Lost RAM : Recovering 1 GB And Activating ReadyBoost

Mar 22, 2009

I have just done a fresh install from the recovery partition in my Tohsiba X205 laptop. I have 4 GB of RAM installed, but I now see only 3 GB--and when I try to activate ReadyBoost, there is an error message telling me there is already a cache on another device in the system. Because of the sudden disappearance of 1 GB of memory, I suspect it has somehow been allocated to disk cach. How do I go about recovering that 1 GB and activating ReadyBoost.

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Recovering Corrupted Registry - Completely Lost

Jul 29, 2009

While browsing with Firefox I randomly get a virus notification, and a program pops up masquerading as my windows. I ignore it, and kill the process, named b.exe. AVG reports infection after infection, and after cleaning them all it mentions that I'm required to restart to finish the process. I go to restart, but it's taking forever, and in my impatience I hit the power button. Now windows won't boot - even in safe mode - and it keeps crashing on some ***disk.sys file when trying to boot in safe mode. In normal mode, it blue screens with an error about failing to load a registry cluster. I used a vista cd to do a recovery, and the automatic recovery failed. However, I couldn't delete the files, because apparently some process was using them. CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't bring up the process menu in recovery mode, and i tried the commands ps, process,pskill and others to no avail

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Re-activating On The Same PC

Mar 23, 2008

My PC crashed on me last month. The hard drive had to be erased and re-loaded. Microsoft will not allow me to activate the same Vista version that came with my PC. Error message says it is in use by another computer. The Microsoft web site Help and Support solution did not work - same error message. They now want to charge me to get a new product code or contact them for help.

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Activating/Changing .Net 3.0

Apr 24, 2009

I currently own a Vista premium 64bit laptop.....I'm trying to install Empire total war, which requires Directx 10. In order to install that I need to activate .Net 3.0. I attempted to do this by going to Control Panel....Turn On/Off Windows Features....checked all of the boxed under .Net 3.0.....then it configues but then displays the message "an error has occurred. not all of the features were successfully changed" I have no idea what to do....I attempted to see if I could uninstall .Net 3.0 but I couldn't find it anywhere.

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Activating Vista By Phone

May 29, 2009

I got windows vista ultimate 64 bit as a free gift from microsoft a while back for doing the windows feedback panel program. I am having the "product key already in use" problem, and they tell me on the phone they want me to pay $60 to talk to someone for help

Edit: I just had to call back and talk to someone else who actually knew what they were doing and they activated it for me! So um.. if anyone has this problem, make sure you try twice

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New HD - Activating On A New Hard Drive?

May 20, 2008

I am contemplating getting a new Hard Drive (bigger, of course by a large margin!) and with the problems I have had with activation in the past, despite being a bloody genuine copy (calm down, Philip, calm down) - how can I go about activating on a new hard drive without experiencing the same c**p I have in the past (last one just needed to type in serial and it was activated, but the 2nd time I had to go via Indian call centre and was on FORTY FIVE MINUTES FFS !!!!....calm down, lad...calm....) So....is there a way to avoid chatting with Sanjay in Bangalore ?

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Activating After A Simple Reformat

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista 64 OEM and have been using it for about 3 weeks. I decided to buy XP again and made a dual-boot setup. The problem is that I had to remove Vista to install XP first. Now, after I reinstalled Vista its saying that my old activation activation code is "already in use." I haven't installed any new hardware. Is there a way to tell it that this is the same computer, just with Vista reinstalled?

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Activating Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

The other day I used the format option to install Vista. I then did an upgrade and entered my key code but I believe the software hasn't been activated even though I chose activate automatically. When I try to activate it it gives me an error saying the code is for upgrade (which I did).Is there a way I can find out if it has been activated? If not where do I find other options to activate it.

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Re-activating On PC: Error Message

Mar 26, 2008

My PC crashed on me last month. The hard drive had to be erased and re-loaded. Microsoft will not allow me to activate the same Vista version that came with my PC. Error message says it is in use by another computer. The Microsoft web site Help and Support solution did not work - same error message. They now want to charge me to get a new product code or contact them for help.

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Activating Windows Did Not Work

Mar 23, 2008

my activation key didi not work and when i called microsoft suppport, they said my key was actually from windows ultimate beta 1. they told me to come to the forums and put up this question to ask for help from tecnicans like u. how to solve this problem, my acivation period is gone and i'm running a one hour low support mode.

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Recovering .pst And .pab's

Mar 2, 2008

I'd very much like to recover both mail and address books from an image. I can mount my old c: drive and search though it just like any other drive, but I have no idea what files, in the Outlook 2007, hold this information.

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Having Trouble Activating After A Simple Reformat

Mar 26, 2008

I have Vista 64 OEM and have been using it for about 3 weeks. I decided to buy XP again and made a dual-boot setup. The problem is that I had to remove Vista to install XP first. Now, after I reinstalled Vista its saying that my old activation activation code is "already in use." I haven't installed any new hardware. Is there a way to tell it that this is the same computer, just with Vista reinstalled?

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Windows Ultimate Not Activating After Updating To SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I got Windows Vista Ultimate as a gift from a Microsoft Employee, and I did activate it, just after the installation. I did update to the Service Pack 1, and now it says that my key is already used

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Activating, Cannot Partitioned The Disk To Parts?

Apr 17, 2008

I have purchased a new PC with Windows Vista Home Premium installed by manufacturer. However, I want to uninstall Windows, format disk, and install it again by myself. Because the manufacturer did not partitioned the disk to parts. I want to partition it to 3 volumes. The point I want to ask is whether I can use the same license key again after reinstallation. Will not it lose its availibility, will it?

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Turn Off The Windows Key From Activating The Start Menu?

Jan 12, 2009

In XP, I used my Windows Key to map to Ventrilo speak (I used Litestep, not Explorer). In Vista (and Windows 7) this little bug is proving to be quite annoying. I've love to be able to just disable to Start Menu pop-up, or at least disable it when in game, but still maintain it as a normal key.

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Ultimate OEM REinstall Failed Activating Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I rebuilt my home PC yesterday. I had a 40GB HDD on which I had Vista Premium and my Applications. THIS WAS running out of space. I had a 30 GB hard disk on which I had all my docs....plenty of space on this. I removed the 40GB disc, installed a new 320GB disc (along with a new video card, power supply, RAM and DVD burner) and rebooted using F1 command, from DVD, and installed OEM Vista Ultimate which computer shop sold me as best (read: cheapest) way to go to Ultimate - especially as I was rebuilding so much of my PC...IS THAT RIGHT? . All went fine.......BUT I failed to notice until after activating Vista that I had installed it on the second HDD (the small 30 GB one 'left over' from my original PC configuration!!!!!...

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Activating Windows Home Premium Did Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

my activation key didi not work and when i called microsoft suppport, they said my key was actually from windows ultimate beta 1. they told me to come to the forums and put up this question to ask for help from tecnicans like u. how to solve this problem, my acivation period is gone and i'm running a one hour low support mode.

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Recovering A Reformatted Hard

Apr 26, 2009

im trying to recover from a hd that was reformatted and had vista reinstalled on it... nothing else has been done to it. do i need to scan it from another computer? if so how do i connect them so that the second computer will see the laptop as an hd?

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Recovering From Recovery Partition

Nov 10, 2009

i had company installed vista basic.. and a recovery partition of it.. now once i formatted vista and installed windows 7. for few problems i reverted back to vista. but now tht recovery image is not identified anymore.. is it like now its of no use?? can i do system image restore from recovery partition? i tried browsing and locating.. but no hope.. i will be glad if anyone knows or can tell me a way...

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Recovering PC Factory Condition

Jul 29, 2009

I tried running my HP Recovery Manager a couple of days ago and it kept freezing around 77% so I talked to someone at HP and they said I needed the recovery disks, so I ordered them. I tried using them today and HP Recovery manager freezes at 33% during the re-install process. Why is it doing this? It's driving me crazy.

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Recovering Files Don't Recover

Jun 8, 2009

I have deleted a few things from my recycle bin in the last few days and need to recover them, Need the best program possibly free ware that will get them back, the are message logs from MSN which were deleted from the chat logs folder so they are not in there. if it helps I only deleted them 2 days ago so I don't need to recover

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Recovering Deleted Emails

Mar 29, 2009

I seem to have lost all emails received from one person after attempting to do some tidying up by putting my received emails into named folders, I have checked all of my in box but cannot find any email from a particular person. Perhaps I have accidently deleted them when attempting to move all of them at once to a new folder? If so is there any way I can recover them as they are not in my deleted items folder? I am using vista and windows mail.

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Recovering WPA2 Password

Jan 2, 2010

I have tried getting my WPA2 password from my router but can't get into the page using "admin" "password" etc or any other combination. This laptop has it stored somewhere in vista because when I turn it on it automatically connects to my network. My other computers have lost the stored code and I want to get it from wherever it is stored here in Vista so I can input it back into my other machines.

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Recovering MS Word DOCX Files

Nov 23, 2009

I had three MS Word 2007 docx files on my hard drive. I deleted them and emptied the trash. I immediately used some File Recovery programs to try to recover them. The programs were unable to find them. That seems very strange to me. Is it possibly because they are docx files? This is a relatively new file type by Microsoft, right? I am using MS Word with Vista Home Premium.

I should probably add that the programs cannot find files with the names of the files I deleted. Are the names changed when they are deleted and the Recycle Bin emptied? I have heard that files are not wiped clean from your drive. Only the directories are changes, but the data is still there until it is written over..................

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Recovering Serial Didn't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I just upgraded my system's motherboard, chip, and ram and ran into a big problem. When I booted up for the first time, Vista started to boot up then reset. When I ran recovery, it told me some drivers were corrupted (probably the old hardware) . I ran the motherboard disk and installed the new drivers and to make a long story short, it didn't work. Add that to the fact that I can't find my serial number sticker and I'm screwed. Is there a way to find my serial using the Dos prompt or can windows pull my serial off my hard drive if I reinstall? Please help, the copy of Vista is only 4 months old and I was waiting to put the sticker on when I got the new case + Motherboard setup

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Recovering Files From Computer Prior To Install

Mar 26, 2008

I recently go a new PC and had geek squad install some virus/etc software on it a remove gateway branded 'programs'...when I turned on the computer for the first time it seemed as though GSquad had installed everything as I had access to the internet, download photos from my camera, access Microsoft programs etc. When I tried to open the backup hard drive that I had from my laptop it said I needed to install Vista to proceed.

So I started to, following the prompts where it said that it would back up my previous files that I had, and it took several hours. Now that I have Vista, I realize that i don't have any of the picture files that I previously saved. I know I'm foolish not to have backed up the computer myself before the install but I didn't think it would erase everything. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but I just got engaged and we captured the moment in those photos. I know there may be no hope but I just thought someone out there might have a solution....

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Not Recovering Files From Computer Prior To Install

Mar 23, 2008

I recently go a new PC and had geek squad install some virus/etc software on it a remove gateway branded 'programs'...when I turned on the computer for the first time it seemed as though GSquad had installed everything as I had access to the internet, download photos from my camera, access Microsoft programs etc. When I tried to open the backup hard drive that I had from my laptop it said I needed to install Vista to proceed...so I started to, following the prompts where it said that it would back up my previous files that I had, and it took several hours.

Now that I have Vista, I realize that i don't have any of the picture files that I previously saved. I know I'm foolish not to have backed up the computer myself before the install but I didn't think it would erase everything. Normally I wouldn't be concerned but I just got engaged and we captured the moment in those photos. I know there may be no hope but I just thought someone out there might have a solution....

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Recovering Windows Vista Sidebar Can't Load Right

Dec 20, 2007

I really like the windows Sidebar in Vista Premium, but something has happened and I can't see or get it to load right now. Any guidance on how to recover from this issue

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Feb 7, 2010

I had an 8 gig stick I was using before and it was working fine. Unfortunately my nephew knocked over my laptop and bent the stick. I just purchased a new 16 gig stick and put it in but it doesn't seem to be working. The stick is readyboost capable but the light isn't flashing. Tried it on another computer and it worked there. When I bring up the properties and click the readyboost tab it is never enabled. I click enable and apply and it flashes for about 10 seconds and then nothing again. This happens everytime I open the preferences and also happens with the other stick I bought for my other computer.

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Should Use ReadyBoost?

Apr 6, 2008

I have a laptop with Vista, 2 GB RAM. Should I expect a performance boost if I use ReadyBoost? I have a built-in memory card slot that I never use, and I wonder if I should buy a ReadyBoost-capable card, stick it in there and use it to boost my computer. I use Home Premium and 2 GB was recommended, but will 2 or 4 GB available for ReadyBoost

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Anyone Using ReadyBoost

Mar 23, 2008

I've just installed a USB flash memory drive that is capable of supporting ReadyBoost. After setting up the memdrive to use ready boost all it seems to do is sit there and blink it's little LED's heart out. Is this normal when using ReadyBoost or is there a problem here?? Aside from that, I don't see any changes or benefits to my system. Is there away to test/check to see if readyboost is functioning correctly??

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