Drive F Will Not Load And Cannot Determine Why?

Jun 30, 2010

I have two external drives used as backup., (F & G). Drive F will not load and I cannot determine why. Drive G always loads.

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App Or Way To Determine Why System Reboots?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a XP system that I thought I had fixed (random rebooting) this is pasted from my last post....

Now the machine.... Antec case with true 380s power supply, ABIT AV8 board,2 sticks of pc3200 512 mb ddr400 ram , Amd Athlon64 3500+ (not oc) ,Nvidia geoforcefx 5900xt card running XP Pro with SP1 installed.

What I have tried ...ran antivirus , ran spywarecleaner, defrag, ran memtest,adjusted to failsafe defaults in bios , flashed the bios, tried diff combinations of slots for memory, upgrade driver , upgraded via 4-1 drivers

A couple days ago figured it must be power supply (brand new one too) so I started unplugging devices ..second cd rom and fan pulled and everything has been running great since.Question before I drop $60 on power supply what should I look for , where is a good supplier and most important do you think this will solve the problem.

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How Can Determine Computer Latency

Sep 25, 2006

I am in the process of shoping around for additional RAM for my Dell 4600 Desktop. I have all the system stats I think I need to make sure everything matches, but I am not sure about latency, or timing. I have used the wizards on memory suplier homepages to determine what I need. Most answers come up with similar results, but modules vary in timing. Some are 2-3-3-6, 2-3-2-5 and others 3-6-6-8. Should all my modules be matching, and how can I find out what my present ones are. Is there an analysis tool I can run?

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Sluggish Pc Can't Determine - Defrag The HDD

Oct 14, 2007

My friend has a dell demension desktop that is running way slower than it should. I can't figure out why. Her CPU is a P4 2.66 GHz; with 1.25GB PC2700 RAM; 80G HDD (using 25%); The only hard ware installed is a printer, high speed modem, and ipod. I updated the drivers for those, and still no help. I also went through add/remove programs and got rid of those that she will never use, I did not remove any system critical programs, I'm an advanced user so I know what not to delete. I also went into the system tools and stopped some services for running auto on system boot. Like her Ipod, I set to manual, Printer (not spoolsvc) I set to manual, etc. I also ran a defrag on the HDD. Still, not much difference.

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How Does A Person Determine If A PC Is Set Up For Dual Monitors?

Oct 13, 2009

How can I determine if I have a video card installed in my pc that supports dual monitors?And if so, will using a VGA splitter cable allow me to use either of them for differnt task?

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Programs Running At Startup To Determine

Jul 6, 2008

I used to use a web site that you could cross reference items that ran at startup to determine if they were required, optional, or otherwise. This site does not seem to be working currently and am looking for some alternative.

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How To Determine Optimum Pagefile Size In XP?

Dec 4, 2008

I have a 5-year old Compaq laptop now running XP SP3. As sold it came with 256MB RAM, but I had it upgraded to 512MB at the time of purchase.I have recently upgraded it to 1GB RAM, replacing all the existing RAM with 2 x Kingtson 512MB chips. At the same time I changed the SP pagefile setting from 'custom' to 'system managed', and when rebooted the system created a larger page file.Sadly I have seen little if any improvement in boot or loading speed, nor does there seem to have been any reduction in the amount of disk paging which seems to go on in the background while the screen hangs. How can I determine the best settings for the pagefile please? I've read the MS knowledge base etc, but I'm really no clearer as to what to do - and a query to MS "support" merely pointed me back to the knowledge base.

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Cannot Load On Old Hard Drive - Cannot On New Drive

Jul 27, 2007

Need help! my old 120 gb hd will not load windows xp. It stalls at the safe mode option page and will not load in safe mode, last known or normally.

I bought new 160 gb hd and tried to install windows xp from original cd, which does work on other computers, but only loads everything and stalls at starting windows.

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Way To Determine What Program Created Temp Files

Apr 6, 2006

I have a user who is accumulating files in his %temp% directory at an average rate of 3 per minute, and they don't clean up on their own, so he ends up with hundreds of built up files daily.Their names all start with "ver" then have numbers and letters, like "ver7b905", the only part that is consistent is the first three letters. Is there a troubleshooting method I can use to determine what is creating these files, or a master list somewhere to look it up like we can with file extensions? The system is XP Pro SP2.

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Update Using IE - Time To Determine Needed Updates?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a question for those doing Windows Update manually using Internet Explorer. Does it take a long time for Windows Update to scan your computer and determine which updates are needed?

After clicking "Express" or "Custom" from within the Windows Update home page, it seems to take 10-15 minutes for the site to finally tell me what updates are needed.

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Determine Items In System Configuration Utility

Jun 27, 2005

How do you determine what the items are that are listed in the Sys Config Utility (msconfig.exe), startup tab? My system has a few listed that only have a registry entry listed in the Location column--the other two columns are blank. I'd like to know what they are.

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Determine What Startups Applications And Services Should Check In Msconfig?

Jan 4, 2007

How can I determine what startups apps and services should be checked in msconfig? I find some old posts regarding this topic on the forum, but the info seems outdated and the links provided are no longer valid. My PC starts very slowly and seems bogged down.

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Trying To Load Windows Xp / Load Set Up / Going To Load Files It Locked Up

Apr 12, 2006

First my computer was cutting off in the middle of any program. I decided to delete everything on the drive and reformat it and reload windows xp. While trying to load windows xp it would load the set up but when going to load files it locked up everytime. I tried also loading windows 98, 95 and they too locked up. At one point it said I had a virus in my boot sector and at another time it said I had a virus in my RAM. I got a program called PC Beginner to help partition my drive and redo the MBR. I can partition the drive and format it but windows still doesn't load. Now I wonder if there is a problem with the mother board and I have a dual bios board, I was wonder if there is a program loaded in the dual bios that may somehow causing my problem. If so what can be done to clear the problem? How can I get windows reloaded?

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Dvd Drive Does Not Load Dvd Automatically

Jun 26, 2009

When i used to load a dvd into the dvd drive it would load auto. for some reason it now does not and so i have to go into the program for the load dvd drive. i was told about two things to do, one of which was a powertoy for windows (tweak ui) and was also told about another one and i have forgotten it. that one i forgot was the actual one which fixed my dvd drive so when a dvd was placed in the drive it loaded automatically. the gentlemen i was dealing with in this regard has finally become fed up with me as this the second time i have now asked for advice and he did indeed fix the problem but it has happened again due to my brother who thinks he knows the computer world inside out but at least he had fun on my laptop.

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Website Uses ActiveX Controls To Determine The Software Version - Cant Update

Mar 17, 2006

have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website

The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."

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Not Able To Load Up - Sata Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2009

i have a hp compaq dc7100 it has a sata hard drive in it, i need the drivers for it, not able to load xp on in locks up, i do not have the drives, i checked with hp not able to find.

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Can't Load Windows Xp / Computer Does Not See Cd Drive

May 11, 2005

I purchased a used HP 8575c, Pentium III. History: original OS Windows 98 SE, previous owner installed Windows XP Pro, then computer would not "see" CD-rom or DVD-rom. He admitted to using a "Windows XP activation crack" to bypass registration of XP. He sold me the computer, and I was able to activate the CD-rom & DVD-rom by eliminating the "upperlimit" and "lowerlimit" HKEY settings. I wanted to install Windows 98 SE (my favorite system). I was able to load Windows 98 SE, but lost the CD and DVD again. And this time, there was no "upperlimit" or "lowerlimit" keys available. I decided to load my own Windows XP Pro (legitimate CD with key), but couldn't load it because of no CD capabilities.

I was advised to use a Killdisk floppy to wipe the HD, download the 6 Windows XP boot disks, which would load the needed drivers for the CD and DVD, and I could then load XP normally from the CD. I wiped the hard drive, inserted the 1st XP boot disk, no problem, it then called for disk 2, then this message appeared: file tkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded, error code is 7, setup cannot continue. I can get into bios where I restored defaults, but no change. The windows help site suggested hitting the F7 key when it calls for F6 about installing RAID, etc, but it didn't work. I don't know where to go from here. At this point the computer is a big paperweight.

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Install BSOD - Setup Couldn't Determine Mass Storage Devices

Jul 15, 2008

So I had this awesome post and it was removed by ctrl z. Touch pads on laptops FTL I tell ya. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm using two 150gb raptor HDD's connected with SATA. I had windows vista ultimate x64 installed but I didn't like it so I decided to buy windows xp MCE 2005 and here is my problem I'm trying to do the install but it continues to give me the BSOD. Even after I read a thread about the same issue, I couldnt get pass the BSOD and the topic was locked so here I am.

My raid is set to auto detect but I dont have a raid setup since I'm allowing xp to do this for me. I did have one setup for vista but I deleted it thinking I needed to start fresh for xp am i right? I boot from CD and tried to hit F6 but nothing happens. I let it go and continue with the loading. Here's where I'm at now. Windows Setup Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices isntalled in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently , setup will load support for the following mass storage devices.....

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Msconfig Won't Load Full Hard Drive

Mar 7, 2005

Dell 4500 with 256mb RAM 40 gB hard drive. Son tries to load game and system says not enough memory. Only 4gB free. I update ZA, Spybot, Adaware and Norton and run everything. Find 3 non-viral potential threats through NAV. update spywareblaster. Run diskcleanup and empty temp internet files. These are all things I do regularly (not every day but more than twice a wweek) and I backup to external drive once a month at least

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Windows On D Drive: Wont Load To Startup?

Dec 28, 2008

ntldr problem. I used a boot disk to get into windows and it shows all the drives in the right order. windows on c, 2nd drive on d. but it won't boot up. i loaded through a windows disk to try to reinstall windows and it shows that windows is on d; and the other drive is c!!! thats why it cant load on start up. how do i fix this?

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Partioned Hard Drive - Permanently Trying To Load

Apr 26, 2010

Yesterday my pc decided to give me a bit of grief. I loaded up the pc and went to click into My Documents and found the whole computer just free up. I restarted the pc thinking it was just messing me around, intending to do a defrag and virus scan to make sure (Norton 2010 internet security). To my horror, the pc wouldnt move past the Windows XP boot logo, it just sat there with the loading bar moving across the screen as if it was permantnly trying to load.

I reset again hoping to start it in safe mode, however upon doing selecting "Start In Safe Mode" it went through to a black load screen with white writing and populated the screen with loads of text about how it couldnt load specific windows files located on a partitioned part of the hard drive (that I load the OS on).

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Wont Load When Fire Wire Drive Is Connected?

Feb 15, 2009

]so I just reinstalled windows on my new computer and I am finding that when my "My book" fire wire drive is connected, the computer takes forever to load past the black windows loading screen. with my old computer the system would boot fine with the drive connected (no changes have been made to the external drive)

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Hard Drive Wont Load Operating System?

Sep 11, 2005

I took a hard drive out of another computer and put it into my computer to fix it. (I have my reasons for doing that) i hooked up the hard drive and when i turned on my computer, it loads the screen(the screen where it shows the master, slave, etc.). Then it loads the screen about boot from CD, and then it stops It stays at that screen and doesnt load windows.

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My Laptop Will Load Data Cds I.e. Excel, Word Ete, But It Won't Load DVD

Mar 7, 2010

I had my laptop fixed due to windows xp not starting up. My laptop will load data cd's i.e. excel, word ete, but it won't ...

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Desktop Does Not Load, No Icons,cannot Load Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2007

1. My desktop remains blank without any icons.

2. clt+alt+del shows all choices except task manager - so I am allowed to reboot and shutdown

3. When I enter in safe mode cannot see desktop nor icons

4. Ran Norton Antivirus 2007 boot with CD - no virus found

5.Prior to crash desktop went RED, hence I rebooted and then the issues.

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Cant Load Load Os Microsoft Xp - Scandisk Checked

Oct 15, 2009

PC was rebooted and this message showed up. I couldn't get to safe mode so I put the XP disc in. I got to the D:winint dir and tried to run bootcfg to scan for the boot file. It came back that it couldn't find it. I was able to see the dir's and data on the 2 drives. I ran chkdsk to see if that would solve the problem, it didn't. Do you think this is a BIOS problem or a missing boot problem. If it was the BIOS would I be able to read the drive. Looking for a fix without destroying everything.

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Fixing A New Hard Drive - Load The OS From Old Hard Disk

Jun 4, 2008

I am facing two problems with my lap top hp campac presario 2100.
1.The loptops battery to be changed. I dont know how many batteries are there. Any cmos battery there like any other pc. Pl advice. What would be the cost. and the model number . The hard disk requires replacement. I want to know the model numberor exact type of hard disk would be fit in. and the cost thereof.3. Windows xp home edition has been preloaded in the laptop. How to take a copy of the os and copy in the new hard disk. I have the serial number etc for the OS.

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Load Dll Error - Can't Load Res_dll

Mar 14, 2010

My computer randomly started displaying this error upon start up a week ago and I have no clue what is causing it. I googled it and seen that it could be caused by a linksys wireless router, one was installed on the system before, but has been uninstalled for quite some time now. Can anyone help me correct this or at least help me figure out what is causing it?

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Load At Startup Or Load At Starup?

May 30, 2007

I was wondering what the difference was whether you had a program load at startup (by checking a box within the program to have it load when the computer boots) and unchecking that box but moving a shortcut to the programs executable into the startup folder on the start menu.

Is there any difference?

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Load = Load = Box Remove

Sep 10, 2008

Does anybody know how to permanently remove this box from my computer?

everytime i click ok to remove the box it re-appears anytime when i use my computer again.

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Relocate Files From One Drive To Another Drive - Change Drive Designations?

Jan 31, 2008

Today I noticed that what WAS my E drive is now called F and what was my F drive is now called G. I don't know how it happened, but it's wreaking havoc with Adobe Premiere because on all old projects I have to relocate all files on what were F that are now on G. It's also messing up my shortcuts.

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