Creating Shortcuts With Windows Key?

Jul 1, 2012

The keyboard shortcut WinKey + E opens up windows explorer. Is it possible to make your own custom keyboard shortcuts with the windows key? I've not had any success in mapping the Windows Key.

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Creating Custom Shortcuts In Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2012

But I'm not entirely sure if it can do one of the primary things I would like to use it for. I know it has a plethora of short-cut keys intended for gaming (12 near the thumb and 5 others spread along the mouse). What I would like to do is find a way to program these keys to do things outside of gaming. I do play games, so they will be used for their original purpose, but I would like to use the mouse as a remote control. For example, when I play music in iTunes, or movies in VLC, I would love to program some of the shortcut keys to work as volume, play/pause, fast-forward/rewind keys. That way I could sit back on my couch and use the mouse like a real remote.I've tried to Google information on how the mouse works, but every source/review site I find only presents the basics that are written on the box.

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Creating Shortcuts For JPG Images In Folder?

May 4, 2011

I have numerous folders each of which contain jpg images. I need to create shortcuts to all these images but I need the shortcut to be created in the same folder as the original image. How can I do this without selecting each file individually and creating the shortcut? I have tried using the search facility to identify all the jpgs but can only create shortcuts to the desktop this way.

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How To Disable Creating Shortcuts On Desktop

Mar 19, 2011

Some programs automatically create shortcuts on the desktop without asking you, is there a way to completely disable creating shortcuts on the desktop? I don't want to just hide the icons on the desktop, I don't want any program to be able to create shortcuts on my desktop.

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Wizard Creating Hidden Shortcuts On Desktop

Aug 22, 2011

I am having trouble with creating shortcuts on my desktop by using the Create Shortcut Wizard (i.e. Right-click on Desktop or folder and selecting New->Shortcut). The wizard pops-up and I follow the steps on screen to create a shortcut. However, if I am making a shortcut to IE by locating the file in C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplorer.exe, my shortcut appears hidden on the Desktop or the folder I have created it in.

If I am making any other shortcut (such as Adobe Reader for example), I have no problem and, I can see the newly created shortcut (i.e. it is not hidden). To see my iexplorer.exe shortcut, I have to show all hidden files first in the Folder menu, in Windows ExplorerView. Even disabling the "Hide protected operating system files" does not work. Only the show all hidden files option works. I believe this might have been an effect left over by a virus/Trojan.

I had recently (in May 2011) removed several viruses from my computer, using the McAffee AntiVirus Plus software. I have also run MalwareBytes to be sure I have no Trojans on my PC, and I didn't. In addition, I have run some of the Microsoft Fix It applications to fix my IE security problems and remove broken shortcuts. I have also searched in Google and Bing for this kind of problem but it appears that I am the only one having it. I know most malware could do that to a PC and then the user has to manually set visible the files/folders such as Favorites, Desktop, etc.

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Automatically Creating Shortcuts For New Files And Folders?

Sep 12, 2012

We currently have a user who has recently been upgraded to Windows 7 x64 and has this weird issue with shortcuts. When this user creates a new file or folder on a network share it's also creating a shortcut in the root of the share. This is only affecting this user and the only thing I can think of is to blow away the local profile on the laptop.

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Creating Shortcuts To Change Default Playback Device?

Jan 21, 2011

With my current setup I have 2 playback devices that I constantly use on my computer. Currently to switch between devices I have to go to control panel, sound, and then change the playback device. I am hoping to find a way to make 2 shortcuts on my desktop to change my playback devices. One shortcut for each of my devices, where I can open the shortcut and the default device will be changed. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Shortcuts Automatically Creating For Files On Hard Disk

Nov 9, 2012

My computer's hard disk's files are automatically creating shortcut files. I trying it to remove but, it comes again.

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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Programs Shortcuts Showing Explorer Shortcuts

Nov 19, 2011

When I start Windows, Explorer always starts on it's own. The view downloads box pops up, showing this:

[URL] And asks me whether to open it or save it.

Now all of the icons on my desktop and the start menu are Explorer shortcuts although they are completely different programs.

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Creating Borders In Windows 7?

Dec 11, 2010

A friend says that she cannot create a border to a windows document in Windows 7. Presumably she is using M/S word. She usually produces an invitation to the annual Christmas lunch with a border of Christmas trees around the page.

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Creating Windows 7 Installation DvD

Nov 9, 2010

I'm having a few issues with a second computer I have and want to reformat. Sadly I don't have an installation DvD laying around anywhere. So I need to make one so I can re-install after cleaning it out. I've tried to find some info on this, and perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but I can't find anything of use on it.

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Creating Customized Iso Of Windows 7

Jun 25, 2010

i wish to make a customized iso of windows 7, so that i can get all softwares ready to use after every time i install windows 7 in my computer(s). Customized iso can be made in UBUNTU LINUX using REMASTERSYS software. Is there any software like that for windows 7?

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Creating And Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 3, 2011

I bought a new acer notebook computer. It did not come with any recovery cd,s or instructions on how to create one in case of system or hard disk crash.

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Creating Image For Other OS From Within Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I work for a company which needs to make small specialized PCs running Windows so they can run a specific program, hopefully on an 8gb CF card. I'm in the process of stripping down a copy of Windows 7 to be small enough for that, but that's something else. I need to be able to install the reduced copy of Windows 7 and our own software and then probably use Norton Ghost to create an image that I can just apply to every one of these computers we make in the future. Is there a way of creating this image from within my main OS instead of just creating and booting to a separate partition?

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Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts?

Sep 16, 2012

There was a Windows gadget that opened and closed the CD/DVD drive. Is there a keyboard shortcut that does this?

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How To Create New Shortcuts In Windows 7 ?

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to create new shortcuts in Windows 7.

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Shortcuts To Applications In Windows 7?

Nov 5, 2010

I have used 64 bit version of Windows 7 to test the shortcuts, screenshots are included to give you a visual impression.Firstly, use [Windows key] and [R] to invoke the run command box:

1) Character Map = charmap.exe very useful for finding unusual characters.

2) Color Management = colorcpl.exe

3) Device pairing wizard= devicepairingwizard.exe

4) Display Switch = displayswitch.exe

5) Direct X diagnostic = dxdiag.exe

5) DPI Scaling = dpiscaling.exe

8) Driver verification manager = verifier.exe (Undocumented, Security prompt will appear, accept it.)

9) Event Viewer Snapin Launcher = eventvwr.exe (Security prompt will appear, accept it.)

10 ) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

11) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (Security prompt will appear, accept it.)

allows creation or modification of characters :

12) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe

Create self-extracting / self-installing package:

13) Group policy editor = gpedit.msc

Used to manage group policies, and permissions, (Security prompt will appear, accept it.)


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New Shortcuts Keys In Windows 7

Jan 7, 2009

Has anyone seen this shorctut Windows + P? To me it switches between modes of connected projectors.

I'm not sure I had tested this on Vista, but I think it's a new shortcut/feature..

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Windows 7 Desktop Shortcuts?

Nov 13, 2011

Is there any known reason and fix, when Windows 7 Enterprise desktop shortcut key stops to work?Win+D doesn't, while Win+E works.When hiding other applications and revealing desktop, application shortcut keys don't work from desktop but start from task bar icons.

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Creating A DOS Partition On A New Windows 7 Desktop?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a new desktop computer with Windows 7. How might I create a DOS partition in the unused portion of the new hard drive. I would like to be able to use QuickBasic v4.5, and able to share the files I create in the DOS volume with the primary NTFS 64bit OS volume.

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Creating A Windows 7 Image Of The C: Drive Only

Jun 18, 2011

I recently installed an SSD in my laptop and moved the HDD to the secondary drive (I have room for two). I did a few of the prescribed steps for optimal SSD usage (moved user profiles to HDD, moved temp directory and page file, etc). Initially I was able to image only my C drive (about 30GB required). This was when I could still dual boot to my original partition on the HDD.

I've since removed the old Windows 7 install from the HDD and made it a single partition. However, now when I try to make a drive image I'm unable to deselect my HDD when creating an image. I'm given no option except to create an image for both drives with a resulting size of 209GB. I'm already backing up my user data already and don't want to include it in the image.

When I view the disk manager my HDD (drive E) is Disk 0 and my SSD (drive C) is Disk 1. I've run bcdboot c:windows /s c: to ensure I have the boot files on my SSD. I'm able to boot my machine on the SSD if I disconnect my HDD but it doesn' like that my profile isn't available. I've also tried to change the disk order in my laptop BIOS but I don't have the option of changing the order of the individual disks.

What I want to do is be able to do is image only my SSD and not the entire system. I also want to do it on a regular basis and avoid having to open up my laptop and disconnect the HDD.

Is this related to the order of my disks in the disk manager or is that just a red herring? How do I make it so I can only select the SSD when creating a disk image?

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Creating A New Internet Shortcut On Windows 7

Aug 29, 2011

Im currently having problems creating a new internet shortcut on windows 7. I have never had this problem before as i already have a number of different shortcuts for my favourite websites on my desktop. But, now when i try to create a shortcut an error comes up simply saying Explorer.exe Cannot create shortcut. The icon appears on my desktop, but when i click ok and cancel, another error box comes up saying "Item not found, could not find this item, This item is no longer located in c:, verify the items location and try again." I dont know whats suddenly caused it and i have tried a system restore but to no avail.

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Windows Explorer Not Creating New Items?

Jan 7, 2013

when i create a new object in any folder (eg adding a new folder) it does not appear at first. When i go to a different folder and then back to the new folder location, the object then appears. when i change the text of the new object again it does not change, it is still "new folder" or the previous name. then if I go to a different folder and back to the location of the renamed folder it has been renamed. it has to be a problem with windows or my hard drive

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Creating A Windows 7 Pro And SP1 Bootable Disk?

Sep 12, 2011

I have my Windows 7 Pro install disk which does not have SP1 on it. I have Roxio Creator and I want to create an bootable disk image with Windows 7 Pro and SP1 so when i install Windows 7 it was also install SP1. Can I do this with Roxio Creator or will this take something else?

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Creating Partition After Windows 7 Installation?

Dec 28, 2012

How I will create more partitions on our system. Bcz I cant more partition on installation time bcz system not permitting to do this job.what I do???

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Can't Find Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows 7

Aug 14, 2012

how come I can't find keyboard shortcuts for windows 7

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New To Windows 7, Questions About Taskbar & Shortcuts

Dec 20, 2010

i was really hesitant since XP worked what i at least THOUGHT was well. But Windows 7 is so much quicker and seamless. Anyways, 1st question is on XP i would drag a shortcut to the taskbar and it would then be usable and work as the original shortcut did. With windows 7 it doesn't wok.

For example, i have a text file that i keep on another drive and i put a shortcut to it on my taskbar. In XP i'd click it and the file would pop up as you'd expect. On windows 7 if i drag that text file to the taskbar, when i click the resulting shortcut instead of the file i just get a new empty notepad.

If i right click it (i THINK it was by R/clicking) then a list of various notepad files i've viewed pops up and i can choose it from there. But i just want it to be a shortcut to the particular txt file. Is there a way? second, i see shortcuts don't have the file's pathway or "address" if you will in them. I miss that for a number of reasons such as being able to tell where the file it's pointing to is, or adding switches in the target line etc etc. Is there a way to make them show the pathway?

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Changing Shortcuts In Windows 7 Explorer?

Nov 8, 2012

n that Start Menu I have Win Explorer in either the pinned section or frequent programs. There's an arrow to the right of it to show the directories I navigate to frequently. The problem is this section doesnt contain the folder I need to go to the most. Is there some way to choose what folders appear in that area?

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Windows Key Shortcuts - Enable Or Disable

Mar 30, 2010

How to Enable or Disable Windows Key Shortcuts in Windows 7 ?

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