Creating Shortcuts For JPG Images In Folder?

May 4, 2011

I have numerous folders each of which contain jpg images. I need to create shortcuts to all these images but I need the shortcut to be created in the same folder as the original image. How can I do this without selecting each file individually and creating the shortcut? I have tried using the search facility to identify all the jpgs but can only create shortcuts to the desktop this way.

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[IMAGES] All Shortcuts Have Got A Small White Box?

Dec 27, 2011

All shortcuts on my pc have a small white box.The shortcuts are working fine but i want to get rid of that white boxes.I am attaching a screenshot of it and also a screenshot of the latest software i installed on my PC.7626349/yajckesLatest installed software:7626349/kqutdfw

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[IMAGES] Updating Image Preview For Shortcuts?

Mar 2, 2012

I have noticed that if I change the content of a picture,the preview of the original file does change,but not the preview of the shortcutFor example-I created a new PNG file in "New Folder",called Yellow.PNG - Yellow.PNG is a picture of a yellow SquareThen,I created a shortcut for Yellow.PNG in "New Folder 2"The preview for both is yellow square...Then I decided to open Yellow.PNG and change it from yellow square to red square,and saveThe preview image for Yellow.PNG is now red,but the preview image for "shortcut to Yellow.PNG" is still yellow

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Creating Shortcuts With Windows Key?

Jul 1, 2012

The keyboard shortcut WinKey + E opens up windows explorer. Is it possible to make your own custom keyboard shortcuts with the windows key? I've not had any success in mapping the Windows Key.

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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How To Disable Creating Shortcuts On Desktop

Mar 19, 2011

Some programs automatically create shortcuts on the desktop without asking you, is there a way to completely disable creating shortcuts on the desktop? I don't want to just hide the icons on the desktop, I don't want any program to be able to create shortcuts on my desktop.

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Creating Custom Shortcuts In Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2012

But I'm not entirely sure if it can do one of the primary things I would like to use it for. I know it has a plethora of short-cut keys intended for gaming (12 near the thumb and 5 others spread along the mouse). What I would like to do is find a way to program these keys to do things outside of gaming. I do play games, so they will be used for their original purpose, but I would like to use the mouse as a remote control. For example, when I play music in iTunes, or movies in VLC, I would love to program some of the shortcut keys to work as volume, play/pause, fast-forward/rewind keys. That way I could sit back on my couch and use the mouse like a real remote.I've tried to Google information on how the mouse works, but every source/review site I find only presents the basics that are written on the box.

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Wizard Creating Hidden Shortcuts On Desktop

Aug 22, 2011

I am having trouble with creating shortcuts on my desktop by using the Create Shortcut Wizard (i.e. Right-click on Desktop or folder and selecting New->Shortcut). The wizard pops-up and I follow the steps on screen to create a shortcut. However, if I am making a shortcut to IE by locating the file in C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe, my shortcut appears hidden on the Desktop or the folder I have created it in.

If I am making any other shortcut (such as Adobe Reader for example), I have no problem and, I can see the newly created shortcut (i.e. it is not hidden). To see my iexplorer.exe shortcut, I have to show all hidden files first in the Folder menu, in Windows ExplorerView. Even disabling the "Hide protected operating system files" does not work. Only the show all hidden files option works. I believe this might have been an effect left over by a virus/Trojan.

I had recently (in May 2011) removed several viruses from my computer, using the McAffee AntiVirus Plus software. I have also run MalwareBytes to be sure I have no Trojans on my PC, and I didn't. In addition, I have run some of the Microsoft Fix It applications to fix my IE security problems and remove broken shortcuts. I have also searched in Google and Bing for this kind of problem but it appears that I am the only one having it. I know most malware could do that to a PC and then the user has to manually set visible the files/folders such as Favorites, Desktop, etc.

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Automatically Creating Shortcuts For New Files And Folders?

Sep 12, 2012

We currently have a user who has recently been upgraded to Windows 7 x64 and has this weird issue with shortcuts. When this user creates a new file or folder on a network share it's also creating a shortcut in the root of the share. This is only affecting this user and the only thing I can think of is to blow away the local profile on the laptop.

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Creating Shortcuts To Change Default Playback Device?

Jan 21, 2011

With my current setup I have 2 playback devices that I constantly use on my computer. Currently to switch between devices I have to go to control panel, sound, and then change the playback device. I am hoping to find a way to make 2 shortcuts on my desktop to change my playback devices. One shortcut for each of my devices, where I can open the shortcut and the default device will be changed. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Shortcuts Automatically Creating For Files On Hard Disk

Nov 9, 2012

My computer's hard disk's files are automatically creating shortcut files. I trying it to remove but, it comes again.

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Folder Images Persist After The Folder Has Been Moved?

Jul 30, 2011

I installed new folders, then decided I wanted to move them to become subfolders of another folder. Drag & drop (left-click) moved the folders to become subfolders, but left the folder icons in the old location as well. When I try to delete them, I get an error message saying the folder doesn't exist at that location. OK, it shouldn't, but why can't I/how do I delete the (old) folder icons?

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Scan Cpu For All Images And Send Them To 1 Folder?

Jan 10, 2012

I have pictures saved all over my laptop. Is there anyway I can run a scan that will send all the images to the same location so I can sort through them?

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How To Sort Images By Date Added To A Folder

Jan 15, 2013

I created a folder on my desktop and add images of books I have sold almost daily. With Windows XP, the images would stay in order as I added them, but with Windows 7 they are always in order of the image name. I have tried using the different sort by date options, but they are always sorted by the image name (which is a 5 digit number). How can I sort them by the date I add them to the folder?

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Speed Up Loading Folder With Lots Of Images?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a folder with 3100 images, set to display large icons, sorted by date.

Each time I come back to this folder, windows will take like 8 or 10 seconds to load them all. I don't think it rebuilds thumnails, which would take even much longer, no it seems it reloads and resorts.

Anyway to speed this up so it will load instantly ?

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SkyDrive Organization - How To Get All Images Inside Photo Folder

Feb 28, 2012

On the left, you see:
Recent Docs

I look in Files, and I see a list of everything, including photos. So when I look inside'photos,'. All I have is a folder for..'Video.' How can I get the photos inside the photo folder?

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Images In My Pictures Folder Getting Dark (Tinted Brown)?

Mar 9, 2011

I downloaded some microsoft updates and all the pictures in my picture file are tinted brown. Is there a cure?

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[IMAGES] Prevent Renamed Photos From Jumping Down The Folder Immediately?

Nov 3, 2010

In old windows, when you renamed a photo, it stayed in the same place in relation to all the other photos in the folder until you closed and then reopened the folder. Now in 7 and vista, as soon as you rename it, it gets reordered in the folder by name. It jumps away from its current position. With 250 photos in the folder, its hard to get it back.I need information on the photo to rename the next photo. Any way to make it stay in place till the folder is opened and closed? I can't find anything here in the forum or in folder properties, etc

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Creating A Shortcut Folder?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm setting up my new desktop that has Windows 7 on it.I created a SHORT CUTS FOLDER on my old computer which had icons to run programs so my desktop wouldn't be cluttered.How do I setup something like this with Windows 7?I have the used all the time programs in plain view likethe Firefox browser. moranacus has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Creating A Secure Folder?

Nov 1, 2011

How do I create a folder which requires a password to open?

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Folder & Desktop Disk Shortcuts Won't Open

Aug 31, 2011

I have been happily using Windows 7 Pro for a while now, but recently whenever I click on folders such as My Computer, My Documents, My Pictures or Recycle Bin etc, they flash open for a split second and then appear open on the bar at the bottom where open programs are. If I click the icon of the now 'open' folder, it flashes for a split second again (just like it did earlier) and then the process repeats itself!

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Adding Folder And Drive Shortcuts To Task Bar

May 23, 2009

On XP, I would put shortcuts to my different hard drives and folders on the taskbar for quick access. Seems like Windows 7 task bar doesn't let me do this and only allows me to put program files only (yes task bar is unlocked).

is there a way to add hard drive and folder short cuts?

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Pinning Network Shared Folder Shortcuts From LAN?

Feb 20, 2011

Windows 7 adding network drive shortcuts to taskar. I'm searching a similar way with XP Quick launch bar to add some network folders (which aren't mapped as drives) to taskbar.hen dragging to taskbar, there opens a window (Pinned/Recent/) which I understand means shortcut has now pinned. Now there are listed already several network shortcuts, but still these are not visible on taskbar. Where do these go and how to make these visible? It looks like it's a separate toolbar, where I can open already previously dragged shortcuts, but how to open it without dragging a new network shortcut to taskbar?When dragging an application to tasbar, there isn't such a window and application shortcut is added without any question asked.It seems like Windows 7 doesn't support dragging and creating network shares shortcuts directly onto taskabar or did I missed something essential?

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Have To Manually Refresh After Renaming/moving/creating New Folder Etc

Nov 14, 2011

I'm running the 32 bit version of Windows 7 and it's fully up to date in terms of patches. This issue only affects libraries. The issue started out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't installed any new software or changed any settings and I also tried using System Restore to go back to a couple of days before this issue started?

1. I go into my library called "Videos" and right-click and choose New - Folder. The new folder does not appear.

2. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then I can see the new folder I created.

3. I give the new folder a name, for example "test". The folder shows the name "test".

4. I rename the folder to something else, for example "renamedtest". The folder still shows the name as "test".

5. I either press F5 or right-click - refresh and then the folder name changes to "renamedtest".

Basically, any time I create a folder, rename a file or folder, delete a file/folder, move a file/folder etc. I do not see the effects of my actions until after I've manually refreshed. This only affects libraries.

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How To Prevent App Creating Start Menu Folder At Boot

Dec 4, 2012

as I have been unsuccessful finding a solution at the ATI forums I thought I would try to pick the minds of all the clever people here. Does any know how to prevent 'AMD VISION Engine Control Center' from creating a start menu program folder at boot?

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Find The Folder That Holds The Pinned Start Menu Shortcuts?

Sep 27, 2012

I.e. these shortcuts created by dragging shortcuts to the Start button: [URL]

I'd like to edit this list directly in Windows Explorer file view, rather than on the Start menu.

I do not with to use a toolbar instead.

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Why Shortcuts In Tasks Expanding Menu Opens System32 Folder

Jun 29, 2010

I just got my new laptop and I'm new to windows 7 and I noticed (in start menu) that all secondary shortcuts that shows in tasks expanding menu. Like if I press (getting started) it will work just fine but if I try to open (discover windows 7) or (personalize windows) it just open the system32 folder. And the same goes on with media player, messenger and sticky notes.

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Set Large Images As Defult Setting When Browsing For Images?

Sep 12, 2011

Using an image posting website and I've recently updated to windows 7. I used to be able to have my images come up as thumbnails without having to Right Click > View > Large Icons everytime. Also I used to have filmstrip's where prob isUploaded with ImageShack.usevery time i go to upload a picture it comes up as a list.Now when I explore the folder via Desktop > b > Girls the images come up as thumbnails as i've set it for all folders already. How can I set it for when I'm in IE and uploading?

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Preventing Windows 7 From Putting Game Shortcuts In Game Folder?

Jul 10, 2012

When I install a game in Windows 7 and Windows recognizes it it dumps the game's shortcut in the Game folder of the Start Menu. That wouldn't be a problem except Windows 7 prevents the game from creating the shortcuts it would have created had the operating system not been Windows 7- things like the game's Read Me, Uninstaller & Configuration options.

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Programs Shortcuts Showing Explorer Shortcuts

Nov 19, 2011

When I start Windows, Explorer always starts on it's own. The view downloads box pops up, showing this:

[URL] And asks me whether to open it or save it.

Now all of the icons on my desktop and the start menu are Explorer shortcuts although they are completely different programs.

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Not Loading Web Images In IE9 & FF5

Jul 11, 2011

HP Pavillion DV6 laptop running Windows 7.

Problem: Internet Explorer 9 and also Firefox 5 do not load web images. Strangely though, Google Chrome seems to work. Attached you will find some screen captures. I think both were done before the browsers were updated. So far, I've updated the browsers to the newest version, and updated java to 6.26.

firefox.png   154.49K 13 downloads IE.png   135.1K 13 downloads

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