HP Laptop Windows 7 Won't Start Up And Can't Do A System Restore

May 3, 2012

So the SMART program has warned me about an imminent hard drive crash for a while. Yesterday Windows was installing updates when my dad closed the laptop lid, when I come home afterschool today, I open the lid and it is frozen. Windows warns not to power off during the updates but since it is frozen I have no choice so I power it off. I have constantly getting BSODs, and have to do a system restore everyday so I was not too worried when it wouldn't start up. So i hit f11 when i turn on my computer and it takes me to the HP Recovery Manager, HOWEVER this time the option to do a System Restore was greyed out and I can't click it! I don't have working recovery CDs so what can I do about this?? My new hard drive is also coming in tomorrow, but i won't be able to replace my failing hard drive when my Pc can't even start up now, and I can't do a system recovery to fix it...

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Performed System Restore Now Windows Won't Start

Jul 1, 2011

I was having some problems with my computer. Seemed like it had a minor virus that my Norton wasn't getting rid of. I have all my files backed up so I decided to start with a clean slate and just restore my computer back to factory settings.i have a Dell Inspiron laptop. I performed the Dell DataSafe Restore and Emergency BackUp. I followed all the instructions and everything went fine. It told me it was successful and to restart the computer. I restarted and now Windows 7 will not work.i turn my computer on and a screen comes up that says "Windows Error Recovery" it gives me two options to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally"... Starting normally just sends me backwards. I tried the Start Up Repair and it begins to run and then I get an error that it can not repair. There are some problem details/signatures if that is helpful but I don't understand them.I can't run in safe mode. I never made a set of recovery discs, I only have the disc the computer came with (drivers and software installation).

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No System Restore Points After Windows Wouldn't Start

Nov 25, 2012

I got message in Word that there was insufficienmt memory to perform an operation so I rebooted. My PC wouldn't reboot and there was no last known good configuration so I ended up having to reinstall windows (had only installed it a month ago) Why should there have been no restore pointsa? Doesn't it automatically set them?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Did A System Restore / Now Get A Black Screen When Start Pc

Jan 13, 2012

At first it started with me downloading Cataclyst Control Center to update my graphics card wich is a X-fire ATI 5000 series. There apeared a black border around my screen of around 1 inch, but wherever I chekked the resolution showed it was my native 1920x1080, while still showing the black border.I tried de-installing CCC at that point but it didn't work, I also tried a system restore, but that didn't work either. I formatted my pc to factory defaults at that point.After a month I started using the pc again, and when playing Battlefield 3 I got an error that my graphocs card was failing or something. So this time I went to the device manager and tired updating it there, but it automaticly installed CCC again and my resolution got screwed again.I found a solution from: [Solved] 4870 not displaying 1920x1080 on Acer H233H - ATI - Graphic-Displays."I just went through this myself with an Acer P235H. The problem has nothing to do with Acer, and everything to do with ATI. You see, ATI assumes that you'll use your HDMI cable to hook up to a TV. Since most TVs are configured with overscan (i.e. the edges of the broadcasted image don't appear), ATI aggressively defaults to shrinking the image by 15% when using HDMI to ensure that the entire desktop will be visible.

The solution is to install the ATI Catalyst Control Center, available from their website. There's a section called something like "desktops & displays." On the bottom of that tab will be an area with a small icon of a monitor. Right click on that and select "Configure..." One of the tabs that shows up has a slider for display scaling. Move the slider to 0%, and voila! It was for my wife's computer. I had already promised to reduce the cable clutter by having a single thin cable for both audio and video, so not getting HDMI working would have entailed a serious loss of face."So I tried looking in the CCC, but found no such option, and then went to the website to update CCC. I got the latest version, and again found no such option. I chose to do a system restore and never again try to update my drivers for the sake of having a normal screen.When the restore was finished it automaticly restarted my pc, and I got to the password screen (with normal resolution now) and typed in my password, after that I got a blackish screen with only my mouse on it, wich I could still move.I restared my pc again then and this time I didnt even get to the password screen, it just straight out went to the blackish screen with my mouse on it after the welcome screen.

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Takeown Changed Start Menu, Corrupted System Restore?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently ran into frustration trying to save or make new any files in the root C: directory, with Windows7 Home Premium being set by default, of course, to not allow this. I did a cursory skim of some information online about changing these settings, and made some changes a bit hastily. Specifically, for the C: drive I took ownership of every subdirectory and gave my account full permissions under security. Annoyingly, this didn't fix the original issue of saving to that drive (which I no longer care about anyway), and it caused (at least) two new problems. Now my start menu has far fewer listings than it used to have; I imagine some programs were listed in it based on the previous permissions. I tried to do a system recovery, both through the OS and with a recovery disc, and that does not work either. It lists restore points, but after restarting it says that the restore was unable to complete.Can I fix the permissions and ownership of just the restore directory and program components, enough to run one, and revert?Or, failing that, is there a way to undo recent ownership changes made? I poked around in the Event Viewer, but it's not laid out very clearly.It's ok if it's not possible or easy to do it this way; I can grab just my vital files and completely reinstall Windows if it's absolutely necessary, but it seems excessive. I doubt the system restore files are corrupted. More, let's say, confused.Let me know if you need any of the error message codes. Somehow they never seem useful. Screenshots forthcoming.

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Laptop Crashed After Windows Update - System Restore Disk Did Not Work

Jan 12, 2013

My laptop crashed the other day after a Windows update. To make a long story short it would not boot up. I tried several things to no avail. System restore disc did not work. At this point I thought the hard drive was fried. Finally I stuck the the Windows 7 companion disk and got the system to boot I can tell all my files are there somewhere due to amount of memory taking up on the hard drive. Anyways my main problem it is now asking for the product key although I have 29 days which unfortunately I cannot find. Laptop in question is a Lenovo G550. Where do I go from here? Do I have to purchase a new key? I've been using the laptop since and it seems to be working properly as far as i can tell.

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System Restore On HP Laptop

Dec 7, 2012

i Have HP DV6 laptop..when i received the laptop it had just one partition C: to save all the data the other partition was for system restore as i had heavy softwares and networking based applications which might have proved to be a risk to my os i made another partition of 220 GB now C: has 223GB and new partition has 220GB and the rest is occupied by system restore disk.Now comes my doubt.i want to restore my laptop to the fresh factory settings...want to clean and remove all apps.my question is....if i restore..will the laptop delete the partition i made or will continue.

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Accer Laptop Cant Get The Restore System

Jul 16, 2012

i hav a accraspires736z an when i puch the alt an f10 an go to system recovery it wont let me do a full recovery or the other one, its sayin windows failed to open because the nls data is missing orcorrupt?

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System Restore Compaq Presario Laptop

Dec 31, 2011

my compaq presario laptop was in the middle of an update and the battery died completely. now it will turn on but the monitor wont come on.

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BSOD On Laptop Upon Waking From Sleep, Can't Use System Restore?

Jan 11, 2013

I have been getting BSOD on my laptop for over a month now. It only ever happens upon waking up from sleep, never when starting it up. I've tried to used System Restore but I don't have any restore points that go far back enough. I have tried resetting to factory settings but the same problem has happened again, not sure if it's the same incident because I'd have thought a reset would have solved it, so likewise I'm not sure another reset will change anything. I've done scans with multiple anti-viruses (obviously no two at the same time), and I apparently I don't have a virus. I thought it might have something to do with the registry so I scanned for problems in the registry in both CCleaner, but despite what it tells me, nothing has changed. I also did scans with AVG PC Tune-Up which didn't do anything, either. I was considering booting from an OS disk but I only want to do that as a last resort, and if it's going to work.

Aside from BSOD, other problems include the Flash container plugin crashing midway though Flash videos (which can't be down to Flash player, because I have the latest version), playback lagging in Media Player Classic Home Cinema, even though I have the CCCP codec pack installed, and lastly when playing games, sometimes the .exe will crash or the game will jitter, even offline games, even on low graphic settings, even with the latest graphic card drivers installed.

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Dell Laptop Wont Recover In System Restore?

Oct 17, 2012

I attempt to do a system restore from several dates, keep getting recoveryunsuccessfull, what do I try next ?

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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[System Restore] Scheduling Automated Rollbacks Of System Restore Points?

Aug 10, 2011

Does anyone know how to schedule/automate a rollback to a system restore point at a set time each day?What i'm trying to do is:1. Disable the standard system restore behavior for creating restore points when installing apps and drivers.2. Automatically/schedule a restore point to be created every morning. (probably using Task Scheduler)3. Automatically/schedule a rollback to that morning restore point every night.This should allow users to mess up the workstation during the day, and restore a working rollback point at night when users are not using a workstation.Updates are scheduled at nighttime, so before that happens, it should rollback to a good restore point, apply updates, then create a working "new" restore point with the updates in the morning....etc.

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Laptop Won't Boot Up - Startup Repair And System Restore / None Will Finish

Oct 21, 2012

My Sony vaio just turned off last week and wont boot up. It turns on an flashes Sony vaio but that's all. I made a recovery disk and I can get into bios so I tried booting from internal disk and tried startup repair got nothing, tried system restore for every restore point and none will finish. Took each piece of ram out an tried starting it up to see if bad ram was the problem and it starts the same way. I also tried the restore from previous image but I have no image. So I don't know what else to try. Windows 7

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Laptop Stuck On Acer Software Installation After System Restore?

Aug 27, 2012

Ok, so earlier today i decided that i needed to restore my laptop to factory default. As you can see from the title, i use an acer laptop which means i used the acer Erecovery software. All went well at first, although it took a stangely long time at a screen which said "setup is starting." The problem now is, I am now stuck on the acer 'software installation screen!' It is stuck at 41/48 where it is trying to install clear.fi v1.0. I think i heard the sound of an error earlier which worries me as i dont want to force restart my laptop as it clearly says not to do that and doing this caused my hard-drive to break last time

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Failing Hard Drive On Laptop / System Restore Or Back Up Software?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a failing hard drive on my laptop, when i proceed to buy a new one, what do i need to do to get windows 7 onto the new hard drive? can i do that with system restore or back up software?

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Windows 7 System Restore Doesn't Restore?

Aug 25, 2011

My Windows 7 System Restore doesn't restore. It allows me to set them and tells me they've been done. But on the couple of occasions when I've wanted to use one, no joy. Yes I know I could possibly do it in 'Safe Mode' but that isn't an answer as to why I can't do it in regular mode?

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System Restore Does It Restore Windows 7 Email

Jan 14, 2013

I lost 2987 emails by clicking on email tab in windows task manager All the emails disappeared so now >>??? wondering if Sysytem restore restores email as well with Win 7 are do I have to do like Ive seen ? Go to your documents folder and right click on the folder titled Mail the properties and then the previous versions tab.Click on a restore point from before it was deleted and click restore.

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64bit Laptop Crashed And Won't Start On Safe Mode, System Repair Failed?

Jul 17, 2012

i just crashed som1 64 bit lennovo laptop while i opperate a 32 bit pc dont have any windows system with me,it wont start on safe mode,and system repair has failed many times.the laptop was running on low battry and it shut itself,when i tryed to reboot it,it automaticly went to system repair which failed

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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System Not Dual Boot After System Restore In Windows 7

Oct 19, 2012

Did a system restore in Windows 7 and my dual boot system (Windows 7&XP) won't boot. It's looking for a boot device. When I put in a Hiren boot 10.6 disk, the dual boot option is one of a number of alternatives, and it allows me to get into my pc. How can I get back to having the system work like it did before? So it boots to the dual boot option without Hiren.My SSD drive is the main drive for Windows 7 &XP. It has two partitions.

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Restore Registry From System Restore's Comand Prompt

Jun 26, 2011

So I cleaned my registry using RegSeaker and now my computer BSODs at the 'starting windows' screen, even if I try to start in safe mode. I created a backup of my old registry before cleaning and I can access it using the command prompt that you can access in the system restore options. However, when I try to update the registry with it I get an error message saying 'cannot import.

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System Backup & Restore Will Not Restore Bookmarks Or E-mails?

Feb 9, 2012

OK, so a couple of days ago, my HP desktop crashed and then went through the whole System Recovery loop(I couldn't login to Safe mode, wouldn't let me past the System Recovery Screen). Well I backed up the entire C drive using Backup your files in the menu. Then it shows you all the file types it will back up; i.e photos, videos, e-mails and bookmarks. So I did that to an external hard drive and it comes out to 143GB.Now comes my problem. I've been able to copy everything from the external hard drive using RecoveryMgr.exe which opens the WIM files and saves them to my C: hard drive under System Recovery Files. However it does not seem to work when it comes to putting in my old Thunderbird e-mails, contacts and such or in Firefox to restore my bookmarks, saved passwords.

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Can't Do System Restore , Not Enough Free Space To Restore The Disk

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to restore my computer because it launches into system recovery. After I get to the recovery options I tried to do system restore but it tells me there isn't enough space on the disk.

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Full System Restore/Restore Factory Settings?

Apr 17, 2012

not A legel verison of window 7. wont to restore to factory setings.

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System Restore Failed To Restore (ComPlusStaging Error)?

Jan 18, 2013

I have tried a lot of things and I can't get system restore to work. I don't need to use it but I would like my computer to be working since there is no reason for this not to work. I just keep getting ComPlusStaging failed to obtain original copy from %systemroot%/registration all the time.

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System Restore - How To Restore Backup Created

Aug 26, 2012

I have been have some problems with my HP dv 8500 laptop. It has vista on it. I could not get any windows updates. So I backed up my files to a flashdrive and did a system recovery. I have files on the flash drive but cannot transfer them back to the laptop. I would love it if someone could guide me through the process.

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System Restore Fail On All Available Restore Points

Feb 15, 2012

System restore failed to extract the file. from the restore point. There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on the disk. I get the same message, but with a different file name, with every restore point I try, and I have now tried all seven available restore points, going back to 30 Dec 2011. The computer was working perfectly until 3 days ago when it blue screened, and has not started properly since. It is a Corei5 with 4 GB RAM and is only 12 months old. I just dont believe the drive has that many bad sectors.

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Restore Personal Files After System Restore?

May 19, 2012

my Windows 7 after restoring it to factory configurations. I installed Ubuntu 12.04, the installation smooth as butter, but after a few days of usage, the GRUB system screwed up. After a LOT of problems I managed to restore my Laptop to its default configuration. Then, I tried to restore my personal files with the DVDs I made, but when the manager finished, it only showed a folder with all my files in it! And it didn't give me any option to restore these files or something!

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Windows 7 Don't Start And Can't Even Restore

Aug 21, 2012

I had only one account name anju that was created when I first time started my laptop and this account had admin rights. Yesterday my son created his account test1 and gave admin rights to his account while he was logged in using my account. He also removed admin rights from my account. Now my windows are not starting, not even in the safe mode. When I try to start my computer it give me the option to repair computer. The repair fails and it gives the option for advance recovery, When I choose this option it ask to login. If I choose my account, it does not give option other than repair and it does not work. If I login using my son's account test1 which is now admin, it give the option to restore and dos prompt. If I take restore it says no restore points found. I'm thinking because as my sons account test1 is recently changed to admin, that is why its not finding any restore points. May be the restore points are created under the original admin account which was anju. So I want to assign admin rights to my account anju using dos prompt because windows don't start even in the safe mode.

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