Word Documents In Vista Saved As.docx Files

Mar 12, 2009

When I create word documents in vista, they are always saved as .docx files. When I or others open these documents on PCs they are gibberish. How can you save a word file as a .doc in vista?

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Recovering MS Word DOCX Files

Nov 23, 2009

I had three MS Word 2007 docx files on my hard drive. I deleted them and emptied the trash. I immediately used some File Recovery programs to try to recover them. The programs were unable to find them. That seems very strange to me. Is it possibly because they are docx files? This is a relatively new file type by Microsoft, right? I am using MS Word with Vista Home Premium.

I should probably add that the programs cannot find files with the names of the files I deleted. Are the names changed when they are deleted and the Recycle Bin emptied? I have heard that files are not wiped clean from your drive. Only the directories are changes, but the data is still there until it is written over..................

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Cannot Print Office XP Word Documents Or PDF Files

May 5, 2008

I have a new HP laptop that came with windows vista home premium, and I cannot get it to print any office XP word documents or PDF files. What is really odd is that it registers the printer, shows the ink available in each cartridge, and the printer will print my emails from comcast. I loaded the newest drivers, updated everything. I am stumped. Microsoft Vista will not print microsoft word documents.

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Saved Folder In My Documents Gone

Apr 13, 2008

I have a vista home prenium on my advent 8315. On 13th april and turned on my laptop and began doing some homework. As there was a update on my widows update i finished my work and set it to update itself and i moved on to hand written work. As i use my laptop every day at "school" i have nearly a whole year of work saved on my laptop for my A levels. I saved all my work in a folder in my documents which i find now to be gone. I have tried using tune up utiliys "undelete" and "disc explorer" to find it yet it not there. One of the updates was for my office 2007 "sevice pack 1".

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Reopen Saved Work (in Documents)

Nov 29, 2008

I have just started using M/S Office words. I saved my homework as a docx file. When I went to reopen my saved homework(in Documents), I get a message, docx is not a valid Win32 application'. Why is this? Is it because I am running Vista 64bit on my computer. I moved the homework to a m/stick, put the stick into my laptop (vista 32bit)and the homework opened,good as gold.

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MS Word .. My Saved Document Becomes Default Template

Apr 3, 2009

I'm using MS word 2007 on Vista. Months ago, I made a document then saved and later then whenever I open MS Word, it appears "that document" as a template. How can I erase that document and go back to a blank .doc page?

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MS Word Decides Working Read Only Cannot Saved

Jan 5, 2010

Many have experienced this and I haven't found any solutions on this or other forums. Normally, I like to save the word document I am working on every once in a while. The first few times I do this, there is no problem, but eventually Word will decide that the file you are currently working on is read-only and cannot be saved. The read-only box in the file properties is NOT ticked and all security permissions are in force for the user. I am tired of saving my file under a different name every 5 minutes.

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Another Plus For Ubuntu Over Windows, Read .docx Files.

Apr 28, 2008

With Windows running any Office program besides 07, one cannot -- without downloading an update -- read .docx files. With the new Ubuntu and Open Office, you can and no downloads or updates required.

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Change ALL 2003.doc Files To 2007 .docx?

Nov 17, 2009

What is the easiest way to change all of my (thousands of) MS Office 97-2003 .doc files to .docx format? When I first bought my HP dv5t laptop a year ago, I also had an older desktop that didn't have Word 2007 on it --- it still had Word 2003, so in order to work back and forth, I saved everything in 97-2003, so I could do that. Now, I'm not using the older desktop anymore, and I can't think of any reason not to save in 2007 .docx format. So, is there some PAINLESS way to convert all of my older 97-2003 .doc files to docx files? I have many thousands of files, so I can't do it individually -- is there some way to do it globally?

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Can Not Get Mcirosoft Word Documents

Sep 20, 2009

I can not get a mcirosoft word document to open on my computer, do i have to reinstall something, i have a Inspirion 531S Dell computer?

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Do Not Accept When Type Word Documents

Apr 15, 2008

just new to windows vista and trying to type up a word document but its not allowing me saying the selection is locked..

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Unable To View Word Documents

Jan 24, 2008

I have vista home premium when i try and open word docs from the internet or outlook they show as notepad. When i right click to open in a different format i do not get word as an option. does anyone know how to solve this?

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How Are The History Files In IE7 Saved In ?

Dec 29, 2008

That's about all I need to know.

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Can't See .swf Files Saved To Hard Drive

Jun 17, 2008

I have a program which enables me to save embedded flash files to my hard drive. I just got a lap top, with Vista installed, and for some reason I am unable to see swf files that I save. They *are* there, because if I try to re-save the same file to the same folder, I get the file already exists message.

I never had this problem with XP, so I'm thinking it's something about Vista settings. I've already tried enabling show invisible files and checking "read only" in folder options.

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Dump Files (.dmp) Saved After Crash

Mar 20, 2010

When system crash, i get a bsod like this:After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?

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Large Files Cannot Saved Exceel 2002

May 4, 2008

My home PC has 1GB RAM running under Windows Vista Home Basic,and has Microsoft Office XP (2002) installed. I wonder why large files cannot be saved by Microsoft Excel 2002.

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Restore Files I Saved In A TEMP User Profile?

Mar 4, 2009

My laptop suddenly shut itself down for no reason. When I restarted it, I was given a fresh new desktop with new music folders, documents folder etc.etc. I have since found out I was given a TEMP account - which is weird because I still logged into MY personal profile with no problems (and no warning messages about files being lost when I shut the computer down). Anyway, since I didn't get any message, I worked on my website pages all day and saved the work into a folder on the "new" desktop.

HOWEVER... after restarting the computer the next day and logging into my profile, I was presented with my original desktop - - - BUT NO FOLDER WITH ALL MY WORK! When I searched for the specific files and folder on my computer - I found the files, but I could not open them because "C:UsersTEMP(folder name)" did not exist! Is there a way.. ANY WAY of getting those files back?

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Transfer Files: Store Selected Saved On A 64bit Machine?

Jun 23, 2008

I tried out Vista Ultimate 64bit for a month and got whipped by driver issues. I installed Vista Ultimate 32bit on a 2nd partition and tried using Windows Easy Transfer to transfer files and settings from the 64bit installation and pick them up in the 32bit installaion. This is the error I get every time I try to complete the transfer: "The store you selected was saved on a 64bit machine. Windows Easy Transfer cannot apply the data." Is there a way to use WET to transfer files from a Vista-64bit installation? If not WET, is there another utility?

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Theme Vista How Can To Saved

May 16, 2009

I'm going to do a science fair project and I thought I would to something to do with computers.I was thinking of making a theme for vista that people who aren't tech savy ,so they can easily tell what is what.Does anyone know how to go about this? I would like it as a msstyles theme rather than Window Blinds. Or else does anyone have any annoying problems with there computer that I could make a solution for?

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Word Files Cant Read

Mar 23, 2008

I have a PC which has XP installed and a new desktop with Visa Home Premium installed. I have put some of my Word files on to the laptop from the PC but it cant read them. Is there a way to get my laptop to read my PC files once I have transferred them or do I have to get XP installed on to my laptop?

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Files In Documents Have Disappeared

Jan 10, 2009

saves all of her documents in her documents folder, she has her signed rental notes, bills, her tax returns amongst other things, and most every file in the documents folder has disappeared. There are a couple files that didn't get deleted, some in her roboform folder (which is linked to her browser which is why I assume it wasn't deleted or, it might've been deleted but re-made when she opened her browser) and a couple other random files.

She hasn't been doing anything different the past couple days and she is not sure when exactly it happened, but she needs the files - and they're all gone. I am not very knowledgeable with Vista but I have checked a few obvious things and none of them seemed to work. What I did try was checking to see if the files were suddenly hidden, but they're not - and the size of the folders is very small (There's about 71 folders and sub folders and of all the files and folders, these 71 folders are all that's left) The documents folder itself is about 1.36 MB (yes, MB.) and I am pretty sure if the files were somewhere in that folder the folder size would bigger, regardless of if the files were hidden or not.

These files are also not in the recycling bin, and I've searched for a couple obvious names via the start menu search on the bottom but they have all brought back nothing. these files are extremely important and we really need to get them back.

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Why Files Do Not Show Up Under Documents

Mar 23, 2008

My files that I have saved do not show up when I look for them, when i save additional files or resave those files they still dont show up. the files that i have save can't be found any where, even with searching "everywhere" however these file have been saved in the correct location, because when i saved more files, the files that i had saved are there, are shown. I even try making a new folder to save them into. I could create the folders but still NO FILES!

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Documents Folder And All The Files Are MIA

Dec 3, 2008

I'm not sure exactly what happened but as of right now I can not located the Documents folder...It used to be there but now its not. If I try to open a document, say from word or something like that, it'll tell me the file is not there bla bla bla. If I try to click on the link off of the "start" menu it asks me what software I want to use to open it...*blink* I poked around and located a File that is called "Documents" with 0 bytes...is there someway that I turned a Folder into a File? Any ideas of what I can try to restore the documents/file? I did try doing a system restore from a few days ago but it keeps encountering errors...I'm not having much luck on the computer front this week.

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Updates: Lost WORD Files

Dec 27, 2007

At first I had an apparent common problem: my user profile, which happened to be the admin profile, stopped working and would show error your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with a temporary profile yada yada yada yada. Main problem besides the annoyance was I could obviously not find my documents. I called Dell tech support. They found all my valuable WORD documents. We then created a new folder and moved all the valuable files to it. So far so good. Now......Dell tech decides he wants to check for any MS updates. There were 14 updates needed. Downloaded and installed. Same problem with the user profile - but now the WORD documents are GONE. Nowhere. Folder everything gone after the MS updates. Plenty of free C drive space (like only 30% full) and plenty or RAM, so it should not have needed the disk space. Problem is after 4 hours the Dell tech could not recover the files. He found some *.temp files but when machine was shut down those disappeared, too.

Machine is running Vista and has been flawless for 7 months until the problem with the user profile. BTW System Restore will not work. We tried that first thing to try and fix the user profile issue. It returns the message it did not work completly once it brings the desktop back up. It did not work before the Windows update nor after the Windows update. Where did the WORD doc files go after the MS updates? Am I screwed? Any software available or ways to recover these very valuable lost files? I know I know shoulda woulda backed them up. That's fine -

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Word Files Corrupted On Memory Sticks

Jun 22, 2009

Vista SP1, Word 2003

If I copy a file from another PC to my USB memory stick, then open it on my Vista laptop, make some changes and click save I get an error message saying the file is now G:~[134].tmp and is corrupted. I cannot recover the document, and it disappears entirely from the memory stick.If I copy the document directly to my laptop hard drive, I work as a teacher in a small school and 3 of my colleagues have reported the same issue. All use Vista, Word 2003, but different makes of laptop. We have tried using new/different memory sticks but the problem continues. Our XP desktops are unaffected.

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Required Protection Of Mp3 And Word Text Files From Deletion

May 28, 2008

how to stop people deleting files unintentionally from my laptop or server at work. I want open access for read and copy only for everyone but i need it to be impossible to overwrite or delete these files. I can give a read only tag ok but can't seem to set a higher security for deletions without running password blocks etc. Are passwords the only method of avoiding deletions?

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Unable To Open Word By Clicking On Document Files

Jul 3, 2008

I have installed Works Suite 2006 in my Vista Home Premium computer. Everything works fine apart from Word 2002. I am unable to open Word by clicking on document files. If I double click on a document file in Explorer nothing happens. If I right click and select Open With, and then click on wordicon, nothing happens. I am also unable to launch Word from the Works Suite program launcher. I can open Word, no problem, and it appears to work fine, but to edit a document I have to search for it from within Word, which is often inconvient. I have un-installed the suite, and re-installed it, but the problem still persists.

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Docx Viewer File Converter Wizard

Jan 3, 2010

My wife's laptop, running vista home basic, only came with works word processor loaded, and cannot open docx files. Although I put zamzar on her favourites it can, when busy, take time to get the link, so I am after some freeware to convert and/or view the file.I don't think she is fussed about being able to edit it. Can anyone recommend something?Although she only needs a very basic wp I was thinking about downloading openoffice for her, as I noticed in my searches that it had a file converter wizard- will that handle docx?

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Documents Files No Avail Access Old Users/ Accounts Folder

Oct 15, 2009

Yesterday my (Vista 32) system crashed so hard that it took some system files with it, necessitating a complete re-install with all the headaches and thoughtless wreckage it does to one's file system. I'm desperately in need of many of my old "My Documents" files, etc. and have searched around for them, to no avail. I've been trying to access the old Users/Account folder I used in my previous installation (where I presume most of these files are located). I need to grand admin permissions to do this, and I do, but then a new window opens up and it's literally nothing but a *black* (not blank) empty space. I get no further explanation or access.

a) Where are my old files? Have they been deleted?? b) How do I access this folder? I've seen in other forums things that tell me this users/account folder may just be a sort of 'pointer' used for legacy purposes. What's going on?

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Retrieve Changes Manullay Saved Not "saved As"

Feb 14, 2010

Is there any way to retrieve changes made to an attachment that were manually saved, but not "saved as" and placed in a folder on my computer? I use Vista's Windows Mail to recieve my mail.

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Can't Open Old Word Docs In Vista

Aug 26, 2008

I'm unable to open old word documents (i.e. Word 2000, Word 2003) on Vista's Word V. 9.

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