Dump Files (.dmp) Saved After Crash

Mar 20, 2010

When system crash, i get a bsod like this:After it crash, windows saves the log in C as prefix crash.dmp Where can i get to that log file?

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Blue Screen Crash,memory Dump

Jan 7, 2010

im running vista basic 32bit
had a blue screen crash,memory dump
i have re installed 5 times, last time used disk part to clean completely
ive got the os back up but have many probs with windows update,firewall,and downloading to c:. which i feel is the main problem.

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Active Crash Dump Primary Partition

Jun 7, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium, tried Kubuntu. I removed Kubuntu but can't seem to reclaim the partion it was on. I go to Vista Disk Management and find 4 partitions on Disk 0: Recovery (D 4.12 GB Fat 32 Healthy Primary Partition This is the Recovery partition from Gateway.(C 183.14 GB NTFS Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active Crash Dump, Primary Parition) 185.34 GB Free Space no further info on this space I want to reclaim the 185.34 g back into the C partition. the only option I get on the Free Space drive is to delete drive or "new simple Volume". C: drive i get only the shrink option.

Deleting the drive won't help and I'm not sure what Simple volume does. The C: Drive has the option to Shrink but thats not going to work either! I tried repairing the problem using the Vista Setup disk but that didn't help either. I still have the Kubuntu disk not sure if there is anything there that would be helpful? I'm thinking i'll need something like Partition Magic, is there a free version of this type of software? I don't plan on doing anything with partitions after this so there is no sense in buy a product.

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Blue Screen Dump Files

Apr 23, 2010

I've been trying to reinstall vista for a couple of days now and always get a blue screen at some point when using the newly installed OS. It usually happens immediately after logging in. I've ran CHKDSK several times and it never finds any errors. I've attached several of the dump files

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Blue Screen, Dump Files: 'RapidShare

Feb 7, 2010

I've seen some other threads, here are the dump files: 'RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

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How Do Vista Stop Creating Dump Files

Sep 29, 2008

How do I get Vista (Premium 32-bit) to STOP creating dump files? I delete these files SEVERAL TIMES A DAY with disk cleanup and then I find more of them in WINDOWS/Temp We are talking 60-70 GB of files that are clogging my system, not to mention how slowly it runs. If answered before, sorry, couldn't find an answer with the search.

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How Are The History Files In IE7 Saved In ?

Dec 29, 2008

That's about all I need to know.

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Can't See .swf Files Saved To Hard Drive

Jun 17, 2008

I have a program which enables me to save embedded flash files to my hard drive. I just got a lap top, with Vista installed, and for some reason I am unable to see swf files that I save. They *are* there, because if I try to re-save the same file to the same folder, I get the file already exists message.

I never had this problem with XP, so I'm thinking it's something about Vista settings. I've already tried enabling show invisible files and checking "read only" in folder options.

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Large Files Cannot Saved Exceel 2002

May 4, 2008

My home PC has 1GB RAM running under Windows Vista Home Basic,and has Microsoft Office XP (2002) installed. I wonder why large files cannot be saved by Microsoft Excel 2002.

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Restore Files I Saved In A TEMP User Profile?

Mar 4, 2009

My laptop suddenly shut itself down for no reason. When I restarted it, I was given a fresh new desktop with new music folders, documents folder etc.etc. I have since found out I was given a TEMP account - which is weird because I still logged into MY personal profile with no problems (and no warning messages about files being lost when I shut the computer down). Anyway, since I didn't get any message, I worked on my website pages all day and saved the work into a folder on the "new" desktop.

HOWEVER... after restarting the computer the next day and logging into my profile, I was presented with my original desktop - - - BUT NO FOLDER WITH ALL MY WORK! When I searched for the specific files and folder on my computer - I found the files, but I could not open them because "C:UsersTEMP(folder name)" did not exist! Is there a way.. ANY WAY of getting those files back?

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Word Documents In Vista Saved As.docx Files

Mar 12, 2009

When I create word documents in vista, they are always saved as .docx files. When I or others open these documents on PCs they are gibberish. How can you save a word file as a .doc in vista?

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Transfer Files: Store Selected Saved On A 64bit Machine?

Jun 23, 2008

I tried out Vista Ultimate 64bit for a month and got whipped by driver issues. I installed Vista Ultimate 32bit on a 2nd partition and tried using Windows Easy Transfer to transfer files and settings from the 64bit installation and pick them up in the 32bit installaion. This is the error I get every time I try to complete the transfer: "The store you selected was saved on a 64bit machine. Windows Easy Transfer cannot apply the data." Is there a way to use WET to transfer files from a Vista-64bit installation? If not WET, is there another utility?

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Restoring Post Files After Crash

Jun 12, 2008

I had to re-install Vista after a system crash. I was able to access the restore drive via DOS and pull out the pst (Office 2003) files and copy them to a USB drive. I only had 1 pst file on my system but Vista backed it up to 7 different files. Now when I try to add these files to the restored system I get an error saying the file is not a a personal folders file. I used SCANPST on the largest backed up file and it recovered some of my email but when I try to use SCANPST on the other 6 backup files it says the files are
not personal folders files.

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MP4 Video Files Crash Windows Explorer - Need Help!

Mar 29, 2008

"Jefferds44" schreef in bericht

put the mp4 files in a separate map

in mapoptions check>always show pictograms

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Windows Crash When Downloading Large Files

Nov 8, 2008

I have a problem with my windows vista (ultimate x64).It crashes in BSoD every time I try to download one or more large files at once (>=100Mb), or when I surf on many internet pages at once (e.g. when I start Opera and it opens 10 tabs simultaneously). I hope it's not due to my hardware, since it's a new computer, but I had another o/s before (XP) on the same computer, and it didn't crash.I hope you guys can save me =)

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Retrieve Changes Manullay Saved Not "saved As"

Feb 14, 2010

Is there any way to retrieve changes made to an attachment that were manually saved, but not "saved as" and placed in a folder on my computer? I use Vista's Windows Mail to recieve my mail.

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Bluescreen And Memory Dump.

Mar 23, 2008

I've been using Windows Vista Ultimate for about a half year now and i keep getting bluescreens. I am uncertain of the reason and i don't know how i open the .mdmp files that are left in the folder of the program that crash my comptuer. Some time ago, vista actually solved the problem and said something about my RAM being in conflict with my motherboard or processor.

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Kernel Memory Dump

Jun 22, 2009

I've had a HP notebook using "windows vista home premium" and I believe is a 32 bit. last night I got a blue screen error saying there was a problem with the "kernel memory dump" and this is the second time this happened, what that message means... Im scared and I just want to take care of it before something goes bad.

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System Memory Dump

Jul 29, 2009

Im under the impression that a virus has hit my laptop as i am unable to boot up now everytime i try top it just preforms a system memory dump i am aware that a system memory dump trys to free space on my pc to make it run. also my laptop is about 1 year old and i have installed new hardware (hard drive and ram) i am running windows vista ultimate 32 bit my laptop is a toshiba satellite a210. im thinking of formatting my partitions and re installing vista but i want to know if there is a last hope.

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Physical Memory Dump?

Dec 2, 2007

My wife has gotten a Blue Screen saying "Physical Memory Dump" twice today (after several hours both times). Any idea what's causing this? What does it mean? Running x64 bit Vista

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Blue Screen Memory Dump

Jul 3, 2009

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: a
BCP1: 0000000000000030
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFF80001CD5721
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

i dont get why it randomly blue screens during the day.. i have 8gb corsair dominators btw. Just to add, i did a complete system wipe and installed onto a DIFFERENT hard drive, which leads me to think i got hardware issues

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Blue Screen Dump File

May 26, 2009

I shut down my Vista Ultimate last night and today when i opened the PC i got Blue Screen, and it said that a Dump file was saved. I found and zipped the dump file, and i will be glad to upload it here if someone can tell me what to do to prevent it from happen again...

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Dump Flash Drive On Shutdown?

Mar 13, 2010

i got a 1.3gb flashdrive in my computer for page files and temp is there a option to dump on shutdown or a way to?

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Gamming PC Randomly Dump Crashes

Feb 14, 2009

So I just Build a Gaming PC. and Last week Installed Vista. But it Randomly Dump Crashes, or Freezes to the point were Ctrl - Alt - Del Doesn't even work. Don't know if its a Software Problem, Or Hardware Problem, HDD Bad? Not enough Power?

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Flash Drive Dump Everything Shut Down

Mar 10, 2010

is there a way for me to configure my 2gb internal flash drive to dump everything on shutdown? i made it my temp files colector

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Bluescreen With Memory Dump On Startup

Jul 29, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio with a Intel Core Duo, 4 GB of Ram, 320 GB HD, and am running vista 64 bit as my main OS. I have had this problem before. If I leave it unplugged long enough for the battery to die when I go to boot the next time I'll get a blue screen and a memory dump before I even get to the password prompt. In the past, the quick fix I used was to load the recovery counsole and do a system restore. I need to find what the cause of the problem is to further prevent and because I can no longer get to the recovery counsole. I recsently partitioned my hard drive into three partitians. A primary partitian that I run vista 64 on and keep most of my documents. The other two partitians I loaded with windows 7 RC and Server 2008 RC, both of which I am doing tseting with. My issue now is that when I try to load the recovery counsole, it takes me back to the top of the boot load menu (where I can pick which OS I want to load.)

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Blue Screen Dump File?

Mar 15, 2009

Five Blue screens so far..Here the Debug tool report.. Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidumpMini031509-05.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available Symbol search path is: SRV*c:websymbols*Symbol information Executable search path is: Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6001 (Service Pack 1) MP (2 procs) Free x64

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Blue Screen Dump /Shut Down Unexpectedly

Nov 19, 2009

I recently got 2 blue screen in Windows vista while I was surfing the web with firefox and would like to know anyone can help me determine the cause of it? I have a HP Pavilion dv6000. here is the information that was given me when the system restarted:.............

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Blue Screen Physical Memmory Dump

Jul 2, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 19
BCP1: 0000000000000020
BCP2: FFFFFA8009050370
BCP3: FFFFFA80090511E0
BCP4: 0000000005E7686F
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

the problem:

Read our privacy statement: Microsoft Online Crash Analysis This has started happening in the past week or so and it seems as if its getting worse and worse. At the moment its unbareable. I can't play games or watch movies anymore which leads me to believe its something with my graphics card but I have updated it and even done a system restore asfar as a week or two ago. I blue screen during games and video. One time i blue screened just from browsing the web I think.

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Memory Dump Overlocked Vista 64 Install

Apr 25, 2009

Dump file ive had 2 the same. ive had a look with windbg but im a noob , only thing i can make out is memory_corruption so i ran memtest offline all night last night and have no errors , im assuming it means something else. I know there are some clever types around who can give me a shove in the right direction, i have an overclocked Vista 64 install and in the years ive had it this is my very first bluescreen incident so im keen to see whats up

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0x00000123 Stop Error Physical Memory Dump

Jun 15, 2008

0x00000123 stop error physical memory dump. I searched it on google and to avail a few people fixed it by over-clocking, I'm not sure if they over-clock their memory or CPU though, also I don't like over-clock, anyone wanna help me figure this out? I can give any information needed. I'm also concerned about my CPU's voltage:

it's reading 1.27 right now which seems high concidering people with the Q6600 have around 1.27 X_X. Also what settings in the BIOS goes with RAM and CPU over-clocking? like I said though XP runs fine, Vista does do this.

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