How To Determine Optimum Pagefile Size In XP?

Dec 4, 2008

I have a 5-year old Compaq laptop now running XP SP3. As sold it came with 256MB RAM, but I had it upgraded to 512MB at the time of purchase.I have recently upgraded it to 1GB RAM, replacing all the existing RAM with 2 x Kingtson 512MB chips. At the same time I changed the SP pagefile setting from 'custom' to 'system managed', and when rebooted the system created a larger page file.Sadly I have seen little if any improvement in boot or loading speed, nor does there seem to have been any reduction in the amount of disk paging which seems to go on in the background while the screen hangs. How can I determine the best settings for the pagefile please? I've read the MS knowledge base etc, but I'm really no clearer as to what to do - and a query to MS "support" merely pointed me back to the knowledge base.

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C Drive Is Running Out Of Space - Size Of Pagefile

Apr 16, 2006

I am using windowsXP.My c drive is running out of space. So I need to delete some files. These are my questions.(1 The size of my pagefile.sys is 1.1G and the hiberfil.sys is 776,692kb.I this normal. (2) Is it safe to delete files from c:I386. Within this directory, Can I delete the file (74MB) and (18mb)

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Increase Pagefile Size - Game Sacred Locking

May 10, 2006

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I was told to increase my pagefile size to 1.5GB because I was having problems with the game Sacred locking up whenever I exported a character from bronze to silver mode. How do I do this???? I have never changed this before and if I do change it what effect will it have on my computer????

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How Do I Delete Pagefile.sys

Mar 5, 2006

Can't find a way to delete the virtual memory pagefile for Windows XP. I've turning off page filing and turning it back on, and now it's eating up like 20 gb of my drive space.

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Place Pagefile.sys On My C

Jan 18, 2006

the pagefile.sys isnt on my c: its always on another drive d: or something how do i place it back on the c: to stay there

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Cannot Create Pagefile In XP

Nov 30, 2009

it's not about changing pagefile size or moving it - all of a sudden I can't create it on my machine.
2 HD (plenty of space one each) Win XP SP3, Athlon xp2400 - 2 gig RAM.Did all the appropriate things like defrag and set all the permissions of the admin and users in Safe Mode.Doesn't matter which of the 2 drives I select, doesn't matter what size or even system managed - allocated memory is always 0. Every reboot the error 'you have no pagefile or it's too small' still comes up.I tried to use Recovery Console from my CD - but I get the message your version of Windows (SP3) is newer than the version on the CD - you will overwrite it if you re-install. So I cancel out.

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Right Pagefile Settings

Mar 29, 2008

I was wondering what my page file settings should be. At present I have it on C:, which is the windows drive, set at 2000-2200. I can't quiet remember what the default settings were, but they seemed fairly low to me, and so I changed them.Also, if the rule of thumb is 1.5 of ram, does that include or exclude the video card?

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Possible Corrupted Pagefile.sys?

Dec 31, 2008

I had a virus for the first time in absolute yonks the other week, no idea how it got there but it appeared to not have caused any damage. Got rid of it and all appeared well. So I turned on my computer yesterday morning, went to log on and was presented with a BSOD.Run the driver verifier against any new (or suspect) drivers. If that doesn't reveal the corrupting driver, try enabling special pool. Both of these features are intended to catch the corruption at an earlier point where the offending driver can be identified.If you need to use safe mode to rmeove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Iotions and then select Safe Mode.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.

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How Do I Set Up My Pagefile For Best Performance?

Apr 11, 2007

Ok I have an AMD 4200x2 dual core system with 2gigs of ram and I have two harddrives, one 74gig WD RAptor which I have XP pro and all my programs installed on then I have a 300gig Maxtor drive I use for storage of music, movies, pictures, text ...etc. My question is which drive should I set up my pagefile on and how large should it be? Ive read the best thing is to keep the pagefile on a seperate disk from XP, but in my case since the Raptor is considerably faster then the Maxtor drive, is this still true?? Also is there any benefit from putting half on each drive? Instead of say 3gig max on one drive put 1.5 on each of the two?? I know years ago when 256mb of ram was common they told you to make the page file 1.5x your ram for the initial size and 3x the ram for the max size. Is this still true of modern systems with 2gigs of ram?? Please help mest wanna make sure i have it setup for best performance. Although with 2guigs of ram in XP i doubt the pagefile is going to be used very often I usually have over 1gig free even with a few programs running.

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App Or Way To Determine Why System Reboots?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a XP system that I thought I had fixed (random rebooting) this is pasted from my last post....

Now the machine.... Antec case with true 380s power supply, ABIT AV8 board,2 sticks of pc3200 512 mb ddr400 ram , Amd Athlon64 3500+ (not oc) ,Nvidia geoforcefx 5900xt card running XP Pro with SP1 installed.

What I have tried ...ran antivirus , ran spywarecleaner, defrag, ran memtest,adjusted to failsafe defaults in bios , flashed the bios, tried diff combinations of slots for memory, upgrade driver , upgraded via 4-1 drivers

A couple days ago figured it must be power supply (brand new one too) so I started unplugging devices ..second cd rom and fan pulled and everything has been running great since.Question before I drop $60 on power supply what should I look for , where is a good supplier and most important do you think this will solve the problem.

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How Can Determine Computer Latency

Sep 25, 2006

I am in the process of shoping around for additional RAM for my Dell 4600 Desktop. I have all the system stats I think I need to make sure everything matches, but I am not sure about latency, or timing. I have used the wizards on memory suplier homepages to determine what I need. Most answers come up with similar results, but modules vary in timing. Some are 2-3-3-6, 2-3-2-5 and others 3-6-6-8. Should all my modules be matching, and how can I find out what my present ones are. Is there an analysis tool I can run?

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Sluggish Pc Can't Determine - Defrag The HDD

Oct 14, 2007

My friend has a dell demension desktop that is running way slower than it should. I can't figure out why. Her CPU is a P4 2.66 GHz; with 1.25GB PC2700 RAM; 80G HDD (using 25%); The only hard ware installed is a printer, high speed modem, and ipod. I updated the drivers for those, and still no help. I also went through add/remove programs and got rid of those that she will never use, I did not remove any system critical programs, I'm an advanced user so I know what not to delete. I also went into the system tools and stopped some services for running auto on system boot. Like her Ipod, I set to manual, Printer (not spoolsvc) I set to manual, etc. I also ran a defrag on the HDD. Still, not much difference.

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Drive F Will Not Load And Cannot Determine Why?

Jun 30, 2010

I have two external drives used as backup., (F & G). Drive F will not load and I cannot determine why. Drive G always loads.

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Exploring Drive E - Pagefile Set Up

Feb 13, 2007

When "exploring" drive E: I see pagefile.sys at 1532 Mb. but drive C: has no pagefile.sys. I've tried setting up the pagefile several times on drive C: but still don't see anything. I've read that I may need to do brain surgery on the registry to set up my pagefiler on C: but I'm kinda nervous about that.

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Number Of Pagefile.sys Required?

Oct 9, 2006

I have 3 physical disks and work from the D drive with XP pro disk 1 has partitions C and N disk 2 has partitions D, E, F and G disk 3 has partitions H, I, J and K Just wondering how many Pagefile.sys files I need to have, as I did a search and found 3, on C, N and D. I thought one was enough ?

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How Does A Person Determine If A PC Is Set Up For Dual Monitors?

Oct 13, 2009

How can I determine if I have a video card installed in my pc that supports dual monitors?And if so, will using a VGA splitter cable allow me to use either of them for differnt task?

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Programs Running At Startup To Determine

Jul 6, 2008

I used to use a web site that you could cross reference items that ran at startup to determine if they were required, optional, or otherwise. This site does not seem to be working currently and am looking for some alternative.

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Pagefile.sys In C Drive - Hidden Files

Jan 24, 2007

What is the file "pagefile.sys" in the C: drive (Yes I do have show hidden files and all that on)But here is why i'm wondering what this file is.Mine says it is 3.99GB and my friend checked hers and hers said 768MB

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Way To Determine What Program Created Temp Files

Apr 6, 2006

I have a user who is accumulating files in his %temp% directory at an average rate of 3 per minute, and they don't clean up on their own, so he ends up with hundreds of built up files daily.Their names all start with "ver" then have numbers and letters, like "ver7b905", the only part that is consistent is the first three letters. Is there a troubleshooting method I can use to determine what is creating these files, or a master list somewhere to look it up like we can with file extensions? The system is XP Pro SP2.

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Update Using IE - Time To Determine Needed Updates?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a question for those doing Windows Update manually using Internet Explorer. Does it take a long time for Windows Update to scan your computer and determine which updates are needed?

After clicking "Express" or "Custom" from within the Windows Update home page, it seems to take 10-15 minutes for the site to finally tell me what updates are needed.

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Determine Items In System Configuration Utility

Jun 27, 2005

How do you determine what the items are that are listed in the Sys Config Utility (msconfig.exe), startup tab? My system has a few listed that only have a registry entry listed in the Location column--the other two columns are blank. I'd like to know what they are.

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System Will Not Create Pagefile.sys For Virtual Memory

Jan 2, 2007

At bootup, I get the message that windows can't create a virtual memory page or it is set too low.I have tried resetting the virtual memory in the Control Panel>System (Nothing works-Windows recommends 768M but only reports 256M. Setting the Min/Max has no effect.I have checked security in Explorer's Security Tab (in Safe Mode) and it is set for Everyone > Full Control.I have tried "spf /scannow" - no effect.I have no "pagefile.sys" in the C drive root directory (the "Show hidden files and folders" is checked.)I have looked and followed the various links that have been suggested and nothing seems to help. The various register cleaners all report tons of errors. Are any of these worth the $20 to $40? Will they fix my problem? If the only solution is to reinstall Windows, should I wait for Vista and start over with it? Will Vista run on a 4 year old laptop?

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Determine What Startups Applications And Services Should Check In Msconfig?

Jan 4, 2007

How can I determine what startups apps and services should be checked in msconfig? I find some old posts regarding this topic on the forum, but the info seems outdated and the links provided are no longer valid. My PC starts very slowly and seems bogged down.

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Font Size - Quick Launch Icon Size

Oct 14, 2006

I have finally decided to put my screen settings to 1024-768 or what ever that one is lol .. but my only problem now is the font size.. for example up top of this page where it says file,edit, view really small and same as the name thats down on my bar at the bottom of my screen where my open windows are they are really small and I want to make them bigger how do I do that? also .. my quick launch icons are super small can I make them bigger? I made the ones on my desktop bigger but can't figure out how to make the quick launch ones bigger.

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Tried Changing Resolution Font Size Screen Size

May 6, 2005

i tried chaging the resolution font size scrren size i tried changing everything nothing works all my icons r big my text my task bar exc

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Size Of The Paging File - Change Initial Size

Apr 21, 2008

I heard that the paging file should always be 1.5x the amount of RAM that is available on the machine. My initial size of the paging file is set to around 2GB and I was wondering if I should change the initial size to 3GB or put it to 'System managed size'?

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Pagefile.sys - Hiberfil.sys - Safe To Delete From Clear Space

Jul 27, 2005

I was just browsing through my C drive trying to clear some space andcame across two rather large files whose function I do not know. Theyare Pagefile.sys & hiberfil.sys, both located in C and togethertake up over a gig. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whatthey do, and if they are suppose to be that large? Also, is it safe to delete them to clear some space?

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Website Uses ActiveX Controls To Determine The Software Version - Cant Update

Mar 17, 2006

have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website

The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."

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Install BSOD - Setup Couldn't Determine Mass Storage Devices

Jul 15, 2008

So I had this awesome post and it was removed by ctrl z. Touch pads on laptops FTL I tell ya. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm using two 150gb raptor HDD's connected with SATA. I had windows vista ultimate x64 installed but I didn't like it so I decided to buy windows xp MCE 2005 and here is my problem I'm trying to do the install but it continues to give me the BSOD. Even after I read a thread about the same issue, I couldnt get pass the BSOD and the topic was locked so here I am.

My raid is set to auto detect but I dont have a raid setup since I'm allowing xp to do this for me. I did have one setup for vista but I deleted it thinking I needed to start fresh for xp am i right? I boot from CD and tried to hit F6 but nothing happens. I let it go and continue with the loading. Here's where I'm at now. Windows Setup Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices isntalled in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently , setup will load support for the following mass storage devices.....

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Desktop Size - Monitor Screen Size.

Dec 23, 2009

I am using an elderly 3M LCD projection panel on an overhead prjector for big screen Tv, driven by XP pro SP3. The panel has no controls for vertical/horizontal size and whatever monitor is used, an OS desktop fills the screen by default. I can resize the window for the TV viewing program in the normal way,just filling my projection screen, but the XP desktop is far too large.Does anyone know of a way to change the physical size of the desktop (including the taskbar) so that it sits in the LCD screen with a blank border all around, or maybe even make it custom resizeable as in a program window ( without changing the resolution)?

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File Size - Size On Disk

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.

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