Website Uses ActiveX Controls To Determine The Software Version - Cant Update

Mar 17, 2006

have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website

The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."

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Activex Settings Prohibit Running ActiveX Controls

Jul 21, 2005

Completely patched WinXP with all updates and service
Symantec Internet Security gives the following error:
Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls
on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.

I checked the Symantec site for info. This led me to run services.msc,
and I received the same message. I have set everything to default
without result. I cannot find any useful information in the MS
knowledge base or through Google.

Any ideas before I wipe out this install and start over with Fedora Core?

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Update Site - Install The ActiveX Control Required To View The Website?

Dec 20, 2005

I am using Windows XP and IE 6 SP2. I used to be able to connect to the Windows Update site and download relevant critical updates etc. Something has gone wrong. When I connect to the update site now, I receive the following message:

Install the ActiveX control required to view the website

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ActiveX Controls

Aug 21, 2007

what my setting should be for my activeX controls, I wanted to view a video on youtub but had trouble viewing it so youtub said change the setting to promt on some of the setting in activeX controls, it worked but now I been told its not such a good Idea.

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Downloaded ActiveX Controls With Pop Ups

Feb 11, 2007

I have downloaded an ActiveX control that gives me annoying popups. I have forgotten the name of the control. Here is my Hijack This report.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 5:24:02 PM, on 2/11/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

Running processes:

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ActiveX - Videos In Website Not PLAY

Sep 23, 2006

everytime i try to see a movie in a website (like a movie trailer) or a website that has music (a friend's network for example). it asks me "click to run an activex control on this website" and i have to accept each time. it gets a bit annoying. i dont think i had this before so maybe something changed in my settings that makes me accept this each time. in addition, i tried to go to internet option>security>custom and enable all the activex plugin options... but i still get the same window asking me ro run activex. i have also realized that in some websites like (similar to Internet) i cannot even see any videos anymore. there is a small red x (inside a white square) on the top left corner. any idea of what we might have changed that does not allow me to see this videos and asks me for activex verification in other sites?

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Microsoft Update: Can't Install The ActiveX Update Required

Jan 3, 2009

"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.

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Update Using IE - Time To Determine Needed Updates?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a question for those doing Windows Update manually using Internet Explorer. Does it take a long time for Windows Update to scan your computer and determine which updates are needed?

After clicking "Express" or "Custom" from within the Windows Update home page, it seems to take 10-15 minutes for the site to finally tell me what updates are needed.

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Update Tries To Update Trial Version Of Office

Aug 28, 2006

Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it.
It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003

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Cant Update Manually Through Website

Aug 13, 2006

Am running XP with sp2 . Never come across this problem till now. When I get onto the Microsoft website and try to add updates manualy, the site checks out my PC system to see what os system im running (i presume), then I get 2 options, 1 to install custom updates and 1 for download priority. If I click on either I get a bar with moving green dots in telling me itschecking for latest updates on my computer. It does not stop! And when I press the Back link or close it just about freezes my whole pc, even Ctrl, Alt & delete does not work

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How To Update Messenger Version 4.7?

Jun 22, 2006

I am using windows messenger version 4.7 (wow thats old). How do I update ? will I have to uninstall the old version then install the newest. Or will it install over the current version on my system?

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New Version JAVA Update Download

Nov 9, 2009

I would like to update Java. I deleted Java 2 RunTime Env, SE v1.4.
I delete Java(TM) 6 update 3 contained in ADD or Remove Programs, keep it or delete it?
What Java do I keep as there still remains Java Control Panel in the Control Panel folder.

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Live Messenger - Update Version

Jun 9, 2009

In windows xp I have tried to repair windows live messenger. Corrupted files rendered it useless. I tried to reinstall-would not without uninstalling present version.....tried to update but said the version I had was newer than the one I was trying to install (not!)-try uninstalling and reinstall. Will not uninstall on this computer (Dell Dimension E520). I have tried add and remove programs, brute force, and creating a new administrator account.

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Can Update Product Key And Buy Fully Licensed Version

Nov 11, 2006

If I purchase a new xp from Microsoft using the online genuine advantage purcashe options, Do I have to reinstall all of xp or can I just update the product key and buy a fully licencsed version without reinstalling all of my applications? I dont want to have to install all of my apps again at it takes days! however I am more than happy to buy a licence but I need to know if this works first

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Update Version 6 - Downloads Extremely Slow

Jun 26, 2005

I have a desktop PC running XP Home SP2. Yesterday, I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything (always a fun chore.) After installing my ethernet driver, I went to Windows Update and discovered that a new version was installed, version 6. It has some minor cosmetic changes, but nothing dramatic. I noticed that downloads were extremely slow. A few months ago, Microsoft announced they were going to replace Windows Update with Microsoft Update, which would incorporate updates for their operating systems AND Office products. But that apparently hasn't happened yet because I still needed to visit the Microsoft Office home page to get the various critical/security patches.

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Slow Computer - Download Update Version Of Video Card

Jun 12, 2005

My computer has been ok until I downloaded an update version of my Video Card. Now it is very slow and it freezes up until I press Alt/Control/Del. Then I have to close a window. I will work then.

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Website Error Message The Website Is Stream Load

Mar 25, 2006

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005' [dbmssocn]General network error. Check your network documentation. /Include/, line 53 how do i correct this . this occurs when i'm trying to access my streamload account to download my files . i have windows xp. i have aol9 internet service. i also use internet explorer web browser.

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"Security Update For Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB922770)" - Wont Install

Oct 14, 2006

This update won't install and I had trouble once before...a long time ago... installing this update. I went to Google for a fix and on some forum a tech told me to un-install the ver. 2.0 that I have on there now...reboot...and then d/l the new update. I didn't bookmark the forum unfortuneately. Now, my system won't even allow me to un-install the old ver. 2.0 so I'm at a loss as to what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this

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Can Not Get To A Website By Clicking On A Website's Banner

Nov 15, 2006

I am wondering why I can not get to certain websites after clicking on the website's banner?

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While Installing Error Version Doesn't Fit To Original Version

Jun 27, 2008

I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct

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App Or Way To Determine Why System Reboots?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a XP system that I thought I had fixed (random rebooting) this is pasted from my last post....

Now the machine.... Antec case with true 380s power supply, ABIT AV8 board,2 sticks of pc3200 512 mb ddr400 ram , Amd Athlon64 3500+ (not oc) ,Nvidia geoforcefx 5900xt card running XP Pro with SP1 installed.

What I have tried ...ran antivirus , ran spywarecleaner, defrag, ran memtest,adjusted to failsafe defaults in bios , flashed the bios, tried diff combinations of slots for memory, upgrade driver , upgraded via 4-1 drivers

A couple days ago figured it must be power supply (brand new one too) so I started unplugging devices ..second cd rom and fan pulled and everything has been running great since.Question before I drop $60 on power supply what should I look for , where is a good supplier and most important do you think this will solve the problem.

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Can't Find The Volume Controls

Apr 23, 2005

I cant find the volume controls and the control panel doesn't help. the volume control icons are gone. my volume just remains the same sound ?

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How Can Determine Computer Latency

Sep 25, 2006

I am in the process of shoping around for additional RAM for my Dell 4600 Desktop. I have all the system stats I think I need to make sure everything matches, but I am not sure about latency, or timing. I have used the wizards on memory suplier homepages to determine what I need. Most answers come up with similar results, but modules vary in timing. Some are 2-3-3-6, 2-3-2-5 and others 3-6-6-8. Should all my modules be matching, and how can I find out what my present ones are. Is there an analysis tool I can run?

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Sluggish Pc Can't Determine - Defrag The HDD

Oct 14, 2007

My friend has a dell demension desktop that is running way slower than it should. I can't figure out why. Her CPU is a P4 2.66 GHz; with 1.25GB PC2700 RAM; 80G HDD (using 25%); The only hard ware installed is a printer, high speed modem, and ipod. I updated the drivers for those, and still no help. I also went through add/remove programs and got rid of those that she will never use, I did not remove any system critical programs, I'm an advanced user so I know what not to delete. I also went into the system tools and stopped some services for running auto on system boot. Like her Ipod, I set to manual, Printer (not spoolsvc) I set to manual, etc. I also ran a defrag on the HDD. Still, not much difference.

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Drive F Will Not Load And Cannot Determine Why?

Jun 30, 2010

I have two external drives used as backup., (F & G). Drive F will not load and I cannot determine why. Drive G always loads.

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How Does A Person Determine If A PC Is Set Up For Dual Monitors?

Oct 13, 2009

How can I determine if I have a video card installed in my pc that supports dual monitors?And if so, will using a VGA splitter cable allow me to use either of them for differnt task?

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Screen Is Upside Down / Controls Are All Inverted

Nov 3, 2004

My screen is upside down and the controls are all inverted. I need some serious help. IS there any way to fix it w/o wiping my computer?

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Active X Controls, Domain Workstations

Aug 4, 2005

Running a windows 2003 Domain environment. The users on the workstations have all been Local Admins on their workstations for a while, and now I want to revoke that and make them regular users. The goal is no installation of unauthorized software, including unintended installs of malware.Problem - ActiveX on websites is simply not working. I can't figure out which GPOs to set to allow ActiveX to install/run for specific content/sites. Is there a way to use Group Policies to allow ActiveX content to run on Trusted Sites? I see tons of settings in GP, but none seem to work.

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Programs Running At Startup To Determine

Jul 6, 2008

I used to use a web site that you could cross reference items that ran at startup to determine if they were required, optional, or otherwise. This site does not seem to be working currently and am looking for some alternative.

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How To Determine Optimum Pagefile Size In XP?

Dec 4, 2008

I have a 5-year old Compaq laptop now running XP SP3. As sold it came with 256MB RAM, but I had it upgraded to 512MB at the time of purchase.I have recently upgraded it to 1GB RAM, replacing all the existing RAM with 2 x Kingtson 512MB chips. At the same time I changed the SP pagefile setting from 'custom' to 'system managed', and when rebooted the system created a larger page file.Sadly I have seen little if any improvement in boot or loading speed, nor does there seem to have been any reduction in the amount of disk paging which seems to go on in the background while the screen hangs. How can I determine the best settings for the pagefile please? I've read the MS knowledge base etc, but I'm really no clearer as to what to do - and a query to MS "support" merely pointed me back to the knowledge base.

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Chinese Version To Turn Into English Version

Oct 12, 2009

I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.

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