Scheduler Fails While Trying To Wake Windows From Sleep / Hibernation

May 2, 2012

I've got it to work flawlessly on my desktop, however on my laptop, a Dell D630, I can't seem to get it to work. I've created a task triggering on a specific time and running the operation '/c "exit"', which should just start a command prompt and close it again. I've set it to "run with highest privileges" and "wake the computer to run this task". However, it just doesn't boot as scheduled.

The history of the scheduler says nothing at the moment that the trigger is set to go off, but a minut later (probably when I manually boot) I get a "Task scheduler "{....}" instance of the task "Wakeup" due to a time trigger condition."

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Can't Wake-up From Sleep/hibernation?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to say 2 days ago, my computer has decided to fail when going to sleep. It is Windows 7, completely updated with no problems to that point. When it falls asleep and I wake it up, the machine starts up and is active, but my monitors and external hard drive are never turned on as they once were and the machine just sits there running with a black screen. I restart, boot back into Windows and it says resume (as if it was in hibernation, but I have hybrid sleep on) and I just get a flashing underscore and no more. I restart once again, it says Windows could not restore the session, I start a new session and all is good again... until the computer falls asleep and the process starts over.

I have tried turning off hybrid sleep. No good. I have tried using hibernation instead of sleep. Same error. I found online where someone said they had this problem with an ATI card, but once the upgraded the Catalyst Control Center and drivers, they had no problems. That did no good. The only update I've done recenly is Firefox, but I have not seen any other reports of the newest Firefox causing sleep problems. I read where someone had a problem with waking up from sleep mode because of Firefox's memory leaks and they said closing Firefox before putting it to sleep helped.It does not matter if I put it to sleep and wake it up immediately or if it goes to sleep and when I get home from work, boot it up. The same thing happens no matter the length of time.I have a dual boot with Ubuntu, but that has been on there for months with no errors and Ubuntu will sleep and wake up just fine. There have been no hardware changes or any hardware driver changes other than the video card. I tried rolling back video card drivers to see if there was a difference with no change. My ASRock MB has the most up to date BIOS that has been out for over a year. My video card is a 5770, but like I said, I've tried older and new drivers. I tried the prevx black screen fix with no luck.

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Wake The PC From Sleep/hibernation When Power Comes Up?

Apr 20, 2011

I live in a place where we have power shortages from time to time. I have my Dell desktop pc attached to a UPS and i have configured the pc to go to sleep after 5 minutes when on UPS. Is there anyway to wake up the pc automatically once the power is on? I have connected my UPS with USB cable to the pc, and the pc treats the UPS as a battery. I use this pc as a media centre so this feature is something i really need.

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Windows Fails To Wake From Sleep Then Corrupts Boot?

Apr 24, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Pro x64 and I am having an issue where my computer goes into sleep mode, fails to wake from sleep, strangely resumes its state once I do a cold restart, and then after restarting again, refuses to boot.Computer goes to sleep based on the time set in the Balance Power options scheme. Fine. Often, computer wakes up perfectly fine from moving the mouse or pressing a key. Fine. Very occasionally however, upon waking up the computer, the lights, keyboard lights, fans and everything else except for the display comes on. I am forced to do a cold shutdown by pressing the reset button. Upon booting up, Windows displays "Restarting Windows" rather than "Starting Windows" and resumes its state when it went to sleep. Strange but OK. Everything seems to work normally. The problems come in when I then do a shutdown or restart after it has resumed from the cold shutdown. The computer shuts down perfectly fine but during the next boot, freezes right during the animation of the windows logo and immediately restarts the computer and launches into the DOS-looking prompt asking whether I want to do a Startup Repair because the computer failed to boot.

I have tried Startup Repair from HD and from the Windows disc and neither have done anything. I am usually forced to just reformat everything and start anew. This problem recently started occurring after I installed an Intel X-25m 120GB ssd and put the Windows partition on it. I'm not sure if that's related to the problem. Also, all of my power options are set to the Windows default.

My hardware is:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 factory 2.4Ghz
RAM: Corsair Dominator DDR2 4x1GB
HDD: Intel X25m SSD 120GB (Windows) + Seagate 400GB HDD (everything else)
Mobo: Intel DG965OT
Video: ATI HIS Radeon HD 5770

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Fails To Wake From Sleep?

Jan 8, 2012

Read most of the many threads on this subject. I have turned off Sleep using Control Panel, Editing the Registry, disabling hybrid computer as described in this forums tutorial.The Start/Sleep button is not grayed out and still shuts down the computer although the automatic timed sleep mode seems to be eliminated. Moving or clicking the mouse does not wake up the computer as originally. I have to remove the power cord for a few minutes and then press the power button. I think the computer then comes back up w/o the windows sign-on window as if awakening from Sleep. Windows 7 initializtion is very slow.

Problem with Sleep arose after installing an external drive enclosure with a sata hd and using the esata interface which did not work and caused loss of 2nd internal hard drive.I do not mind the automatic sleep mode if the computer would awaken properly.Forgot to mention the following: Even though the Sleep recovery does not work, the computer responds to Restart and turn on from power shut down normally in its usual quick fashion.

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Hibernation Works Randomly / WHEA Logger Event 18 When Hibernation Fails

Dec 8, 2012

When I put my computer in hibernation, sometimes when I wake it, it hangs at the user select screen, or it just shows a black screen. Sometimes I can reset the computer after it has hanged, and try again resuming from hibernation, and many times it will work after a couple of tries. Other times after resetting I won't get the prompt to try again with resuming (the other option is to delete hibernation data and reboot the system) but I will get the usual screen that says that Windows was not shut down correctly (with all the options for safe mode, etc). If I cannot resume and I get the screen with safe mode and all the other crap, I finally log in I get a notice that there was a critical error, in the details I see BlueScreen and other data, but I actually never get a blue screen. In the dump folder, there are no dmp files related to the hibernation hanging.

Anyway, when it happens, I see several Event 18 WHEA-Logger in the event viewer, about 6 of them every time.What's weird though, is that I literally have NO problems with this computer other than this. The only times it hangs is when I resume it from hibernation. I can play games or run stress tests with or without overclock and the system is 100% stable. But there is some problem that prevents it from resuming from hibernation correctly, so every time I use it is basically a gamble because it has like 50% chance of working.I tried EVERY SINGLE solution I found with google related to hibernation problems, and it's still there. I even formatted and reinstalled Windows from scratch, and it's still there. I'm positive I updated every single driver for every hardware I have and nope, no solution.I know the WHEA error is related to the hardware but like I said, everything works PERFECTLY once the system starts up properly, or when it resumes from hibernation properly. [code]

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Task Scheduler Won't Wake Computer?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm trying to use WIN7 task scheduler to wake the computer and run a program. I have checked "Wake computer to run task", but the task doesn't run until I manually wake the computer---then it runs correctly. Are there any other setting I need to adjust to allow task schedule to wake the computer

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Task Scheduler Doesn't Wake Up Computer

Nov 16, 2011

I noticed somehow my username is logged off if the computer sleeps too long (like during night). If I test the task behind my computer and let the computer sleep for a short while, it automatically awakes.

If I allow the computer sleep automatically and for long periods of time, then it somehow doesn't awake the computer anymore. In Task Scheduler I got the error message like: Task has not been executed cause user isn't logged on (this is translated).

So somehow the user is logged off after the computer goes in sleep mode automatically.

For now, I checked in Tab General for the specific Task:

* Highest Privelages, and

* also I changed "configuring for Windows 7 (I used setting for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)

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Laptop Wouldn't Wake Up From Hibernation

May 23, 2011

Earlier today, my laptop wouldn't wake up from hibernation, so i restarted it. I got it started and it said there was a windows error and suggested i boot up as normal. I did that and it was all running fine. But the sound wasn't working! The issue of sound not working has happened before so i just restarted the computer (because that has fixed the problem in the past). It started the boot up as normal and almost made it to the log in screen, but wouldn't pass the black screen before the log in. I thought that was very odd so i restarted it after waiting about ten minutes of nothing happening. It then started up with the suggestion to run the start up repair program. I highlighted that and hit enter. it started up, went to a black screen, then after about 3 or 4 minutes, loaded what looked like a blueish wallpaper. it didn't do anything after that for about 15 minutes, then it loaded the repair program. I ran that for 40 minutes but it didn't appear to do anything so i hit cancel. It then gave me the option to do a system restore, which i did. I restored my system to about 2 weeks ago, seeing as i didn't have any problems 2 weeks ago. It restarted and booted up, this time staying on the black screen for about 3 minutes, then going to the log in. It logged in perfectly fine, but there's still no sound. I tried opening the troubleshooter, but it won't open. For some reason, Google chrome works fine, and task manager does too, but some programs won't open. It's like, they try to open, and the task manager says they're running, but they won't appear on screen. Programs like, Steam client, iTunes, System recovery. Those were three different ones that i tried and didn't work. It appears to be quite random. I tried running Boost speed to see if it could diagnose a problem, but it said that it couldn't connect to the drives. I ran my antivirus software to see if it was a virus causing the problem, but it came up with the same error! I really am at a loss for what's going on! This laptop is only 5 or 6 months old. The drives shouldn't be failing already. [code]

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Laptop Doesn't Wake Up From Hibernation

Feb 11, 2013

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post laptop HP ProBook 4540s..i just bought it...i make it to go to stanby mode..but when i press the ON button..from the lights I see the laptop is ON..i hear windows sounds..but I don't see any picture..if I'm not mistaken it happens with both standby and hibernation modes

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Computer Fail To Wake Up Correctly After Hibernation?

Nov 28, 2011

Here's my problem:I have a netbook (HP mini 311) that came with Windows XP, and then I've installed windows 7 on it.When the computer goes to hibernation either because the battery is getting too low or that I close the lid (as I choosed these in the power options) , the computer won't successfully boot up to the "Resuming windows" screen. And what I should do is to turn it on and off 3 times, and so it starts normally (to resume windMore notes: at first boot screen (where the hp logo is) , at the bottom right of it, there's usually a "Press esc for startup options" text, that doesn't appear by the 3 first boot ups tries.

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Wake Computer From Hibernation To Stream (xBox 360)?

Mar 26, 2011

Is it possible to wake my computer from hibernation to stream content to, lets say, an Xbox 360? Then after its done streaming put the computer back to sleep?

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Xcopy Script Fails In Task Scheduler?

Dec 5, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and created a small batch file to xcopy the contents of a folder to another folder.

xcopy "C:UsersBobDocumentsQuickbooksAttachCanterbury House 2013" C:document-backup /i /s /y
@Echo off


It works correctly it I manually run the script (double click the batch file) but it never executes when the time comes under the task scheduler. It just says that either it was ended by the user, which it was not, or it just says it is running.

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Task Scheduler Fails When Running VB Compile EXE?

Jul 7, 2010

I created an exe with Visual Studio 2010 to automate the execution of a 2nd program.This exe requires 2 command line arguments.When I run this exe from a Short cut with the arguments defined everything works as desired.However, when I make a Scheduled Task to run this exe, the 2nd program does not get run and I get various results in the Last Run Status - most of the time the result is 0x41306.The task is set up as follows:

- run whether user is logged in or not
- run with highest privileges
- configure for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 although using Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 does not work either
- the schedule is set up and enabled
- the actions point to the exe create by VB
- the only conditions set is to wake computer to run
- settings are allow task to be run on demand / stop task if running more than 3 days / if task does not end when requested force it to stop

From the task history I get the following logs:

Task Scheduler successfully completed task "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" , instance "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" , action "C:UsersSunday ServicesDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsWireCastLauncherWireCastLauncherinReleaseWireCastLauncher.exe" with return code 3762504530.

Task Scheduler successfully finished "{54a20687-ad3b-405a-a7a9-2c89cb43ce76}" instance of the "Netro-Wirecast-464-1100" task for user "HBCMP3RECORDERSunday Services".

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Windows 7 Does Not Reload After Hibernation / Sleep

Sep 13, 2011

This happens very frequently. It happens on and off. I am running Windows 7 professional on Dell Inspiron E1505 and when my computer goes into hibernation ( it doesn't matter if it's on battery or plugged in), sometimes I can reload the computer physically. Sometimes or most times, it shows a black screen and I have to manually shut the PC up and then reload it losing everything which I had before going into hibernation.

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New Windows 7 Now BSOD After Sleep/hibernation?

May 14, 2012

I built a new computer with:

I7 2600k
MSI Z77-gd55 motherboard
4 gb of ddr3 crucial 1066 ram
1 tb WDEARX Caviar HD (op sys)
1 tb seagate barracuda
Corsair AX750 Gold PSU
Nvidia EVGA gtx 560 2gb

I installed a clean windows 7 installation, Worked fine for a bit and now when I put it into sleep mode it BSOD coming out. In hibernation it requires me to hit the power button to come back and when it does it just comes up with a windows black screen with white lighting saying "windows could not recover the data to load windows" then i need to coose to loose the data and restart or try and load the data (which never works).I have the minidump file that I ran in debugger and and analyzed, which I am pasting here since idk how to upload it;

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidump�51112-28735-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available


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Frequent BSOD After Windows Goes To Sleep/Hibernation

Apr 13, 2012

I've been getting frequent BSOD after Windows goes to Sleep. I'm getting BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO, KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and CRITICAL_OPJECT_TERMINATION errors pretty regularly. I ran chkdsk on my C: drive and got a registry file failure. This is a fairly recent build (<8 months).


OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit retail
CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard: ASUS P8P67 Pro
Memory: PNY 4GB DDR3 PC3-10666; PNY 2x@GB DDR3 PC3-10666
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
Monitor(s) Displays: Dell S199WFP; Generic PnP Monitor
Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900; 1280 x 1024
Hard Drives:
Seagate 1TB SATA (ST3100003 40AS SCSI)
Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB, 32 MB Cache (WDC WD20 EADS-00R6B0 SCSI)

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Windows Doesnt Go Into Sleep / Hibernation Mode When Battery Low?

Jul 21, 2012

I am having a problem where my laptop doesn't got into sleep / hibernation mode when the battery is running low. It just shuts down suddenly causing the machine to give me an error about not been shut down property upon reboot.

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Windows 7 Sleep Does A Hibernate Also; Won't Wake Up

Jun 2, 2011

I have a curious problem with sleep mode on my Win7 build. These issues are usually traced to needing an updated driver for the video card, but I have the most recent one and it didn't make a difference.

My system specs can be seen by clicking on More Information under my avatar, then Member Configuration. Win7 on an SSD on an Asus P7C55D Deluxe.

When I select "Sleep" from the shutdown menu, the system does go into what I usually see for sleep mode. It powers down the monitor and the moving drives, and the power light goes into a slow blink state. So far, normal. If I press the power button to come out of sleep, drives spin but the monitor does not come on and I can't do anything. Not what one wants, but not unusual if there are drivers or hardware that do not support sleep mode.

Then I pressed the hard-reset button. BIOS started as expected, but when it came time to start Win7 it restored the last session state, as if coming out of hibernate. That's unexpected: It went into the sleep state, but also wrote out hiberfile.sys. Or was that "it hibernated, but also went into sleep state?"

And Hibernate does not appear on my Shutdown menu as a choice. So for a while, I would select Sleep, cut power, and reboot. Recently, I assigned the Hibernate function to the power button, and I get a clean Hibernate when I press that button.

how I can get true Sleep mode? This same machine does true Sleep mode in XP if I boot my XP drive, with the same video card and even the same ancient SCSI card.

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Windows 7 PC Won't Wake From Longer Sleep

Feb 8, 2013

I recently built my first PC - AMD FX8350 on an Asus M5A88M motherboard. Running Windows 7, set up mostly as default. Newest drivers on everything.

The sleep functionality (using the default Balanced mode) had been working fine as far as I could tell. I'd walk away from the computer for a while, or leave it on overnight, and come back to find it asleep. A few taps on the keyboard or a push of the flashing power button would wake it up.

Recently, I've been having trouble waking the computer from longer sleeps (overnight). Nothing seems to wake it - the mouse, the keyboard, or the power button - I get no fans or anything, the system seems locked up tight. I actually have to switch off the power supply and then turn it back on. Only after that can I hit the power button and it resumes. For short sleeps (a couple of hours), everything works as it should.

I only have it set to sleep after 30 minutes (hybrid sleep actually). I have hibernate set to never. Monitor turns off after 10 minutes. Hard drives off after 20 minutes. These are the default settings for Balanced. As far as I can tell, there should be no difference to Windows if the PC has been sleeping for 1 hour or 12 hours, there are no different settings that kick in after a longer period of time.

Recently I converted from a PS/2 to a USB keyboard - that's been the only change. When I run powercfg, it shows the mouse, keyboard, and Realtek device (presumably the power button) as the ones that would wake the computer.

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Windows 7 Randomly Goes Into Sleep Mode, Will Not Wake?

Oct 3, 2012

This is now my third time with this problem, the first required me to restore to factory settings. These last two seem to have been triggered by a power flicker at my residence. The power momentarily flickered long enough for my computer to shut down. After booting the computer seems fine until approx 5-10 min later it will enter sleep mode no matter what I am actively doing on the pc. I fixed the second time with a restoration to two days before the incident. This time I restored to that same point and it still has the problem. Power settings are on high performance with sleep and hibernate set to never.

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Hibernation/sleep Settings

Jul 16, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium. I have the system set up to run two applications at certain times - Norton Scans being one.

Yesterday, it missed a scan and I suspect it was because of the power saving options - the computer is set to go to sleep after 30 minutes.

Does anyone know whether that is the case and if there is anyway to set up the power saving so that any timed applications will run OK?

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BSOD After Sleep And Hibernation?

Oct 28, 2012

BSOD at many random time
Dump File : 102712-27050-01.dmp
Crash Time : 10/27/2012 5:53:42 PM
Bug Check String : BAD_POOL_CALLER
Bug Check Code : 0x000000c2
Parameter 1 : 0x00000007


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Windows 7 Blue Screen On Sleep Mode Wake Up

Apr 18, 2012

I've been having a problem with Windows 7 recently on my new computer that I just got a couple weeks ago. The problem is that my computer will have a blue screen error when waking from sleep mode. I don't see the blue screen at all, instead, when waking from sleep mode, I see the BIOS screen and then it goes through the typical startup process as if the computer had been powered OFF instead of put into sleep mode (however, I know it was properly in sleep mode, as the power light on my tower flashes continually rather than shutting off during this mode). I get the message that Windows did not shut down properly and have the option to boot into safe mode, etc. When I boot back into normal mode I receive a message in Windows saying windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. [code] However, when I tried to install the hotfix, I was given the message "This update does not apply to your system", which I have read may be an indicator that the update has already been installed? I have run Chkdsk on drive C successfully, and I have installed every available windows update as of today (Apr 14, 2012)

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Hibernation And Sleep Modes Don't Work

Mar 26, 2012

I have, in my Control Panel, timers set for both Sleep mode and Hibernation modes (Advanced settings). However, neither one of them ever functions.

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Laptop Wakes Itself Up From Sleep Or Hibernation?

Dec 21, 2011

when i did the powercfg -LASTWAKE, it didn't show the wake source, same thing in event viewer, how do i know what's causing this?

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

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Timed Shortcut For Sleep / Hibernation?

Jun 17, 2010

so I have 10,000msecond(2.7hour) shortcut to shutdown my computer ("C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 10000") which i use for watching films before bed, just encase i sleep half way through but I was wondering if there was a way to make a similar shortcut but instead of making your computer shutdown in a few hours make it sleep in a few hours time. Now I know how to make a sleep shortcut but that makes the computer sleep instantly, and putting "-t 10000" at the end of "C:WindowsSystem32 .exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0" doesnt work. Apparently their is a way to do it if you install some software but I don't want that.

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Monitor Is Black After Sleep Mode But Not Hibernation?

Sep 14, 2011

The thread title about sums it up! When I try to wake my computer from sleep mode, my monitor gets no signal/is black. The "rest" of the computer seems to wake up just fine.

The monitor was working fine with Windows Server 2008, after sleep mode, but I just recently upgraded to windows 7.

I have already tried: displayswitch /extend displayswitch /internal in a .bat file

using "Hibernate Trigger", "Power Triggers" and Windows task sheduler.

Doesn't work at all for me (I've got Windows 7 Proffesional 32-bit Service Pack 1)

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Hibernation Or Sleep Loses Internet Connectivity

Feb 10, 2011

Whatever modem/router I use (except my old 2Wire that died in Dec. 2010), I lose connectivity after I resume/wakeup. The tray icon says "connected", but my browser (Firefox) or my email client (Thunderbird) say "no"!

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PC Refuses To Remain In Sleep/Hibernation Mode?

Dec 7, 2011

I recently formatted, and since, my pc refuses to remain in Sleep/Hibernation mode. When I select the option in the start menu, my pc does its thing, once it enters sleep/hibernation, it instantly powers back up. I have changed nothing to my pc's hardware since the format, and this issue never occurred before hand.

Some of the things I have tried are making sure the power management setting were correct. I also hard reset my motherboards cmos to manufacturer settings.

The above seemed to make no difference.

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ASUS UX21 Crashing After Waking From Sleep / Hibernation

Apr 12, 2012

I have an ASUS Zenbook UX21E, 128SSD, 4GB RAM, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits.I'm having a problem with Windows crashing and rebooting after waking up from sleep or hibernation. It manages to show the welcome screen (whre you put your password) but after a few seconds it reboots.i'm attaching the Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML files. My System Health Report file is in Spanish, I hope it is still usefull. Further information:

- Windows OEM versi, original installation.
- I have uninstalled all ASUS utilities related to power management
- The computer is from january 2011.

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