ActiveX - Videos In Website Not PLAY

Sep 23, 2006

everytime i try to see a movie in a website (like a movie trailer) or a website that has music (a friend's network for example). it asks me "click to run an activex control on this website" and i have to accept each time. it gets a bit annoying. i dont think i had this before so maybe something changed in my settings that makes me accept this each time. in addition, i tried to go to internet option>security>custom and enable all the activex plugin options... but i still get the same window asking me ro run activex. i have also realized that in some websites like (similar to Internet) i cannot even see any videos anymore. there is a small red x (inside a white square) on the top left corner. any idea of what we might have changed that does not allow me to see this videos and asks me for activex verification in other sites?

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Can Play Music / Can't Play Music Videos / Windows Media Player Cannot Play File / Specified Protocol Not Supported

Mar 6, 2006

I can play music, but can't play music videos.I get this error message:Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. In the Open URL dialog, try opening the file using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").I am also having problems with UPDATING Windows Media- I get a message saying I am missing some components. I cant go into the Microsoft updates webpage either- I get a message saying ''page cannot be displayed''

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Website Uses ActiveX Controls To Determine The Software Version - Cant Update

Mar 17, 2006

have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website

The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."

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Update Site - Install The ActiveX Control Required To View The Website?

Dec 20, 2005

I am using Windows XP and IE 6 SP2. I used to be able to connect to the Windows Update site and download relevant critical updates etc. Something has gone wrong. When I connect to the update site now, I receive the following message:

Install the ActiveX control required to view the website

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Cannot Play Videos

Sep 22, 2005

I am on CMT.COM and when I go to the video section to watch a video the commercial will play but when it gets to the video it will not play all it says on the player is ready.

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Can't Play Videos

Aug 19, 2009

I'm not sure where to ask this because I'm not sure what's causing it. I have a fresh install of XP Pro in an old machine running an Athlon XP 3000+ on an ASUS A7V8X MB with 1.25G of memory. Bios & drivers are current. Every time I launch a DVD the system freezes completely. I can open the viewer, either VLC or WMP but as soon as the DVD begins to open it freezes. The CPU is not overclocked and the machine runs OK otherwise.

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Settings Need To Play Shockwave Flash Videos

Jun 24, 2008

My system: Windows XP SP3 I have downloaded videos instrustions that show: Shockwave Flash Object However, when I click on the icon to pay the video(s) I get the message: Windows can not open this file - to open this file Windows needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs on your computer. What should I do. P;ease advise.

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Some Images Are Distorted / Certain Videos Cannot Play Properly

Jun 7, 2005

I turn on my computer and everything looks fine at first.I see my desktop properly.Then when I try to play any movie files the image that it projects is sort of chopped up. I also happend to notice that when I browse some webpages JPG images appear distorted as well.Then when I try to play video files such as WMV, AVI, MPG and more... some of them appear distorted AND the audio sounds horrible.It's all scratchy like.But MP3s work fine as do WMAs... I'm so totally lost. I've tried a system restore, restarting my computer, changing my video properties (i.e. 32bit to 16bit and even lowering resolution) none of those worked.

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Unable To Play Videos: Little Installer Coming Up With Pop Up Message?

Mar 9, 2006

On one of my older computers running windows xp, i am having a annoying problem.Most of the time when i try to play a video on it, it will have a little windows installer window pop up(i had the ace mega codec pack installed on but it was really bad and kept me from even playing video so i uninstalled it)it has been a while since i used that pc but now i have it plugged up to a tv and a speaker system in my room and am not in for reinstalling windows (everything else runs 100% fine very fast and smooth)

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Activex Settings Prohibit Running ActiveX Controls

Jul 21, 2005

Completely patched WinXP with all updates and service
Symantec Internet Security gives the following error:
Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls
on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.

I checked the Symantec site for info. This led me to run services.msc,
and I received the same message. I have set everything to default
without result. I cannot find any useful information in the MS
knowledge base or through Google.

Any ideas before I wipe out this install and start over with Fedora Core?

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Website Error Message The Website Is Stream Load

Mar 25, 2006

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005' [dbmssocn]General network error. Check your network documentation. /Include/, line 53 how do i correct this . this occurs when i'm trying to access my streamload account to download my files . i have windows xp. i have aol9 internet service. i also use internet explorer web browser.

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Can Not Get To A Website By Clicking On A Website's Banner

Nov 15, 2006

I am wondering why I can not get to certain websites after clicking on the website's banner?

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Computer Acting Up- Try To Play Music It Doesnt Play

Apr 16, 2005

whenever I try to play music it doesnt play, it says low on memory, whenever I open any Microsoft Word program it gives me some error about a license, and whever I try to copy and paste anything, it doesnt let me. I have a few partitions on my hard drive and whenever I copy one file or a folder or anything, I cannot paste it anywhere. If I open Control Panel, the screen doesnt appear as usual, all the icons are on two columns on the lft side with a scroll bar next to them. If I try to open Add/Remove programs, it comes up all garbled. I was going to just reformat the whole computer but it will not boot from the cd rom drive now. And whenever the computer is booted in W2K and I try to browse the CD in My Computer, it just says "Please insert disk in drive...." Also, whenevr I restart, it sits on my desktop for about 5 minutes before it finally brings up the icons and everything. It has never done any of this, it just started this morning.

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Play All Not Listed To Play Midi Files

Dec 29, 2007

I have a couple thousand midi files broken into smaller folders. I click one to play with Media Player or there was a link that said PLAY ALL. That doesn't appear anymore and I have to keep selecting tunes each time one ends. I looked in the window drop downs but can't find how to bring back PLAY ALL.

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ActiveX Files

Feb 12, 2008

When I run a scan, this error comes up: C:WINDOWSSystem32MacromedFlashFlash6.ocx.

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ActiveX Controls

Aug 21, 2007

what my setting should be for my activeX controls, I wanted to view a video on youtub but had trouble viewing it so youtub said change the setting to promt on some of the setting in activeX controls, it worked but now I been told its not such a good Idea.

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Try To Play Video Play At Bottom Left Hand Side Of Screen / Nothing Plays / Audio Or Video

Dec 29, 2004

i have a problem with windows media player, whenever i try to play a video, it says play at the bottom left hand side of the screen but nothing plays, audio, or video, what do i do?

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Downloaded ActiveX Controls With Pop Ups

Feb 11, 2007

I have downloaded an ActiveX control that gives me annoying popups. I have forgotten the name of the control. Here is my Hijack This report.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 5:24:02 PM, on 2/11/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

Running processes:

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429 Errors Activex Component

Sep 7, 2005

my computer get 429 errors activex component anyone know how to fix it

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Activex From Microsoft Having Conflicts

May 9, 2006

I've joined a bulletin board for financial stuff, and they're starting a chat room using something called OmNovia, which requires downloading Microsoft's Activex program. I vaguely recall people having nightmarish conflicts and difficulties after installing Activex, but that was a while ago. Does anybody have any feedback? I need to keep my regular chatroom (the popular Hotcomm program) functional, so if there Activex has the tendency to usurp your computer's resources or prevent competing software from running, I'll just pass on the OmNovia/Activex.

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Video Access ActiveX Object 2.07

Apr 8, 2007

Video Access ActiveX Object 2.07

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Internet Explorer 6 Won't Allow ActiveX Content To Run Fro

Sep 15, 2005

I am running Trillian pro 3.1 and I am having a problem when the program goes to open my Hotmail account. Since I installed SP2 IE pops up a message that says "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options..." The solution to this problem is supposed to be to mark the check box in Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > Security " Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" The problem I have is that this for some reason doesn't fix my problem. I still get the message poping up saying "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.

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Security Settings Do Not Allow Web Sites To Use ActiveX

Oct 31, 2007

When I clik on the MMA Presentation I receive the following error: "Your security settings do not allow Web sites to use ActiveX controls installed on your computer. This page may not display correctly. Click here for options�" The only thing that appears is the Information Bar. It won't allow me to clik on any options. I tried opening the webinar presentation on my laptop and it worked fine. They are both using Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2. I went into Internet Explorer, Tools, Internet Options, Security settings and changed the Active X prompts to mirror those in the laptop. But it still won't allow viewing of the presentation. In doing a Google search, one person said to look at a Microsoft support doc, and try Method# 4, Reregister DLL files that are associated with Cryptographic Services. I tried that but it still did not correct the problem.

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ActiveX Error Messages When NOT Using Internet

Feb 26, 2005

My Dad recently reformatted our computer, wish he hadn't! Now I keep getting Internet Explorer error messages that say something like "Your security settings prohibit ActiveX controls.This page may not display properly as a result". But I get this message when I am not even using the internet! I can't explore files or even access the control panel properly because this message will pop up and then somehow disable access.For example, I can open the control panel but then the error message comes up and when I click on "add/remove hardware" (or anything else), nothing happens! This is quite debilitating.Also, my current security setting DO NOT prohibit ActiveX controls, I have it set to "prompt". So the message doesn't make any sense at all.

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Befuddled About ActiveX And Downloaded Prog Files

Aug 30, 2007

I'm working on a Compaq desktop system and have run into something that has me stumped. The system is XP Home-SP2 with all patches, etc .It's my understanding that ActiveX controls such as Shockwave, Java, QuickTime, Ewido, etc show up in c:windowsdownloaded program files. (That's also where they appear on my HP laptop, and there's a status column that shows "installed") On the desktop system however, there are no activex controls in c:windowsdownloaded program files.....and no "status" column. Instead, there's a folder called "Conflict.1" and a bunch of *.dll and *.inf files. The desktop does have Shockwave, Ewido, Java, etc. installed though.

The system belongs to a friend and when I received the desktop, there was no AV or anti-malware software on it. It had a host of both; however, I have cleaned it.

Does this seem odd to anyone but me? Any ideas?


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Internet Explorer Blocked Sites From Using ActiveX Control?

Sep 21, 2009

My work computer has all of a sudden stopped allowing active x to run on our system that prints our reciepts.. we get this message when it should be printing the reciept"INTERNET EXPLORER HAS BLOCKED THIS SITE FROM USING AN ACTIVEX CONTROL IN AN UNSAFE MANOR, AS A RESULT THIS PAGE MIGHT NOT DISPLAY CORRECTLY." how can i get this to go away and allow us to print our customers reciepts.. we are using XP with IE8.

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Registry Entries: File Or Path Does Not Exist/ Invalid ActiveX?

Sep 20, 2005

I downloaded "RegSeeker" and ran it to see what was up with it. Using the'Clean the registry" tab,I was very surprised to find over 700 questionable entries, most of which were "File or Path does not exist" and " Invalid ActiveX/Com entry (CLSID)".

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Failed To Install Adobe Flash Player Activex Setup

Jan 12, 2009

When I open to read my e-mails I get a message saying Failed to install Adobe Flash player Activex Setup. What can I do to remove this message when I openmy e-mails?

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ActiveX Virus/spyware Infecting System And Keyboard Wont Work?

May 13, 2008

I was about to download the ActiveX to make some video stream work online, but turned out it's a big virus. Now, whenever I want to open any folder, I get this > My NOD32 is not telling me I have a virus, and Spybot is deleting spywares, but this is still in my laptop. I have a Windows XP by the way. Also, about two or three days ago, something really weird has been happening to my keyboard.

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Documents>My Videos>Veoh

Sep 28, 2007

I came across this message today, "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the incovience".I clicked on the "To see what data this error report contains, click here"Here is the info I got from that:
Error Signature App Name: explorer.exe ModVer : AppVer : Modname: Offset : 000249eb I guess you probably need to know where Im encountering this problem... It only happens when I go to My Documents>My Videos>Veoh.

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Converting Avi Videos To DVDs

Mar 26, 2010

I have some avi videos I wish to convert to DVD and burn. I used to use this program called ********* AVI to DVD which would convert the avi file and then automatically burn it to a dvd. However after a reinstall of my OS and reinstalling the program i tried loading an avi file and I get this error:"Avi2Mpeg Main has encountered an error and needs to close."I've tried reinstalling the program and making sure I have all the codecs needed but still no luck.

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