BSOD When Waking Computer & Randomly Dismounting HDD

Mar 21, 2012

I've been having two main problems recently. One being a BSOD upon waking up a sleeping/hibernating computer and two being a randomly dismounting HDD.The former problem has been happening for well over a year, but I've just kind of ignored it. Recently, my computer's starting to BSOD even when its not waking up, so I thought I might want to finally take a look into what's happening. If anyone would be kind enough to tell me how to post dump logs, I will gladly supply them.The latter problem also is a recent occurrence and happens sporadically. I know this isn't the exact forum to post this in, but I thought I'd mention it to see if it is somehow connected. Sometimes I'll try to access Mozilla or a shortcut on my desktop and a message will pop up, notifying me that that file is unavailable for access. Then I check "computer" and see that my main data drive (the HDD) has disappeared! This problem remedies itself once I've restarted my computer but is still none-the-less disconcerting. Does this hint at a failing hard drive? It's important to note that when I try to back up the HDD or check disk it, it usually will disappear in the middle of my attempts, or my computer will BSOD and fail to complete the tests.

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Computer Will BSOD After Waking Up From It's Sleep

Jul 25, 2011

My computer will BSOD after waking up from it's sleep. Now it wasn't a usual occurrence, it just lagged but lately it always went to blue screen after waking up.I checked, there are no Flash Drives plugged in, but the USB for the wireless mouse is plugged in but that never had any affect before.

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BSOD After Computer Sleeps/hibernates A Few Minutes After Waking?

May 9, 2012

Recently (for the last few months), I've been having a problem where if I sleep/hibernate my laptop (Dell XPS 15), whether that be by shutting the lid or manually, upon waking I receive a BSOD after 5-20 minutes. The message presented is a DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FALIURE. Interestingly, until the crash my USB ports also stop working completely.I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64, which is NOT the original install, but a new one made from a retail CD. I installed this straight after getting the laptop (July 2010), and had no problems until mid-March.

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PC Randomly Freezing While Inactive Or Upon Waking Up

Apr 19, 2012

I was hit with a smarthdd infection, which has been successfully removed. However, (whether related to it or not ?) after having this infection the pc has been randomly "not responding". It may go for 24+ hours and not freeze up at all and I think it's fixed, but then it does it again. It usually happens more over a longer period of inactivity, but not always.If I leave the pc alone, the screen saver comes on and does it's thing. But sometimes when I come back, move the mouse, click on an icon and I get that little blue circle spinning (windows "not responding"). Then mouse and keyboard commands are non responsive - the mouse does move around the screen with no problem. I have to hold the power button down to shut off, upon restart the pc runs absolutely fine, from what I can see.When it freezes, sometimes the taskbar (usually hidden) will pop up, other times no. I have a desktop gadget clock installed and have seen when it has frozen, which is prior to when I have attempted to wake up the pc, not AT the time of wake up. I haven't had any issues of it freezing while using the pc (working offline, browsing, music, video etc). The machine is working very well, other than for this random exception.

I have played with power settings - thinking that it may have to do with the machine sleeping and not waking up, but even if I have it set to "never sleep", it still freezes.This seems to be a common issue but very difficult for a "non expert" to diagnose/navigate on my own.

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Laptop Randomly Waking From Hibernation Mode?

Sep 9, 2012

this morning I woke up to find my laptop was active and I was worried it might overheat now the past few days it has been doing and I did some research, and I am wondering should I make it so that tasks can't wake the machine up?

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Computer Turns Off Randomly - No BSOD

Mar 3, 2012

I'm having some problems with my computer shutting down randomly. No BSOD. I just reset the BIOS and removed a single GPU, so I am no longer in SLI mode.

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BSOD Randomly Computer Restarts?

Mar 24, 2012

My Compaq Presario GQ60 started BSODing out of nowhere on the 22 Ive tried just about everything

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Computer Shutting Off Randomly - NO BSOD?

Apr 9, 2012

i have a basic, stock HP Pavilion m8109n PC. I moved about a month ago and out of no where it started randomly shutting off with NO BSOD, most commonly when I'm watching a movie, browsing the internet, or doing any day-to-day tasks. I'm fairly familiar with all things computer, but not having any BSOD to work with inhibited me from easily diagnosing the problem. I did a clean install of Windows, but it kept crashing. I assumed this meant it's the hardware.My first thought was heat. I checked the temperatures on all the sensors�everything from a cold start to seconds before it crashed�but all the temperatures were within range, even under heavy load. It doesn't seem to crash as frequently or at all when I leave the computer idle; it only seems to crash when I'm doing something on it. But assuming the sensor readouts are accurate, I moved on. The only way to successfully reproduce the crash is to plug in my D-LINK USB Wireless Network adapter. I have no idea why this causes it to crash, as it happens with or without software/drivers installed, but it does. I figured this might mean it's the power supply. I bought a new one, plugged it in, but the crashes still happened. It wasn't the power supply.

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BSOD Computer Keeps Randomly Crashing?

May 1, 2012

My comp has been BSOD or it will just freeze up and do nothing. Only been happening since friday night. Seems to run fine but if i start to game or do anything will last for a bit and then crash or freeze. Ran memtest and my memory seemed fine. Also reinstalled my graphics card drivers but that didnt seem to

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Computer Randomly Shutting Down, No BSOD

Jan 22, 2013

For the last 2-3 hours i've been experiencing random shutdowns. No visual cues, no BSOD, just shuts down. here are my specs (computer only 6months old);

Mobo - MSI 870 G45
CPU: Phenom x4 955
RAM: 12GB DDR3-1600MHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD6670
HDD: Western Digital WD Blue WD5000AAKS
PSU: Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus RS500-PCARD3 500-Watt

Win 7 home premium 64bit

No overclocks, only BIOS settings changed were the voltages on my ram (over a month ago) edit: thinking it might be my PSU failing... should i just buy another one? if so what would be compatible>?

btw, eventviewer doesn't point to anything specific just says the shutdown was unexpected and i ran sfc scannow already.

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Computer Freezing Randomly And Getting BSOD

Sep 9, 2011

my computer is randomly freezing dont actually show the bluescreen it just restarts.But it is making a dump file and has the windows has recovered saying it did bluescreen. I have tried various different driver for my gfx card which i have a Nvidia 450GTS. This is only happening on the 64bit version of Windows 7 my 32 bit had no problems never even crashed on me.can run my linux without no problems too. the dump file displays these files were cause of the crash.

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BSOD Regularly But Randomly, Even When Computer Was Idle?

May 9, 2012

Purchased the computer late Oct 2011, only 2 month old when system would randomly blue screen and restart at regular interval (about couple times within few hours of each other every 9-10 days). Current OS came OEM with the system, I have not re-installed OS but is considering it.More on the Window 7 installed here:64 bitWindows 7 Enterprise, SP1, came pre-installed with the computer.I have followed the steps to zip Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 folder & the PERFMON HTML file.

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BSOD Randomly Occurring During Normal Computer Use

Nov 29, 2011

As of yesterday morning this computer I am typing from has started crashing to BSOD at (what seems to be) random at intervals from 2 minutes to 2 hours.

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BSOD On New Computer During Office Install And Randomly After That

Jan 30, 2012

New computer build, I have been getting a few BSODs. First one was when I was trying to install office 2010 from CD, then after that it happens once or twice a day. Seemingly random. It did happen again when i was running utorrent pretty hard, which downloads directly to an external hard drive. Not sure if that could be it, not running utorrent it seems pretty stable, but I could be wrong.

win 7 x64 home premium
i5 2500 lga1155
asus p8z68-M pro
mushkin 16gb ddr3 ram
patriot wildfire 120gb ssd
WD cav. green 500gb sata3
seasonic 520w ps

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BSOD - Computer Randomly Restarts, Sometimes Freezes

Apr 6, 2012

my computer has been freezing and randomly restarting the last couple of days.

When it restarts sometimes it has to boot a couple of times, it seems as though it can' boot the BIOS, the bios splash screen is also different, this also changed 2 days ago. The first couple of times it froze, now it just restarts randomly. I suspect the motherboard.

System Info:

- x64 Windows 7 Professional
- Full Retail
-Age of system hardware: 4 years
-Age of OS installation 6 months

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BSOD - Computer Randomly Crashing After Going To Sleep

May 22, 2012

My computer has been randomly crashing after it goes to sleep. After trying to find answers by searching, it seems like it may have to do with a driver, but I can't understand the dmp files. I also cannot open the xml file. Attached is the message I get when I start the computer again. I tried to attach the dmp and xml files, but it says I do not have permission when I click "open" to upload them. I am running Windows 7 x64.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 9f
BCP1: 0000000000000003
BCP2: FFFFFA8005A5A060
BCP3: FFFFF8000403D518
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump 52012-23134-01.dmp
Read our privacy statement online: [URL]
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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BSOD Occurs Randomly And Restarts Computer

Sep 3, 2012

I can be doing anything (I work on my computer I don't play games) so my normal activity is forums, skype, ftp..etc.I have not been able to identify any particular pattern or software when it happens, but the one thing that does happen is when it first happens, it says "Bad header Pool" then restarts, and it is merely a matter of minutes before it happens again.

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Computer Randomly Freezes During Gaming (BSOD Error)

May 22, 2011

When i play league of legend while using skype, my computer tend to freeze and stops functioning. This is a recent problem which has not happened before in the past.

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Previously Got BSOD, No Longer Happens However Computer Randomly Slows

Dec 22, 2011

Basically, my problem is that randomly next to EVERYTHING will stop responding for about five minutes, except the lower profile applications such as teamspeak and mIRC, and its been happening since july. Then, it will work again for a bit and then it will happen again. I got windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

When it first started, it would freeze so bad that it would BSOD, but that has not happened recently, however sometimes even TS and mIRC won't respond, and you can't open any new programs up while its in this cycle plus 99% of the time explorer.exe stops responding as well. We think the problem started happening when we did the windows updates, we didn't do all of them but we did the majority of them at that time, but it may of just been a coincidence. It will happen basically no matter what i got open, if its just Fire Fox or if i got FireFox, WoW, Diablo 2, TS, mIRC all open.

I just recently upgraded to service pack 1, and the problem still occurs. I've ran CCleaner, malwarebyes, anti virus, and all came up with little to no malicious activity

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BSOD Randomly After About 30 Minutes Of Computer Use, Error 0x0f4

Sep 11, 2012

I am also using BlueScreenView but I don't understand the codes for this to know what is the cause. SEQUENCE OF SYMPTOMS: First application I am on freezes, cursor is waiting (cursor freezes and resumes, then freezes again). Windows Explorer freezes as well (turning white and then disappearing to only desktop wallpaper). All application closes as if it were restarting. Error windows pop up for applications, such as C++, security programs, browsers...

[B]Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.


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BSOD Waking From Hibernate?

Oct 8, 2012

Just built the girlfriend a computer:

Asrock Z77 Extreme4
Ivybridge i5 3570k
2x4GB Crucial DDR3 1600 DIMMs
OCZTech 600W PSU
Generic CDRom, Seagate HDDs mirrored, WD Primary HDD.
No GPU connected as she won't need one.

At first I tried a mild overclock at 4.4ghz and stability tested with P95 for a few hours with no errors at all. Everything worked fine!Come time for her to actually use it, of course, BSOD's ensued, followed by boot looping.Boot loop would not stop until one of the DIMMs was removed.Naturally I thought the RAM was the culprit and tested the sticks using Memtest86, 4 passes each with no errors.Next tried single sticks of RAM in each slot, booted up fine. Tried with two sticks (1&3, 2&4), and it seemed to work fine if booting from a clean shutdown (as opposed to BSOD).Reverted to default BIOS settings and it seemed to help a little, as in it would actually wake from Hibernate a few times, but then out of nowhere would BSOD again.I read somewhere that a bent cpu pin might do this, but since a single stick worked on each of the 4 slots, I think this can be ruled out.BIOS are upto date with latest 2.20 version as well.Right now the computer is working fine with only one stick of RAM, the last BSOD happened with two sticks in, opening up Photoshop and InDesign at the same time with stock BIOS settings.

Code: ==================================================
Dump File : 100812-23337-01.dmp
Crash Time : 10/8/2012 10:55:04 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000000a
Parameter 1 : 00000000`0013213f


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BSOD When Waking Up From Sleep?

Jul 21, 2012

My computer fails about 1/4 of the time when waking up from standby (sleep). I've attached all the necessary files.

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BSOD When Waking From Sleep And Hibernate

Oct 8, 2012

I've tried removing AVG using their removal tools and instructions. I've tried fully removing my video and mobo drivers with driver sweeper and installing the latest GPU and Motherboard drivers and flashed the latest Motherboard BIOS. I've scoured forum after forum and seen similar issues and tried countless solutions. I haven't seen someone with my -exact- problem and -exact- spec/error reports so I'm caving lol. I build and maintain PC's as a hobby and I like to solve problems on my own know-how but I am at wits end with this BSOD.

Quick specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
8 gigs DDR3 Gskil
AMD Phenom II X4 955 Denab
Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 (x2 SLI)
Asus M4N75TD nForce 740a Malwarebytes Antimalware

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BSOD While Waking Laptop From Sleep

Jan 21, 2012

So i've recently been getting a BSOD in Windows 7 after waking my PC from Sleep. [code]

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BSOD Usually Upon Waking Up From Sleep, 10331e?

Jun 28, 2012

I sometimes will wake up my computer and it restarts itself, it gives me this error upon startup again.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1e


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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Or Hibernate

Jul 9, 2012

BSOD on an Acer Aspire 5750. It is pretty much brand new, but I have been trouble shooting this for about 3 weeks and have just now learned about the dmp files but am not yet good at reading them.

BlueScreenView seems to point to some kernel exe that is at the very core of Windows 7, but from what I have read it is most surely a driver as it only happens when waking up from sleep.

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Getting BSoD After Waking Up From Sleep Cause: Intelppm.sys

Sep 13, 2012

I just did a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit on my computer and am having a bit of a problem, whenever I put the computer to sleep and wake it up it gives me the BSoD with intelppm.sys as the cause. Does anyone know what this driver is and what it does, any update to stop BSoD etc... Before the fresh install it worked fine with no BSoD, I have check for viruses, I have also installed the drivers I installed before. [code]

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Windows 7 X64

Sep 18, 2012

I have a HP Pavillion dv6 which originally came with Windows Vista Home Premium x32, recently upgraded to Win 7 x64 clean install, and has been relatively problem-free. But, everytime laptop sleeps, I get a BSOD upon waking up every single time! updated all drivers to latest (compatible with win 7 x64). even updated BIOS. d

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Mode

Nov 2, 2012

I have been getting BSODs after waking my computer up after stand by. I've tried Googling the situation as well as performing basic troubleshooting tasks such as sfc, chkdsk, virus scans... no luck. According to the event viewer, it says :

"The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.
The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff8800f20044c, 0xfffff8800679e378, 0xfffff8800679dbd0).
A dump was saved in: C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 110112-8190-01."

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BSOD Occasionally After Waking Up From Sleep Mode?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm assuming its a driver problem, does BSOD only around every 5 times after I wake it from sleep mode.System Specs:Windows 7Home Premiumx64 bitOEMThe entire system is a little under 2 weeks old.

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Mode, Freezing When Idle

Mar 12, 2012

my computer has all of a sudden started to give me a BSOD about a minute after I wake the computer up from Sleep Mode. Also, if I leave the computer for more than 15 minutes I come back and the computer has frozen so I have to manually restart it. Every once in a while I've gotten the BSOD while I'm in the middle of doing something and it's been hours since it was in sleep mode.

So far I've tried to Restore my computer back to before the trouble started, and I've also fully uninstalled my video drivers (ATI Radeon HD 5470), and then installed the newest version from ATI's website.

My computer is Windows 7 64-bit, OEM version from Acer.

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