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to windows 7 and I left my computer on cause I was downloading something came back like 3hrs later and noticed my computers hard drive led light and power light was blinking like every 3 seconds. I then clicked the power button and it went through bios again and said windows is resuming I think and everything was how it was when I left it but my download had stopped. So how do I make it so my computer doesn't go into sleep?

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Sleep Mode Changed Upon Altering BIOS Settings

Sep 18, 2011

my computer was getting too hot i went into the BIOS and changed a few things like turning off the auto-controlled fan sensors, FSB i put down to 200 and the CPU voltage I changed to 1.0Volts. I started up windows again. This time though, the option for "hibernate" had disappeared. So i looked up how to put it back on. and changed the power settings to "never" allow "hybrid sleep". So now i have the option to hibernate again. But the strange part was this. When I put my computer to sleep now. It apparently shuts down fully. (no more blinking light) then i turn it on and it re awakes from sleep. It's actually nice to have it this way. I tested it to see if i could disconnect the power fully and then still restore it back from sleep. Sure enough it lets me disconnect the power for up to 5 seconds then i plug it back in and it will still restore back from sleep. I guess my question is. Is the computer using even less power now to keep the information on the RAM. I read somewhere that on average your computer uses about 6 watts while in sleep mode.

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Does Changing "Power & Sleep Button Settings" Only Apply To Laptops

Mar 31, 2011

I have set the Power Options>System Settings - Define power buttons (When I press the power & sleep button) to "Do nothing", yet i can still shut down my desktop via Start>Shutdown and by pressing the physical power button.

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Windows 7 Desktop Settings Changed Customized Settings After Logging On

Mar 11, 2011

windows 7 desktop settings changed my customized settings after logging on..

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Way To Set GPU On Default Settings Or Reset GPU Settings In Cmd Or Other Professional Way

Sep 23, 2012

Now, just 3 days ago It started the BSOD issue.I realize that my GPU was the cause of this issue. When playing games or open 3d applications the temp goes 30C to 72C (In 15 seconds) then 82C - 85C constant (in about 30 seconds).Now I've been using MSI afterburner to check my temps and at fulload my GPU will be at 62-72C max temperature but now it's 10C even higher then before. No, I haven't fiddled with the voltage I set the GPU voltage to 1.037v which is the safest (been running this almost 8 months!). The GPU is the GTX 560ti.Is there a way to set the GPU on default settings or reset GPU settings in cmd or other professional way. I have uninstalled the drivers, uninstalling GPU, disabled GPU, disabled PCI-E slot and so on by using device manager and the issue still persist. Yes, I also have clean the GPU perfectly and still the temperature goes up to 82 seconds at 30seconds-45seconds. Yes, I have checked everything is set correctly and so on, I am a PC Tech.

Is the GPU damaged? Yes I have looked at this thread: Stop 0x124 - what it means and what to try Mainly, I know its the GPU straight away, I tried checking old drivers, new drivers, another GPU overclocked software such as GPU tweak and EVGA Precision. I am thinking it's the GPU is damaged or the PCI-E is damaged (I have another PCI-E slot on my system and the issue still there). It might be the PCI-E frequency? but it's set to 100 which it meant to be, I just hope is software related because I don't have the money to buy a new card. Did the dump files help?

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BSOD When Computer Goes To Sleep Or Press The Sleep Button?

Jun 21, 2012

Whenever I press the sleep button on my computer, or when I leave it idle and it goes to sleep by itself, I get a blue screen of death. I would really like to solve thiNow, this computer came with an AMD video card, but I uninstalled those drivers and took out the video card and installed a GTX 570 from EVGA. The drivers are up to date, so I am pretty sure the new hardware is installed correctly. Furthermore, it was not doing this for the first few months of having the video card installed. This is very recent, so I don't understand what it could be

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Sleep Doesn't Sleep Anymore - Just Goes To Login Screen

Jul 30, 2009

For some reason, my 'sleep' has stopped working - either from the sleep button, or on the Start button option.

Now it just goes to the user login screen.

Has always worked perefctly until today.

Weird. Any ideas?

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