Creating Custom Shortcuts In Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2012

But I'm not entirely sure if it can do one of the primary things I would like to use it for. I know it has a plethora of short-cut keys intended for gaming (12 near the thumb and 5 others spread along the mouse). What I would like to do is find a way to program these keys to do things outside of gaming. I do play games, so they will be used for their original purpose, but I would like to use the mouse as a remote control. For example, when I play music in iTunes, or movies in VLC, I would love to program some of the shortcut keys to work as volume, play/pause, fast-forward/rewind keys. That way I could sit back on my couch and use the mouse like a real remote.I've tried to Google information on how the mouse works, but every source/review site I find only presents the basics that are written on the box.

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Creating Shortcuts With Windows Key?

Jul 1, 2012

The keyboard shortcut WinKey + E opens up windows explorer. Is it possible to make your own custom keyboard shortcuts with the windows key? I've not had any success in mapping the Windows Key.

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Creating Shortcuts For JPG Images In Folder?

May 4, 2011

I have numerous folders each of which contain jpg images. I need to create shortcuts to all these images but I need the shortcut to be created in the same folder as the original image. How can I do this without selecting each file individually and creating the shortcut? I have tried using the search facility to identify all the jpgs but can only create shortcuts to the desktop this way.

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How To Disable Creating Shortcuts On Desktop

Mar 19, 2011

Some programs automatically create shortcuts on the desktop without asking you, is there a way to completely disable creating shortcuts on the desktop? I don't want to just hide the icons on the desktop, I don't want any program to be able to create shortcuts on my desktop.

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Wizard Creating Hidden Shortcuts On Desktop

Aug 22, 2011

I am having trouble with creating shortcuts on my desktop by using the Create Shortcut Wizard (i.e. Right-click on Desktop or folder and selecting New->Shortcut). The wizard pops-up and I follow the steps on screen to create a shortcut. However, if I am making a shortcut to IE by locating the file in C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe, my shortcut appears hidden on the Desktop or the folder I have created it in.

If I am making any other shortcut (such as Adobe Reader for example), I have no problem and, I can see the newly created shortcut (i.e. it is not hidden). To see my iexplorer.exe shortcut, I have to show all hidden files first in the Folder menu, in Windows ExplorerView. Even disabling the "Hide protected operating system files" does not work. Only the show all hidden files option works. I believe this might have been an effect left over by a virus/Trojan.

I had recently (in May 2011) removed several viruses from my computer, using the McAffee AntiVirus Plus software. I have also run MalwareBytes to be sure I have no Trojans on my PC, and I didn't. In addition, I have run some of the Microsoft Fix It applications to fix my IE security problems and remove broken shortcuts. I have also searched in Google and Bing for this kind of problem but it appears that I am the only one having it. I know most malware could do that to a PC and then the user has to manually set visible the files/folders such as Favorites, Desktop, etc.

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Automatically Creating Shortcuts For New Files And Folders?

Sep 12, 2012

We currently have a user who has recently been upgraded to Windows 7 x64 and has this weird issue with shortcuts. When this user creates a new file or folder on a network share it's also creating a shortcut in the root of the share. This is only affecting this user and the only thing I can think of is to blow away the local profile on the laptop.

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Creating Custom Command Line For File Association Table

Sep 7, 2011

How can I create a custom command line to be used when I double click on a file with a specific extension. For example for a .jar file I'd like to have this:
javaw.exe -jar "%1" -myOpts

Can you have more than one custom command line for an extension and use the RightClick context menu to chose the one you want to use?

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Creating Shortcuts To Change Default Playback Device?

Jan 21, 2011

With my current setup I have 2 playback devices that I constantly use on my computer. Currently to switch between devices I have to go to control panel, sound, and then change the playback device. I am hoping to find a way to make 2 shortcuts on my desktop to change my playback devices. One shortcut for each of my devices, where I can open the shortcut and the default device will be changed. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Shortcuts Automatically Creating For Files On Hard Disk

Nov 9, 2012

My computer's hard disk's files are automatically creating shortcut files. I trying it to remove but, it comes again.

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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Programs Shortcuts Showing Explorer Shortcuts

Nov 19, 2011

When I start Windows, Explorer always starts on it's own. The view downloads box pops up, showing this:

[URL] And asks me whether to open it or save it.

Now all of the icons on my desktop and the start menu are Explorer shortcuts although they are completely different programs.

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Custom PC Won't Install Windows 7

Jun 26, 2012

Resently I built a custom computer. I assembled it and it all looked good... but as it got to the startup of windows 7, just past the "starting windows" part, it reboots. Then I wanted to install windows 7 again to see if it would help. But when it gets to the "Starting windows" part, it stays there. I've tried countless things including: Testing the RAM, Changing the PSU, getting another windows 7 install disk, shifting the GPU. But none have worked the least.

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Windows 7 Custom Installation?

Nov 26, 2011

was wondering if the custom installation option would delete my files that are located on hard drive D, I know that it would totally wipe out C but does the same happen to the other hard drives ,cuz I really have a lot of files and their size is more than 100gb :/ how many usb's am I gonna need for this, it's impossible

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Custom Install Windows 7

Aug 20, 2009

How to Do a Custom Installation of Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Custom Sound Not Working?

May 3, 2012

ive searched a lot in google and had not found any answers..My problem is some Custom Sounds are not working..for example, ive customized Minimize event and change it to an existing Windows Default sound, i press PLAY and its working, hit APPLY then OK..but its not working..tried it on other events, and still does not work,the other thing i noticed isi cant UNCHECK the option "Play Windows Startup Sound" (its greyed out)I've modified imageres.dll (mainly because of my theme) had edited on my own and had not touch on the wav files.

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Create Own Custom Commands In Windows 7?

Jan 21, 2013

I want to create a utility software where i can create my own custom commands like copy, rename, move, delete etc. But i don't have any idea how shouldWhich language i should use to create it?OS Platform : Windows 7

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How To Do Custom Install Of Windows 7 Premium

Mar 11, 2011

What I am wanting to do is a custom install of Windows 7 Premium. I'm really no expert on all things Windows, but I have felt for a long time that simply installing Windows from the cd / dvd is not really the most efficient and "power user" way of doing things. I feel that in doing an install from cd / dvd that lots of things are added that are not needed, and that I do not have the kind of control over my operating system (where things go, etc.) that I could have.

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Custom Install Of Windows 7 From Vista

Aug 24, 2012

I currently have windows vista home premium 64 bit installed, can i do a custom install of windows 7 professional 64 bit, or do I need to do a clean install?

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Installing Windows 7 On SSD In Custom Build PC

Oct 16, 2012

I have recently purchased a custom built PC from a company and I have included in it an SSD for the operating system and programs, and a 1TB HDD for storage both are brand new with no data installed. Once I receive the PC I will be installing my own copy of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I have read on a number of forums that I need to unplug the HDD before completing the clean install of Windows 7 onto the SSD otherwise the boot partition will install onto the HDD if I keep it plugged in. I cant find any user guides/videos tutorials for this situation so would appreciate it if someone could confirm if its best to disconnect the HDD as I dont want to start taking the side of the case and unplugging the HDD if its not required.

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Custom Windows 7 Installation Disc?

Dec 23, 2012

So, I would like to make a custom windows 7 professional installation disc.I would like the installation of:Vlc playeruTorrent.Google chrome browser.Ccleaner.Defraggler.nd remove unnecessary programs / functions of the Windows installation disc.So, what I need to do to make these things succeed?

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Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

Nov 1, 2009

How to Enable Custom Themes without Modifing System Files ?

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Cant Remove Custom Color Windows 7?

Oct 12, 2011

am a windows 7 user . i would like to use a basic and high contrast theme . unfortunately , i cant do it . i don't even know my computer is getting a virus or bug , i cant change my window color for high contrast color . i can just put a custom color which i am not interested .

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Creating Borders In Windows 7?

Dec 11, 2010

A friend says that she cannot create a border to a windows document in Windows 7. Presumably she is using M/S word. She usually produces an invitation to the annual Christmas lunch with a border of Christmas trees around the page.

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Creating Windows 7 Installation DvD

Nov 9, 2010

I'm having a few issues with a second computer I have and want to reformat. Sadly I don't have an installation DvD laying around anywhere. So I need to make one so I can re-install after cleaning it out. I've tried to find some info on this, and perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but I can't find anything of use on it.

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Creating Customized Iso Of Windows 7

Jun 25, 2010

i wish to make a customized iso of windows 7, so that i can get all softwares ready to use after every time i install windows 7 in my computer(s). Customized iso can be made in UBUNTU LINUX using REMASTERSYS software. Is there any software like that for windows 7?

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Creating And Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 3, 2011

I bought a new acer notebook computer. It did not come with any recovery cd,s or instructions on how to create one in case of system or hard disk crash.

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Creating Image For Other OS From Within Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I work for a company which needs to make small specialized PCs running Windows so they can run a specific program, hopefully on an 8gb CF card. I'm in the process of stripping down a copy of Windows 7 to be small enough for that, but that's something else. I need to be able to install the reduced copy of Windows 7 and our own software and then probably use Norton Ghost to create an image that I can just apply to every one of these computers we make in the future. Is there a way of creating this image from within my main OS instead of just creating and booting to a separate partition?

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Windows 7 Crashes On Reboot During Custom Installation

Sep 24, 2010

I have just built a system with the following specs and Windows is crashing after rebooting during the install process, I've tried installing without the RAID card installed into the PCI-e slot. The video card cannot be removed with the Core i5 CPU, it must be in there for this CPU from what I understand.I have not installed any drivers (i.e. for the RAID card, video card, etc). I'm using a USB mouse and USB keyboard. I've tried running windows without any USB ports in use and I still get the same result.!

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Can't Custom Install Windows 7 - No Hard Drive

Apr 16, 2012

I just got my mother's computer back from a repair shop (they've changed the graphic card, the motherboard and the processor, the hard drive stayed the same)

It is a SONY VAIO VPCEE25fx.

I used my Windows 7 Ultimate OEM CD I had when I bought her the computer. But then, at the Custom Install step, it says No drivers or hard drive found. I've tried to reload, scan...none. I'm sure the hard drive is ok.

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Retrieving Old Files After Windows 7 Custom Install

Sep 25, 2011

apparently, the 300 GB of files from my previous OS are still on my harddrive, but I cannot find them. Yes, I'm missing the 300 GB on my HD when I click My Computer, but they're not in this fabled windows.old folder that allegedly has them. I've even used TuneUp Utilities to detect where the data is on my computer, and it can't find them. Bizarre. So, what's taking up all that memory, and, more importantly, how do I get to it?

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How To Create Custom Signature In New Windows 7 Live

Oct 26, 2010

I would like to create a custom signature in the new Windows live mail. In the new layout there is not a "Tool" menu to bring up "options" from where you create a signature. However there is an "Insert" button which as well as being able to attach files etc shows a signature icon which is Greyed out. I have tried logging into email as administrator but it is still greyed out.

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