Creating Windows 7 Installation DvD

Nov 9, 2010

I'm having a few issues with a second computer I have and want to reformat. Sadly I don't have an installation DvD laying around anywhere. So I need to make one so I can re-install after cleaning it out. I've tried to find some info on this, and perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but I can't find anything of use on it.

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Creating Partition After Windows 7 Installation?

Dec 28, 2012

How I will create more partitions on our system. Bcz I cant more partition on installation time bcz system not permitting to do this job.what I do???

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Creating A Media Less Recovery / Installation Partition

Nov 2, 2009

After purchasing my new Student Version of Windows 7 Professional I was keen to do a full system format, and start fresh. I no longer had a need for the Dell Recovery Partition which contained Vista (and a decent amount of bloatware), so I removed all partitions from my disk to start with a blank 180GB HDD.

I thought to myself, if I am going to start fresh I might as well do things right and mimic Dell’s setup with a recovery partition of my own. Now to be fair, this isn’t an extremely wild idea as there are plenty of manufacturers and software companies who provide such solutions very simple and easy. Everyone knows that Norton Ghost is fantastic, and Acronis TrueImage is right there with them. Of course you can simply run-up Imagex along with WinPE and sysprep a WIM to re-image your HDD at anytime for a free solution.

However, all these solutions require that you have some sort of recovery media for boot time operation, and the Imagex solution isn’t for the faint of heart. Now I do a lot of travel, and I wanted a solution that didn’t require me to look after a bootable DVD or USB stick, and because I am working with a laptop I didn’t have second disk which I could boot from via BIOS settings. My recovery solution had to be a Primary Partition on my only HDD with boot time options (in case my system is completely rooted.)

This turned out to be quite the challenge, as Windows 7 / Vista no longer support the simple easy boot.ini file that allows you to manually adjust boot time parameters. Instead Windows 7 / Vista have moved onto some fancy form of bootsect / BCD (Boot Configuration Data) which is very difficult to edit manually. Thankfully all of my hard work paid off and I now have a self sufficient system with all the diagnostics and re-imaging tools I could ever need. And thanks to Windows 7’s new Backup and Restore options, I was also able to include a system image which contained all of my settings and applications so that I don’t have to sit through 10 hours of Windows Update again.

What I ended up with is a Primary partition on my HDD that is a full and complete bootable version of the Windows 7 installation media. When I choose this partition at boot time it is exactly as if I have inserted the Windows 7 Install DVD into my disk drive! I can utilise all of the tools in the Windows Recovery Console (which includes the option to restore from a previously created system image), or I can simply re-install Windows 7 from scratch - without affecting my restore partition or boot menu variables!

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Error Creating A File Needed For Installation

Jan 1, 2013

Not sure if this is in the appropriate area, sorry about that but i am having said error when trying to install/repair/remove anything with windows installer ?

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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Creating Borders In Windows 7?

Dec 11, 2010

A friend says that she cannot create a border to a windows document in Windows 7. Presumably she is using M/S word. She usually produces an invitation to the annual Christmas lunch with a border of Christmas trees around the page.

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Creating Shortcuts With Windows Key?

Jul 1, 2012

The keyboard shortcut WinKey + E opens up windows explorer. Is it possible to make your own custom keyboard shortcuts with the windows key? I've not had any success in mapping the Windows Key.

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Creating Customized Iso Of Windows 7

Jun 25, 2010

i wish to make a customized iso of windows 7, so that i can get all softwares ready to use after every time i install windows 7 in my computer(s). Customized iso can be made in UBUNTU LINUX using REMASTERSYS software. Is there any software like that for windows 7?

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Creating And Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 3, 2011

I bought a new acer notebook computer. It did not come with any recovery cd,s or instructions on how to create one in case of system or hard disk crash.

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Creating Image For Other OS From Within Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I work for a company which needs to make small specialized PCs running Windows so they can run a specific program, hopefully on an 8gb CF card. I'm in the process of stripping down a copy of Windows 7 to be small enough for that, but that's something else. I need to be able to install the reduced copy of Windows 7 and our own software and then probably use Norton Ghost to create an image that I can just apply to every one of these computers we make in the future. Is there a way of creating this image from within my main OS instead of just creating and booting to a separate partition?

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Creating A DOS Partition On A New Windows 7 Desktop?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a new desktop computer with Windows 7. How might I create a DOS partition in the unused portion of the new hard drive. I would like to be able to use QuickBasic v4.5, and able to share the files I create in the DOS volume with the primary NTFS 64bit OS volume.

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Creating A Windows 7 Image Of The C: Drive Only

Jun 18, 2011

I recently installed an SSD in my laptop and moved the HDD to the secondary drive (I have room for two). I did a few of the prescribed steps for optimal SSD usage (moved user profiles to HDD, moved temp directory and page file, etc). Initially I was able to image only my C drive (about 30GB required). This was when I could still dual boot to my original partition on the HDD.

I've since removed the old Windows 7 install from the HDD and made it a single partition. However, now when I try to make a drive image I'm unable to deselect my HDD when creating an image. I'm given no option except to create an image for both drives with a resulting size of 209GB. I'm already backing up my user data already and don't want to include it in the image.

When I view the disk manager my HDD (drive E) is Disk 0 and my SSD (drive C) is Disk 1. I've run bcdboot c:windows /s c: to ensure I have the boot files on my SSD. I'm able to boot my machine on the SSD if I disconnect my HDD but it doesn' like that my profile isn't available. I've also tried to change the disk order in my laptop BIOS but I don't have the option of changing the order of the individual disks.

What I want to do is be able to do is image only my SSD and not the entire system. I also want to do it on a regular basis and avoid having to open up my laptop and disconnect the HDD.

Is this related to the order of my disks in the disk manager or is that just a red herring? How do I make it so I can only select the SSD when creating a disk image?

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Creating A New Internet Shortcut On Windows 7

Aug 29, 2011

Im currently having problems creating a new internet shortcut on windows 7. I have never had this problem before as i already have a number of different shortcuts for my favourite websites on my desktop. But, now when i try to create a shortcut an error comes up simply saying Explorer.exe Cannot create shortcut. The icon appears on my desktop, but when i click ok and cancel, another error box comes up saying "Item not found, could not find this item, This item is no longer located in c:, verify the items location and try again." I dont know whats suddenly caused it and i have tried a system restore but to no avail.

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Windows Explorer Not Creating New Items?

Jan 7, 2013

when i create a new object in any folder (eg adding a new folder) it does not appear at first. When i go to a different folder and then back to the new folder location, the object then appears. when i change the text of the new object again it does not change, it is still "new folder" or the previous name. then if I go to a different folder and back to the location of the renamed folder it has been renamed. it has to be a problem with windows or my hard drive

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Creating A Windows 7 Pro And SP1 Bootable Disk?

Sep 12, 2011

I have my Windows 7 Pro install disk which does not have SP1 on it. I have Roxio Creator and I want to create an bootable disk image with Windows 7 Pro and SP1 so when i install Windows 7 it was also install SP1. Can I do this with Roxio Creator or will this take something else?

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Creating Custom Shortcuts In Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2012

But I'm not entirely sure if it can do one of the primary things I would like to use it for. I know it has a plethora of short-cut keys intended for gaming (12 near the thumb and 5 others spread along the mouse). What I would like to do is find a way to program these keys to do things outside of gaming. I do play games, so they will be used for their original purpose, but I would like to use the mouse as a remote control. For example, when I play music in iTunes, or movies in VLC, I would love to program some of the shortcut keys to work as volume, play/pause, fast-forward/rewind keys. That way I could sit back on my couch and use the mouse like a real remote.I've tried to Google information on how the mouse works, but every source/review site I find only presents the basics that are written on the box.

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Installation Hangs At Start Of Windows 7 Installation

Jun 2, 2011

I have just got Windows 7 Ultimate.I accept the Licence Agreement, set my partitions as i want them but when it gets to the expanding files part it will hang at 0%. This happens on both the 32 & 64 bit disc.This is a brand new purchase which I opened it about an hour ago.The laptop has a 400GB HD and 2GB of ram. It came with Home Prem x64 pre-installed, So the hardware meets the requirements.What seems to be the problem?

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Windows 7 Installation - Computer Shuts Off During Installation?

Jun 29, 2011

I just bought a new hard drive and a brand new Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit disc and I am doing a clean install on the new hard drive. it seems that everything is going normal, but at a random time during the installation, the computer just shuts off.sometimes it doesn't even get to the installation when it shuts off. sometimes it shuts off in the middle of the "windows is loading files..." black screen. there are no beeps when it shuts off or when I turn it back on. there are also no error codes.whenever i turn it back on it simply acts as if it never tried to install windows and starts the boot all over from the disc

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Asus P9x79 Ssd Installation With New Installation Of Windows 7 Pro?

May 16, 2012

So i have a new SSD Corsair Force 3 240 gig and all I want to do is install Windows 7 Pro on it. This board does not support parted magic (cannot wake from sleep and there are no onboard video to wake up to) so ive resorted to clean all.I have not been able to successfully boot the OS on the SSD. I never intended on setting up raid but apparently all the literature i see is on raid. I created a USB install disk as reccomended onto a 8gig ntfs primary active did the bootsect /nt60 X: and it successfully worked copied the cd over to the flash drive and copied the rste drivers in a folder called drivers My SSD is installed on port 1 6gig sata intel (as this board doesnt have marvel apparrently) My DVD is installed on 3gig Sata port 6 I set up Raid in the bios as reccomended by others (as this is the only way to install ssd?).

Nothing UEFI is enabled There are no other drives hooked up to the computer. Just SSD, USB cordless mouse, keyboard and no network cord or WIFI i started with a clean ssd as reccomended my bios recognized the ssd on post i booted into the win 7 install (MBR not uefi) i loaded the 64 bit rste drivers from asus as reccomended by others i left the machine to install the usb then booted into windows install (for whatever reason) i pushed f8 to boot my corsair windows brings up an error on a black screen File: windows/system32/drivers/adpahci.sys driver did not load Status: oxc0000221 Info: Windows Failed to load because of a critical system driver is missing or corrupt

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Windows 7 Creating Multiple Printer Copies?

Sep 22, 2012

Environment: 3 identical stationary printers and 1 laptop that's will use any 1 of the 3 given printers at different times.

Goal: to allow the laptop to be switched between the 3 printers without windows creating multiple copies of the same model printer

Problem: each time the laptop is hooked up to a new printer, windows creates another copy of the same model printer in the "printers" list.

I realize there is probably a s/n burned into the firmware of the printers that causes windows to see that it is a different printer (regardless if it's the same make and model). Is there a way to make windows think that all these printers are the same exact printer?

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Creating Stationery In Windows Live Mail

Jun 12, 2012

I've recently upgraded from XP to Win 7 and therefore moved from my much loved Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail !

My biggest issue at the moment is that WLM doesn't seem capable of using my html based email stationery that I used in OE. Is there any way that I can use or import these html files into WLM so that I can use them as stationery ?

If I can't then how do I recreate them in WLM ?

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Creating A Windows 7 HP Disc From A Pre-installed Setup

Dec 13, 2011

I have two laptops - a new one with Win 7 HP 32bit and an old one with Win 7 HP 64 bit

The new one with Win 7 HP 32bit came with 4gb of ram which is a bit silly since 32bit Win 7 HP can only use 3gb of that, but from what I understand, the serial on the underside can also be used to activate the 64bit version, which would recognise all the ram

Now, even though I've paid for two Win 7 HP licenses, I don't actually have a Win 7 disc, only the factory reset discs (which I had to burn myself when I first turned on the computer - which is pretty shocking really!!!)

But I digress. Is there any way Win 7 HP 64bit on my new laptop WITHOUT paying for it (again) I know XP let you make custom (slipstreamed) XP discs from installations but I can't find a way to do it in Win 7

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Stop Windows 7 From Creating Multiple Printers?

Dec 12, 2012

Using Windows 7-Ultimate 64 on an Acer 4530 laptop. This is a personal machine and is not networked except via wifi to my router, and via BT to a single printer. I leave the printer and BT off unless I have to print something, as I don't print daily.

Problem: When I go to print a Word doc (for example) there are multiple instances of printers named like this:

Canon Printer
Canon Printer (Copy 1)
Canon Printer (Copy 2)

Many times I have gone into Printer & Devices and removed all instances of the Copies, making the "Canon Printer" entry the only one, and set as default... but the next time I go to print (which might be a week later), I have multiple instances again.

How can I stop Windows 7 from creating copies of my printer profile?

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Creating 64bit Install USB From 32bit Windows 7 OS

Jul 3, 2011

I'm getting a new Macbook Air without an optical drive in a couple of weeks so I'm trying to create a bootable USB drive so I can install Windows 7 on it on day one (can't live without a bit of Windows 7)

I'm currently running Windows 7 on my Dell XPS M1330 which is a 32 bit install, but I want to create a 64bit bootable USB (the new version of Windows 7 I have is 64 bit and the new computer has 4 gig of ram).

When I try and do this through Microsoft's USB DVD Download tool, though, I get an error:

'Files copied successfully. However, we were unable to run bootsect to make the USB device bootable. If you need assistance with bootsect, please click the "Online Help" link above for more information.'

The online help section didn't even mention bootsect, but I'm pretty sure this is an issue because I'm trying to create a bootable USB install stick of a 64 bit version from a 32 bit version.

Does anybody know a way around this without installing 64bit Windows 7 on my computer?

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Creating A Dual Boot Configuration For Windows 7

Oct 28, 2011

I am having issues creating a dual boot configuration for my Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 with GPT/EFI. Has anyone had success?

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Creating System Restore Disk Windows 7?

Apr 8, 2012

I have an HP laptop with Windows 7 home premium. When using the HP Recovery manager to create system restore disks, everythong goes ok until I get through the point where it tells me that I will need 4 DVDs and that I should insert one. After inserting the disk, the drive spins for a coouple of seconds, then I get the messages:"There was a problem burning this disk.""There was an error burning this disk. The disk might no longer be usable."I retried several times, inserting different blank DVD-R disks, but always get the same result

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Creating A System Image In Safe Mode With Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2012

I am attemptin to make a backup image of my hard drive. The new Image will be complied on an external hard. The drive has a 1TB Capacity with 450 Gigs free. I am receiving an error code during the image compilation stating that there is a problem with the I/O device. I ran chkdsk and found no problems. I also switched USB ports just to rule that out. I have used this same external hard drive to image a different laptop with no issues last week. My next approach would be to try this in safe mode. When I am in safe mode, I cannot find the location of the software which windows uses to create the image. I typed the location into the address bar and it pulled up a link in the address bar which took me back to the control panel. Can anyone tell me if this is possible to do in safe mode and if not, what my next step would be. Windows error: The Operation failed due to a device error encountered with either the source or destination. If the source or destination volume is on a disk, run CHKDSK/R on the source or destination volume and then retry the operation. (0x8078012D) Additional Information: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error (0x8007045D)?

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Windows 7 / Creating A System Image: Formatting All Partitions?

Jun 30, 2012

I have 3 identical PCs with 2 partitions: C and D.I created a system image for one PC, C only.But when I restore that system image into the other 2 PCs (using Wind7 DVD), it formats both C and D and restore.The problem is that I have data on D and I don't want it to be formatted. I only want to restore the C image.

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Windows Backup Stalls When Creating A System Image?

Sep 21, 2012

My laptop has been backing up once a week fine (except for an error about a missing file that is on the target drive, not the backup drive) for months. In the past few days, it has suddenly failed with repeated attempts to backup, it always stalls at 57% while creating a system image. I've tried a clean boot, same results. I'm backing up to a network drive (USB hard drive attached to the router), 274GB free of 458 total, and the total backup size has been pretty small as no heavy data is kept on the computer.

Lenovo SL510
Windows 7 Professional

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Windows 7 Freezes During Login After Creating Multiple Accounts?

Jun 26, 2011

For more than a year, my system had just one user ie my personal user. Since the past few days, I've created an account for my dad as well and I'm facing some problems now.Since I've created an account for him, I cannot log in to my account on the first attempt. After typing in the password to log in, I just see a message saying "Welcome". I have to power off my laptop, reboot it and then log in again.

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