Recovering MS Word DOCX Files

Nov 23, 2009

I had three MS Word 2007 docx files on my hard drive. I deleted them and emptied the trash. I immediately used some File Recovery programs to try to recover them. The programs were unable to find them. That seems very strange to me. Is it possibly because they are docx files? This is a relatively new file type by Microsoft, right? I am using MS Word with Vista Home Premium.

I should probably add that the programs cannot find files with the names of the files I deleted. Are the names changed when they are deleted and the Recycle Bin emptied? I have heard that files are not wiped clean from your drive. Only the directories are changes, but the data is still there until it is written over..................

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Word Documents In Vista Saved As.docx Files

Mar 12, 2009

When I create word documents in vista, they are always saved as .docx files. When I or others open these documents on PCs they are gibberish. How can you save a word file as a .doc in vista?

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Another Plus For Ubuntu Over Windows, Read .docx Files.

Apr 28, 2008

With Windows running any Office program besides 07, one cannot -- without downloading an update -- read .docx files. With the new Ubuntu and Open Office, you can and no downloads or updates required.

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Change ALL 2003.doc Files To 2007 .docx?

Nov 17, 2009

What is the easiest way to change all of my (thousands of) MS Office 97-2003 .doc files to .docx format? When I first bought my HP dv5t laptop a year ago, I also had an older desktop that didn't have Word 2007 on it --- it still had Word 2003, so in order to work back and forth, I saved everything in 97-2003, so I could do that. Now, I'm not using the older desktop anymore, and I can't think of any reason not to save in 2007 .docx format. So, is there some PAINLESS way to convert all of my older 97-2003 .doc files to docx files? I have many thousands of files, so I can't do it individually -- is there some way to do it globally?

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Recovering Files Don't Recover

Jun 8, 2009

I have deleted a few things from my recycle bin in the last few days and need to recover them, Need the best program possibly free ware that will get them back, the are message logs from MSN which were deleted from the chat logs folder so they are not in there. if it helps I only deleted them 2 days ago so I don't need to recover

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Recovering Files From Computer Prior To Install

Mar 26, 2008

I recently go a new PC and had geek squad install some virus/etc software on it a remove gateway branded 'programs'...when I turned on the computer for the first time it seemed as though GSquad had installed everything as I had access to the internet, download photos from my camera, access Microsoft programs etc. When I tried to open the backup hard drive that I had from my laptop it said I needed to install Vista to proceed.

So I started to, following the prompts where it said that it would back up my previous files that I had, and it took several hours. Now that I have Vista, I realize that i don't have any of the picture files that I previously saved. I know I'm foolish not to have backed up the computer myself before the install but I didn't think it would erase everything. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but I just got engaged and we captured the moment in those photos. I know there may be no hope but I just thought someone out there might have a solution....

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Not Recovering Files From Computer Prior To Install

Mar 23, 2008

I recently go a new PC and had geek squad install some virus/etc software on it a remove gateway branded 'programs'...when I turned on the computer for the first time it seemed as though GSquad had installed everything as I had access to the internet, download photos from my camera, access Microsoft programs etc. When I tried to open the backup hard drive that I had from my laptop it said I needed to install Vista to I started to, following the prompts where it said that it would back up my previous files that I had, and it took several hours.

Now that I have Vista, I realize that i don't have any of the picture files that I previously saved. I know I'm foolish not to have backed up the computer myself before the install but I didn't think it would erase everything. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but I just got engaged and we captured the moment in those photos. I know there may be no hope but I just thought someone out there might have a solution....

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Recovering Files:, "Configuring Updates"

Apr 12, 2008

when I just turned on the computer the message "Configuring updates" and "Please wait" appeared. Afterwards, when it was completed, all the programs previously open (I kept my session in memory) were closed! When I opened IE, all the tabs were there, but other files I were working on were gone.

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Word Files Cant Read

Mar 23, 2008

I have a PC which has XP installed and a new desktop with Visa Home Premium installed. I have put some of my Word files on to the laptop from the PC but it cant read them. Is there a way to get my laptop to read my PC files once I have transferred them or do I have to get XP installed on to my laptop?

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Updates: Lost WORD Files

Dec 27, 2007

At first I had an apparent common problem: my user profile, which happened to be the admin profile, stopped working and would show error your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with a temporary profile yada yada yada yada. Main problem besides the annoyance was I could obviously not find my documents. I called Dell tech support. They found all my valuable WORD documents. We then created a new folder and moved all the valuable files to it. So far so good. Now......Dell tech decides he wants to check for any MS updates. There were 14 updates needed. Downloaded and installed. Same problem with the user profile - but now the WORD documents are GONE. Nowhere. Folder everything gone after the MS updates. Plenty of free C drive space (like only 30% full) and plenty or RAM, so it should not have needed the disk space. Problem is after 4 hours the Dell tech could not recover the files. He found some *.temp files but when machine was shut down those disappeared, too.

Machine is running Vista and has been flawless for 7 months until the problem with the user profile. BTW System Restore will not work. We tried that first thing to try and fix the user profile issue. It returns the message it did not work completly once it brings the desktop back up. It did not work before the Windows update nor after the Windows update. Where did the WORD doc files go after the MS updates? Am I screwed? Any software available or ways to recover these very valuable lost files? I know I know shoulda woulda backed them up. That's fine -

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Word Files Corrupted On Memory Sticks

Jun 22, 2009

Vista SP1, Word 2003

If I copy a file from another PC to my USB memory stick, then open it on my Vista laptop, make some changes and click save I get an error message saying the file is now G:~[134].tmp and is corrupted. I cannot recover the document, and it disappears entirely from the memory stick.If I copy the document directly to my laptop hard drive, I work as a teacher in a small school and 3 of my colleagues have reported the same issue. All use Vista, Word 2003, but different makes of laptop. We have tried using new/different memory sticks but the problem continues. Our XP desktops are unaffected.

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Cannot Print Office XP Word Documents Or PDF Files

May 5, 2008

I have a new HP laptop that came with windows vista home premium, and I cannot get it to print any office XP word documents or PDF files. What is really odd is that it registers the printer, shows the ink available in each cartridge, and the printer will print my emails from comcast. I loaded the newest drivers, updated everything. I am stumped. Microsoft Vista will not print microsoft word documents.

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Required Protection Of Mp3 And Word Text Files From Deletion

May 28, 2008

how to stop people deleting files unintentionally from my laptop or server at work. I want open access for read and copy only for everyone but i need it to be impossible to overwrite or delete these files. I can give a read only tag ok but can't seem to set a higher security for deletions without running password blocks etc. Are passwords the only method of avoiding deletions?

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Unable To Open Word By Clicking On Document Files

Jul 3, 2008

I have installed Works Suite 2006 in my Vista Home Premium computer. Everything works fine apart from Word 2002. I am unable to open Word by clicking on document files. If I double click on a document file in Explorer nothing happens. If I right click and select Open With, and then click on wordicon, nothing happens. I am also unable to launch Word from the Works Suite program launcher. I can open Word, no problem, and it appears to work fine, but to edit a document I have to search for it from within Word, which is often inconvient. I have un-installed the suite, and re-installed it, but the problem still persists.

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Docx Viewer File Converter Wizard

Jan 3, 2010

My wife's laptop, running vista home basic, only came with works word processor loaded, and cannot open docx files. Although I put zamzar on her favourites it can, when busy, take time to get the link, so I am after some freeware to convert and/or view the file.I don't think she is fussed about being able to edit it. Can anyone recommend something?Although she only needs a very basic wp I was thinking about downloading openoffice for her, as I noticed in my searches that it had a file converter wizard- will that handle docx?

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Office 2007 Word Edit Document Word 2003

Nov 11, 2009

When I edit Word Documents I get something that looks weird with all sorts of strange characters in the document or letter. How do I edit a previously created Word file and get it to look like a normal document like they did with Word 2003?

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Converting Word 97-2003 Document To Word 2007

May 17, 2008

I use Vista and want to know how to open a file that was originally in Word 97? 2003 to open in Vista Word 2007 and how to convert that file to the Word 2007 format. When I searched Microsoft on this issue, it said to click on Start and look for the word convert. When I did that I could not find the work convert.

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Recovering .pst And .pab's

Mar 2, 2008

I'd very much like to recover both mail and address books from an image. I can mount my old c: drive and search though it just like any other drive, but I have no idea what files, in the Outlook 2007, hold this information.

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Recovering A Reformatted Hard

Apr 26, 2009

im trying to recover from a hd that was reformatted and had vista reinstalled on it... nothing else has been done to it. do i need to scan it from another computer? if so how do i connect them so that the second computer will see the laptop as an hd?

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Recovering From Recovery Partition

Nov 10, 2009

i had company installed vista basic.. and a recovery partition of it.. now once i formatted vista and installed windows 7. for few problems i reverted back to vista. but now tht recovery image is not identified anymore.. is it like now its of no use?? can i do system image restore from recovery partition? i tried browsing and locating.. but no hope.. i will be glad if anyone knows or can tell me a way...

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Recovering PC Factory Condition

Jul 29, 2009

I tried running my HP Recovery Manager a couple of days ago and it kept freezing around 77% so I talked to someone at HP and they said I needed the recovery disks, so I ordered them. I tried using them today and HP Recovery manager freezes at 33% during the re-install process. Why is it doing this? It's driving me crazy.

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Recovering Deleted Emails

Mar 29, 2009

I seem to have lost all emails received from one person after attempting to do some tidying up by putting my received emails into named folders, I have checked all of my in box but cannot find any email from a particular person. Perhaps I have accidently deleted them when attempting to move all of them at once to a new folder? If so is there any way I can recover them as they are not in my deleted items folder? I am using vista and windows mail.

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Recovering WPA2 Password

Jan 2, 2010

I have tried getting my WPA2 password from my router but can't get into the page using "admin" "password" etc or any other combination. This laptop has it stored somewhere in vista because when I turn it on it automatically connects to my network. My other computers have lost the stored code and I want to get it from wherever it is stored here in Vista so I can input it back into my other machines.

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Lost RAM : Recovering 1 GB And Activating ReadyBoost

Mar 22, 2009

I have just done a fresh install from the recovery partition in my Tohsiba X205 laptop. I have 4 GB of RAM installed, but I now see only 3 GB--and when I try to activate ReadyBoost, there is an error message telling me there is already a cache on another device in the system. Because of the sudden disappearance of 1 GB of memory, I suspect it has somehow been allocated to disk cach. How do I go about recovering that 1 GB and activating ReadyBoost.

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Recovering Serial Didn't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded my system's motherboard, chip, and ram and ran into a big problem. When I booted up for the first time, Vista started to boot up then reset. When I ran recovery, it told me some drivers were corrupted (probably the old hardware) . I ran the motherboard disk and installed the new drivers and to make a long story short, it didn't work. Add that to the fact that I can't find my serial number sticker and I'm screwed. Is there a way to find my serial using the Dos prompt or can windows pull my serial off my hard drive if I reinstall? Please help, the copy of Vista is only 4 months old and I was waiting to put the sticker on when I got the new case + Motherboard setup

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Recovering Corrupted Registry - Completely Lost

Jul 29, 2009

While browsing with Firefox I randomly get a virus notification, and a program pops up masquerading as my windows. I ignore it, and kill the process, named b.exe. AVG reports infection after infection, and after cleaning them all it mentions that I'm required to restart to finish the process. I go to restart, but it's taking forever, and in my impatience I hit the power button. Now windows won't boot - even in safe mode - and it keeps crashing on some ***disk.sys file when trying to boot in safe mode. In normal mode, it blue screens with an error about failing to load a registry cluster. I used a vista cd to do a recovery, and the automatic recovery failed. However, I couldn't delete the files, because apparently some process was using them. CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't bring up the process menu in recovery mode, and i tried the commands ps, process,pskill and others to no avail

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Recovering Windows Vista Sidebar Can't Load Right

Dec 20, 2007

I really like the windows Sidebar in Vista Premium, but something has happened and I can't see or get it to load right now. Any guidance on how to recover from this issue

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How Install Ultimate On A Clean Hdd Recovering An Upgrade Product

May 24, 2008

I own a product key for vista premium and I later upgraded to ultimate online. I do not own an ultimate product key and I want to reinstall vista on a clean hdd. What can I do to install ultimate? (I have a confimration number of my "ultimate upgrade" order but it's not shown even on digiital locker")How can I install ultimate on a clean hdd if I own a premium product key but I bought an upgrade to ultimate?

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Recovering Windows Mail System Restore Doesn't Work

Mar 31, 2008

I'm sure this problem is easy to solve. It's just that I can't see it.Because Vista has been causing me so many problems (blue crash screens, system restore doesn't work etc) I must restore to factory settings, wiping the c: disk and starting again. I have backed up all files on an external drive. The problem is that I can't see how to import all my mail accounts and mail history back into Windows Mail which will have been reloaded from new.

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Recovering Nero Passworf From "windows Old" Registry

Jun 11, 2009

I'd like to recover a nero serial number from a "windows old" folder. Is there a way to recover the old registry information from windows old?

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Recovering Serial: Can't Find Serial Number Sticker

Mar 26, 2008

I just upgraded my system's motherboard, chip, and ram and ran into a big problem. When I booted up for the first time, Vista started to boot up then reset. When I ran recovery, it told me some drivers were corrupted (probably the old hardware). I ran the motherboard disk and installed the new drivers and to make a long story short, it didn't work. Add that to the fact that I can't find my serial number sticker and I'm screwed. Is there a way to find my serial using the Dos prompt or can windows pull my serial off my hard drive if I reinstall?

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