Update Using IE - Time To Determine Needed Updates?
Jul 22, 2010
I have a question for those doing Windows Update manually using Internet Explorer. Does it take a long time for Windows Update to scan your computer and determine which updates are needed?
After clicking "Express" or "Custom" from within the Windows Update home page, it seems to take 10-15 minutes for the site to finally tell me what updates are needed.
Just did a fresh install of Window XP. Went to Windows Update to get current and scan came back clean- nothing needed, not even sp2- NO WAY! I must need a ton of updates, patches, etc- how do I determine what I need in order to get current when MS's own scan says I don't need anything?
have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website
The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."
The C drive on my WinXP Pro SP3 desktop has < 14% free space. I'm building a new system and am using the current desktop as my production system. Since this small % of free space occasionally causes WinXP Pro to complain, I'm analyzing which applications that are disk space hogs can be uninstalled. One likely candidate is Java, which consumes ~ 1 GB of disk space in the form of several updates. Are all Java Updates needed or just the most recent ones?
Since Windows has been released several time zone changes have occurred, and beginning this coming year the Daylight Saving Time period will change in the US. Specifically, DST will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November). Thus, Microsoft is releasing an update to address changes that have or will take place in several countries. The update will be delivered automatically to Windows XP SP2 users starting December 12th (or can be downloaded now by clicking here) and will be included in Windows Vista.
OS is xp media center edition. I Have my windows update set to let me know when there are new updates to download. Now i do get updates that relate to ms office and outlook, but any updates that are windows related I do not receive.
I have been manually updating these for well over a year now. I would really like to find out and fix why win update doesn't find these critical updates automatically.
As of Thursday evening, Sept 28, I've read a lot about a major Windows security flaw that may just have been "fixed" by MS, necessitating downloading and installing one or more updates from the windows update site. But whenever I go to that site, either manually or with automatic updates, which I have configured to alert me but do nothing further, I ONLY get told that an update to Windows Installer 3.1 is available.
Trouble is, I've downloaded that one four times now, and it always--ALWAYS--fails to install properly. When I tried to install it manually after downloading it manually, it failed with a small error window saying "access is denied"; nothing further. I've seen that one enough, when I had trouble installing the Windows XP Home SP2 update, that I just said "to =^(*^)(&% with it".
I have an Acer Aspire laptop with WinXP and all the usual rubbish installed, I have had this since around September of last year and got it for a little less as the packaging was opened 'basically someone decided they didn't want it?' i'm more than happy with it and have installed lots to keep me and family happy - the problem i've got is it won't update via Windows Update: i get an error message:
"Files required to use Windows Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer. To continue: Register or reinstall the files for me now (Recommended) or Let me read about more steps that might be required to solve the problem
my computer is not allowing me to install updates from microsoft update, it will download them then will come up with a box saying could not install the following updates,
I've recently repaired my OS (yes, as in repaired in boot setup via the CD...) and now Windows Update doesn't seem to work anymore!
Automatic Updates or manual updates, it doesn't seem to make a difference, I have downloaded all the critical/high priority updates from Microsoft Update, but every time I try to install them, the message reads simply 'Some of the updates could not be installed' (ie: ALL of them! - see attached images)
There seems to be a problem with my windows update. It downloads the necessary updates with no problem but as soon as it start to install it, it gives me a failed message. No error codes nothing, just failed. Did anyone experience this and know what the solution could be
how can i update my automatic updates in my system using computer rentals... (and my usb flash drive)
i am only using dial up modem 54kbps.. automatic windows update is too.. hard for my conection.. especially i have reformated my pc and so much i need it badly
I have a strange problem. Windows tells me "updates are ready to be installed". This is the update-Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-042 - Critical Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (936227). I have installed this update at least 5-6 times in the last 2 days. I have just realized that this is the same update. I install, and 3 minutes later the icon is back telling me to install-Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-042 - Critical Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (936227). I have restarted the computer after each install, but this has not solved the problem.I am running XP PRO/SP2. I don't know if this has anything to do with my problem, but i recently activated Outlook 2003.
I installed the microsoft update, it gave me three updates, i downloaded, installed, and rebooted. Now, when i go to 'custom update' so i can download some of the other patches, i get this:The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view.
Im new on this site and I would like to ask you if you could kindly help me with my problem.here is the issue: Im using Windows XP SP3 (installation of SP3 not the reason of the issue,cos it started before) and since few weeks back,maybe 1-2 months,the automatic windows updates are downloaded absolutely without any problems,but fails the installation every time.any idea why? I dont know which of my installed software could cause this,but maybe its just some system settings(which I havent touch).
on my main machine i am able to download updates from http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp withautomatic updates - disabledbackground intellegent transfer service - manual& event log - automatic - startedwith the same settings on my newly installed machine with the same cd-key and website i'm redirected to http://update.microsoft.com/window [...] fault.aspx and i'm notified that i need the automatic updates, BITS, and event log services started both machines are using the same version of windows installer (v3.1), internet connection, xp-sp2, and neither has gone through the genuine windows activation
i just updated my computer through windows update and 3 keep failing no matter what, can anyone give any info on the below updates and why they wont install?
Security Update for Windows XP (KB896423) Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819) Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows XP (KB923694)
1) i bought it with service pack 1, when i downloaded and installed service pack 2 from the good old windowsupdate site, things started getting funkky.
2) i can no longer install any new updates from the update site. i can download them but when the install part starts, i get errors and asks me to debug them.makes no sense to me.
3) more problems. randomly, my computer screen will sometime go comepletely blue, white white typewriter font, (a windows message) and it will say...blah blah error restart if its ur first time seeing this message.check recently added programs/hardware and contact their manufacturers if uve already seen this message.then it lists some numbers and it poops on me.
4)random popups saying i have memory loss / missing files - they will ask me to debug them or end them.then i have to send ANOTHER stupid error report to windows, yes those are a pain in.
5) my aol instant messenger has problems as well whenever i log off and close aim, i get errors about it saying i need to close it or debug it but i already closed it. sometimes it says im missing files from aim. but how? even when i just installed it
6) sometimes it says my files in win32are pooped.and i get weird errors like warning messages and all this weird crap.
i have a hp pavilion 533w with 512 megs of ram and windows xp home w/sp2. the auto update has been downloading security updates now for 2 weeks but still is at 39% when that little yellow shield shows up in the tray.
well my window updates from microsoft wont install and it would say it cannot be installed even if i manually install it from microsoft's site...i tried restarting my computer and turning it off but the updates wont install...well heres wat it says: "Updates were unable to be successfully installed:The following updates were not installed:Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446)
For several weeks now I haven't been able to download/update Windows updates. I have been working with Microsoft Tech Support (via the telephone)for several days now and we haven't been able to correct the problem(s). My question is... can I use the Windows Installation disk to "fix" any problems my machine is having with the downloads/updates? Is there a "fix" option on the Windows disk and am I at risk in using it? I don't want to lose anything on my desktop because it is the way I want it at this time.
now i cant get any sound when i click on 'sounds and audio devices' in control panel no audio device is foundcmi audio config doesnt even open up when i click on volume control i get the following message:
'no active mixer devices available, to install mixer devices, go to control panel, click printers and other hardware and then click add hardware'
I have a legal copy of XP which has been registered. There are 92 updates that will not install. I isolated KB892130 as the validation tool that will not validate with Microsoft before the other updates can be installed. I have turned off Avast (antivirus), but did not disable it. I have a laptop with Avast on it which has updated perfectly. I have forced validation from DOS but this still doesn't let the updates go ahead
I am fed up with all the automatic update notices, but the only way I found to turn them off was in the administrative tools/ services settings. This got rid of all the messages, but now I cannot even manually download updates from the windows update without turning autoupdates back on. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
Security update for Microsoft VM installs, complains that update is for an existing version of VM and installs again the next day. I don't have VM on my machine. Seems like the OS does not know what I have on my machine and what has been installed.816093: Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM)This update helps resolve a vulnerability in the Microsoft virtual machine.This setup will only upgrade over an existing version of the Microsoft VM.
The computer uses XP home and is set for automatic updates.Every time I switch off it says it is installing update 1 of 1 even if I have not been connected to the net.When I tried using manual update I was told that the installation of <Windows Installer 3.1> had failed.Is the computer trying to install this same thing every time?If it is how do I get it to install properly or remove it from the list of programs ready to be installed?I think that when I installed the drivers for the motherboard this installer, or an earlier version, was installed by the Intel download.
I'm having this weird problem in my computer's date and time. Its adding 100 years randomly, because of that I have to set it to the right date because other applications won't work with that time and date.And when I say randomly, meaning you don't know when it will change the date and time.
My QuickTime player has gone lu-lu....for the second time. This is my situation. I am unable to view videos(from my digital camera) and unable to access some websites. The problem arises when I try to view a video, downloaded to my computer, from my digital camera. This is the error signature:AppName: realplay.exe AppVer: ModName: quicktime.qts odVer: Offset: 000cd909 I'm also advised that my Quicktime player is out of date and to please update. OK...I try that, then get the message:QuickTime player is not properly installed. Please reinstall. So I go to Add & Remove Programs and first attempt to "Repair QuickTime", which is unsuccessful. Then I try to uninstall but can't because files are missing.I'm running Windows XP SP2, IE6(don't like IE7) on a Dell Dimension 8200, 512MB ram. My technical/computer skills are limited!
I was updating multiple WinXP Pro SP2 computers at the same time, and suddenly one of them failed during the update, and since then i cannot update cause the system always complains about a security certificate is out of sync with your time. And it suggest that I set the clock which is perfectly ok.Now the next thing I did was (the obvious) google 0x80072F8F (this was the error code winxp update gave to me. and after googling some I did the following1.Deleted the cache of IE 6 2.Made sure computer got no virus 3.Tried from safe mode (virus scan as well) 4. regsvr32 /s Softpub.dll 5. regsvr32 /s Mssip32.dll 6. regsvr32 /s Initpki.dll 7. regsvr32 /s Msxml3.dll 8. rebooted tried again